15178/Sprites and Sersis

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Sprites and Sersis
Date of Scene: 19 June 2023
Location: The Public House - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Sprite runs into another Eternal and the two catchup some at the Hellfire Club.
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Sprite

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It's a relatively quiet day over in the Hellfire Club. Not necessarily that it would ever quality as 'quiet', but nothing is amiss. Over in the center of it at a table is a woman wearing a green bodysuit, with black hair with stripes on it that was speaking to a waiter.
    "No, no, this won't do! Can you make it something more like this?" She would cluck, her hand gesturing over at a drink as it would change. "I mean I know it's rude for me to make my own here but if youcan get me something more like this it would be appreciated!" A woman wearing green, Eternal..

Sprite has posed:
Sprite is just in wasting time, and distracting herself. But she knows that voice. She approaches, a little more pep to her step than normal, as she looks over. "Sersi?!" she asks, as she sees her fellow Eternal. She hasn't seen any of them in QUITE some time.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Sersi would wave, "Sprite! It has been ages! How have you been?" She would cluck her tongue happily. Then going to gesture with her hand, turning the drink into some precious stones. "I'm going to spend time with my friend! Thank you for your checking on me!" Sersi pushes out the seat. "HEllo there!"

Sprite has posed:
Sprite's expression is a little awkward. For the first time in a long time, the witty and snarky Eternal has nothing to say. Instead, she moves up and will give the other woman a hug. "Hey." She says, her voice full of emotion that she's holding back. "How've you been? Where've you been? What've you been doing?" No one can understand their "family" the same way others of it can. The stresses of being really, TRULY immortal. Not in the "oh, I've lived for a thousand years" like some are. But in the "I've watched society evolve on this world" scale.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Sersi leans in to give her fellow Eternal a deep hug. There's warmth in her eyes as she returns it. "Wandering the world. Exploring this new century and all it has to offer. Humanity has come so far and we've spent too much time away. I'm always here if you need me. It just takes awhile to find me and to have me come. I'm sorry, little one, for having been absent from you. And.." She would cluck her tongue.
    "That /one/ who claims to have the same name as I but has done nothing to deserve it and has the impertinence to befoul it wiht how she acts has come!"

Sprite has posed:
    Sprite nods. She doesn't cry. Honestly. She's just got bright eyes today. She sits down at the table. "Yeah, but I wouldn't want to call anyone when there's not a good reason for it. That's just douchey."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Sersi would return the hug and then release it, "You're far from that. You're oen of us. You're family. We're all united in that even with how much we cruelly jest with one another." Her eyes would sparkle with delight. "And you are always entertaining."

Sprite has posed:
"Well, one tries. Hey, a heads-up. Ran into Kulan Gath a couple weeks back. He remembers us. So, just watch your back some." They can't be killed, permanently, but it's still good to be aware.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Sersi would frown, "That is unpleasant. Thank you for letting me know. I will pass it along to the others though it might take some time." The Eternals weren't always particularly good when it came to communicating with one another - on the timespan of humans. "And have you found places you feel you belong?"

Sprite has posed:
"No." Sprite admits. "I don't fit in here any better than lots of places. All of you have always had easier times with that than I. Have you seen anyone else lately?" Any of them, she means.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Sersi would shake her head, "No I have not. But I do not go out of my way to keep track of the others unless they call to me . There have been dangers but they have been handled by the time I was made aware of them. But they are around and I can push to them if I need to. Do you have concerns?"

Sprite has posed:
"No. Not concerned. Just...thinking it would be nice to see everyone." But for right now, she'll settle for just chatting with Sersi and catching up. That's what they do when they see each other.