16573/Out of the Riddler's Frying Pan and Into The... Water

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Out of the Riddler's Frying Pan and Into The... Water
Date of Scene: 15 December 2023
Location: Kiana's Tropical Cove
Synopsis: Red Hood invades Riddler's hideout, chasing him onto a boat racing away from Gotham. Only Riddler isn't on the boat, which turns out to be a trap.
Cast of Characters: Kiana, Jason Todd

Kiana has posed:
It had taken some detective work for Red Hood to track down the Riddler after a string of robberies had been determined to be his work. But a lot of hard work pounding the pavement had paid off.

All around are signs of the destructive fight that was waged between the hero and the men of the notorious Gotham trickster at the abandoned factory turned supervillain base. Two fires are burning in the old building, plumes of smoke climbing into the sky. A wall collapses outwards, helping the fire to spread.

Meanwhile, up on the roof, the last of Riddler's goons move to put themselves between Red Hood and the ladder that their boss just slid down towards the dock and an old yacht that is tied up there. The base is on the east side of one of the islands of Gotham City, the salty breeze blowing in from the Atlantic, while overhead thick clouds make the evening as dark and dank as Gotham is stereotyped to be.

"Don't let him get the boss!" one of the goons yells, cocking a shotgun. While two others charge forward, one with a baseball bat, and the other with a golf club. Two more men are at the edge of the roof, looking down to check on Riddler's progress as he flees, but turn back then towards Red Hood.

Jason Todd has posed:
Red Hood hadn't been planning to go after Riddler but you know how it goes as a vigilante. You focus on one target or criminal but when a target of opportunity crosses your path, it isn't like you're going to just ignore another criminal.

Switching is attention, he led a one-vigilante assault on Riddler's base of operations. As the building begins to collapse in on itself, he at least kicks two of the goons off the building, "You do know this place is going up in flames, right? Are you really going to defend Riddler with your life while he's saving his without you?" When the two remaining goons attempt to use melee weapons against him, he sighs inwardly before raising his pistols to fire two taser rounds at each man.

Moving quickly he holsters his weapons then grabs each twitching figure by the collar of their shirts and drags them to the edge of the building before dangling then dropping each off the edge. At least it's only two stories. At the worst they'll come away with broken bones but they'll live. Better than burning in the building.

Dropping down after them, he begins stalking toward the yacht as it prepares to cast off. "Keep running Nigma. You're not going to get away."

Kiana has posed:
A few more figures wearing their boss' trademark purple dash about the small yacht. Untying the ropes to make way. One of them is to slow, the boat's engine suddenly whining loudly and the boat surges forward.

The rope holds for a few seconds, the boat straining, the pilot turning the wheel to keep from being pulled back into the dock. There's a sound of strands in the thick rope strapping and then it suddenly snaps, a testament to the powerful engines that will be capable of putting on some real speed with the sleek little vessel.

It starts to pull away from the dock, the distance will quickly widen with those engines on full power, nothing but the dark water below in the space that starts to grow!

Jason Todd has posed:
Scowling behind his mask Red Hood begins to run toward the dock's edge as he sees the final line being strained and snapping. Too far to try and jump and grab. So he does what any good Bat family member would do.

While running he pulls his right pistol while his left hand reaches from memory to grab his grapple line. Aiming at the stern of the yacht he fires the line off just before the distance is too great. While works? It also pulls Red Hood off the dock as the other end is secured to his weapon harness.

As he begins a very cold and wet ride, he silently notes Bat Water Skis should be a thing.

Kiana has posed:
The boat roars off into the Atlantic, moving fast enough that Red Hood might be able to stay up on his feet above the water, though it will be dicey at that speed. And skis would -definitely- be a little better than boots for something like that.

But on the plus side, Riddler's goons don't seem to realize they have a Bat in tow behind them. They have turned once the boat gets far enough from shore they figure the hooded figure can't jump it.

"Told you we'd get away," one says to the other. "Boss is going to be happy, mark my words. We'll get a bonus for this," he says. He has a night stick for fighting, which he leans upon his shoulder now that the danger from the Bats is apparently past. The pair of them start walking towards the bridge.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd knows better than to try, despite his morbid humor. Instead he begins retracting the grapple line. Which means he gets even more water logged even as he closes in on the stern of the yacht. Anyone on board who happens to look behind them will surely see their towed stowway and the spray of water as he skims across the water. The longer this takes the darker his thoughts and intentions toward Riddler and his goons grow.

Finally he can grasp the swimming deck of the yacht and pulls himself onto a dry surface, dripping like a drowned rat. Crouching there a moment, he pauses to scan the rear of the vessel.

Kiana has posed:
It takes awhile to pulls himself up that length of grapple line and with the boat going so fast. The two men have had time to go to the bridge of the small yacht. They emerge, carrying mugs of something warm. It's December in Gotham, the Atlantic is none to warm. And after the soaking Red Hood got, he might be feeling it, especially with the boat's speed resulting in quite the breeze blowing over the ship.

The shore is growing distant quickly. There are flashing red and blue lights visible as police and probably the fire department respond to the fire at the abandoned factory.

The two goons come walking down one of the decks that run along each side of the ship, towards the back. Sipping their hot cocoa, as it turns out. Any moment and they'll be stepping into a spot they'll be able to see Red Hood!

Jason Todd has posed:
The wind and chill aren't helping his mood improve, that's certain.

Ignoring the fact that Gotham is fading away, he scans the deck and then rises up, pistols in hand. He fires off a short volley of taser rounds at each guard. And he does not bother trying to spare the cocoa mugs. Seems like a fair trade.

Sliding over the rear railing, he looks for the closest entry into the heart of the yacht, intending to sweep from the lowest deck upward to the bridge where he expects Riddler is.

Kiana has posed:
On a yacht racing across the dark waters of the Atlantic, beneath a dreary dark night sky, a pair of cocoa mugs fall to the deck and shatter. Spilling their delicious, cocoa-y goodness all over the deck.

This. This is why Red Hood is the bad boy of Batman's entourage!

The yacht seems to be getting more use hauling things rather than being a luxury craft. The rooms are mostly stripped of decor to make room for boxes and containers of various sorts. No one present below deck though. There was a mad scramble to get to the craft ahead of Red Hood, so it might not be fully staffed.

Approaching the door to the bridge, there's a figure at the wheel, barely visible in the dim light. Though as Red Hood enters, he finds it's just a dummy, attached to the deck with a spring that has it swaying slightly, having increased the impression it was a real person.

A familiar voice comes over the ship's speaker. "Oh no, wherever might I be? Is Red Hood perplexed? Perhaps I should give you a clue," Riddler's voice says over the speakers.

"Riddle me this, Red Hood. The enigmatic, inesteemable Riddler has escaped. On a vehicle that is not like any of the original Monopoly tokens. What vehicle?"

Jason Todd has posed:
Sweeping through the rooms, Red Hood takes down any goons remaining. Then he enters the bridge. A dummy. Well if isn't that art immitating life he isn't sure what is.

Then it's time for a riddle. Because of course it is.

Scanning the bridge, Red Hood doesn't respond yet, focusing on the layout and design of the bridge. His optics registering anything out of ordinary. Obviously Riddler is connected remotely. He intends to try and trace that signal back. Or so he plans.

Finally he responds, "A plane. Obviously."

Kiana has posed:
"Oh, very very good!" Riddler's voice comes from the speakers, just as the sound of an airplane engine can be heard. A seaplane flies overtop of the yacht, doing its best to match its speed though it is gradually pulling ahead.

"Of course, this is a time that winning means that you lose," Riddler's voice says over the speakers. "Since I'm not on the boat, I suppose there's on reason for me not to hit this little red button here that says 'self-destruct'. Goodbye Red Hood. Enjoy the rest of your life. Which is to say... 5. 4... 3... 2..."

Jason Todd has posed:
Those who have survived explosions often say they don't hear anything, they just see a bright flash then darkness.

For the Red Hood, his mask's audio filters do much the same, preventing the explosion from rupturing his ear drums. Of course the splintering shrapnel that the yacht turns into?

Well that, very effectively, shreds his armor as he is blown clear of the blast. Not far from his point of impacting the ocrean, the remains of the yachts motor cannonballs itself as a near miss.

Motionless, Red Hood disappears under the water's surface.