15479/Through Ruby Glasses

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Through Ruby Glasses
Date of Scene: 27 July 2023
Location: A room in New York
Synopsis: Natasha Romanoff and Cassandra Cain meet up to deal with the Red Room girls. Apparently it's already handled, and they're meeting for ice cream and friendship bracelets?
Cast of Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Cassandra Cain
Tinyplot: The Symkaria Job

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
She had kept track of what was going on in Gotham. She kept tabs on all the Red Room girls that she could. So when she had been informed of Sable's actions, she had gone to check in on them. Later on she would set aside some time to drop in on Sable personally for daring to do such a thing wtihout consulting her first. But that was for later.
    For now.. She was going to check on one girl in particular that she had come to know, if not particularly well, then in style. Knowing Cassandra's inability to necessarily follow written directions, Natasha had simply had a message passed along to her that consided of a widow's mark, a map of the streets to a location, and a picture of Cassandra's favorite ice cream.
    Don't ask how Natasha knew not only the exact flavor but the exact /brand/

Cassandra Cain has posed:
And you have to know that now Nat had better deliver. Because you don't promise Cass that kind of ice cream without some level of repercussions. She's standing there, on the spot, looking around. The thing is, she wasn't there a moment before! She just seems to have appeared, on location, with no intervening actions or moments.

Gotta love that Bat conditioning. Her stealth has if anything outstripped her original training. And there she is, using it to get ice cream. She's my hero.

She's got some papers under her left arm, which is probably not normal. But is just as likely to be important.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would give a nod over to Cassandra as she would come out, "Glad to see you again." She would reply, and make her body language fully smooth. It was rare where Natasha made herself completely readable - it was a sign of vulnerability. But to Cassandra, i twas the way all information went comfortably. The girl was doing her a favor by checking in, so Natasha owed it to her to remain wihtin her comfort zone for something difficult.
    Her expression softens - a gesture over of worry. Was Cassandra okay? Were the girls okay? Were they willing wiht where they were going? All of this from expressions.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra turns. She has this ability to keep her reactions calm, even when her heart has sped up. It's a talent, though really nobody but Nat has managed to sneak up on HER in years. Harumph.

She widens her smile then, nodding in response to the expression on Nat's own face. She's alright, though there are bruises softening on her cheeks. Visible, she's gotten a few punches on her already scarred face. It happens, she shrugs.

Then she says, with words, "Girls okay are. Not know yet." The girls don't know what's happening yet, they're still in the dark on all of these events.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would assess the bruises. Nothing significant. Cassandra could take care o fherself. Natasha's tone shifts to that of pride. In a display of 'I"m sure you left far more' sort of expression. Bruises tended to heal. They were to be worn with pride. And learning. Hopefully learning to avoid howing to get that specific set.

The girls were okay and they were safe. Their physical needs were secondary - they could all survive. Their emotional and mental status were the true problems. Natasha's face shifting slightly. Trust. Did Cassandra trust the woman that had gone after them?

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass motions to her own throat. "Am practice yes," she says, and given her awful spoken grammer she clearly needs it. "Word...ing." She's trying to learn speaking better, but words I at bad. Still, if she keeps at it then it'll come in time.

She then seems to remember that she's carrying paperwork, which she pulls out awkwardly. And hands over, sticking her hand out without a word. Which is the opposite of explaining Cassandra!

The papers are a write-up on a high level nouveau riche school, and a single letter written in silver script.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would go to take her hand over to receive the papers. Then her other hand goes over to pass along two things. The first is a large tub of Cassandra's favorite ice cream brand. Fresh, right out of the freezer, a full gallon of it. The type that she could gorge on in one sitting and maybe even feel full on. The other.. Is a small, wrapped package.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra Cain steps back, looking at her gifts. She smiles, sniffing at the wrapped package with all the joy of a kid at holidays. But what she's doing might fade a bit, as the letter is revealed.

`To whom it may concern.`

`I do not have time to meet with every person who is concerned in this situation. If you are reading this, then the lady that I have entrusted the papers to is of the opinion that you are important. Take that as the level of compliment that it deserves, as she has proven herself to me and mine.`

`I have reasons to value the young ladies involved. I am, however, unwilling to stoop to the levels of those that my mercenaries hunt. So I am instead simply offering them schooling at a location which is valuable to ME.`

`At the school, which you can peruse at your leisure, they will be given every opportunity to grow. They will have options unheard of in normal society. They also will be near to someone whom I wish to have protected, and having them there is likely to cause havoc in the plans of anyone who is planning to cause the school harm.`

`I believe that simply placing them there will be of great value, and therefore I will be offering their placement. That is all, there are no strings attached, though I do hope that someday it might come to pass that my niece gains friends out of the deal. And it is a deal, to me.`

`Sincerely, Silvija Sablinova`

Cassandra, unaware of the contents, is opening her gift.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The other package is a.. Set of Widow's Bites. That had been carefully sized to fit Cassandra's hands. Scars and all. A series of stingers, batteries, and adjustments made to make them easier to maintain and tinker with, given Cassandra's not necessarily extensive technical skills and training. Natasha would bow her head over to the girl.

She was a Widow. She deserved to have the symbols of one. She did not need them> But it was something of respect. To a survivor. Natasha's body language is the way a sensei would speak to a student that they had just proclaimed had graduated.

Natasha would go to skim them over, and then tap at her wrist in thought. Then she goes to take out her arm, and gestures with it, making a few passes through the air until a hologram would appear. She would tap her fingers over it. <<JARVIS, Avengers priority override, Symkarian Embassy.>> There were occasionally benefits to being affiliated with the United Nations Security Council.

"We will discuss this personally, Sablinovia." That left as a message on Silver's personal networked system, behind however many layers of encryption there would be. Tony had the best toys after all.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra Cain slips the tools out of the box, and then looks at them. She's peering at them every which way, the smile having faded to be replaced with curiosity. She very nearly shocks herself, poking at it and poking at it. At them, one for each wrist. She's so very young at times, for all her experience. And that is part of why she's perfect.


A single text comes in, from Silver Sable. It says, and it is very simple in its explicity: a date and time. Nothing more, nothing less. Apparently you have an appointment.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would take a moment to just smile over at it and then reply shortly with 'I'll be there'. Looking over to Cassandra. "Experiment with it. earn to fight." The girl will figure it out on her own a lot better than she will from Natasha training her. Though the offer is there if Cassandra wants it by her tone of voice. But she presumes that the girl is going to want to mess with it herself.

She does better self taught anyways.