14909/The Red and the Green

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The Red and the Green
Date of Scene: 12 May 2023
Location: Ace of Clubs Pub
Synopsis: Barry and Oliver have a quick chance to catch up before duty calls.
Cast of Characters: Barry Allen, Oliver Queen

Barry Allen has posed:
It's not that work is slow of course. Metropolis might have a reputation for being a shining example of what a city can be, but that doesn't exactly mean that it is crime free. Still, while the foresic lab at the Metropolis Police Department might be humming, there is still enough leeway that Barry doesn't mind making time to meet with an old friend.

He also doesn't have any real compunctions about picking this particular locale to do so. The Ace of Clubs Pub is not the most... subtle of experiences and while he is sure that his old friend has nothing but respect for Metropolis' greatest hero, he is also fairly certain that the decor might produce just a little bit of a reaction. Which is why he sits there, a half grin on his face and a cold drink sitting on the table in front of him, gaze fixed on the window as the people of the city stream by.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Consider it mission accomplished.

Oliver Queen is far from a stranger to Metropolis. Afterall the Hall of Justice is just a couple of blocks away. He has plenty of business here. He just doesn't get out all that often and in his... wilder days he tended to frequent clubs a little more... exclusive than this. Sure enough upon entering and seeing the almost wall to wall Man of Steel memorabilia, his face scrunches up just a little and he gives a small shake of his head before he picks out the table where Barry sits. Not a difficult task during the mid-afternoon, though the pub seems to be a rather popular hangout.

Drifting over to the table, Ollie pulls out a chair and sinks down into it. "Really?" is his only comment on Barry's choice of meeting place, his tone sardonic.

Barry Allen has posed:
"What?" comes Barry's immediate reply, that sly half grin still firmly fixed in place helpfully dispelling that innocent tone of voice, making it very clear that he knows exactly what has prompted such a response. Shifting in his seat, the speedster makes a show of glancing about the popular downtown pub, the walls covered in photos of Superman and various other bits of memorabilia before his gaze swings back to Oliver, that grin no longer hidden. "Whatever you find lacking in the decour, I'm sure you'll appreciate the drinks. I ordered so you shouldn't have much of a wait," he offers. A peace offering of a sort.

Taking a sip of his own -- just a Solder Cola, he's on duty afterall -- Barry grows a little more serious though that cheerful smile barely slips. "Good to see you Oliver. Nothing too serious is up I hope? You don't usually make it out this way unless you don't have another choice," he comments.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Really, what can he expect? Maybe if he had a whole museum dedicated to his alter ego he too would be more comfortable in the midst of displays like this.

Of course he would probably never let it get to that point. So there's a pretty good counter-point to that whole idea. A brief smirk slides over Oliver's features but he does not rise to the bait offerred, instead letting the innocent tone and invitation to elaborate slide on past without comment. "Whatever," is all he offers in return. Point given. He will find his own way to talley one next time in this little display of gamesmanship. "And no need to be so suspicious. I was just going to be out here on this coast so figured I might as well stop in and catch up some. Even I get social tendancies now and then," he says, faint smirk still firmly in place.

Barry Allen has posed:
Holding up a hand, Barry chuckles. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry for suggesting that you're anti-social. I know you can pretend otherwise when you like but I'll take you at your word and assume you actually wanted to catch up," he says cheerfully, taking another sip from his drink as little beads of condensation roll down the glass on this warm Metropolis day. "Your timing's pretty good actually. We've missed you around here. I understand that the League is busy down south in the Savage Land. And we've been dealing with some crazy alien zealot who seems to want to enslave everyone," he points out.

Outside on the street the sound of police sirens temporarily cuts through the chatter in the pub and flashing lights relfect off the window as a trio of police cruisers race by. "Mmmmmm, what do you think? Should we finish catching up on the road?"

Oliver Queen has posed:
"I spent the better part of five years living on a savage, untamed island fighting for survival. So I suppose from that perspective going to a jungle infested with dinosaurs in the middle of the South Pole would almost be a homecoming of sorts," Oliver says drily. "As for the alien despot thing, I'm sure the rest of you have it under control. I've been a little busier with things closer to the ground," he adds before shrugging his shoulders slowly. "Still, I'll see what I can do.

Like Barry his gaze snaps over to the window as the police cruisers sweep on by, a brief smile sliding over his face. "I'm sure they'll hold our drinks for us. A nice bit of refreshment when we get back from a job well done I'm sure," he points out, already starting to rise from the table. "Lets go show them what the Red and the Green can do."