Jacen Knight

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  Jacen Knight  
Jacen Knight (Scenesys ID: 2635)
Name: Jacen James Knight
Superalias: None
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Occupation: Bull Rider/EMT-Paramedic
Citizenship: United States
Residence: Kansas City, Missouri area
Education: High School/Trade School
Theme: Original (OC)
Apparent Age: 20 Actual Age: 20
Date of Birth 15 Dec 2000 Played By "Cowboy" James Storm
Height: 6'0" Weight: 230 lb
Hair Color: Dark Brown Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: Longnecks and Rednecks

Character Info


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A country boy at heart and a cowboy through and through. His family lineage grants him the power to

touch the wild and draw it into him. He is a standout athlete in several disciplines, but an expert bull rider with a world championship to prove it. Lastly, he has a knack for making things work that shouldn't and combining things together the average person would never know about to result to his benefit.


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*2000: Born and raised in rural Missouri.
*2005: Sent to live with grandfather on a family ranch when parents die in a plane crash.
*2006: Discovers his first love: junior Rodeo.
*2010: Started wrestling and playing football in junior leagues. Begins the Scouts (Cub, Boy, and Eagle Scouts in turn)
*2012: Grandfather begins to teach him the "family magic" that focuses magics into the user through animal totems. His grandfather forbids him to use them for anything until told otherwise. He does try, usually.
*2015: Discovered a talent in sciences, but not outstanding anywhere else academically. Chemistry and Physics become a hobby and learns to do things with it that the teacher never meant to be done.
*2018: High school star athlete: Wrestling, Football, and Rodeo. College recruiters for wrestling.
*2019: Graduates high school. Chooses trade school for fire fighter and paramedicine over college life. After going up through the rodeo ranks from junior league to high school, he chooses to go pro bull rider. Beating the odds, he makes his way to the National Finals Rodeo his rookie year and wins the title of Bull Riding Champion.
*2020: Spends the year working with hospitals and emergency services. In what little spare time he has left he does a fairly lucrative ad campaign for Wrangler jeans as the champion. Investments with the rodeo winnings and ad campaign helped to elevate his financials status, working extra hours and days on end overtime helped as well. He isn't rich enough to retire, but he can live comfortably between job when need be.
*2021: Temporarily dispatched to the east coast for a time to help under-staffed hospitals, but he plans to return to Missouri as soon as possible.

IC Journal

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Jacen is a charmer. He thinks so anyway. If there is a typical attribute to a cowboy it is never ending charm. Typically more people are inclined to like him than hate him, but he has a handful of people that aren't fond of him. Everyone does.

Jacen doesn't have trouble talking to people and if there isn't anyone around he's been known to talk to himself. Anything but shy, Jacen has never met a stranger.

To those that matter, Jacen is loyal to a fault. To those that don't aren't important to him...it gets sketchy.

Character Sheet


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Jacen is able to draw upon the ancient magics of his tribe. He uses the power of totem animals to enhance/stengthen his senses and physical attributes. A focus for each ability is helpful, but he can use the power without them at a cost of duration and potency.

Vision: Distance, clarity, and nightvision. (focus: eagle feather)

Hearing: Enhanced auditory range in distance/volume. (focus: bat leather medicine pouch)

Smell: Enhanced for tracking and analyzing scent. (wolfskin leather bracer)

Strength: Natural strength tripled. (focus: necklace of bear claws)

Speed: Enhanced running speed. (focus: piece pronghorn antler)

Durability: Thickening skin that turns most projectiles or blades. (focus: badger skin belt)

Reflexes: Enhanced reflexes/reactions. (focus: rattlesnake skin hatband)

(OOC) He will gradually learn new powers along the way, not starting with all listed. The sensory powers would be similar to Warpath and his physical attributes would rival, but not match SpiderMan.


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A natural athlete in the best of crowds, Jacen was offered a scholarship to a local university for wrestling and football. Instead he opted to be a bull rider. He is in peak physical condition and stronger than average. His center of gravity is exceptional and his balance is nearly impossible to break.

Common Sense:
A super power all it's own, Jacen is exceptional in life experience. He might not know why he understands certain things, but he does. He'll never be Einstein or president, but he knows how to survive in the real world and that's more than many can claim.

If it has hair and four legs he can ride it. Jacen is a natural horseman and a world champion bull rider.

While he is far from an adept student, Jacen did find one subject of expertise. Nobody, including him, could understand how the academically barely there was able to grasp Chemistry and Physics, but they both came easy to him. Practical application of the two became a hobby frowned upon by most as it usually involved explosions, smoke, fire or jury rigged mechanisms of suspect quality that always seemed to work just long enough.

A standout wrestler in high school, Jacen made a mark in the state, though he never made the championship level. That said he is difficult to take off his feet and very good and taking people off theirs, keeping them there as long as he wants to.


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Advertisement Campaign:
The world championship opened him up to an opportunity to do an advertisement campaign with Wrangler jeans. He invested those proceeds after a few personal spends and thus draws residuals.

Emergency Medicine:
Everybody has to have a day to day source of income and rather than go to college he atteded tech school. In the end he graduated as a Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic. State to state he has to take exams to qualify for the state's requirements, but is capable of passing without much trouble.

Jacen is a world champion bull rider. He ended up on everyone else's television when he did the campaign with Wrangler jeans company. That doesn't mean everyone knows who is, but a lot of people walk by and give him the "I've seen you before." look.

World Champion:
Jacen is a one time, National Finals Rodeo Bull Riding Champion. There he won a large cash prize in the process. A few smart investments at the instruction of an old friend and he has a little bit of residual income to live on.


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Jacen isn't the typical deifinition of an alcoholic. He can put it down when he wants to, but he tends to drink at least two or three daily. Occasionally he will drink in excess and pay for it the same way anyone else does.

Jacen graduated from high school though his marks weren't very impressive. He managed to graduate in the bottom of the top half of the class...barely. Aside from a few science classes he is an average student at best.

Impulse Control:
Jacen has a bad case of "knee jerk reaction" that comes on suddenly and can lead to trouble, hilarity, or general stupidity.

Over Confident:
In the immortal words of another hero: Confidence is good, cockiness will kill you. That is one of the troubles of being a minor celebrity in certain circles and very good at too many things. This gets into his life in many instances and can be detrimental at times.



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Jacen Knight has 44 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Denials in Case of Defeat December 29th, 2024 A depressing talk about humanity taking it's own weapons to destroy itself out of spite to prevent Galactus from consuming it is argued passionately against by attending SHIELD Agents.
Gun play 101 November 25th, 2024 Some chatter about guns on the SHIELD shooting range.
SHIELD - Ashes of the Past November 17th, 2024 When a SHIELD Storage Archive in Gotham is raided, it's up to a group of Gotham Bats and SHIELD Agents to stop Hydra from pilfering something related to the darkest enemies of the forebears of the agency.
STRIKE Across the Sea November 2nd, 2024 A group of SHIELD agents are deployed to help out STRIKE with a minor magical mecha problem.
Random encounter with a legendary hero. October 9th, 2024 Jacen left the WAND office in a mood, then met Sue Richards. That lightened his mood a great deal and he enjoyed the time spent.
Shadows of a rumor, trying to find answers. October 6th, 2024 Jacen makes his way on a tip to meet with Clea. The exchange very informative and he enjoyed her company as well.
Descent: Crash Course September 30th, 2024 The Vulture and the Rhino make some trouble while Spider-Man and Black Cat are out on patrol. Fortunately they are dealt with thanks to a little help from MJ, Cloak and Dagger, and Jacen. Captain Jean DeWolff saves Spidey from an unpleasant police entanglement.
The people you meet when you stop for a burger. September 29th, 2024 Jacen steps into the Burger Joint and catches a blast from the past when he encounters Jubilee.
New places, new faces. September 22nd, 2024 Jacen made his way to an off duty call and encountered April and on of her friends.
Knight of Jacen September 20th, 2024 Jacen and Diana meet about him gaining some new contacts for a search for some old relic coins!
Off shift. September 15th, 2024 Jacen meets an interesting woman after his shift. A friendly conversation between him and Minoke followed.
Coffee, the nectar of life. September 11th, 2024 Jacen had a good visit with MJ on his way out of the city for a few days. A good conversation blossomed.
New kid in Gotham September 9th, 2024 Jacen takes the wrong turn in Gotham and meets a Bat family member for his trouble.
Simmering at the Swordfish September 4th, 2024 Jacen Knight and Natasha talk about magic.
After math, coffee. October 31st, 2023 No description
Alternative Munitions October 17th, 2023 Alexander gives Jacen a little insight into the SHIELD experience(tm).
Merge into MODOK! September 29th, 2023 In which our intrepid heroes run into MODOK as he merges to form MODOK. Expect a toy soon!
Bad Traffic in NYC Harbor September 25th, 2023 Some Mafiosi try to smuggle humans... but their cargo is liberated!
Guns in the Kitchen September 25th, 2023 Jacen Knight and Wiccan prepare to enter a gun runner hideout.
Down south dining in the Big Apple September 13th, 2023 Jacen stopped in for some Cajun cuisine and encountered River stuck in a bad job interview. He enjoyed watching her chew out the would be employer.
The people you run into in the worst settings. September 10th, 2023 Jacen was driving out of the city when he arrives at an accident. Rogue was driving back to the city when she arrives at the same accident. The two work together to help people until fire and rescue can arrive.
Like the proverbial sore thumb. September 8th, 2023 Jacen went to the Triskelion to follow up on a lead. He encountered an unhappy Natasha and was glad she wasn't unhappy at him.
A Most Unusual Bank Robbery August 27th, 2023 Jubilation Lee, the former mutant turned vampire royalty is in desperate need of a meal. Jacen Knight, the mysterious paramedic and jeans model, catches a burglar trying to break in to the blood bank at New Hope Hospital in Westchester. Whoever could it be....
Hanging at the gym August 26th, 2023 Jacen showed his complete lack of baseball ability and got schooled some by Quiet.
After, after hours August 20th, 2023 Jacen met a fan by accident getting coffee after a triple shift. Beroe charmed him in her exuberance.
Cowboy and Indian August 1st, 2023 Jacen got a surprise visit from Wonder Woman.
=Bull in a Bookshop July 26th, 2023 A cowboy walks through the door... Jacen comes in as a customer, and Gabby sells him some tea. It's actually rather normal for the shop for once.
Power to Absorb! July 25th, 2023 A group of heroes stop the Absorbing Man from absorbing whatever he can!
Just a night off July 23rd, 2023 Three heroes meet at a bar, none of them aware of the others secrets. A few drinks and light conversation follows.
Is trouble everywhere in this city July 13th, 2023 Jacen encountered Julie in a park. A gang fracas ended with them depositing the trash.
Long necks and rednecks July 13th, 2023 Jacen and Inez random meet up in a dive bar. There was some fireworks.
Structural Disaster July 9th, 2023 Jacen got called into a scene and met Joan as the two did their jobs as needed. They exchanged numbers in case either had paperwork questions.
After work visit.... July 9th, 2023 Jacen's talents caught Phoebe's attention and she decided to seek him out to speak about it.
Emergency turned deadly July 8th, 2023 A routine emergency call turns out to be anything but routine.
Coffee and more! But not like MORE more... July 2nd, 2023 Felicity, Jacen, and Caleb all meet at random in a coffee shop!
THIS IS A WORKING TITLE OKAY August 1st, 2021 No description
Local Bar in Brooklyn May 23rd, 2021 April and Jacen share a few drinks and shoot the breeze in a bar in Brooklyn
Walking is the real Punishment May 16th, 2021 April meets the cowboy medic Jacen who helps her get her bike back after Punisher through her in the van and then dumped her off in a random part of the city.
Three's A Crowd May 16th, 2021 Noriko Ashida comes by Burger Joint at the end of Jubilee's shift, but the pair are caught in a comedy of errors. Jubilee accidentally agrees to a date with Bjorn Knutsen...right in front of Nori! Meanwhile, Jacen Knight's burger never comes. Bad service at Burger Joint.
Monsters Beneath May 9th, 2021 Spitfire finds herself beneath Manhattan, walking into a den of demonic dogs. Fortunately, Jacen Knight and Nazo Sarwani are along to help.
Stopping for a burger. May 9th, 2021 Jacen ran into Rogue for dinner and a robbery tried to break out.
Confused scum May 3rd, 2021 A few anti mutant bigots results in a fight gets a cowboy free beer. Does it get any better than that? Jacen and Shazam got some throw down time and Johnny pitched clean up, poking fun of the situation.
Longnecks and Rednecks May 2nd, 2021 New kid in town wanders into the path of Rogue and Jean Grey. Casual convo and beer drinking to follow.
New guy May 1st, 2021 6099 Jacen and Kaida had a tussel with some thugs.


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Jacen Knight has 44 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Jacen Knight has been credited in 0 shows.

Title Date Scene Summary
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Jacen Knight has been credited in 0 albums.

Title Release Date Artist
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Jacen Knight has authored 0 books.

Title Release Date Synopsis
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