16684/In Search Of Beach

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In Search Of Beach
Date of Scene: 27 December 2023
Location: Genosha
Synopsis: Stefani is seeking warmer weather in tropical Genosha. She buys jewelry from Old Ned then Kiana shows her to a waterfall and pool. Friends are made.
Cast of Characters: Kiana, Stefani Houston

Kiana has posed:
The road is original, predating the attack on Genosha. The concrete was largely intact except for potholes here or there, or outright craters in a couple of places. But work crews have since restored the road that runs along the coast between Hammer Bay nearer by, and Carrion Cove much further down the coast.

The warm waters of the Indian Ocean sparkle not too far away. Vegetation has regrown, with palms and other tropical vegetation making a ring in this part of the island separating the beaches from the interior where the road runs.

Another road branches off here, heading to the interior of the island. And that crossroads is probably behind the choice of the area for a few small dwellings. Ramshackle buildings mostly, the tiny community of a few dozen people not really a priority in the rebuild of Genosha. There's a small diner with two tables outside and twice that inside, with plastic furniture and a fan overhead indoors to cool the day, but no air conditioning. A small one-bay garage spends as much time working on boat engines as cars.

And out near the crossroad itself there's a jewelry stand. A man sits in a folding lawn chair there, wrapping some silver into tiny coils for what look like earrings. His tools are set on a small table nearby, and there's a box with some pearls, gemstones, silver and gold for him to work, as well as some driftwood which it appears he carves for some of the jewelry.

The man's skin is kind of weathered and leathery, and has little nubs along the outside edges of his face like ring the faces of some kinds of lizards. Sitting near Old Ned is a thin boy of about 14, with dark hair and a complexion that might be Latino.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet sought out warm weather, in a place where she might be able to fit in a little better than the average locale. Plus, doing jobs around Madripoor, she'd run in to some people who'd told her about Genosha. She thusly booked passage, and has begun to learn the lay of the land...

Having rented an old military Jeep from the rental place near the airport, Quiet was now exploring the island. On a sunny afternoon, the top down on the jeep, and her hair blowing in the wind, the young woman pulls up outside of the little shop, the tires of her truck crunching on the gravel of its driveway, she pulls in to find a suitable place to park. The two sitting outside will see it's a young looking woman, wearing a sleeveless tanktop that is quite loose around her body, a visible black bikini top worn beneath it showing through the large side-holes in the shirt that expose her stomach on either sides, along with all of her arms, etc. She fumbles around in the Jeep a moment after parking, before she moves to step out of its driver's side seat. Her green and black tennis shoes crunch on the gravel now as she does a full check circle around the Jeep, holding her cell phone in one hand, the young lady checks all her tires, with little kicks, or a bent-over shove with a palm, as she continues her way around the vehicle.

Her perimeter check showed off she was wearing a pair of short dark green denim shorts, the kind that show off the entirietyentirety of one's legs, overall leaving her quite exposed to the sun shining down from above.

She does glance toward the two outside, and a smile is shown their way along with the wave of her free hand, before she leans against her Jeep and scrolls her phone with a few thumb swipes... all while her dark hair flows in the wind behind her shoulders, tied back by a simple scrunch.

Kiana has posed:
The undersized teen is the first to notice the approaching jeep, what with Old Ned focused on the earring he's making. The boy gives the older mutant a nudge to draw his attention to the approaching car.

As Quiet's jeep draws near enough for them to see the woman inside, the youth gives Ned a few more increasingly excited nudges. "I see her, Rafael," Old Ned says, his voice taciturn though his eyes twinkle with internal mirth at the boy's reaction. There being no girls near Rafael's age in the tiny community, Old Ned is used to such reactions from the boy.

Though as Quiet emerges from the vehicle, even the older man would have to silently acknowledge the youth's excitement warranted. He glances a few times, though splitting attention there with the earring he's continuing to work on.

Rafael sits up a little straighter in his chair. He's wearing some old cut-off jean shorts, and a tan t-shirt with an image of Wonder Woman on it, but so faded one can only just make out that's who it is.

"Mornin', young lady," Old Ned offers while focused on the earring. He pauses a moment and reaches over to pick up a phone and glance at it. "Whoops, make that afternoon. Where's the morning gone already?" he says. "Interested in some earrings? Or maybe a lovely necklace?" he asks, looking back up to the comely woman.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Quiet simply continued to scroll down on her phone, reading whatever was displayed on its shiny screen. She did look back over at the two when the question was asked, and with a bright smile on pink lips, she lowered her phone, and turned to step over toward the crafted knick-knacks. What followed was the voiceless woman putting her hands on her knees, and leaning forward to peer over the collection... Her tanktop gently flowing in the wind around her form, the front of it being a picture of Baby Yoda holding a cup of soup up to his mouth to sip from it, mostly blocking the little green guy's face.

Leaned over like this, Quiet was just rushing her eyes over all of it before she straightened up again, and cast a smile at both the boy and his elder. Her phone came up a second later, and her free hand stroked fingers across it quickly to form a sentence. "I'm Stefani." The phone says for the woman. "I am unable to safely speak, but I certainly have a lot to say. I'd like a necklace, if possible. this one.."

She was already pointing at it with her free hand, her ponytail gently swaying behind her shoulders as she exchanged a look from the necklace, to the two shop keeps, smiling to Raphael, and then to the older man.

Kiana has posed:
Rafael's eyes stay on Stefani, while Old Ned glances at her now and then as he's doing the intricate work of turning the silver wire into tight coils. At the bottom he begins crafting part that looks like it's intended to be the setting for a stone or maybe one of the pearls that can be seen in his box of materials.

As Stefani leans over, Rafael's eyes widen a little bit. After a few seconds of staring, he reaches over and grabs a fishing magazine that was sitting on Ned's table. He doesn't open it, just rests it across his lap. As if to read it later. Or something.

Ned sets down what he's working on when Stefani communicates in the novel manner, the man regarding her and tilting his head for a moment. Though expression non-judgmental. In an island of mutants like Genosha, this probably isn't the most unusual thing one would come across. "And you're welcome to say it," Ned tells her, the weathered old man having a gentle and easy smile. He picks up the necklace and rests it on her palm so she can see it better, before offering it to her to try.

Down a path that leads off away from the crossroads, someone else can be seen approaching. A slender teenaged girl, with brown hair and sun-kissed highlights. She's wearing a bikini that is a deeper blue at the bottom of each piece and changes in a gradient towards an aqua green at the top. The girl looks Polynesian or South Pacific Islander, her skin a beautiful dark tan as she makes her way barefoot towards the jewelry stand.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Stefani is simply standing there before the two of them, glancing at them, and her phone. She gives Raphael another little smile before her eyes go toward the older man as he rises up to place the necklace in to her free hand's palm. She holds her hand up and out, allowing it to gently be placed there, her green eyes roaming over it as a smile spreads over her lips once more, an expression of warmth conveyed toward what she sees.

But, kiana arrives moments after, causing Quiet to look toward her. She peers at the woman, before her phone hand is waved in a friendly fashion toward her, to welcome her to this place she's never been before. Ever the friendly bird, this one...

Quiet shuffles her phone around next, so that she can try the necklace on, allowing it to lay down against her exposed chest toward the low scooped neckline of her loose fit tanktop. Once she feels it resting there, she uses her phone to write out a response. "How much?" Is all it asks for the woman.

Kiana has posed:
Kiana makes her way up to the crossroads, noticing the unfamiliar jeep pulled over and parked there, before she spots Stefani herself at the stand. Rafael finally tears his eyes away from Stefani, flashing the new arrival a smile and waving to her. "Hi Kiana," he says, his voice leaving little doubt he's happy to see her. The boys stirs slightly in his seat as his eyes go back to Stefani trying on the necklace.

"The charm is driftwood that I carved," Ned tells her, "and then sanded nice and smooth. Put a thin amount of finish on it to help protect it, but not too much so it doesn't change the natural luster of the wood," he comments. "I can let you have it for, oh, say $40?" he offers.

Kiana walks around the stand, stopping beside Ned's chair while the older man is out of it and helping Stefani. Ned turns towards her. "Any luck?" he asks. Kiana holds out her hand, revealing two pearls. "Think either of these will match?" she asks.

Ned moves over to pick them up and eye them closely. "I think this one will," he says with a smile. "Will make for a nice pair of earrings. Might have to take these into Hammer Bay to sell. Good pearls, these," he tells her, taking the pearls and putting them in his box.

Stefani Houston has posed:
While Ned is eyeing the perals, Stefani's head leans over in to view... Now she too is eyeing them closely, tendrils of her dark hair flowing around her forehead. She leans back when Ned lowers the pearls down. Her free hand dips in to her back pocket as she pulls out a velcro wallet with Spongebob printed on it. Sliding out a pair of 20s in local currency, she offers it over to the elder of the trio. A smile is sent Kiana's way then as Stef pays for the necklace. Her hands return to her phone, and a second later it is speaking up again.

"I'm a tourist, my name is Stefani. Feel free to call me Stef." She introduces herself for the new arrival, the phone speaking in a nice melodic female voice for her, and as it speaks she glances at Kiana. "I like your swimsuit." The phone says, while the typist smiles toward her. Another glance is sent down to her device as she punches out another sentence.

"I was looking to spend some time on the beach, and I was also told there are fresh water falls near here, and was hoping I could get some directions?" She inquires through the phone, as she shifts her weight from her left sneakered foot to her right.

Kiana has posed:
Ned takes the money with a grateful smile. "It looks lovely on you," he says of the necklace now nestled about Stefani's neck.

"I'll say it does," Rafael murmurs, probably not really meant for the others to hear but it might have been said a little too loud for that.

Kiana's face lights up as Stefani buys the necklace. "Doesn't he do so much beautiful work?" the Polynesian girl says, turning her smile towards the old mutant. Ned grumbles a bit though is obviously pleased with both the sale and the compliment.

Kiana looks at Stefani's phone as she speaks through it again, her own expression curious. "I'm Kiana," she offers, and the girl smiling with the warm of a summer sunrise at the compliment. "Thank you. I... I don't know where I got it, but I like it too." It has a bit of a shimmer to it, like maybe there are silver threads subtly weaved in it.

"She was wearing it when I found her," Rafael chimes up. He sets the magazine back over onto the table, apparently not needing it for the moment.

The comment draws a smile from Kiana. "That you did. Saved me," she says, before turning back to Stefani, and leaving the South American boy beaming. Kiana asks, "Why do you use the phone to talk?" she asks, not seeming to worry if she's stumbling into a social faux pas in asking. "The beach is right down this path. The water's beautiful, and the reefs have so much colorful life about them," Kiana says, beaming as she talks about the ocean. "There's a waterfall not too far from my surf shack too I can show you," she offers.

Stefani Houston has posed:
A grin shows when the quality of the necklace, and design work in general, is brought up. It gets a quick pair of nods from the quiet woman, as she agrees whole heartedly with that sentiment of Ned's ability. The talk of the swimsuit, and Raphael finding Kiana has Stef's grin growing larger, as she exchanges a look between the two of them. She doesn't fully understand the implications of what they're saying, but she assumes it was in reference to the first time they met. Quickly she taps something in to her phone.

"Heroes are found in unlikely places." She says, casting another grin to the boy before her eyes return to Kiana, when that offer is made, along with the question.

"I was in the military." The phone says for its typist. "I sustained an injury. I can talk, but it is best if I do not." She simply states, before she glances back to the Jeep, then back to them.

"I would love a guide to see these places, I can offer a little more money for the effort too." She notes, reaching for her wallet once more, and soon to hold out another twenty spot, letting it ripple in the wind as she holds it out toward Kiana now.

Kiana has posed:
Stefani earns a warm look of happy pride from Rafael with that compliment. He steals a glance at Kiana as if to make sure that the words of wisdom are noticed by the Polynesian girl closer to his age, if still older.

He finds Kiana flashing a smile and a nod towards Rafael. "I wouldn't have made it without him. Washed up on the beach hurt and barely breathing," Kiana comments to Stefani before she quiets to listen to the explanation.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," the empathetic girl tells Stefani at the explanation of her voice. "Well I'm glad you're able to talk with that, then," she says, offering a pretty smile. "And I'd be happy to show you. Your money-"

Ned cuts Kiana off before she can turn the money down. "Is much appreciated," Ned says, reaching out for the extra bill and giving Stefani a warm smile as well. Kiana just gives a quiet laugh and a tiny shake of her head. "I haven't really needed money," Kiana confides to Stefani. "But it's a beautiful waterfall, and a little stream that flows on towards the ocean then. I'd be happy to show you!"

Rafael clears his throat. "I could show you too," he offers. But Ned rests a hand on the lad's shoulder. "Maybe let Kiana take care of this one," Ned says, saving the girls from being overly oggled. Kiana doesn't grin or otherwise react to Ned, as if missing the nuances of what went on. Just accepting it and nodding to turn to Stefani. "Shall we? Do you need to grab anything?" she asks before she's ready to walk with her down the path.

Stefani Houston has posed:
At first, Stef just tilts her head to the left very slightly when she hears the peculiar situation that Kiana had been found in, but she clearly isn't one to judge oddities. She just files it away in the moment, and has to smile openly at the bill being snatched by Ned. Nodding her head again, she steps to her Jeep and plucks out a black hiking backpack that she slings over her right shoulder, indicating she does indeed have something to grab for the trip.

She pulls a pack of strawberry bubblegum out of the pack's side pocket, and slips a piece out of it before offering it to Raphael.

Her phone is once more tapped with nimble thumbs, before Stef holds it up. "I am ready, and very grateful." The device says in that sing-song voice piped out through its speakers.

She'll offer a little finger waggle wave past her phone toward Ned and Raph then, before sidling up on Kiana's left side.

"You are from around here?" The phone asks then as the two set off.

Kiana has posed:
Rafael accepts the piece of bubble gum with a dreamy smile for the lovely Stefani. "Thank you," he tells her warmly. Old Ned has settled back into his chair, with one of those soft sighs that older people get rising or sitting. He pulls out the one pearl that Kiana brought, holding it up and comparing it with another he had in the box.

"What's that?" Kiana asks curiously as the gum is exchanged.

"Bubble gum," Rafael replies as he starts chewing it.

Kiana pauses a moment, then holds out her hands in a gesture as if that didn't really help and Rafael would know that. It prompts the boy to say, "Oh, sorry. Bubble gum, it's... this stuff you chew, not swallow, that tastes good. And you can blow bubbles with it. See?" He blows a bubble and pops it. Kiana's eyes widening a little. She asks, "And why do you do that?"

Rafael shrugs. "It's fun," he says.

The Polynesian girl seems to accept this as she turns back to Stefani, giving her a warm smile as they head down the trail. The question gets an uncertain answer from Kiana. "I'm not sure. They found me in the surf about three weeks ago. Really badly injured. And I don't remember much of anything from before they found me," she says as she pads along on bare feet beside Stefani. "I probably am. I am a mutant and can breathe water," she says. "But I don't remember much at all. I said my name when they asked, but I can't even remember my last name," she says with a shrug.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Stefani had just softly chuckled at the display between the two before they'd set off. As they walked, and Kiana answered the question, Quiet produced another stick of strawberry bubblegum, that she offered over to the woman beside her. Taken or not, she got another for herself, and popped it in to her mouth. She chewed diligently upon it, as her eyes darted forward toward the pathway ahead, taking in where their path would take them, at least as much of it as she could see from this point.

When she looked back to Kiana, she had to tilt her head again. She looked the woman over from toes to nose, seeing no real sign of bad injury, but that can be deceptive in this world afterall.

"You are okay now?" The phone asks, after a motion of fingers swapped places across the screen. "You seem to have found yourself some nice new friends, if nothing else. Perhaps some people in town would know more, though? But I suppose it could lead to you getting taken advantage of, if nefarious nare-do-wells were given a chance..."

Quiet stroked her left hand across her brow again, casting her hair out of her eyes before she looked once more toward Kiana.

"Maybe you fell off a cruise ship?" She asks then, with a smirk touching her lips at her own typed out words.

Kiana has posed:
Kiana accepts the gum, looking at it curiously and sniffing it before she puts it into her mouth. She starts chewing it, smiling at the flavor. Indeed there's no sign of injury on the Polynesian girl now. Though Stefani might notice she wears a little silver anklet tight about her ankle, and it has a tiny charm on it, a tiny sea shell. The only thing she wears besides the bikini.

"Yes, fortunately there was a mutant who has healing powers, who was talking to Ned when Rafael ran to get him. He was very kind. He helped me check for anyone on Genosha who might know me, but no one responded," she says, giving a tiny sigh and a shrug of her shoulders. "I do have very vague memories of a ship. Seen from the water. But... it's not clear at all, I can't even say what kind of boat it is," she says.

Kiana has chewed up the gum, and she tries to blow a bubble with it. While most people's first attempt is as a child, Kiana's attempt doesn't go much better. She ends up blowing the gum out of her mouth, not having made it thin enough or held it in place. "Oh no. I'm sorry," she says with a sigh as it lands in the dirt, making Kiana wince. "I guess it's not as easy to make it bubble as I thought."

Up ahead, Stefani can see a small but beautiful waterfall. Water spilling over a granite cliff, falling about fifteen feet to a tranquil pool below. Sunlight making a rainbow in the spray from the water. The water is clear, and flows off only bout fifty feet before dropping over another ledge towards the ocean below.

Stefani Houston has posed:
When the gum goes flying out of the woman's mouth, Quiet just lets out a wispy laugh. She shakes her head at the apology, before she taps in to her phone. "You have to use your tongue to smoosh it flat against the roof of your mouth before you line it up behind your teeth. Then puff it with your tongue inside your mouth, and blow gently..." She demonstrates while the phone reads it off, with a big bubble by the time it finishes speaking.

The bubble pops, and the gum vanishes back inside Stef's mouth before her green eyes look over toward the falls up ahead. She focuses on that, her phone coming up, with another piece of gum offered to Kiana, before she's holding her phone sideways, and recording the video of the falls as they draw closer toward them.

Multi-tasking is a thing, when you become this reliant upon your device. She taps in another sentence, the SHIELD-designed program including an AI that helps write for Stefani when it thinks it knows what she's saying.

"Beautiful. So lovely. Is it swim safe?" The device asks, as the green eyed quiet woman glances over to Kiana for confirmation.

Kiana has posed:
Kiana looks like she's debating whether to pick up the gum and try to salvage it, when Stefani offers the new piece. Kiana smiles and accepts it, beginning to chew it. "I'll be sure to be ready to catch it this time," she says after accepting the advice with a grateful smile.

Kiana walks over to the pool on bare feet, nodding quickly. "Oh yes, it's safe. The water is just a little cooler than the ocean, but still very nice," she says. She glances up at the tropical sun which is shining down on them warmly enough that the pool certainly does look inviting.

Walking forward, Kiana wades in, the pool quickly growing deeper so after only a few steps, she's diving forward and gracefully slipping below the water. Which is clear enough Stefani can trace her progress underwater easily. The girl moves almost effortlessly, not even really using her arms or feet to swim underwater. Instead just gliding through it, sleek body streamlined as she makes a circuit of the pool and then comes back to the surface.

Stefani Houston has posed:
When they reach the water's edge, Stef continues to move her phone around the panoramic view. When she returns her phone, it is to record the back of the woman going right on in to the glittering fresh water pool. A smile shows on Stef's visage as she watches the woman swim, showcasing the safety of it to be sure. Much of her swim is recorded, but eventually the device is set aside...

When Kiana surfaces again, and looks toward where she'd left Stefani, she finds just a pack on the ground, a pair of shoes, a pair of discarded denim shorts, and the necklace laying across a lip of the travel pack.

Behind Kiana, out in the center of the pool, a splash is heard, with a cascading wave of water fanning out in all directions! How had she gotten out there so far without being seen? It sounded like she had dove in from the peak of the main fall above, but there's no way she had time to get up there!

Either way, Kiana would seem the pale skinned woman beneath the clear water, fanning her arms and legs out as she swims in a wide circle around beneath the surface level.

Eventually, she does come up for air, her hands moving up to push her wet locks of hair back behind her head, as she spits out a stream of water from between her lips, then falls backward in to a lazy back stroke.

No phone now though, so much more limited communication ability!

Kiana has posed:
Kiana's face lights up as if she's taking pleasure from seeing Stefani enjoy herself in the water. She doesn't say anything though. If lacking in understanding of social cues and interaction, she's at least kind-hearted enough not to make Stefani feel the lack of her phone for talking by giving her things to need to respond to.

The girl glides over through the water, turning over on her back and floating there as well. Kiana lets out a laugh as Stefani creates the little impromptu fountain of water. As it falls back to the pool, suddenly three little geysers of water shoot up, clear smooth streams arcing over them and crisscrossing to fall on the other side so it's more like they are enclosed in a six streams of water, three rising and three falling.

Stefani Houston has posed:
It is clear by the expression on Stef's face that being submerged in the clear water pool is something that makes her quite happy. With her eyes shut, and an expression of pure bliss on her face, Quiet just moves backward a ways, before she opens her eyes to see Kiana again.

When the jets of water shoot up out of the pool, Stef suddenly stops her motion, and instead just floats there, her arms and legs working to keep her afloat as her eyes dart this way and that, tracking the spouts of water. She looks shocked, surprised, confused and alarmed all at the same time.

Finally she just looks at Kiana, to see if the woman is sharing in equal measure of bewilderment, but when she sees the darker skinned woman showing no such reaction, Quiet tilts her head, and lofts one of her dark eyebrows.

Her right hand points at the jets of water, then over at Kiana?

Kiana has posed:
Kiana isn't looking bewildered. Instead the girl's expression is more like someone trying to keep a straight face while they have a surprise that they are waiting for the recipient to notice.

As soon as Stefani looks over though, Kiana breaks out in one of those beautiful, sunny smiles of hers that show flawless teeth that look all the whiter in contrast to her dark complexion.

Kiana gives a quick nod as she laughs, and then motions with her finger, not really needing to but just so Stefani will feel more sure that Kiana is doing it. The streams of water all combine together above them. Feeding into a growing blob of clear water that just hovers in the air above them, swirling about itself.

Finally Kiana closes her hand in a little fist and then spreads her fingers outwards kind of like a non-verbal 'boom' symbol. And the water suddenly blows apart into fine mist that hangs above the water, casting rainbows everywhere as the sunlight shines down through it. Gradually the water droplets settle back down atop them as a fine mist, the rainbows fading away. "It's my mutant power," Kiana says, a little shyly.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Once upon a time, many, many years ago, Quiet had been set on fire. She'd been on a mission to kill a man, and it had gone poorly, to say the least. She'd felt herself burning to death as she threw herself out a window. For all intents, and purposes, she was a dead woman... who really needed water at that time, and instead she'd found herself in a mad scientists laboratory. She'd been brought back through that mad science, and now fresh water upon her skin, was as enriching a sensation as she is able to find. To find a person who can control it? It's amusing to no end for Stef, and she shows it on her face as Kiana puts up a performance to be viewed, and enthralled by.

Honest to goodness laughter comes from Stefani, showing that she is capable of making sounds vocally, thus perhaps making her inability to speak a little more peculiar in it's own right.

She closes her eyes when the water bursts, she laughs when she opens them again to see what remains, before she can do only one thing, and raises her hands out of the water to form a simple heart shape for the fellow swimmer beside her.
#4512 <3 Quiet signs.

Following that, she moves her hands in sign language, out of habit, speaking something else to Kiana, that she likely is unable to understand, before she drops her hands back beneath the surface of the water, and spins around to swim backward again, skimming the surface now in her own black bathing suit, all whilst now humming a happy tune to herself.

Clearly Kiana has entertained this odd woman.

Kiana has posed:
Though Kiana is quite obviously an older teen, when she sees that what she did made Stefani happy, the girl's face lights up in a way that reminds of the pure innocence of someone younger who has realized they brought a smile to another. The girl just beams even as she relaxes back in the water herself, floating there and enjoying the warm water and the sound of the waterfall spilling over into the pond.

"I'm glad you liked it," she says softly, still beaming as Stefani's happiness brings the girl her own. "I spend more of my time in the water than on shore," she says softly, not seeming to expect a response. "You should see the fish in the reef. Entire schools that are just like explosions of color beneath the water," she adds.

Stefani Houston has posed:
Stefani is all smiles as she swims past Kiana, still swimming backward with a lazy gait to her motion. AS soon as she is out of sight behind Kiana, though, she suddenly vanishes. Should Kia look, she'll see the woman is simply not there anymore...

But only a mere moment later, movement on the shore is spotted, and Stefani is seated on one of the warm sunbathed rocks beside her things. With her skin glistening from the dip, droplets falling from her form, the young looking woman is once more typing something on her phone.

"Thank you for showing this to me." The device says. "I wish I could see more in the ocean, but I am unable to swim in that kind of water." She vaguely informs, before her green eyes go up to look toward the younger one.

"I am worried for you, though. You are too nice, and too pretty, to simply be a lost person. Someone out there is missing you, and needs to find you."

She shows a reserved smile toward Kia then, from her perch on the rock, soaking up the sun's rays upon her glistening skin.

Kiana has posed:
The Polynesian girl doesn't seem to have any idea that Stefani isn't still there in the water with her. Not until that bit of movement draws her attention. She sits up in the water, perplexed, looking from where Stefani was just moments ago, and then over to where she is now. "How did you get over there?" she asks curiously. "Are you a mutant as well?" If that's not something one asks in polite company, she doesn't seem to realize it.

The teen's expression saddens just a little as Stefani informs her that she can't go in the salt water. A geyser of water rises below Kiana, and Stephanie might notice that not only is lifting her, but Kiana's legs are literally not even there. The girl's body just kind of fades away into water as the column of water lifts her and carries her over to shore, though avoiding splashing Stefani's warm rock. Kiana steps out of the plume of water, some of the water just seeming to flow into the shape of her legs and then turning back into warm, tanned flesh.

"Thank you, that is very sweet of you to say," Kiana says, looking down with a bashful smile. "I will find them eventually. Or they will find me. It's only been a few weeks," she says. The girl walks over to sit beside Stefani, lying back on the warm rock.

Stefani Houston has posed:
That further display of Kiana's abilities makes Stef flutter her lashes several times, before she summons a smile when she sees the teen reform her legs, and step over to share the rock with her. As the other settles in, Stefani draws in a breath before she raises her hands up in the air, and her arms begin to evaporate in to black smoke.

Water and smoke. Elemental powers being put on display.

Stef's entire body is gone up in smoke, before said smoke swirls around Kiana, and reforms on the other side of her. From toes to nose, Stef reforms again, a smile showing down to the younger woman.

She drops her eyes to her phone, taps rapidly, before it speaks up for her. "Salt water damages me, the sodium burns my skin like acid. I love to stare at beaches, but I do not go near to them anymore." She explains through the device, as she is perched on that warm rock in her black bikini, even their clothing mirroring their similar powers in shades of colors.

Kiana has posed:
The soft sounds of the waterfall have a gasp added to them as Kiana sees Stefani's arms evaporate away. Then the rest of her, Kiana staring wide-eyed at first as the smoke swirls about her. But quick enough she breaks out in joyful laughter, reaching a finger out to trail through the smoke.

When Stefani reforms, Kiana reaches over, giving her upper arm a little poke as if to make sure she's really flesh and blood again. "That's very cool, Stefani. I bet Rafael would love to see that too," she says. Heck, the boy would love to see her as she is, for that matter, even if Kiana seems oblivious to the boy's thoughts and stares.

The island girl's expression softens though as Stefani shares what the salt water does to her. "I'm sorry, that... well, maybe it isn't quite as bad for you as it would be for me. I just... I feel more comfortable in the ocean than I do the air," she says, motioning to the air around them.

She looks thoughtful. "I can purify water. Remove the salt. I have never tried but I could probably do it in a big enough area to surround you easily. Not the whole cove. But... I don't know, it might not be worth it. Too risky," she says with a little shake of her head. She reaches over to rest her hand on Stefani's and if allowed, give it a little squeeze. "I'm sorry you can't go in the water there."

Stefani Houston has posed:
When the shoulder squeeze was received, Stef smiled over and down at the lounging one beside her, showed her a smile, then looked back to her lap where her phone was resting atop her thighs. She spent a second tapping upon it, before the voice spoke up again.

"We make due with what we have. Cherish the best parts, and learn from the worst." The device states, as a light grin is sent Kiana's way from Quiet's visage.

"If you ever need help, I'll leave you with information on how to reach me. I primarily live in the United States, but am simply on vacation here to get away from the winter weather. I... crave sun and warmth." More than she can easily explain, in fact.

She shifts on the rock a bit, as she wiggles her wet toes in front of her, while tapping another response out.

"If you practice the salt water trick, and get confident in it, we can give it a shot some day." The phone speaks, as Quiet reaches up to pull her ponytail over a shoulder and let it drape down over her chest now, water droplets still sprinkling off of the strands of hair.

She raises her chin up, her eyes closed, as she basks in the sunlight.