15833/Big F'ing Guns

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Big F'ing Guns
Date of Scene: 11 September 2023
Location: The Narrows - Miagani Island
Synopsis: Cap traces an exotic weapons shipment, arrives in Gotham just in time for a gang war using them. Batman, Batgirl, Red Robin and Oriole swoop in to save the day.
Cast of Characters: Steve Rogers, Barbara Gordon, Tim Drake, Phoebe Beacon, Bruce Wayne

Steve Rogers has posed:
The Avengers had learned about the arms shipment while investigating AIM, though the actual weapons themselves seemed to be produced by some rival faction rather than the Advanced Idea Mechanics themselves.

The exact abilities of the exotic weaponry still weren't known, which is why Steve Rogers made a priority of tracking the shipment down. Through some old fashioned detective work, that involved a minor after hours breaking and entering into the offices of a shipping company in New York, he'd tracked the shipment arriving in New York, only to find it had been loaded up onto another ship that had by now already docked in Gotham.

So it is that Cap rolls his motorcycle off the back of a Quinjet that he's landed at a GCPD helipad. <<Jarvis,>> he says over the Avengers comms. <<Can you please keep an eye out for anything that might indicate these weapons?>>

The mellifluous voice of JARVIS comes back. <<Tying you into a news feed, Captain Rogers.>> Over Steve's earpiece, he hears a news reporter talking about a series of explosions in The Narrows, and reports of laser-like beams shooting about and starting fires.

Steve frowns. "That sounds like it," he says to himself as he attaches his shield to his back and guns his engine, heading for the rough part of Gotham City.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Up in the lower gondola of the GGE Blimp, Barbara is seated at one of the tech stations. Wearing most of her Batsuit, sans the cowl, she's got her eyes down on a piece of her suit's tech that she's working on with a set of small tools. On a display beside her, an AI is telling Babs precisely what adjustments to make where, while it scans her hands as they work, observing from a technical standpoint.

She's just about to finish the work when an alert comes up on the station behind her. "Patch it in." Babs quietly says while she keeps working.

With a second of static, Babs starts getting a rundown of comm channels down on the ground offering the developing situation as it unfolds.

"Make sure everyone on the Bat systems is aware of this." Barbara tells her AI assistants.

Tim Drake has posed:
    It's patrol night, and Red Robin is out in the field, cape fluttering in the wind behind him as he leaps from one rooftop to the next. He's riding on the adrenaline high of the mugging he just put a stop to, so when the call goes out over the Bat communication network from Oracle he doesn't even stop to respond, just diverts his current trajectory a little bit more eastwards, aiming himself towards the Narrows.

    It's not far, just a neighborhood or two away, and a relatively straight shot over a series of residential buildings. Briefly he can be seen silhouetted against the night sky, blocking out the crescent moon overhead as he leaps across a street, the pull of his grapple gun dragging him to the other side safely.

    "<<This is Red Robin, on my way. ETA 3 minutes.>>"

    It's three minutes at a flat run, so when Tim alights on a fire escape and swings over the railing onto solid(-ish) ground, he pauses to take in a few breaths, steadying the racing of his heart. But that's all he gives himself before he climbs the last stairs up to the roof, from where he can take in the lay of the land.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Laser beams in the Narrows is not exactly a strong lead in for a relaxing night on patrol! However they do elicit a reaction from the most Goth-am family that they chose Bats.

    Oriole had been running her normal patrol skirting the China Basin when the alert comes through -- there's the skreee of motorcycle breaks as she makes a hard turn, and skirts an out-of-service bridge as the engine opens up in a roar.

    <<Oriole here, coming in hot. ETA five minutes.>> is her response.

    red Robin may be able to hear her approach long before she gets there, her own cape flapping in the wind, light coming off the helmet she's wearing for a properly dramatic run in

Steve Rogers has posed:
Eduardo Lopez had been a little wary of the new weapons. A local leader of the Escabedo Cartel, the weapons had been sent by his higher ups for help settling some viscious turf wars between the various drug dealers in the Narrows. But he'd followed orders, distributing the weapons to his crew before having them converge on a rival gang from several directions.

The first shot with his own futuristic-looking gun had blown up the apartment housing the Penitente Cartel's heroin stash for this block. Not just that apartment, but the ones on either side, and caved in the floor of the apartment above.

The guns given to his crew proved as useful if not quite as powerful. Laser blasts that tore through cars into their adversaries within. Some kind of sonic weapon that caved in the wall of a house from which return fire had started up.

In short it was a slaughter. In no time at all the return fire had died away completely. "Oye," Eduardo says into his radio in a mix of Spanish and English. "Let's take advantage of this, before anyone else knows what is hitting them. Continue on east, and let's take out the Odessa mob."

Grinning, Eduardo moves forward, taking up position a few blocks further on, while his men move into firing positions. "They see me!" one calls in Spanish. A few cracks of regular gunfire sound. The Odessa mob know something is up from the explosions a few blocks away. Eduardo turns and aims in the direction he thinks the shots are coming from, and the result is an explosion that blows out a two story building with a pawn shop downstairs and Russian gang members upstairs.

People are caught in the crossfire, some bleeding from the blast. Those who can move try to run even as bullets and laser beams begin to zip back and forth along the streets! There are about a dozen men in the cartel crew, though only half of that have the futuristic weapons. There were twenty members of the Odessa mob, though the first explosion already eliminated a few of them.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
As a couple of her people respond to indicate they are joining the fray, Babs rises up from her work station inside the Blimp's under-carriage. She reaches for her cowl, and slips the helmet on over her had, her red hair flowing out behind it as she fastens it on. Meanwhile, she's already started to stride across the room's interior, and turns herself around as she steps in to the lift...

The lift begins to ascend up through the blimp, until it reaches the upper levels. When the door opens, Babs starts to move out on to the landing zone built atop the super structure of the dirigible. Little fflashing yellow lights line the sides of the landing strip atop the blimp, and Batgirl's black and gold cape whips out behind her, billowing in the wind.

Babs approaches a small vehicle parked on the landing zone, she steps up inside it, and sits down inside its cockpit. The canopy slides shut, and within moments the whining engines of the small jet plane come powering on.

From below the blimp, with the clouds of Gotham city high above it, the curved shape of a Bat-wing plane shoots off in to the evening.

"I'm coming in from above." Batgirl says to her team, her control console lit up in front of her, casting a blue shade of light across Barbara's masked face, as she spies the chaos going on down below...

Tim Drake has posed:
    What Red Robin sees isn't good. The news report mentioning laser weaponry was warning enough -- certainly out of the ordinary among Gotham's usual small arms -- but actually witnessing the slaughter is something else entirely. Or at least, the remnants of it, which equates to one of the local Mexican cartels down quite a few members.

    Add to that the innocents caught in the crossfire, and Tim suspects the death toll will already be well into the double digits, and they're on the move. He knows they're crossing into another gang's territory, this time the Odessa mob, and Red Robin can only rush to try and keep up, coming in on the tails of the Colombians.

    He lands in an alleyway and crouches down, his footfalls near silent as he sneaks up on one member wielding the advanced weaponry and grabs him in a chokehold, pulling him back into the mouth of the alley and beyond, behind a dumpster where he leaves the unconscious man. "<<I'm on scene. They have advanced weaponry, I don't recognize the make. Uploading images now.>>"

    Soon, images pulled from his domino are available for anyone to view, giving a close-up of the gun he'd snatched from the man he'd taken down.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <<I chose the wrong armor tonight.>> Phoebe's voice can be heard on RR's comm sounding rather dire, and she releases a soft sound of disquiet, curling her fingers harder along the handlebars, her eyes narrowing as her bike roars into life, bringing the gray-and-orange clad batling into the fray, coming in low and fast, and sweeping the back of her bike forward as she hits the front brakes, knocking into some of the gang members in progress as she breathes out in a huff.

    <<ENough critial injuries occur I can quick-change.>>

Steve Rogers has posed:
As Red Robin takes out one of the advanced weapons, and Batgirl is zeroing in on the scene from above, the Odessa mob start to bring their own heavier weapons into play. A pair of assault rifles drastically increase the amount of bullets flying through the air. Oriole takes down a few more gang members, causing another with a handgun to turn and open fire at her!

A woman and her son run, bent over trying to keep from being hit as they were caught in between the two groups.

A loud reverberating sound echoes across the area as a sound wave hits a car behind which one of the Russian drug dealers was taking cover. It rolls overtop of him, resulting in a scream of pain.

The blast wave continues on, hitting an old beat up SUV that had just turned down the street. The tires blow off it, and a teenaged boy and two girls climb out, their ears bleeding as they stumble about disoriented. Caught in the middle, lasers and bullets impact the car.

Suddenly there's a roar of a motorcycle engine, and Captain America zooms onto the scene. He does a doughnut with the bike, spinning wheel laying down rubber as he spins it about, pulling his shield off just in time to deflect laser blasts that were likely to hit the teens.

"Come with me, stay behind my shield!" he calls to them. Cap reaches over, guiding one of the girl's hands to the back of the bike. She grabs hold, her other hand grabbing a friend to help herd them along behind Cap as he provides the off-balance group cover until they are able to duck down behind a low cement wall.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara had not flown this new model of Bat-wing before. It was just that, new, brand new. She'd been running active tests on its internal programs for weeks now, and the design was not all that unlike her squadron of drones. This one was just big enough to fit her, and came equipped with a few extra features.

As the Bat-wing soars down toward the area under siege, Batgirl draws up a targeting screen, and as the Bat-wing soars closer, and closer, she begins to open up with a strafing run of explosive smoke-pellets that pepper the warzone.

The intent is to take away the lines of sight that the criminals are using to kill one another.

"Running those images through some scans, Red Robin." Batgirl's feminine voice speaks through the team comms. "Keep safe down there, I'm laying down a blanket of smoke."

She equally doesn't have the stealth mode active on her little jet, which is entirely intentional as she screams by just over head, intending for the jet to be rather frightening to those on the ground, to further hopefully break up the fighting and make people think of retreat rather than further murderous intent.

Tim Drake has posed:
    Spotting the jet overhead, Red Robin ducks back out from the alley just in time for the smoke to blanket the area. He covers his mouth and nose with a rebreather to protect his respiratory system from it and then dives into the cover it provides, with a quick, "<<Thanks!>>" offered up to Barbara.

    He's looking for something specific, but in the meantime he delivers a right hook and then quick jab to the kidneys to a gang member that stumbles upon him out in the smoke. That's clearly not Red Robin's target though, and he scans the area with infrared until he spots two cowering figures. The mother and her son.

    There's no time for introductions, just a quick grab that steers both back the way Tim came, out of the smoke and the most dangerous area of the fighting, where gunfire and laserfire are being exchanged. He pushes them into the alley and spits out a quick "Run!" before he's diving back into the fray, a quick snap of his wrist deploying his staff to its full telescoped length from where it was previously magnetized to the outside of his thigh.

    "<<There's too many of them, we need to reduce their numbers first. Then I can help you triage,>>" he says over comms in reply to Oriole.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
<<Power down your gear.>>

The warning comes from the Dark Knight, sent out to the Bat family, with about 30 seconds of warning. 15 seconds later, the tell tale scream of the Batmobile's engine can be heard approaching from the distance.

Precisely 15 seconds later, it crests a hill and a brief flash of light shines down at the laser and gunfight happening before it.

At which point the Columbian cartel will find itself _vastly_ outgunned, as the automatic weapons of the Odessa mob continue to launch bullets at them at astonishing rate, while their own laser rifles have suddenly gone silent.

As the Batmobile careens past, a dark figure launches up from the cockpit as it briefly opens. A flutter of black in the air as a mass of Bat-shaped smoke grenades fire off at the Odessa mob, trying to disperse their firings as well.

The Batman lands upon a car a few feet away from Captain America. Close enough so his gravely grunt can be heard above the fray.

"Warn me next time you bring your kind of fight to my city."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <<Affirm, Red Robin. Looks like there's aready some we can't help-->

    Pewpew, Oriole's armor soaks some of the damage from one of the guns firing out, and she gives a soft squeak of a sound as something pings off her helmet. She twists around, revving her motorcycle back in gear to rendezvous with Red Robin, until that graveley voice comes over the coms.

    SHe skids her motorcycle, ducking it into an alley and powers it down as she changes out her helmet for her hood, and readies herself for the next wave.

    No laser fire.

    Her optics glow bright blue again as she powers everything on her armor back up, and she makes her way back out into the street.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Now that the three teens are out of the line of fire, Captain America turns back to the fight just as the Batwing passes overhead, leaving the wall of smoke between the combatants. His motorcycle sputters for a few moments as the EMP from the Batmobile hits it, but it's thankfully not a bike that uses electronics, and Cap guns the engine a few times, keeping it going until it passes.

He looks up and over at the black-caped figure who lands on the car nearby. "Just tracking a weapons shipment that passed through New York, not really who I'd been after. But apologies for not giving more warning, Batman," Steve Rogers says with a nod of his head towards the caped crusader.

Eduardo hears the jet blast by overhead, pointing the Big Gun up at it and setting off a blast. It misses but might create some turbulence for the plane. He notices the lasers have stopped, though his own gun appears to keep working. "Bats are here, we need to finish them quick!" he calls into his radio to the cartel crew.

Eduardo aims and fires another blast, this time blowing away a corner store whose corner had a gunman behind it. One of the assault rifles opens up, spraying bullets wildly hoping to hit Eduardo.

Captain America's attention focuses on the sound of the assault rifle, even if he can't see it clearly through the smoke. "I'll take that one," he tells Batman, and revs his engine to race forward.

Cap rises up in the motorcycle's stirrups and throws his shield. It passes completely through the wall just below a window where the gunfire is coming from. The sound of someone crying out inside can be heard. Cap accelerates rather than slows down, then hits the front brake and lets the front wheelie launch him forward to crash through the window.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Barbara's Bat-wing, much much lighter in armor and size than Batman's own, cuts engines and glides in via its repulsor-fans until its touching down on top of one of the buildings nearby. She's out of the cockpit by the time Batman is making his dramatic apearance, with her gold boots marching her toward the edge of the building. With one foot up on the edge, Barbara looks down toward the conflict below, her smoke mixing in with the smoke Batman himself brought to the fight.

"This is more heat than we've seen for awhile." She says over the team comms, her green eyes covered by eyelets that give her different visual spectrums to view the situation below in.

"Captain America, are you sure you didn't bring this trouble to us just to test our abilities?" Babs dryly jokes before she's disappearing over the edge of the building with a fluttering of her two-toned cape of black and gold.

Tim Drake has posed:
    The call from Batman comes just as the tip of Red Robin's staff collides with the jaw of a gangmember, the crackle of electricity emanating from it briefly lighting up the smoky surroundings as the man hit by it drops like a sack of potatoes.

    "<<Copy,>>" is Tim's reply, and then he's launching himself out of the smoke cloud so that he can take cover behind an overturned vehicle, where he takes a moment to turn off his suit's onboard computing system. The lenses in his mask turn transparent so that he doesn't lose visuals in the meantime, and he tosses out a shuriken or two to disarm a few of the Odessa mob while he remains hidden, ducked down as he is.

    Then the laser fire ceases, and that's the signal to move. Up over the car he goes in one smooth motion, using it as a launchpad so that he can land amidst those still armed with working weapons. He lashes out with a quick kick to bring one man to his knees, then turns to the other, who hasn't noticed him yet. His unprotected back is an open target, and Red Robin leaps at it, bringing his staff around to use as a chokehold on the man.

    As they struggle, he bites out a quick, "<<Wait, was that Captain America?>>" over comms.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
<<It wasn't Red Tornado.>>

The Dark Knight launches himself up into the air with a quick leap as he fires his grappling hook over at the building currently housing the Odessa gang, and with half swing half retraction of cord, he yanks himself up to the top of that building.

He makes a quick glance towards Batgirl. "You want to take one side, I'll take the other?"

He does not wait for an answer, beginning his way down outside of the building, rappelling quickly towards the opening from which they are firing while doing his best to avoid any other shots from Eduardo and whatever exotic weaponry is still functional.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Tim would get a text to his domino from Phoebe:

    <<( Y ) :usa_flag:>>

    <<It's a butt!>>

    She comes out the other side of the street from Red Robin, sending one of her throwing daggers into the fray as she flashes one of her rare side-long grins to Red Robin, the orange piping on her armor giving a brief glow as it comes up to full power.

    Her own staff spins as she comes up to speed, and leaps up to clobber one guy who had turned to shoot at Red Robin's chokeholding of his compatropt, making him tumble down face first before she rolls off him, and back-leg sweeps another.

    <<Looks like the EMP took care of most of the advanced weaponr-->>

    WHOMP. The sonic gun has gone off, and Oriole has to dive to take cover from a Toyota Camry that got launched from the sonic emission!

    <<HOLY CATS--!!>>

Steve Rogers has posed:
A man comes flying out of that second story window that Captain America had just gone in. He lands rough, but shouldn't have worse than bruises and maybe a broken bone or two.

A cartel member on the street below turns and fires up at that section of the building with a pair of handguns. Suddenly, Captain America crashes through the wall shield first, his fall landing him right on the gunman below.

Taking the man down, Steve Rogers straightens up and looks up towards Batgirl on the roof. "I'm afraid the trouble was mostly homegrown. We were monitoring AIM and got wind of someone pulling out of a business deal, and some chatter about another arms supplier. It wasn't until we managed to find the shipment that we realized it was being sent to Gotham," he calls up to her.

Meanwhile, the Odessa mob and the cartel both are starting to rethink the fight that's going on. What with smoke blanketing the area, and various gang members sighting Bats or even a star spangled hero in the vicinity. The wisest ones begin to start to slip away, though a few of them are still firing, enough to be a threat to the neighborhood.

Cap turns as the sonic weapon goes off, spotting Oriole through the smoke as she dives to the pavement to avoid the low-flying import. He runs over to her, reaching down a hand to pull her to her feet if she allows. "We'd better-" he starts to say as he spots the cartel member with the sonic weapon. He's taking aim at the two heroes.

As Cap brings his shield around, he tries to yell, "You really don't want to do-" but then the man fires. Cap ducks behind the shield, trying to pull Oriole down with him, and bracing himself for all he's worth.

The sonic wave hits his vibranium shield and is amplified back. The pavement itself curls and cracks from the strength of the blast. The cartel member just manages to duck behind a wall in time to avoid losing his head, quite literally. Though the wall itself flies apart and the man ends up knocked out cold.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Batgirl smirks at what Captain America replies with, before she is greeted by the arrival of her mentor and crime-fighting trainer. Batman gets a curt nod from the redheaded Batgirl, who is soon splitting off from him, for them to both move in tandem.

Barbara pulls out one of her jagged batarangs, and throws it out ahead of her, the little device getting air beneath its wings as it zips through a cloud of wafting smoke.

Its advanced cameras begin feeding her wrist computer a series of updates on fleeing cartel members, and she uses this to plan her attack.

Right as Batman begins his on the opposite side of the building, Batgirl sweeps in, with her cape fluttering behind her, delivering a swift leg-sweep to a fleeing cartel member, before she bounces back up to her feet.

A second cartel man comes charging in upon her, his frame imposing and twice her own size, but her Bat-suit is equipped with a strength enhancing skeletal system, and as the man moves to tackle the autumnal haired Batgirl, she's hoisting him up in the air and launching him through a side window, crashing through old dirtied glass, and out in to the trash filled alley beyond.

"They're fleeing." Babs' voice says over team comms.

"Sending in my drones to provide overwatch, and tracking of any who get away."

Seconds later, and a series of small black Bat-drones begin descending from the GGE Blimp high above in Gotham's skies. The small drones buzz through the air, fanning outward as the AI-controlled devices begin to lay down a network of cameras watching for fleeing criminals from this nasty fight.

Tim Drake has posed:
    The texts that pop up on his HUD earns a snort from Red Robin, which is not particularly appreciated by the man he's currently choking out. But he doesn't have any time to be offended for (mistakenly) thinking he's being laughed at, because down he goes, and after kicking away his gun Tim stands back up, taking stock of their surroundings.

    The sonic weapon goes off and he ducks, instinctively, even though he's not in its path. Either way it's time to clear out so that he's not standing out in the open, and he spots Oriole and then Captain America himself across the way, being aimed down on.

    There's nothing Red Robin can do from this distance, even though he already has a shuriken in his hand with the intent to throw it at the man with the sonic weapon, but it proves a moot point once he takes himself out. So instead he throws it at a man still firing conventional weaponry, knocking the gun out of his hand.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Just as Batgirl comes in from the south side of the building, Batman comes in from the north side. It is chaos within as what remains of the Odessa mob spins around, faced with capes flapping this way and that with fists and boots accompanying them.

<<Well done team.>>

As most of the mob seems to be dispersing, one of them makes the unfortunate decision to train his rifle inside at the flurry of caped crusaders. The Dark Knight swivels, using the momentum from his throw of another of the mobsters to launch himself into the air, two feet to the chest sending the mobster out the window. Following him down to the ground as the man lands in a pile of trash, Batman bounces off and spies the output of Captain America's shield.

"Please stop _literally_ destroying my streets, Avenger."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    She could flip back to her feet, but if an Avenger offers you a hand yo -- you really should take it. And hey, if you can't trust Cap to be a gentleman, who can you trust? Oriole grabs his hand, and then she turns as well to see the sonic weapon drawn.

    She ducks down with Cap behind the shield, turtling as much as she can, one hand coming up over her head before she draws another throwing knife out and whips it not at the Sonic Gun holder, but one of the guys still deciding to shoot with regular guns.

    There's an "AUGH!", and the clatter of a gun dropped and the guy running off.

    Go team!

    "Thanks for the cover." she offers to Cap, offering a fist-bump, but she does have to officially Not Smile.

    Which it appears she's struggling with.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers gives Oriole the fist bump back even as the man's blue eyes scan the lingering smoke for signs of anyone else still fighting. The sounds of the gunfire have faded out. There are some groans of wounded. Thankfully more of them are Russian mobsters or Columbian cartel members than innocents. Though there are a few of those.

Cap reaches his shield to his back and it affixes there as he turns towards Batman as the Gotham Knight levels the complaint about the state of the pavement. "Yes, sorry about that. On the good side though, I left The Hulk at home," Steve points out. His eyes sweep the area, looking back to Batgirl and to Red Robin, giving them both approving nods. "Apologies again for dropping in unexpectedly. I didn't know when I arrived if the shipment was still here or had been routed on," he says, gesturing with his hands, palms up on either side. "Looks like you have a skilled team, Batman," Cap says.

Barbara Gordon has posed:
Standing there in the dark of the building, Batgirl looks down at the man she'd swept the legs out from under. She raises her left wrist up to stare at the display, its eerie blue glow casting light upon her masked face. The man at her feet groans and attempts to roll over, but Barbara simply places her right booted foot upon his chest, applying enough pressure to keep him pushed on his back, his eyes looking up at her in surprise, and the strength coming through her leg making him drip droplets of sweat off his brow.

"Don't move." batgirl says, this time her voice modulated by her suit to reform her normally feminine voice in to one of a demonic slant. This causes the man to widen his eyes, and mutter something in Spanish.

A second later, and Babs lowers her monitoring display back down to her side, and she crouches. She begins to hog-tie the man with zip-ties, while he just quietly speaks a prayer in a hushed tone.

A gunshot rings out, a bullet splashing against Batgirl's armor, causing her to roll in a sommersault over the man she'd just tied up!

She comes up on to one knee, spins herself around, and throws a second batarang at the gunmen who'd just jumped out from behind a concrete pillar!

The Batarang slams blunt-end first against the man's throat, sending him sputtering backward as he fires off another bullet in to the concrete beside his feet!

Barbara rushes him then, bending forward and planting her shoulder in to his stomach, her cowled head tucked under his armpit now, as she slams him right in to the brick wall!

Soon the two are on the ground, and Babs is reaching for his gun! She grasps it in her gloved hand, summarily smashing it in to pieces that rain down upon the man who continues to choke while Batgirl slams her knees down in to his chest!

Just another night in Gotham City, right?

Tim Drake has posed:
    As the streets empty, Red Robin scans his surroundings one final time. All of the hostile-flagged targets that come up on his HUD are either already downed or pinpricks in the distance as they run away, though Tim knows Batgirl's drones will have those covered.

    Time for triage. He pulls the zipties from his utility belt and begins the tedious work of making sure everyone who's been knocked down and taken out will remain so, rather than getting back up to restart the fight.

    He catches Captain America's eye and tilts his head in acknowledgment, for now letting Batman do the talking here as he focuses on cleanup.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Watching as the Bat family bring this potentially catastrophic scene to a speedy resolution, there is a note of pride in Batman's voice as he hears the praise from Cpt. Rogers.

"I just have a good eye for talent."

He tosses a small device over to Steve. "Next time you're coming to town, use this. We'll hear."

And with that, the Dark Knight aims his grappling hook into the distance and fires, yanking himself off into flight. He swings into an alleway, and moments later the roar of the Batmobile presages the launch of the ironic vehicle as it tears off back from whence it came.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Oriole had given a smile at the fist dap, and had moved off to help triage. Unlike the other bats, her primary attention is set to medical triage. Stabilization, application of bat foam to wounds and -- quietly and without so much as a peep, expending just a little light healing magic to make sure no one dies on their way to the hospital, her AR assist on her domino leading her to the most injured as she goes about.