14995/Eternally in Paris

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Eternally in Paris
Date of Scene: 24 May 2023
Location: Paris Fashion Botique
Synopsis: Sprite vs M being a brat. Sprite wins against M's brattiness.
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Sprite

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The historic area of Paris might as well extend tot he entire city. Today? Today M is in what calls itself one of the longest active places for fashion and shopping that had continuously existed within the city that had started wtih catering to royalty and the middle class, and now to the highly rich and snobbish.
    M is simply window shopping, with the occasional bits of sneering as she goes through what's available.

Sprite has posed:
Sprite has found herself here as well. When you can teleport, really, you can be anywhere you like. But it's also proof that you can be immortal and still poorly adjusted. As in, looking at the kind of clothing that you will never, ever get to wear. Which is what she'd doing right now, her path taking her near Monet.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
As M goes past the girl, she turns to face Sprite. "Where are your parents? You're definitely too young to be here on your own." Children cry after all and are prone to make a mess of things! They don't need the disruption in a place selling such nice things!

Sprite has posed:
    Sprite looks over, and seems surprised at the comment out of the blue. "Excuse me much? There's no minimum age for shopping." Jeez. France is known for being rude and snooty, but that's saying something.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would pff, "You're what, twelve? This place should have age limits for children to be around without their parents." She says this in highly annoyed French. "Now where is your nanny?" That's said in seriuosness rather than any sort of mocking.

Sprite has posed:
"I am shockingly lacking in nanny." Sprite says, looking Monet up and down. "Although it seems like yours could have done a better job teaching you manners. I would expect better from someone affluent enough to shop in this neighborhood." Her language is French in return, native in fluency. Let's face it, at her age, she's had the time to get good at all the languages.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would look over at Sprite somewhat irritated, "Then you should ensure that your parents remedy that." Again spoken in French - Sprite can probably tell the Pariisan accent. M is definitely full of herself so is the type that Sprite could mess with if she wished. "And someone in this neighborhood should know proper etiquette and politeness. And that involves leaving young girls unsupervised."

Sprite has posed:
Sprite puts on a sweetly innocent expression. Or as innocent as she can. She almost always looks at least SOMEWHAT impish. "My parents know that I'm mature enough to handle myself, and any of my purchases, while I'm in the fashion district. Besides, I'm not the one trying to put on airs when I'm wearing a pair of last-season Louis Vuittons with the leather scuffed on the side." It's simple. That's how you go after someone like Monet; the perceived imperfections. Sure enough, her shoes now have a scrape/scuff on the formerly pristine leather, as if she'd run them into the corner of something and not noticed, gouging the pristine surface.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
M's voice is just about to snap over with a 'then they should know better, brat' even as her eyes go to narrow over. And then Sprite goes in for the kill at her, going to taunt her with her fashion. "These were bought last WEEK and they were on display for models three weeks ago and this is one of the first ones personally tailed available at all!" The slight has just hit her, even as M goes to defend herself. Then she sees the threadbare bit on her feet.
    "What the HELL?" Now she's the one putting up a fit..

Sprite has posed:
"Oh, are they this year? Sorry, I assumed someone would have taken better care of something recent." Sprite says. "You must just be too clumsy to walk in them well." Yeah, she can do Parisian-bitchy perfectly well herself. "What is it they say about stones and glass houses?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
If the girl didn't look like she was twelve, M would be throttling her right about now. "How DARE you.." Right as, whether prompted by Sprite or just noticing the yelling, someone working at the place would go, "You're being disruptive to the other customers. We're going to have to ask you to go quiet and leave."

Sprite has posed:
Sprite looks to the clerk, and says in flawless French. "I'm sure she'll be better behaved. You can't blame her too much. After all, it's not like she's proper French." It's a little dirty pull to go after Monet for her mixed ethnicity, but hey...she started it. Of course, Sprite's body language, vocal inflections, /everything/ is just "perfect little lady".

Monet St. Croix has posed:
There's a shriek over from Monet St. Croix even as she goes forwards with intent to grab the girl over to strangle her. "Ma'am, we're going to have to ask you to leave now or we'll ask the Gendarmes to do it instead. And consider yourself banned from the premises for life, and all of our other houses." Something inside Monet snaps like someone had just taken a club to the back of her mind. She just.. Slumps and doesn't look anyone in the face.

Sprite has posed:
Sprite watches. "Oh, my. Well, I suppose I should leave before the authorities get here. I wouldn't want to be associated with riff-raff or persons of low character." She says, with a bit of an icy bite to her voice, before turning on her heel, and walking crisply to the door.