15784/KGBot vs Capitalism

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KGBot vs Capitalism
Date of Scene: 03 September 2023
Location: Times Square
Synopsis: Scott Lang faces off with the dangerous relic of the Cold War KGBot!
Cast of Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Scott Lang

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
A new play was going to be opening in Times Square to promote a remake of a tv show for a limited run. A musical about spies living on opposite sides of the world finding love written in the nineteen seventies that was a gritty, realistic look at the stakes.
    The reboot? Was going to be a slapstick rom-com.
    For said play, various things had been taken out of storage from back-lots and some things purchased from the Communist Museum in Petrograd for 'authenticity' (by which we mean things tkaen from the gift shop and traded for vodka). Being unloaded now over, blocking off foot traffic in Times Square was a large forklift hauling a huge, heavy crate decorated with the Hammer and Sickle.

Scott Lang has posed:
"You sure this is the right career move, Darla? I mean you've got all those music awards and reboots that reboot this much?" He pauses for a moment. "I mean does anyone, besides me, remember Will Ferrell's Bewitched?" he asks his friend. "Fine. If you say it'll be good, I'll be there," he says before hanging up before. That conversaton took place a week ago.

And that's how Scott Lang finds himself in Time's Square. Getting tickets from an old friend because he missed the production run in Maryland. Kinks get worked out in that state before they hit Times Square.

Sitting in the audience, he looks about the place. No one familiar looks to be there. So, he just sits in a simple suit, button up shirt and no tie. "I could go for some popcorn," he comments idly. Sadly, these shows don't sell popcorn for NUMEROUS reasons.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
As Scott Lang goes along, there's a creak over from the large box over on the forklift. The lifter wheezes, and then bump sover one of the eternal potholes in Times Square from a superhero battle a few hours ago. Bump.

It's enough to have the ancient crate bouncing a moment.

Then, the front end cracks, revealing a bulky, huge looking red leg on some sort of statue wiht almost rusted paint. A very, very big statue that would if it was scaled up look like the Hulk or Thor in a pose off. It teeters on edge.. Then topples.
    It hits the ground, revealing an ancient looking robot that's painted mostly red with a huge, shiny hammer and sickle on it, a large beret on the head in the style of an old WW2 Commissar, and dead black optics. Then, ther'es a flash as the optics come online.
    "Where.. Is.." Eyes lfashing, the boop-boop-boop sound of an old dial up modem kicking in ping.

Scott Lang has posed:
"I didn't know Robby the Robot was a fan of Stalin. That's kind of weird," Scott comments as he looks at the robot. It's not -the- Robby the Robot, but tech feels just as dated. "Is it trying to connect to AOL?" he remembers the old stores about internet that made all the old noises.

Just in case he starts to rummage through hs pockets. "Where did I put it," he grunts and groans trying to search for something.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The robot hums to life. "LOCATION: TIMES SQUARE. CENTRAL AVENUE OF CAPITALISTIC OPPRESSIVE HEGEMONY. MUST BE DESTROYED FOR THE VICTOLY OF GRAND COMMUNISM!>> It goes to lift up an arm.. That turns into a flamethrower.. And goes to blast a huge streak of flame into the air towards the giant, horrible flashing neon billboard that has seizure warnings on it flashing brightly to let people known to have them to look away.

Scott Lang has posed:
Just staring at the robot, Scott is in disbelief. "Not even Hammer would want this," he pulls out something from his pocket. The man rushes forward, "Found it!" He says with excitement and it barely fits in the palm of his house.

Scott will vanish for a moment and the object in the palm of his hand, the Ant-Man suit shrank down. It's a little more cpomplex to put it on, but it beats having the thiing on all the time. Coming back out as Ant-Man, "Alright." He sees the flame throwing going for that sign still. "Yeah. I hated that sign, too!" he explains firmly.

Moving toward the red robot he jumps then begns to shrink drown, trying to see what is past all the spikes and armor.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
As Scott goes to shrink down, he comes first upon a possible issue. The thing runs on giant, semi-rusted gears and servos. And then he sees things he might not have encountered before inside for circuitry. Some sort of.. Small metal chips? Lights on them over like some.. Shiny sort of tube. Individual wires to be made out. This sort of thing could very conceivably be beyond his experience.

<<DESTROY THE CAPITALIST OPPRESSORS!>> It goes to launch a series of missiles over at the huge, ten story tall Coca Cola symbol.

Scott Lang has posed:
Scott Lang pauses. Seeing those tubes, he stops, "What in the Ronald Reagan is this?" Scott asks. Moving to the tube he starts to pull them off. With his added strength, Scott tries to pop one off. Then if possible, he tries to the same for the next one. "Do they still make these?!"

Hearing that rush of fire from the torch Scott just tries unplugging more of these tubes. They look more like old school lightbulbs to him. Either way, he's hoping unplugging these things will do something. He hopes this like pulling out microchips or a processing unit.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Scott goes to heroically unplug things! The robot fritzes, even as more missiles shoot out, going to blast over at a huge billboard advertising a large, very local dining establishment that was infamous for it's low quality of safety standards, but yet extremely popular amongst the celebrity crowd and continuously got shout outs. Joe's something or other.

The billboard falls towards the ground, where one of the Times Square dressup types going as some sort of desert-based lupine that has a far, far too high quality costume to be someone normally out here, can only look up at it and make a silent whimper while desperately clinging over to a large sign that he had taken with him into the square.


Scott Lang has posed:
Scott tries to continue going upward, but he's focusing on calling some Ant-Friends. He's concerned because it may take them a bit. They all have devices to short out more intricate devices, but he hoped something could be done to these gears. Scott will continue heroically unplugging things and hopes to find other things to unplug. "I'd kill for a microchip! A motherboard! Anything remotely modern!"

There's a pause, "Did he just take out Joe's!?" Scott knows it's close by and he figured if shorts get taken off course. "Did you just blow up my favorite greasy spoon?!" he calls out and moves with more purpose expecting the worst. "NOW YOU'VE MADE IT PERSONAL!"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The hapless lupine-based desert scavenger thing is flatteneed over by the falling things, the sign being flung along the ground lettered 'Mommy' on dry erase board. Even as the sign in turn gives a huge shock down it! The costume has to be heavily padded and insulated - even though it looks over on the small side! It has to be really advanced after all to look so good!

The unplugging grows more frenzied as the Bot starts to do a Russian Hat Dance. <<FOR GLORIOUS COMRADE STALIN!>>

Scott Lang has posed:
A sudden change in motion starts to jerk Scott back and forth. He'll start to fall catching himself along the way. Seeing he is going down, Scott will go down toward one of the legs, trying to find some more plugs. Whatever this thing is doing, Scott's trying to stop it. Now. "Last thing I need is this thing to Break Dance and start Breakin' 3: Communism for Thee!" So, the hero is trying to take away the thing's legs hopefully. Scott's just seeing how the robot's setup is further down. "Come on, give me something go for this Roger Rabbitin' Rust Bucket!"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
At least it's not Red Rocket! Or whatever one of those weird things from the Oktober Guard, the Russian Super Soldier Program/team/mutants/whatever (though being able to turn into a giant bear was still ana wesome power). He goes to keep on unplugging things, even as the robot starts to wheeze and slow down.

<<COMRADE LENIN, KGBot SHALL NOT SURRENDER TO THE PROLETARIAT! I SHALL DESTROY THE CAPITALIST OPPRESSORS FOR THE GLORIOUS WORKER'S REVOLUTION!>> It makes a last, desperate swing to try and aim around it's rocket launcher to point it at the McDonalds.

Scott Lang has posed:
He'll keep moving unplugging things, but he start to toss tubes toward gears further up. He wants to gum things up. Then keep moving lower. Scott is looking some kind of stabilizer as he down the leg more. Then an idea strikes him. Going into suit he pulls out a small disk with a red color. Then he'll toss it after a gear. A gear cannot work if it's missing. So, he tosses the shrinking disk to see what will happen when a gear or two will be missing.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
There's some fuzzing, spasming,a nd twisting over as the robot goes to curl up to a giant ball, flattening on the ground as the Soviet Natioanl Anthem plays in Russian, fireworks going off as the robot would twitch.

<<COMRADE STALIN, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN US!?>> Tumbling over and going still.

Even as a pimply faced teen wearing a McDonald's hat is being yelled at by a customer. "I wanted triple size fries, not double size! Now get me the proper size and I want to talk to your manager for such a lazy employee who can't be bothered to pay attention to simple details for a customer!"

... Then again maybe the Soviets were onto something.

Scott Lang has posed:
Feeling himself turning abut (again) and that loud anthem of the Communist. Scott grabs a few more red discs. He'll toss them haphazardly and then push jump toward a spot where he can shrink down furhter if need be to slip out. Letting the robot to roll wthtou him. Scott will turn back to regular size moments later. He looks toward the machine to see what it is doing.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The machine is off, the old lady is berating the teenage employee and going full Karen on him while he could just steadfastedly take it. Times Square will once again be going a quick repair project - for the third time or so this afternoon. The forklift goes to move forwards once more, a group of teamsters going to drag the robot back to it. One of them explains to Ant Man, "We gotta schedule to keep." For the play.