16439/Rooftop Shenanigans With Sniper Rifle

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Rooftop Shenanigans With Sniper Rifle
Date of Scene: 28 November 2023
Location: Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: Quiet is tracking some critters and Matt offers to help, so long as she doesn't shoot at him.
Cast of Characters: Stefani Houston, Matthew Murdock

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet lost the physical need to eat food a long time ago. As strange as it might seem to some in this wild world, she gets the bulk majority of her nourishment from being out in the sunlight. the sun was down already though, on this cold November night, and Quiet is perched on a rooftop with a little battery operated space heater beside her left hip, pumping warm air across her form. She's posted up on the ledge of a building in Hell's Kitchen with a rather intimidating rifle deployed on a tripod, and though the young looking woman doesn't NEED to eat food, she's currently chewing on a Snickers bar, while periodically peering through the high powered scope mounted atop the center mass of her impressive rifle system.

chew chew chew chew, paper crinkle. Peer...

The scope of the rifle scans across a series of industrial buildings near the Meat Packing District. What is she looking for? Who knows.

She's dressed in a sleeveless black bodysuit with her hair tied back, and a black ballcape on her head, with the brim turned backward in pure 'Cool girl Mode' as she takes those peers through the scope, and takes other moments to pull the wrapper further down on the King Sized Snickers bar, before nibbling another morsil of chocolate, peanuts, and caramel goodness.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
    This time of year plays havoc upon the people of New York. It's not just the change in clocks, nor the slow ebb of the temperature. Though some of the symptom of that do cause an amount of stress. It's a combination of things. The way the sun falls to hide behind the horizon so early. The way the air pressure has changed to make the sky feel heavy, almost oppressive in some ways. But it's also how the city moves and flows that subtly affects people. For everyone seems more drawn inward and in a rush to get where they're going out of the cold.
    And for someone like Matt Murdock, the Man Without Fear, it affects him doubly so.
    Which might be why he was so slow on the uptake in this moment. Perched upon the edge of an old tenament building, his head turned slightly to the side. The first thing that caught his attention was the slight... tang of gunpowder and steel and gun oil. Not something too out of the ordinary, though in the quantities now, and the quality. High powder count, refined. Large caliber. He started moving and avoiding sight lines as he closed the distance, landing softly upon an old water tower.
    He had in that moment his first hint of the gunman... no, gunwoman. The scent of weaponry and sweat at... caramel? His eyebrows behind the mask rose. Yet perhaps the most curious thing was the way the woman in her nest, ready to send rounds downrange... how her heart, her manner... it seemed unassailable and calm.
    He decided to move closer.

Stefani Houston has posed:
There was a quiet calmness about this strange woman, as she was just casually enjoying that large candy bar, only pausing her enjoyment of it to take random views through the large scope atop her rifle. That space heater beside her had a soft hum to it as well, helping to keep her from freezing solid when wearing questionable attire for this weather type. All in all she didn't seem like she should be staring through a giant weapon like she is, but rather a photo lense, as she had the air of some kind of photographer capturing shots of a sprawling urban environment. But no, she's using a rifle that looks like it could blow a hole in the side of an Abrams tank...

Her left hand went back to adjust her cap by its brim, before running bare fingertips through her long ponytail swaying behind her shoulders across her back clad in that bodysuit. She leaned down again to peer through the rifle, while the Devil of Hell's Kitchen was sneaking up on her from behind.

Did she know such a super hero patrolled this neighborhood? Who knows, either way though she's definitely suspicious enough to warrant observing, or outright confronting.

A horn honks down at street level to the west, with the quiet sounds of New Yorkers shouting curses at each other, likely a normal traffic jam situation, and it even garners the Sniper's attention for a moment, but she only glances normally in that direction, and does not adjust her scope to aim toward them, as it is kept trained on those buildings inside that industrial campus several blocks over across an old park with worn out playground equipment.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
    From a point above, perched upon the edge of the rooftop's lip on the building nearby, Daredevil takes a read of the woman below and not just her weapon, but what could be down range of it. No clear way gauging what the target might be, or how soon she's about to fire. At least she's not hunkered down and holding her breath. So he tries the direct approach.
    She might hear the first faint 'click-clank' as the baton settles in his hand, then she'd hear the slight scuff of a boot that carries on that rooftop, more noticeable than that ubiquitous traffic noise so far below. A sound made to let her know she's not alone. Then if that's not enough...
    "Maybe it's just me. But I get antsy when I see a .50 long rifle is set up on a rooftop in my part of town."

Stefani Houston has posed:
Mere moments before he arrived she'd taken another small bite out of the Snickers bar, and by the time he announced himself, she was peering through the rifle scope again. His weapon being adjusted caused her to look up, his voice caused her to spin around. Her green eyes met his masked faced, and she simply stared at him in surprised silence for a handful of trickling seconds...

She must be about to formulate an excuse for him as to why she's up here doing this, right? Or she's about to bolt...

What follows though might be unexpected for Matt Murdock.

The voice of an old timey Speak'n'Spell can be heard speaking out. "Merry Christmas. I like your suit." The old child's toy says as the sniper holds it in her lap, rapidly tapping away on the plastic covered keyboard dominating its face.

Stefani looks up with a happy expression for him, not yet knowing who this man was, or that he was blind.

Some distant muffled curse words can be heard over the edge of the building down at street side, as the two men are telling each other what they did to their respective mother's on the previous evenings now.

"Would you like a Snickers?" The speak'n'Spell asks now after a few light thudded fingertip touches preceeded its question.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
    A subtle hint of tension entered his stance, barely there, barely perceived. Just a slight brush of the toe of his boot along the gravel of the rooftop, creating a small furrow in that dusty surface. A slight shifting to the side, hips turning ever so subtly. His head lifts and tilts as if he were looking into the distance. But then when that Speak'N'Spell starts offering a few words... that causes his brow to knit behind that mask.
    His head turns back again, not quite looking directly at her, more to the side as if trying to get another angle on her. Then he seems to remember she 'spoke' and he replies.
    "Thanks. I think."
    Though it might not seem like it, he's keeping tabs on the neighborhood. The roil of the city, the growl of the people below. He'd be a little more concerned if it weren't for the fact the two men yelling at each other had made a habit of shrieking at each other the last ten years. So for now... Snickers Girl has his attention.
    "No, thanks. Though I'd appreciate you telling me why you're here."

Stefani Houston has posed:
Stefani had time to view him a little more now as he reacted to her Assistant's mechanical voice. She looked him over in his fancy costume, and could tell he was likely one of the more prominent Supers in this city, though her knowledge of them all was a bit limited, as it had never been a thing she'd really paid much attention to until the past year or so. The Avengers, the Justice League... she knows most of those ones by name, let alone look, but these Street-based ones... they're harder to find concrete information on.

She stares at him as he asks that question though, and a small smile touches her pink hued lips. She gently nods her head as she moves the Speak'n'Spell aside, then reaches for a pocket to pull out her cell phone, the pocket being on her left thigh, the motion could be one that might startle Matt a bit, but she soon has the phone out, with the unlocking snap sound audible on the cold night wind.

A more melodic AI voice suddenly speaks up in lieu of the Sniper speaking for herself.

"Hello. I am Agent Stefani Houston, SHIELD. I am on assignment in this neighborhood tracking down a number of escaped laboratory experiments that were set free by bone headed Activists who thought it a wise idea to release the laboratory animals in to the city, rather than leave them in the safety of the laboratory's facilities."

All while her phone speaks for her, Stef glances at her rifle, then back at Matt, the barrel of the gun still aimed down range toward those buildings with the darkened windows.

Stef spends a moment tapping out a few additional lines, before the phone speaks further.

"My intel providers said that a pair of the escaped animals were seen in the vicinity of the Noxco Campus across the park below. My rifle is loaded with tranq darts, not live ammunition."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
    One of the benefits of having these heightened senses, he can pick up those small cues, those small tell-tale hints of manner and motion that lets him play it off when she makes that turn and reach, letting him know that she's going for something flat and likely not a weapon. Then again he is on edge, yet he plays it off well. The Devil of Hell's Kitchen after all.
    She introduces herself. But when she hits that word, 'SHIELD' she can sense likely that shift of tension. No dissembling detected in her voice, she believes what she's saying, feels like the truth. And SHIELD gear... that would make sense.
    She mentions the escaped animals, and whens he does so he lifts his chin and his lips part. "That explains it then."
    Though what exactly it explains he doesn't elaborate on. He nods and says, "Noxco." His brow furrows and he nods.
    "If that's so, I can save you some time. Maybe." He turns and steps toward her, then past, his shoulder turning just enough so as to not brush too close. He plants a foot on the edge of the building, standing next her outlook. Then over his shoulder he murmurs, "I can take a swing by the Campus, let you know if they're in that area. Then sweep back. You think you can cover me at range?"

Stefani Houston has posed:
When he reacts by walking closer, and joining her on the edge of the building, Stefani simply watches him now as he speaks back to her. He's an interesting one, to her at least. There is a calm grace about his movement, a confident stride and a capable air about how he carries himself. At first, admittedly, she thought he might be a comic-con attendee who was taking his cosplay a little too far, but with how he moves, and that question that he asks, Quiet spares a glance toward the campus of warehouses and offices before she looks back to him.

her phone simply speaks for her to answer his question. "Yes." the voice says, with a small pause before her thumb strokes over its screen to piece together another string from the AI recommended choices. "There is a Cougar and a large Ape of some variety that have seemingly been sticking together. They have been spotted in a number of locations, and this is the second of which I have been searching."

Stef is perched on the ledge now with the rifle between them, her black ballcap still worn backwards on her head, and her eyes darting from the target zone back to the Red Devil Man before her.

"I like your suit." The phone adds in a mostly monotone voice, with Stef adding a wry smile to go with it.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
    The curve of his chin is visible in that suit, and it twists slightly into a half-smirk or a smile. He replies to that statement to her as he pushes himself to stand on that edge, rising up over the side of her rifle. Over his shoulder he says, "Yeah. Yours isn't that bad yourself."
    Yet with those few words given he turns away shaking his head as he makes a mental note to try and pick Daisy's brain later about finding some way he can keep track of all the SHIELDOs that are running around. But that... is likely a forlorn hope.
    He raises the baton, and there's a crack-HISS as the rappel line fires, the small hook twirling around the edge of a raised strut upon the roof of the next building over.
    Before he swings he tells her, "If I find something, I'll give you a high sign. And if you take a shot at me while I'm down range..."
    A pause as he turns his head slightly, as if looking over her shoulder, "Well I'll be disappointed in you."
    And with that he drops off the edge of the building, legs slicing forward as he swings across the distance.

Stefani Houston has posed:
As he speaks those last words, Stefani just starts to slowly tilt her head whilst watching him. A capable parkour athlete, a bit of a danger seeker, and a trusting soul. these are the initial reations that she pulls from him of his traits and abilities. that last advisory warning he declares has her smirking softly as he vanishes on his way to the target zone.

Her eyes drop down to her lap then, and the sound of crinkling wrapper can be heard. She raises the half finished candy up to take another bite of it, whilst the Devil Man makes his way toward the industrial zone.

She chews. She adjusts her hat on her head. She chews some more.

Eventually she'll lower down to one knee and peer through her scope again toward the site in-question tonight, with her scope once more doing a quick search of the campus before she can find the Devil Man to track his progress as best as possible from this vantage point.

She suddenly wished for a way to talk to him via comms, and made a mental note to ask her supervisor Daisy for a way to better interact with these street level supes running around Manhattan...