16336/Hell of a boy
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Hell of a boy | |
Date of Scene: | 14 November 2023 |
Location: | Rec and Res: Triskelion |
Synopsis: | Hellboy shows the BPRD to Stefani |
Cast of Characters: | Hellboy, Stefani Houston
- Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy had a check-in meeting with the BPRD. Abe had been doing research, mostly, helping to organize the group archives that had been transferred from the team's old base to the Triskelion. Hellboy never felt quite at home here - too chrome, too shiny, too modern. He preferred it when they hid away in abandoned castles or delves into the depths of massive caverns to find their headquarters.
Ah, well. Times changed. Like how he couldn't smoke his cigars up here either. If it had just been somebody hassling him about it, he'd have done it anyway, but there would be alarms and probably some drone trying to spray him down with extinguisher gunk. That shit tasted terrible.
With his meeting over, he's lingering in front of one of the vending machines, counting coins in the palm of the massive Hand of Doom, one at a time, "1.73 cents. Two pennies short. I remember when this shit cost a nickel."
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Change wasn't easy, in any variety of the sense.
Stefani had endured a lot of drastic changes in her life as well. Having been forced to exile herself for nearly a decade in to the wastelands of a far away desert, she certainly did feel this was a big upgrade from those days. Shiny and fancy new buildings were a good change, for her, right? Of course it also meant there were a lot of people around, and she feared for their safety for a number of reasons.
Dressed in a black bodysuit, minus the sleeves, the younjg looking woman is rounding a corner when she sees the big red man poking at his palm. A smile spread across her pink hued lips, and she suddenly appeared beside him, offering him a palm full of quarters that she'd just pulled out of a dark green fanny pack hanging around her hip. She says nothing, just smiles up at him, and makes the friendly offer of extra quarters, should he need them.
Whether or not he knows her beyond random passing-bys around here is anyone's guess, but she has made a bit of a name for herself out there in combat situations...
- Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy has probably seen her on the occasional strike team. He got called in to do regular SHIELD work now and again, usually when they wanted to leave big fucking holes in the walls. Hellboy didn't pull stealth duty. He carefully takes the offered coins and his massive jaw shifts as he gives a big grin.
"An angel appears," he says. "...Quiet, right? I think I've sat with you on a plane now and again before we got dropped into the shit," he says.
He plops in the required coins and presses a button to get a Big Red cream soda. He unscrews the cap and takes a long sip.
"Ahhhhhh. Ain't had one o' these in a long time. How're things going? Killed any good bad guys recently?"
- Stefani Houston has posed:
When he takes the coins, and moves to slip them in to the machine, Steff steps out of the middle of the hall and takes up a position on the side of the machine. She holds that soft smile at him, and even nods in affirmation to his question of her alias. The latter question just gets the young looking woman to raise a hand up to which it is there-after wobbled.
Her other hand retrieves her smart phone from her fanny pack, and she's quick to glide her thumb across its screen, the device doing the talking for her via a intricately designed app.
"They were all very bad." The melodic voice says through the device for her, which Stef reacts to with a faint smirk. She glances at his drink, and then back to her device...
"I found a bunch of those in the storage room boxes. They hide all the best stufff here in places they don't think anyone will look. But I look... I always look." She had typed out on her phone, emphasizing it with another smirk.
"I enjoy your help on missions. I am always more confident in a win when you're there to punch the enemies."
It's amazing how fast she can thumb together a sentence like that...
- Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy is used to people having to communicate in unusual ways. His best pal lived underwater and, before he got the new digital set-up, he used to have the croakiest voicebox in the world. Hellboy has always been among those who are different, of course.
"I appreciate that. I don't always get to watch other folks work much, since I usually end up chin deep on the front line getting shot in the face," he laughs. "My own fault for bein' so shootable, I guess. It's good to get out and do things that aren't the usual monster hunting. Doin' a different kinda good, I guess. Plus, fighting humans is so much easier."
- Stefani Houston has posed:
"They are squishy." Stef thumbed out her response to ffighting Humans, chasing it with a playful expression. She watched a couple of people meander by, chatting with each other over random SHIELD business, beffore her eyes darted back to him.
"Are you still doing much monster hunting?" She asks through the use of the device, her green eyed gaze going back and forth between it and him. "I would be a liar if I didn't say that line of worked ffascinated me. But, I have been fighting Humans for a long time. Perhaps inversed from your situation."
She smirks again before she turns to the vending machine then, and her eyes begin to roam its selection of offered treats... she does love treats.
Biting down on her bottom lip softly, she takes a second to dig out the change to get herself something. Soon there is a candy bar dropping down to the chute at her knees, and she crouches to retreieve it with a gingerly motion and a happy look upon her face.
Everyone who gets a candy bar should look this happy.
"Are you here for a upcoming outing?" She asks then as she juggles candy and phone...
- Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy sips his soda, "Oh yeah, always somethin' croppin' up. Been a lot of fish people lately, but maybe they'll go south for the winter or somethin'. I bet my pal Abe's got a chart o' their migration patterns or some such shit. Part of what I was here to talk to him about today," he says.
"If you like and I get enough of a line to put a team together, maybe you can go huntin' with me sometime, then," he says.
He shakes his head, "Not as far as I know, yet, but maybe I should poke around, see if anybody needs a big demon bastard for somethin'."
- Stefani Houston has posed:
A nibble is taken from the candy bar before Stef eyes it in a way that suggests she's never had this kind before, and perhaps isn't sure about it. It's a Payday, though, and everyone loves Payday right?
Her stare goes back up to his very crimson face, and she casts him another soft smile, along with a decisive singular nod indicating she'd be up for being on a team of monster elimination or prevention. She has to drop her eyes down to her phone again where her nimble thumb taps out another sentence block... "I am up for the challenge, and experience." the device says for her, while its owner continues to nibble at the candy bar as though she's still trying to figure out if she likes it or not...
Sticking it in her mouth, with the half-unwrapped packaging bunching up around her nose and chin, she taps on her phone with intent.
"Who is Abe?" The phone asks for her, as she plucks the candy bar once more from her lips and chews on a little bit of it.
- Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy sees her slowing a little on the candy, cocking his head, "Nothin' but nuts," he says. "They make a kind with chocolate on 'em. I like that a little better. I do like salty an' sweet, though," he says. "And I like a woman who's up for a challenge. I used to have to go into battles alongside fellas that looked like Norm from Cheers."
He nods down towards the BPRD area of the Triskelion, "Abe Sapien, from the BPRD, my old unit. We ain't active as much in the field anymore, between WAND and regular SHIELD ops, which is why I get lent out so much. He's kind of a fishman. He don't talk about it much, I figure it's none of my business. Smartest guy I know."
- Stefani Houston has posed:
When he speaks of the candy bar being all nuts, she stares back at it and just glowers in a very slight fashion. Her eyes trace over to her phone again, which in-short responds with: "I prefer all chocolate." But she does take another bite, indicating she's at least a trooper.
But when Abe is elaborated on, Stef's eyes look back to Hellboy's own, and she tilts her head ever-so-slightly before she seems curiously piqued by this information. A moment is taken to tap another response out.
"Does he take visitors?" The phone asks for the woman. "He sounds like fun."
It might be a strange way to describe Abe, but she's not exactly a normal woman either.
She spares a glance in the direction of the BRPD area, but it's a part of the Trisk she's never been in before, that or WAND for that matter.
- Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy smiles, "I think he'd be glad to have a visitor. If I could escort you, of course," he says. It doesn't take too long to get there, just a few hallways here and there, until they're in what used to be some sort of storage area. Now it's being lined with bookcases and old specimens, the leavings and trophies of the BPRD, built up over the years. They had offered to warehouse it all away in some anonymous place, but Abe, Red and the rest could bear to part with the stuff. It, more than any one location, had been home to them, those piles of strangeness in which they had all grown up, in one way or another.
"Abe's lab is down at the end of the hallway," he says, "My office is over there. Probably a little dusty," he admits. A quick peek inside shows a jumbo sized chair and a big oak desk, with a second door leading back into Hellboy's quarters. "The staff's been feeding the cat, at least."
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Stefani is elated to get a guided tour of the place, and as they'd set off on it, she'd continued to take testing nibbles of the candy treat, while also offering waves and smiles to a few people who called her name out along the way. When they reached the BPRD location within the Triskelion, her eyes begin to roam over it, as she is lead along.
When he pops open the door to his office, she peeks inside a second or so later, and takes another bite of the candy bar. "You have your whole own office, and you don't even use it?" Her device asks for her, after her thumb graced across the screen's reflective surface.
She'd cast a sly grin at him before punching out another comment. "If I had an office, it'd be where I basically would choose to live."
But then again, rumor has it she lives in a van down in the parking garage!
"Very nice though." The phone speaker announces, as its owner roams her eyes over the interior, before glancing where Hellboy had said Abe's place was.
- Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy opens the door to Abe's office, the two of them being met with a spluttering noise as Abe is caught off guard, "Great Scott, Red, you startled me. I was just in the midst of having my prawns. Ah, and accompanied by a young lady. Abe Sapien, at your service, ma'am. Any friend of Hellboy's...is probably very tolerant," he teases.
"Yeah, like you're such a prize," Hellboy kids his old pal. He'll allow Quiet to introduce herself as she pleases, tossing the remains of his soda in one of the trash receptacles and heading over to a box in the corner, reaching in to get some extra ammo for his pistol, just dumping a couple of boxes into the pocket of his oversized coat.
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Needless to say, when Quiet sees the living space of Abe Sapien, she's enthralled. The brief exchange between the two friends has her eyes casting from one to the other before a big grin plays across her pink hued lips. She separates from Hellboy, her black leather combat boots carrying her toward Abe's tank, while her eyes are busy taking in the sight of it all, she types something on her phone's screen.
"Stefani." She introduces herself to him. "Most call me 'Quiet' though. Because I am restricted from vocalizing words." It's complicated, and SHIELD even makes her do monthly tests to check on it in a controlled environment.
"I love your space here." She tells Abe, as she glances back to Hellboy filling his pockets with bullets, which has her showing a grin before she looks back to Abe. "He spoke highly of you, so I had to meet you." She taps out, still clutching a third of that Payday bar still in her left hand, wrapper crinkling.
- Hellboy has posed:
Abe chuckles, 'He spoke highly of me? My word. A first time for everything," he jokes. "Stefani. The pleasure is all mine, I assure you. In what way are you restricted, dare I ask? Is your voice so powerful it would put us all in peril?" he says.
"Don't get used to it," Hellboy says to Abe, "I figured you might need someone other than me coming down to keep you company now and then. I keep getting dragged off halfway across the world and most of the others are lent out to WAND at the moment. I don't need you goin' crazy from loneliness in here while I'm knee deep fighting jungle dragons or some shit."
Abe sighs. "I would protest, but, in truth, you are correct. I could do with more company. Especially if you have any interest in the organizational arts. I'm still sorting through the archives and a set of hands that didn't require me gearing into my suit would be excellent."
- Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet listens to their friendly banter with an expression of great enjoyment touching her facial features, like watching two friends from the point of view of someone who has never had such a connection with someone before. Her stare went back to Abe though, and she tapped out another response for him.
"Many years ago, I was saved through questionable medical means. This included a dormant virus that would activate if I spoke fully formed words. It was designed specifically for the English speaking, though it has a slim chance of propogating from any spoken word. I am multi-lingual, but in fear of harming others, I choose not to push the envelope." She pauses before adding with another series of thumb taps. "It is allegedly inert now, but... still the fear is too high for me. I do not wish to harm innocents."
She takes another nibble of the candy bar then, before wadding up the wrapper and stuffing it in to a side pocket of her fanny pack. Her eyes look between Hellboy, and Abe once more.
"I would be happy to swing by as often as you would like. Bring you whatever it is you need." She adds across the use of her smart phone, and that fantastic app that seems to know what she's typing before she even finishes it.