14925/Look What the Catfish Dragged In

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Look What the Catfish Dragged In
Date of Scene: 15 May 2023
Location: Brighton Beach
Synopsis: Gabby runs into an old face on the beach, Namor. They catch up a bit and Gabby gathers ingredients for Nettie's shop.
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Namor

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The sun hadn't completely set yet, but it was low enough on the horizon that the less populated areas of the beach were becoming far more vacant in favor of the better lit boardwalks. Gabby lingers behind not minding the waning light as she walks barefoot through the damp sand near the edge of the waves. Every few yards she pauses to crouch with a hand dragging through the sand to sift it between her fingers as if she were searching for something.

It's during one such search that she uncovers a crab, clacking and snapping it's claws in anger at being removed. "Woop. Sorry crabby, you're not what I'm after." Gently picking it up she twists to put it in the water.

Only to pause because it's snipped ahold of her finger. "... Okay you can let go. Seriously. Go on, you're free, can you just... let... go?" Her hand raises to give a little shake not lifting it too much but hopefully enough to dislodge it without harming it. It doesn't work.

"Seriously, come on, let go!"

Namor has posed:
The weather might have finally taken a turn for the better but the waters of the Atlantic Ocean are still distinctly on the cool side at this time of year. It makes the beach a nice place to visit, sure, but not exactly somewhere you want to go for a dip and while the nearby people might increasingly be taking to the boardwalk instead of the sands, absolutely no one is wading in surf that rolls up onto that beach.

Well, almost no one.

A figure emerges from those cool waters, the cold apparently not of great concern to him given that he wears no wetsuit. Heck, he doesn't even wear a shirt. The rolling surf surges around him but he walks undisturbed, straight towards the beach -- and more specifically Gabby herself -- and says something sharp but rather indistinct. Or at least something in a very strange language. Whatever it is he says however, it seems to convince the grab to release it's hold on her finger at last and the tall man pauses only a few feet away, the lapping waters playing around the wings that flutter by his ankles. "I thought it might be you."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The crabs' release earns a little sigh from Gabby. "There that wasn't so hard was it? Crabby crab." A little joke as she grins to herself while hopping back to her feet. A single half turn is taken to face Namor still wearing that grin of amusement.

She'd grown since she last saw him from being under five feet to just... well. Just a bit above it. Unfortunately height was not something her lineage was blessed with. "Hey Abslantis," she greets cheerily in spite of the obvious tease there in. Just for old times sake, if nothing else. "I didn't know you were around. How's things been going?"

Namor has posed:
To put it mildly, Namor can be a little... touchy. He is not known for his sense of humor to be sure and one never entirely knows just what might set the King of Atlantis off. And yet he smiles, if only briefly, at the nickname that Gabby has laid upon him. Or perhaps the one given to the grabby crab. It's difficult to tell. He's inscrutable.

"It has been sometime," he says, finally walking up onto the beach proper and out of the water. While someone shorebound might be relieved to be out of the cold ocean, he gives a little grimace as if the touch of the drier sand is somehow... distasteful. "You have grown." Perhaps he is only guessing, or perhaps he really can discern that slight increase in height. "Things progress much as they have been for the last several years," he replies, his tone decidedly... neutral. "And yourself?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney glances down at herself as if to judge whether the statement was true or not. Of course she knew it was. A spot of sand clinging to her knee is dusted off with a quick brush of her hand absently. "Yeah, much as I'm going to probably. Give me another four or five years and I should be stuck at that age for... I don't know. A long time."

Her head tilts to the side to peer up at him considering the question. "I'm doing pretty good. I stepped away from the school to focus on some other teams I work with. I run one of them now, along with two others." A glance is cast out along the beach in a single glance. "Which is why I'm out here. I'm running an errand for our resident witch to find an ingredient she needs restocked." Her attention shifts back to the Atlantean with a little shrug. "So what brings you topside? Not more things rising up, I hope?"

Namor has posed:
As someone who has already lived for the better part of a century himself, Namor does not find anything terribly long about being either long lived or well preserved, simply nodding his head in acceptance. It might not be the natural order of things for most, but it is for the truly special. And they're the ones that count the highest. At least in his books.

One of those finely sculpted brows arches slightly as she details just what she has been up to and the King of Atlantis gives an approving nod, a suitably imperious gesture to be sure. "You have taken up a leadership role amongst your peers. Good for you. Such things build character," he asserts. Certainly he has no hesitation in seeking out leadership -- though not everyone would necessarily love the c haracter that it has brought him. "Nothing so troublesome fortunately. Or at least not immediately so. From time to time I feel the need to venture onto land, to assess the state of things. It felt as if it was... overdue," he admits. "I had not expected to run into a friendly face quite so soon. Most fortuitous."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"It was more that I felt responsible for our sudden lack of leadership that I stepped up to fill in. It's been working well though." Thre had been a lot that had gone on, really. Gabby would usually babble about everything but part of growing up was calming down just a bit from her earlier energetic habits. Maybe it was just the encroaching evening that had her more subdued.

Grinning back at him she gestures down the beach inviting him to join in her walk some. "Yeah, sometimes things work out like that. There's been a lot going on, but not so much in New York at the moment." Narrowing her eyes at a dark spec on the sand she regards it with a little nudge of her foot. It ends up just being a bit of driftwood earning a small 'hmph' from her as it was clearly not what she was looking for. "The group I run with helps with supernatural and magical issues. Not just fights, but sometimes just helping things to run smooth. Keeping dangerous items out of the hands of those that don't know better. Helping the occasional creature out. Things like that." Her head tilts back toward him with a grin. "So if anything creepy comes up on your end, give me a call and we can help out."

Namor has posed:
He is a little more... firm in his approach towards power and leadership positions, tending to seek them out and demand them. At least in most situations. There are a rare few that he both trusts and respects and in those rare instances he can actually defer. But clearly it is a rare thing. Still, her explanation draws a nod from Namor. "A valid enough reason to take charge, I suppose," he allows.

At the unspoken invitation, he falls in beside her, starding to stroll up along the beach, his footfalls surprisingly light for such an imposing figure. No doubt it is those little feathered wings that flutter and hold him just barely touching the ground and leaving hardly any trace of his passing. Perhaps he deems the ground unworthy to bear his mark? It wouldn't be surprising. The King of Atlantis looks on the verge of speaking before he hesitates. "I would say that I need no such help, but now and then those of you on the surface have proven decent allies. I shall keep your offer in mind, should something indeed crome up. Certainly we know our fair share of unnatural threats in the deep. Though few threats can match the casual disregard most surfacers have for the oceans on the world," he says with a hint of disapproval in his tone.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney can only give a nod in agreement to that remark, even if she didn't really get to see the issues of the sea first hand often. "Yeah people suck. I've run across so many peices of sea glass just on this walk." A little jiggle is given of her pocket creating a little clink-clatter to demonstrate what she means. "There's nothing wrong in having allies you can trust and rely on when needed. That's just another sort of strength." Something she had to drill into a good many magic user in her group at times as they were typically a solitary bunch.

Once again her attention is stolen by a dark object on the sand. Crouching down suddenly she rakes her fingers through the damp sand until she unearths the object with a little triumphant laugh. "Finally! Thought I'd be searching forever for this." The little odd shaped pod is held out to rinse the sand off in the water. "A mermaids purse. Weird name for it, but Nettie needs one for some reason."

Namor has posed:
Glancing at the debris she has collected, Namor nods, frown on his features. "Yes, and that is just the tip of the iceburg. Hopefully these people can be convinced not to..." he pauses for a moment, lip curling slightly, "not suck quite so much. Before an accounting is required," the sea king says flatly before that expression relaxes slightly. "You are right of course. It would appear that you have gained a measure of wisdom to go along with your increases stature," Namor notes, a faint smile now playing about his mouth.

Continuing to walk along the beach, Namor only pauses when she does, glancing as she plucks her prize out of the sand and tilting his head to the side. "Ahhhh, yes, I'm familiar with them of course. Protection for developing sharks or skates," he agrees. "It is only the one that your friend needs, or are you looking for more? They are reasy enough to lay one's hands on, at least when the oceans are one's home."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney turns the object over in her hand a few times just commiting the shape to memory. It had been difficult finding one up here after all. Mention of gaining wisdom just earns another grin from her. "I'd like to think I was always smart. Just a bit rough around the edges."

The offer earns a quick grin again as well as a laugh. "She probably could use some more. They're ingredients for some spell or another. I don't know exactly how many though." The question of how many has her pause to consider while staring out over the oceans horizon a long few moments. "Maybe thirty? That should fill a jar at least in case she needs more later. If you like tea at all I can definitely pay you back for the trouble. Nettie's got a tea shop. Tons of stuff."

Namor has posed:
There hasn't been a good storm lately and while this might not be the prettiest beach out there it is not awash in seaweed at the moment either which certainly makes pickings a little slim when it comes to just what has washed up. "I believe I can help with that. Consider it a gift of apology for staying away for so long. I should have checked in long ago," he allows with a dip of his head. It's probably as close as the King of Atlantis ever comes to apologizing for anything really.

"Perhaps I shall take you up on that," he allows, his 'steps' veering away from his companion as he starts back towards the rolling surface that laps at the beach. Almost as soon as he is by the water those wings cease to flutter and once more his feet find ground, just as unphased by the cold as before. "It should only take me a short time to finish collecting the poiuches. You shall hardly have time to notice that I al gone," he assures her, that faint smile once more creeping across his expression as he continues to step out amongst the dark waters of the Atlantic.