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Date of Scene: 24 September 2023
Location: Robinson Park - Miagani Island
Synopsis: An attack on a stone-cold bunker creates a further problem. Sounds go off into the night, and someone knows too much.
Cast of Characters: Cassandra Cain, Dinah Lance, Jason Todd

Cassandra Cain has posed:
This is all Jason's fault.

Hey, gotta start someplace. The bunker that used to be an old blast shelter is the lab that he's been hunting down, for ages. It was a perfect op, the drug pushers were pressed hard, and eventually led him back to this location. Unburied in an old earthquake, it's too tough to just bulldoze.

So what does he do? Scare them. Put the fear of God into them all. And they retreat.

The doors, locked from the inside, are designed to stop a bomb. So here we are, sitting outside the bunker, while the drug guys are inside, watching tv and napping.

"..." Cass says, and really, that's about the consensus right now.

Dinah Lance has posed:
This is /definitely/ all Jason's fault. Because if it was Dinah's fault, she would have unleashed a sonic scream or launched her bike through the door or... something? Definitely something. She wouldn't have missed that text and shown up to find her comrades in justice on THIS side of a big door.

Dinah woulda something'd the situation so much. And now she's just standing there in her full Black Canary getup, hands shoved in the pockets of her leather jacket, eying the reinforced door skeptically.

She glances sidelong at Cass and mutters, "You've got that right, sister."

She glances over to Jason, one eyebrow arching, "...Did you bring a bomb? I mean, I know the big guy gets all..." She pulls a scowly face for a moment, "About guns and stuff, but like... a shaped charge is a tool, right? Like an alligator, or a chainsaw."

Her eyes slowly drift back to that heavy blast door, lips pressing into a thin line.

Who builds a door like this? Inconsiderate jerks, that's who.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd has broad shoulders. He also doesn't care if he gets blame. Particularly if it results in shutting down another drug lab.

Except he hadn't planned on them being smart enough to move into an old bunker. That was a wrinkle that had to come out and at the moment he was short of ideas and shorter of temper.

Red Hood stands there, studying the thick blast doors, considering what goodies he has in the trunk of his car as Canary asks if he has a bomb.

"Sure. But even the thermite grenades I've got will fall short of burning through them."

The frustration is clear in his voice.

He looks at Cass then back to Dinah. "Uh. I don't mean this as a reflection of doubt but do you think your Cry would get us through this? I could weaken the door with my grenades first maybe?" He hates being without a plan. That's a rookie level thing Batman would chastise him for. Even if Batman doesn't always have the answers himself. He just acts like he does.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
For her part, Cass stares at the door for a moment. She scritches the side of her head thoughtfully, then hauls off and punches the door, hard. Those who are observant would note her sliding on her knuckle-protectors, which she keeps in her sleeves for easy access. Seems even the fabled hitter doesn't want to shatter her hands.

The impact has no give. Her eyes shift left to right, and she kicks the wall beside the door. Not seriously, just kind of toe-nudging it to see if it's given at all. The hardened, treated concrete shows no signs of movement.

Turning back, the silent girl makes a motion with her hand. She draws something on her chest, possibly a letter in a ...shape? Sometimes it's hard to tell what she's trying to say.

She's definitely not looking hopeful though.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah sighs and draws her hands out of her jacket pockets, knuckles cracking casually, head rolling and sending that blonde mane of hair flying for a moment, She gives a little bounce on the balls of her feet, hands lifting up, shifting into a classic boxing stance for a moment, eyes closing before she exhales and sighs out, "Okay, well, let's give this a shot... uhh... back up and cover your ears... Canary Cries are probably a register OHSA health hazard, so... uhh... talk to your union rep or something?"

She shrugs helplessly. Banter isn't always easy, you know? She does a bit of quick math, works the angles... yeah, no, she just steps up in front of the door about twenty feet back and draws a few slow, calming breaths, head dipping, eyes closing once she's sure Cass and Jason are not in fact in the line of fire.

And then Dinah's showing off why she's the most feared member of the Birds of Prey on karaoke night, and no it is /not/ because of her rendition of Call Me Maybe no matter what Babs and Helena claim.

That scream really /is/ more felt than heard, also somehow seen, the air rippling like a heat mirage over a scorching desert, sonic waves impacting the door and causing metal to crumple and flex, bolts and rivets popping... it's not enough to bring the door off its hinges, but it's pretty clear that those big reinforced hinges are barely holding together.

Really would be a shame if someone wedged some grenades in those new convenient gaps.

Jason Todd has posed:
Watching Cass, Red Hood just huh's.. as she punches the door. "I'm not sure concrete is going give that way.." there's a bit of a smile in his voice at least. He admires her effort. ANd considering some of the things she -has- accomplished, he'd put his faith in her finding a way to make this work honestly.

As Canary prepares to shout and let it all out, he nods and backs up well behind her while reaching up to raise the audio filters on his mask all the way to 11.

Watching with no little bit of wonder as the concrete does crack some, but those hinges getting exposed. That's the real impact.

"Nice Canary." He walks to the back of the matte black '69 Mustang Mach 1 he uses as his 'Mobile. Opening the trunk, he pulls out a bandolier of large canisters. Moving to the door, he studies the exposed hinges and calls to the others, "Might want to stay back for these too. The sparks will burn through anything organic." Like bodies.

He places two canisters against each exposed hinge and adds a small remote device connected to them.

Stepping back as well he looks to the ladies. "It's going to be bright. Three. two. one. Fire in the hole." He taps a button on his glove and the remotes detonate the thermite grenades in near blinding flashes of white-hot light and sparks. The heat can be seen to immediately start melting at the heavy hinges.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
OF COURSE Cass gets out of the way. She's got this talent for not misunderstanding people that means she's never in the way in the first place. Heck, she's probably already put in earplugs.

The fact that she may be cheating has, in fact, come up in conversation. But you have to admit that she, like everyone else on the team, is good at what she does.

Like Canary, loosening the cork so Jason can get the screw in place. Metaphorically speaking. Like the tools that he brought, bringing the door up to temperature.

Like Cass, backing up seven, eight steps. Planting her feet, and getting herself ready to run. And not telling either one until she's ready to move.


Cass starts to run at the door, and jumps into the air, landing on it with two feet, slamming all of her power into the center mass. The sound is inescapable, and she barely pauses before vanishing inside.

You two coming?

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah doesn't seem /too/ put out by that canary cry, even if she's breathing a little heavier than she was, and there's some sweat beading her brow, and her response to that warning is a little nod and a mute thumbs up instead of... you know, snappy dialogue.

She takes a few steps out of the line of the door because... like, they are /basically/ 'knocking aggressively' and someone's going to probably come check when their door explodes the rest of the way.

She turns away from the explosion because cool people don't look at explosions... well, mostly actually because 'self-employed florist' doesn't come with optical coverage.

Her ears are practically still ringing when she turns around to find Cass is practically already through the door. That girl is /fast/! Agile! Badass to the nth degree! ...She's totally going to beat up the losers in the bunker before they get in there if they don't hurry!

Dinah hoots and lets out a sharp two-tone whistle before she's springing forward, fishnet-clad legs driving her forward with speed and power, "C'moooooon tall, dark, and serious! She's gonna have all the fun without us!"

So much fun to be had!

...Well, not for the drug dealers probably. But they don't count.

Jason Todd has posed:
Watching as the thermite fizzles out, the hinges still glowing orange as they twist and melt away. As Orphan kicks the now breached doors down with a heavy *crash* of concrete and dust rushing out from under them, Red Hood looks away on instinct. It isn't like he'll get dust in his eyes with the mask on. Turning back, Orphan is gone and inside with Canary following her and teasing him about being slow.

"Don't worry Tweetie Bird. I'm just here to bat clean up for you ladies" is his reply as he begins walking over the shattered doors and draws his pistols. The glow of his optics shows his location; but the enhanced display he sees makes the darker tunnel as clear as daylight.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
It is dark inside, so the enhanced optics make sense. The occasional red emergency light in the ceiling offers some form of vision, but then the flashes of gunfire offer more! Apparently whoever was inside is fond of fully-automatic weaponry. It's like they don't like visitors! So rude.

The enclosed spaces make it, if anything, worse. There's nowhere to dodge to, and you're walking into a kill zone. Where is Cass? She had to have gone this way.

Wait, is there another route? A quick glance to one side suggests..maybe..yes! She went into this small side-duct. Which could fit others, if they're you know. Flexible.

Saves on gaining weight from walking into a leadstorm.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah's intense /scowl/ at that Tweetie Bird remark is unseen, because she ran ahead... which, arguably, is what earned the remark. When oh when will she learn? Not now!

Well, she's not going to learn not to snark fellow snarkmasters now. Because she's running up to that crossroads, frowning... hmm... definite killzone up ahead... definite /tight squeeze/ to get in that vent.

She frowns thoughtfully and chooses... option three!

Dinah's leaning against the wall, left knee bent, heel resting on the dusty concrete, arms crossed, head tilted just so when Jason catches up.

She perks her eyebrows up and jerks her head towards the hallway, "Hey, tall dark and clearly brought bodyarmor... care to go first?" She heaves out an exaggerated sigh, "Looks that can stop traffic don't stop bullets. Don't even really slow them down."

Lips purse in a sullen little pout, "But I mean... you've got this! Go get 'em, champ! I'll be right behind you!"

Jason Todd has posed:
Let it never be said Jason has a fear of death. Or in this case a fear of deaf. Given the teasing of Canary it's more likely than not isn't it?

As he moves up to Canary's location he doens't stop though he slows to a walk. Pistols raised, he nods, "I wouldn't have it any other way. Though y'know, you really should ask Mrs. Santa Claus, I mean Oracle, for bullet proof fishnets. Some day real armor might come in useful even with those Rock Star looks." Shots fired! Then more shots. These from his pistols as he spots and begins shooting at the would-be defenders of the drug lab. At least his rounds are stun rounds.

Taking three rounds to the chest (yay for armor), Red Hood's strike true with the crackle of blue arcs of voltage as the taser rounds knock their targets down.

"Orphan, two coming behind you." He knows she has a level of awareness off the charts but he's being a team player. Mircales do happen.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
IT'S A BULLET PARTY AND EVERYONE'S INVITED! Jason is going to bruise in the morning, you gotta feel those hits even through the armour. Yes I spell it British style, sue me. There's enough slugs being thrown to start a minor war, and Canary's hiding behind him seems almost the smartest move right now.

Of course it can't last forever, and there's the opportunity to leap in soon enough. So, whatcha waiting for, an engraved invitation?

One of the guys, lights still low, is on the radio in the back. Yes, an actual radio. Who uses those anymore? "Grigori, we're losing position. Bunker down, repeat, bunker down. What should we do?" The line, unfortunately, gives back only static. Which is an answer, in a way.

Cass is, of course, doing something all her own. Another door slams open, and two guys are thrown through unceremoniously. Like sacks of grain.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah heaves out a sigh, "Hey, how do you know these fishnets /aren't/ bulletproof? If they are do you have any idea how much they cost? I'm not going to just risk them getting ruined when you can draw fi- ...make a grand entrance!"

Dinah really doesn't wait after Jason draws their attention, sprinting into the main room and leaping up onto and then off of a table to headscissor a drug dealer and whip him around to launch him face first into a concrete wall.

Poor radio operator doesn't reach Grigori, and his radio dispatch days are going to be over for awhile unless he can dispatch through a straw.

Dinah's up and sprinting forward to leap through the air and deliver a flying knee to his face, sending him sprawling away from the radio.

Because, you see, she is the /nice/ vigilante. She's merely kicking people very hard and not tasing them or anything.

Hm. Taser fishnets? No, no, that would just be /ridiculous/. Also Gotham rains a lot. It wouldn't end well.

Jason Todd has posed:
Red Hood is busy shooting and being shot at, aka drawing fire so Canary can go in and do what she does best which is not so different from what Orphan does best - butt kicking for good-ness.

However, the moment 'Grigory' is mentioned, his mask snaps toward the man on the nonresponsive radio. As the last of the defenders of this formerly well protected lab are put down with taser rounds, round houses, or five-finger death punches, Red Hood moves toward the radio. His demeanoer changes from 'willing to take a bullet while putting down bad guys' to 'Taking anyone in his way down so that he can get to that radio without a care for his own safety'. Not that anyone is left to stop him.

He focuses on the radio, looking at the frequency and noting it. It's like the name 'Grigory' was some sort of trigger for him.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
There's static on the radio, even as Canary is finishing off the rest of the room. Then, oddly, quiet settles on the area. Cass is probably off taking down the nooks and crannies, she's good at dark corners, so that leaves the main theatre of the stage for you two.

And it does not disappoint. The radio crackles, and then there's a voice.

*Sssttassume that you are no longer my employee speakingssskkktt.* Then, it waits for someone to respond on our end.

Dinah Lance has posed:
Dinah idly brushes her knuckles on her jacket lapel as the radio crackles back to life, sweeping her gaze around to see if she can pick out any important papers in the dim light.

Then she's eying the radio skeptically, glancing to Cass and perking an eyebrow... then to Jason, and perking the other to join it.

"I think this is on you, pal. I don't think he's gonna buy either of /us/ is... Boris or Dimitri or whoever."

She shrugs helplessly. Hey, some developments even /she/ can't punch her way out of.

Jason Todd has posed:
Red Hood doesn't pay attention to the clean up. Orphan has it. And Canary. Picking up the pigtailed mic, he stares at it a moment.

"Your powers of observation are better than your ability to stay hidden, Grigory. Don't worry. I'm going to dismantle your operation until there's nowhere left to craft your drugs. Then I'm coming for you."

Not one for small talk, and definitely one to act impulsively, he drops the mic, raises a pistol and empties the clip into the radio in a shower of shorting and sparks.

Red Hood looks to the others, "Lets get this place burned out and get out of here. He won't be using this lab again." He holds the bandolier with several remaining thermite grenades.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Days later, some homeless inspect the location. They push past the police barriers, limited only to some yellow caution tape; GPD is short funded, as always, and can't stay to watch the place. In fact, it takes less than a week before the bunker is home to new druggies, new pimps. New homeless and people with nowhere else to go.

But in the end, it will be alright. Because we keep coming back, too. Until the end of everything. But for tonight, we simply have a radio message to track down, and that's first.

Someday though. Some day.