15717/Hanging at the gym
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Hanging at the gym | |
Date of Scene: | 26 August 2023 |
Location: | Sporting Courts: Triskelion |
Synopsis: | Jacen showed his complete lack of baseball ability and got schooled some by Quiet. |
Cast of Characters: | Jacen Knight, Stefani Houston
- Jacen Knight has posed:
Keeping to himself for the most part, Jacen is over in the batting cages. Cowboy in there doesn't stick out at all. Completely really. He is bare foot at least, his boots and his hat are outside the cage.
He isn't a baseball player clearly as he misses more than he touches, but he gets a piece of some of them and hitting them away into the netting.
He laughs softly at himself and mutters,"Football yup. Rasslin' check. Baseball....not so much." he mutters.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
The sporting courts have a variety of agents who come in during off moments throughout their shifts here at the Trisk. Currently the courts are somewhere around half capacity, with the sounds of people playing on a variety of the offerings.
Usually, Stefani spends her down time in the shooting range, but she'd decided recently to venture out and try other options with her free time while here. Thus, she ends up at the courts today, wearing a pair of black and white sports shorts, a matching black and white halter top with a NIKE SWOOSH across her bust line. Her hair tied back in a loose ponytail, and a smart watch worn on her lefft wrist. Padding along one of the hallways next to the batting cages, Stef overhears the man talking as she walks behind where he was swinging moments before. Should they make eye contact, she'd offer him a wave of her right hand. She hesitates outside the cages, since all of them are currently occupied, and it seems to be the only 'single player' activity here that she is aware of, at least.
- Jacen Knight has posed:
Jacen sighs softly and then takes one more swing, which fouls off the bat. He laughs at himself and starts towards the cage door,"That's 'bout enough humility f'r one day." he mutters softly.
His eyes do finally meet hers and he raises his hand to tip the hat that he isn't wearing. Opening the door, he flips the bat in his hand to offer the grip to her as he holds it by the clubbing end,"Ya wanna take a few swats at it. Cain' be any worse th'n me." he assures her, winking one of his sparkling green eyes and gets out of her way incase she wants to enter.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Steffani just observes him as he takes that swing, and further berrates himself for not hitting a 'homer'. She smirks again, and when he ends up offering her the bat, she accepts with a light nod and a thankful smile. She plucks the bat from him, and slips on inside the cage. One of the helmets is glanced at with the sign posted 'Wear a Helmet' beside it, which makes her roll her eyes. She keys the machine on, and readies herself up.
A few practice swings are taken to limber her motion up, before the first pitch is launched her way.
She swings the bat with a measured precision, and the tell-tale sound of baseball on polished pine echoes around the cage! The ball is shot off down the line with a surprising amount of force behind it.
She repeats this several more times, in fact, before she keys the machine off, and turns to look at him. Holding the bat over her shoulder, she waggles her opposite elbow some, indicating something to him.. but she doesn't verbally speak.
Whether he's heard about her on the 'grapevine' or not, she's known around the Trisk as 'Quiet'.
- Jacen Knight has posed:
Once she is inside, he settles his black cowboy hat on his head and then slides black cowboy boots onto his feet. He watches her as she warms up and then watches her uncork on the ball. A wide smile touches his features as she really gets going.
Once he is dressed again, he stands and enjoys the fireworks at the end of the bat. As she turns and shoulders the bat he provides a few claps and smiles,"Reckon I oughta take some lessons from ya." he suggests. He is a little confused by what she does,"Sorry. Not too good't sign'r anything like it."
Considering the situation for a moment longer he removes his phone from his pocket and sets it to texting mode,"I'm guessin' that makes you...Quiet? You don' talk right? Wanna put it on here?" his hand extends to offer his phone to her.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
The young looking woman leans the bat against the cage wall as she approaches exit. She accepts his phone before she offers him another lingering little smile. Her eyes are soon to drop to his phone though, and affter a few seconds she ttaps something in before pushing a text to speech icon.
The voice talks in a robotic default male voice, which has her scowl at the unattractive nature of being represented by such a monotone, baratone voice.
"Your elbow was too low." The voice spoke. "Your feet were not far enough apart for your height, and your shoulders were clearly tense." It finally says before she just offers him a smirk. She hands him the phone back then, before she signs something to him in ASL.
- Jacen Knight has posed:
He returns her smile still, watching her type he waits. When the phone starts talking he notes the scowl she makes and he laughs softly,"Sorry. Kinda never look't changin' that, but I reckon nobody'd take me too seriously'f th' voice comin' out's a cline o' Jessica Rabbit'r somethin'."
Considering what the phone tells him he nods as he admits,"Yeah I'm pertty atrocious't baseball. It's kinda nice ta hit it when I do though. Gets a little stress out. Nevermind how much't causes everytime I miss."
Shaking his head he tells her,"I wish I took time ta learn, but I never did. Kept thinkin' someday that'd be good ta learn. Prolly better th'n Spanish all things considered." He offers his hand towards her and tells her,"I'm Jacen by th' way."
- Stefani Houston has posed:
The offered hand gets a firm shake from Steffani's own, before she uses it to reach down to her smart watch, where she starts to tap at the little screen. There comes a few emitting chimes before a more pleasing female voice says 'Ready.'
For what?
Quiet begins to speak toward the watch, her lips moving, but no sound coming out. She just holds her lefft hand up in front of her as she speaks wordlessly toward the device.
It soon translates and speaks for her. "They have batting lessons on Tuesday nights." The watch says in a bit of a ethereal, and detached, if still pretty voice. "I like the sound of the bat hitting the ball, so I sometimes come to watch. I am known as Quiet though, yes. I also go by Stefani, or Agent Houstin, if one prefers. Nice to meet you. You aren't Navajo, by chance, are you?" She finally asks through the use of the lip reading app on her fancy watch.
- Jacen Knight has posed:
Placing his phone back in his pocket, Jacen watches her working with the watch. Curious to say the least, his right brow raises a little as she silently speaks into the watch.
When the watch starts talking he shakes his head slowly and comments,"Reckon I done seen't all now. A watch ta do th' talkin'. I'll call ya whatever you prefer. As f'r my blood, it's Cherokee. Sorry. I've known a Navajo here'n there."
- Stefani Houston has posed:
The watch is spoken to again, before she lowers it down toward her bare stomach to let it speak ffor her again. "Worth a shot. It is one of the safer languages that I can speak, but I rarely dare to speak it, and rarely even more find someone who knows it." the device's voice says, accompanying a smile again from the young woman.
She raises her wrist up again to mouth a few more words in to the reader, before it speaks up once more.
"Are you new to SHIELD? I've been here a year, haven't seen you around."
- Jacen Knight has posed:
"I shoulda learned m' ancestery tongue, but as a kid I w's always too busy. Didn' have time f'r anything w's my opinion. B'sides there w's too much to do. Football, Rasslin', an' Rodeo were m' life."
"I'm pertty new yes. Parta th' magic bunch. Us crazy wizards done got'r own section o' SHIELD. My power's not like Doc Strange, but magic in nature none th' less."
- Stefani Houston has posed:
When he does offer insight in to what kind of athletics he was in to, she glances around the area toward the other courts before she regards him again. With a little grin showing for a second she mouths another response toward the camera on her watch. It speaks up for her again...
"I'll put a petition in to get rodeo added to the facility here." She says, showing a smile after the app translates for her. She shakes her head lightly then at herselff before she continues.
"There is all manner of combat sports taught and practiced on this level, but not in this section. Wrestling is one of them, forms of it anyway. Jiu-jitsu, and the like."
She idly reaches out to pick the bat up again off the bench she'd leaned it on, then lowers it down to press its rounded end against the floor beside one of her white sneakers.
"Did you want more swings in here? I don't want to crowd you out of practicing." She says, offering the bat back to him if he'd like it.
- Jacen Knight has posed:
A half grin touches the left corner of his mouth and he shakes his head,"I reckon that'd be a sight ta see. Young up'n comin' SHIELD agents takin' their shot't tryin' ta hang on to th' mechanical bull'r tryin' ta rope a mechanical steer."
Her mention of the combat sports section gets a nod,"Yeah. I've been tryin' ta learn a little more 'bout chokes'n joint locks. I c'n wrestle most folks to th' ground'n hold them there indefinately even'f they're stronger'n me, but that kinda leave me wide open'f they gotta friend. Mostly been wantin' ta learn boxin'r kick boxin' since m' strikes ain' all that great. I c'n throw a haymaker with th' best of'm, but most seasoned fighters'll get outa th' way."
Looking at the bat he laughs a little more and shakes his head,"Nah. Think I'll take a hard pass. Reckon I done 'nough ego damange t' myself f'r one day. More fun watchin' you anyway, but I'll keep what ya said'n mind 'bout m' stance an' bat positioning."
- Stefani Houston has posed:
What the man says back to her garners a small smirk from Stefani, along with a couple of understanding nods. She speaks again to her watch, who then in-turns speakss back for him...
"If nothing else, there is Youtube. You can have video lessons from a thirteen year old boy." She says with a smirk again given to him.
She glances over her shoulder toward the inside of the cage, then back to him.
"I better get back to it, before I'm due back at the firing range." She says, apparently being assigned to that part of the Triskelion. "I like to get as many swings in before my break is up." She adds with a pleased little smile showing.
With the bat back in hand, Stef moves back over to the batting zone. The button is pressed, and she prepares to swing away!
- Jacen Knight has posed:
He watches her curiously and when she comments about learning from the 13 year he laughs in surprise. Shaking his head he admits,"I like you. Hopin' I see ya 'round more."
When she looks back towards the batting cage he offers her a wave and offers,"Give'm hell. Prolly oughta find m' way to th' shootin' range too. Ain' done much shootin' f'r a while. Last thing I shot at went'n th' freezer ta feed m' folks'n me durin' a slim winter."
An actual tip of his hat this time and he starts to go. Pausing he looks back at her and hmms. Just watching for a moment.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
The quiet Agent offers a smile back to the man in the hat, before she looks back toward the pitching machine way down the cage's length. After keying it on again with a touch of the bat to the button on the box, Stef readies herself. Soon the sound of cracking pine on baseballs can be heard again, as she continues to knock them out of the proverbial park, display her adept reflexes, perception and agility all at the same time!
One of the floor managers soon ends up at her cage, and with one hand on it he waits ffor her to have a moment before he speaks in to her in a booming voice. "Houston, by god, if you don't start wearing a helmet, I'm gonna ban you from this."
He gets a big ol' glare from the woman with the bat!
- Jacen Knight has posed:
He considers her for a few minutes longer, then reaches into his pocket. He produces a business card for a place called: The Fallen Angel Ranch. On it, she will find his name, phone number, and an address for upstate about an hour from the city.
Walking towards the exit he snorts softly when the manager gets aggravated with her,"My money's on th' quiet one." he tells a racket ball player and then he is back into the main hallway.