13032/Venting Steam

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Venting Steam
Date of Scene: 10 October 2022
Location: Candle, Booke and Belle
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Nettie Crowe, Gabby Kinney

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    The Candle Booke and Belle was one of those places that had a weird sort of energy to it; calm, btu energetic. Focused and not. Probably because its proprieter, Nettie Crowe, was at once all of those things and none of those things, but happily went along with anything going on. The shop had a CLOSED sign on it, with a little map of 'where all the indiginous people lived before we fucked up' on it and a little sign that states COLOUMBUS IS A PRICK - inquire a history book for details -- and inside, Nettie was sitting on a broomstick, side-saddle, sorting the prices on capes.

    The record player in the corner was spinning some mid-50's love songs.


Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney had scooped her hair back from her face to put up with a clip behind her head. There was a hint of color, a stripe of it at least, on the hair that fell beneath it as she'd worked in a teal hair cream to see how it'd turn out. It tints the strand, but being black as her hair was, it wasn't super vibrant. Worth a shot at least.

With a bag slung over her shoulder filled with who-knows-what she approaches the shop and raises her hand to knock in spite of the closed sign. Once Nettie looks over her way she'd be greeted by the sight of Gabby's face smooshed to the glass fogging it up like a little kid. Because hey, if you can try to spook a witch, why not?

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    It is generally very difficult to spook Nettie Crow. Which is why she nearly tumbles off the broom she's sitting on when she turns to the door, and she hangs upside-down by crooked knees a moment, rather bat-like than crow-like, adn then she gives an a-hem, and rights herself before she comes to the door to open it up for Gabby.

    "Miss Kinney. Scaring a lady of my age is highly dangerous. You dunno what I might have slung at you." she states, trying to feign anger, but her expression softens, and she tilts her head inward. "But I know you wouldn't be outside my door for no reason, c'mon then, poppet."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney allows herself a little grin of amusement at the reaction. At least she doesn't break out in laughter at the sight. It was amusing, but that could have been dangerous in retrospect the way Nettie almost fell, so she's got a pang of guilt over that.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm trying to keep my mood up and being silly is usually how I try that," she explains with the smallest of shrugs as she enters. Only to pause a few feet inside as she stops with a soft, "Oh! The sign on your door reminds me. I got this a bit ago and meant to give it to you." Rummaging in her bag she pulls out a ziplog baggie of what appears to be small tree leaves.

"It's Yaupon. Apparently it's the only tea plant indigenous to the Americas and used to be drunk by Western tribes before the colonists." She shrugs a little. "Nothing I've tried myself, and you may already have it, I just thought it sounded like it'd be up your alley."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie would have caught herself. You don't get to be her age without some failsafes.

    The short witch accepts the bag of leaves, her eyebrows drawing up before she takes the bag, turns it over, opens it and takes a deep sniff of it.

    And she gives a little grin, and gives a nod.

    "Right you are, up my alley." she replies with a gentler voice. "Not often someone brings me a gift of tea." she replies, and she shifts around a little bit, walking towards the tea bar.

    "So, what's gotten your mood on the morbs?" she questions, looking over her shoulder.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney reaches up to rub a hand over her face a few times seeking to work out the best way to phrase this. "Men?" A pause, before she decides, "No, boys, we'll say boys." It's said in a deadpan while she moves to hop up onto a stool to just lean herself down ontop of the table resting her head there.

"I have many more serious things to be dealing with than this. Does it ever get better with age or..." The question she was about has her trailing off thinking of those older than herself. "Fuck. It doesn't."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Well. You may be asking the wrong lady about that. I got married in my seventies to a woman before it was fashionable or legal to do so." Nettie answers with honesty as she steps up behind the counter. "But I've had a small number of men that I might have fancied. More who fancied me. Not often was it mutual fancy." Nettie gives a small smile, and with a gloved hand she gently pats Gabby on the shoulder, in a 'tut tut' fashion. "But no. People are generally stupid in the worst ways when it comes to relationships, dear." she offers in consolance, and begins to set up a tea pot.

    "I'll need to know more information before giving anything past a surface-scratch, though."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney smiles a bit in response to Nettie. She shifts her posture to sit up straighter, propping her chin in her hand to regard the other woman with a bemused grin. "Long story. At least on one of them." Her hand waves vaguely with a little side-to-side wobble.

"There's one guy I've had a crush on for quite a long time. He ended up dating my sister... and I had to get over him. We remained friends. Lately though he's started suggesting more." It's here she rubs her hand over her face again brisquely. "Which is bringing up things I thought I was over and done with."

"The other guy, new, just a fling so far, but he hasn't really said if he wants more or not... Honestly more stressed over the first. But the thing is," she hastens to add as if suddenly realizing it herself, "The first guy only started making these overtures after he learned about the second guy."

Her face scrunches a bit, confusion and annoyance all in one.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "I see." Nettie replies, pausing a moment as she adds a few things to the tea strainer, adds the strainer to a brown teapot, and carefully adds the boiling hot water to the pot.

    She sets in front of Gabby a bring pink and purple teacup with matching saucer from beneath the counter, Nettie's own plain gray setting in front of herself.

    "So sounds like the first one has insecurity. Are his attempts more aggressive, or are they annoyed?" she questions, taking a seat.

    Moments later, they're joined by Corvax, who is currently not wearing his pirate hat, but has a paper bag for Nettie.

    Who accepts the bag, and tucks it beneath her counter.

    "'Ello, Gabs." Corvax greets, hopping towards her.

    "... men problems?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney reaches out to wrap her fingers around the colorful teacup tugging it closer. Even if it had nothing in it right now she had to admit it was comforting to hold onto. Here she pauses to consider a long moment the question. "Huh. More like I cracked a bad joke, and he turned it into a sexual offer which I thought he was joking about, but then he got mopey and sad." Her eyes narrow as she stares off a moment considering, only to give a soft 'hmph' in apparent decision.

Her gaze moves to Corvax offering the bird a grin. "Yeah, but I think I've got it figured out. Think it was more he realized he missed out on a chance because I moved on." Lifting her shoulders in a careless shrug she states, "Which suddenly makes this not at all confusing."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Yeah. Some men are downright awful lads, they think every pretty girl owes them th' worl' 'cause they've got a set of bollocks between their legs and fancy their twig's bigger than berries. An' 'eres the secret, Gabs:"

    Corvax gives a hop closer.

    "All men are bastards. They're led mostly by either their cocks or their egos, but mostly they're tied together an' one an' the same. So if the lad is suddenly takin' foul humour 'coz of another lad sniffing about, it's 'coz he thought he owned you. Well. You don't seem the type to be owned by any lad who's lead around by his c--"

    the crow pauses, and looks at Nettie, who doesn't look amused.

    "... by their egos. So shoot 'em in the leg and throw 'em overboard."

    He ruffles his feathers.

    "Figuratively speakin'."

    Nettie gives a small laugh, and rubs the back of her neck.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins at Corvax while he explains the secret of men. She listens as raptly as any student might while wearing a bemused grin over the whole situation. There was more than a little bit of truth to his words so she nods slowly in agreement.

"Awww, Corvax, you're so sweet!" That said she reaches out to scoop one hand around the winged bird while leaning in to give him a quick smooch right on his head. Or ear. Somewhere in the vicinity of bird face anyway.

"Thank you. I used to talk this stuff out with my sister, but she's the one he was seeing before anyway. Plus she ran off with another guy." Her head shakes a little. "And I am not talking about this with my dad, ever."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "G-AACKH! OI! OI! NO KISSING THE FAMILIAR SPIRIT! I'M HAVING TO DO WITH DEAAAAATH!" the crow protests, and wriggles as mightily as his corvid body will let him as Gabby kisses his head/hear/faceish vicinity.

    "Yeah, so I heard. I thought he was the *Smart* one of the duo. But no accounting for taste. Maybe it was like a brain leach and--"

    Nettie reaches over and pinches Corvax's beak closed while she pours the tea.

    "Demon encounters leave everyone different, love. Pay not much mind to Corvax's advice. He died of The Clap."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney allows herself an evil little grin when she releases Corvax to his normal, unmolested self. Sitting back again she just listens to him start to babble on until Nettie silences him. It wasn't as if she could hold babbling against someomone when she so often did it herself at times.

"Yeah. It's all right. He kind of had a point... There was a lot of time he could have shown interest before this and he chose not to." An indifferent shrug is given even if it's a bit forced. This was still something she'd have to think over a bit one way or another, though now she at least felt a bit more confident about her own decisions regarding things.

"Well. How have you two been? I know I haven't popped by in a little bit."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Oh, you know me. I've got a lot to do, reforming some of the upper levels, doing a bit of shopping--"

    "Bit of snooping, bit of stealing, scared the nappies off a small child who kept on offering me a bit of fried potato." Corvax finishes, hopping to a perch at the end of the counter. "And I did *not* die of the Clap, I was captured and hung for piracy and murder!"

    "Aye, three hundred or so years ago. A dread pirate you were, our Corvax." Nettie lilts, and she pours the tea. It is fragrant, citrusy and uplifting, with just the hint of spice to it.

    "We keep easy, Miss Kinney. You have enough to contend with in your young life. We just step in when needed." She gives a small smile, and then steeples her fingers.

    "Al/though/ if you wanted to curse the lad that was vexing you..."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney gives a polite nod of thanks when the tea is poured. The scents of the shop were something she was beginning to tune out though it always helped to have something to focus on in front of her. This certanly smelled good for that reason. And in general.

"I'm sure the world rejoiced at your demise," she offers up helpfully before lifting the cup to take a long sip. It's Nettie's remark that earns a grin along with one eyebrow lofting high.

"He's already posessed by a demon, I'm not sure how anyone could be more cursed than that. Besides he takes care of his younger brother so I don't want to do anything to harm them."

"...Though... maybe if he peed purple for a week..." An amusing thought.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "... possessed or time-shared? There is a *difference* there. Have you had the opportunity to sit in on an exorcism, yet? Messy affairs. Seafoam coming out by the buckets from one, brimstone gas passed from another. No two alike." Nettie states as she gives a soft hum. "Pissing purple, eh? I'm sure I could come up with something for green, depending on how much water he drinks. Purple might be a challenge."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney pauses at that question only to give another small shrug. That wasn't something she was entirely sure of. "I mean, he's a ghost rider," she points out as if that explained a lot. "I think he's stuck with it one way or another. Anyway...I guess none of this matters anymore. I mean," she hastens to clarify, "Still a friend. Just don't think I'm gonna go further than that all things considered. So it's a weight off my mind."

"How's the work on the rooms going? I can lend a hand if needed. And able," she reasons with a wry grin as her teacup is raised again. "I realize some things I won't be able to do."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Ooooh. He's one of those lot. Sorry, dearheart." Nettie gives a wince, and she slides a warm scone over to G abby.

    Where'd the scone come from? Magic. It's a magic scone made with Lucky Charm marshmallows.

    "It's coming along. I've got some ideas from places I've been, but want to make sure it's not too personal. In order to make sure everyone's comfortable, mind."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Magic scones? Honestly Gabby would probably eat something that had been dropped on the floor so long as there wasn't anything obviously gross on it. Scones were good though. She reaches out to accept it and takes another sip of that warming tea enjoying the way it chased away any lingering chill of the fall evening.

"Yeah? I can't say I know much about decorating. Usually I just slap up some cat posters, put the guard duck in the corner, and make sure the guns are hidden somewhere safe. Although," she adds while pausing to take a nibble of the scone. "I did buy an actual bed recently. That's nice."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "HA! You remind me of me when I was younger. Bare minimum decor. It wasn't until I got involved with Addie until I was forced to buy a proper Western bed. Before that it was hammocks an' futon. Addie didn't like a futon an' her berth was too narrow for two. So, proper Western bed it was." Nettie gives a small huff. "I liked the futon. Wish I kept it."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney grins faintly. "Eh, partially my fault. I had a dorm room then a room at a team building, and finally just kind of getting my own place. ... In the pool house of a friend's place, but it's a start," she reasons with a shrug. The rest of the scone is tucked away, and she gulps down her tea. "Speaking of which I should head back that way. Got to tiger sit tomorrow morning for awhile and he gets cranky if you're late with breakfast. Thanks for the tea and talk, Nettie."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Any time, dear." Nettie gives a smile to Gabby. "An' sometime, I'll give you the rundown of my arrangements over time. I've got pictures of some of them." she gives a smile.

    "Corvax will see you at least to the end of the street."