16811/Cash delivery, interrupted!

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Cash delivery, interrupted!
Date of Scene: 06 January 2024
Location: Flatiron District
Synopsis: An armored car heist is foiled by The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl and a surprising companion.
Cast of Characters: Jack Nolan, Doreen Green

Jack Nolan has posed:
Mid-day in Manhattan was bustling, the city was doing it's usual early-January thing. It was cold, and it had been snowing, and the wind whipping through the steel canyons of the city wasn't making things any better. But jobs still had to be done, and that's why a pair of armored cars were rolling through the street. It was delivery day for the 21st Mutual Credit Union.

Inside the bank, it was business as usual, but outside of the bank sat a pair of black sedans with darkly tinted windows, eight people in suits, and wearing motorcycle helmets were waiting. Their leader checked his watch, "Sixty seconds. Get ready." He says to the crew, as they all give one final check on their weapons.

Doreen Green has posed:
It was a new year. Which meant new oppritunities. Which some people never take. Others... choose the wrong ones, but we're getting a little ahead of ourselves.

It wasn't uncommon for certain numbers of New York's resident heroes to hang out atop buildings or other high places. Most of them thwped and crawled around with the power of spiders. Others did it through less swinging, more crawling and climbing, and a bit of jumping. Which is how Doreen had gotten up to sit on the front of one of the many billboards that populate the skyline. "It's snack time, and then we get back on patrol. Fresh roasted peanuts, perfect for a cold Janurary day!" She pulled open the bag, taking a few for herself and holding it up for the pair of squirrels sitting on her shoulders to help themselves.

The perch was coincidently not far from 21st Mutual, but at the moment not quite anything has happened to draw more than a curious glance at all the dark vehicles. "Guess someone big and important is down there."

Jack Nolan has posed:
As the last few seconds tick by, the big trucks roll towards the bank. Right at the sixty second mark, bollards built into the street immediately pop out of the road in front of and behind the trucks, catching an unfortunate taxi by the back bumper and flipping it through the air towards the front of the bank, as the first truck slams into the barricade, and the second screeches to a halt behind the first. People immediately start to scramble and run, as the two cars open up and the armed gunmen emerge.

They quickly converge on the trucks, breaking up into groups of four and splitting between the trucks, the guards in the first truck dazed from the crash allows the gunmen to get on it and cover it, keeping them pinned inside with gunfire as the other two work on putting a charge on the door. The guards in the second truck had started to get out when the gunfire forced them back into the truck. This time though, as the one with the charge reaches the back door, he suddenly finds it launched outwards, sending him flying several feet to the ground.

From the back of the truck steps a quite literal statue, as Jack hops out of the back of the truck, the suspension getting a break from his weight as the truck lifts up off the ground, as he lands in front of the second armed man, looking down at him, "Boy did you pick wrong."

Doreen Green has posed:
Good ol' New York. Rarely a peaceful moment, and even rarer that it lasts longer. And they've got a bird's eye... Squirrel's eye view of the events starting to unfold.

"Dammit, looks like snack time is going to have to wait. Those guys do not look like they're out to make the proper kind of withdrawl." The bag of nuts is stuffed back in a pouch of her utility belt, and Doreen takes off jumping down from the billboard, springing off the edge of the roof, and landing on another ledge to scamper across. A narrow walkway doesn't slow her down much, jumping off to another, and then one more to get closer to the actual building and a better view of the situation.

Doreen grabs her smartphone and flicks it over her shoulder, a third squirrel sporting goggles popping out of her tail to grab it. "Make sure to get some good shots, Gregg."

And then she jumps down. Squirrels can fall a surprising distance without hurting themselves, and Doreen uses her porportionate ability to do so to bring her boots right down on the back of one of the other group's gunmen. "Time to kiss asphalt, creep! Maneuver Face and Chomp, Sic 'em!" Tippy-Toe, the one with the big pink bow, leaps off her shoulder and makes one goon probably feel really glad he's got a helmet and visor because she can't get at his face. But she does cling to said visor, obscuring his view. While Monkey Joe, the other, lands on his arm and tries to bite his wrist to make him drop his gun.

Jack Nolan has posed:
The chaos of the rapidly unfolding scene just becomes even more chaotic after Squirrel Girl jumps down onto one of the goons, knocking him helmet first into the pavement with more than enough force to crack his visor and knock him out. The others are surprised by her sudden appearance, and their attempts to turn their guns on her are met with the sudden appearance of Tippy-Toe and Monkey Joe, the latter of whom is able to bite into the wrist just behind the glove and force the guy to reflexively drop his gun because getting bit really hurts and humans still have instincts. Tippy-Toe might be able to slip in under the helmet, but at the moment the guy is trying to peel her off of the helmet with his hand. That only leaves the guy by the passenger side of the car. Inside the truck, seeing the opportunity, the guards bail out when the two gunman are disarmed, quickly scrambling to cover and getting their own weapons ready. They may not have a chance to use them, though.

The commotion coming from the back of the second truck can be heard by Doreen, but so can the guy screaming as he's thrown over the top of the armored car and onto the hood of it. Jack emerges from behind the armored car on the driver's side, the gunman there turning and firing at him, the rounds impacting and chipping stone off of him, but he doesn't appear to react as he methodically marches forward at the guy who's gun click's empty after a few loud moments of gunfire.

Doreen Green has posed:
Doreen Green instinctively hops to the side as a body thuds down on top of the hood. The source of men falling becomes readily apparent though and her eyes widen. "Whoa, it's like a lizard version of the Thing! Gregg, get a shot of him being all unshootable." Gadget Gregg jumps from her tail to perch on top of the armored truck, holding up the phone in camera mode to recorded Jack's bullet defying march.

Which also frees up Doreen's tail to be put to use with no passanger, which she swings around to take out the guy's legs just as he was getting his helmet off. Both he and the helmet hit the ground, the former probably not getting up. The later teeters to a stop, and Tippy-Toe wobbles up, slumping over the edge. She gives a little thumbs up, but looks a bit dizzy. Monkey Joe scuttles over to help her out of the helmet.

"That's fine, catch your breath you two. I'll call the reinforcements!" Doreen stands and whistles, sharp and shrill thanks to her pronounced front teeth. Which is entirely the point.

Ideally the remaining gunmen are so focused on trying to shoot at the approaching almost literal stonewall that they won't notice the scuffing and scampering and little gleaming eyes above them...

Until about a dozen or so squirrels come barreling down upon them like a furry avalanche, getting in faces and crawling under clothing and in general making a really big nuicance of themselves!

Squirrels are everywhere in the big city, nearly as much as pidgeons. And this scurry (yes that's the official term for a group of squirrels) has come at the call of the UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL to assist!

Jack Nolan has posed:
The focus of the few guys who are still standing is indeed on Jack. Though the guy who just ran out of ammo gets punched right in the gut and as he goes down gets grabbed and thrown against the side of the truck, ensuring he stays down. The last couple of guys that remain standing don't for long, as they're swarmed and brought low by the horde of squirrels. Sorry, the scurry of squirrels.

The sound of car alarms going off can be heard now that an eerie quiet has descended over the street. Jack takes a few moments to examine the scene before him. They had intel someone might be trying to hit a shipment, but he wasn't actually expecting superhero support, "You guys good?" He asks the guards inside the truck, "Good boss. Cars held up." One of the drivers replies. Jack nods and turns back towards Doreen, "Well well, always great to see one of New York's resident heroes in action." He offers one of his clawed hands to her for a shake.

Doreen Green has posed:
Gunmen down and out nice and ready for the proper authorities to round them up. "Thanks for the help guys. I'll bring you some extra peanuts later for a reward." The extra squirrels scatter back into the nooks and crannies of the city and Doreen turns her attention to her own. "What you got, Gregg?" He scampers off the truck and onto her shoulder, holding the phone for her to see. Doreen mmhmms, bobbing her head. "Nice, nice. Really shows the effort made."

Then the big stone dude comes over and she turns... and has to lean back a little bit to look up at him properly. "You -are- a big one." Gregg holds up the phone to get a better shot of his face as Doreen grabs the offered hand and gives it as much of an energetic shake as she can with the difference in size. "We were in the neighborhood and dropped in to help. Literally!" Groan-like chirrups come from Tippy-Toe and Monkey Joe. "Oh com'n, like I was going to pass that oppritunity up." Doreen ignores their eyerolls. "Just some friendly neighborhood crime busting, courtesy of the one and only Squirrel Girl!"

Jack Nolan has posed:
A grin showing off his sharp teeth follows her statement, and he looks down at Gregg and the camera, "Well, that's how nature made me." He responds after shaking her hand. Yep, sure feels like a rock, "Well, I've got to do a lot of paperwork about this now, unfortunately." Jack mutters, hearing the sirens of the NYPD rapidly approaching, "I can hear the cops coming already. Call got put out as soon as those bollards went up. That was a neat trick, I gotta admit." He thinks back to his SHIELD days, though it's not too hard to remember this one, "Squirrel Girl, right?" He asks, "I just want to make sure I get it right for the cops, you know?"

Doreen Green has posed:
"Paperwork, bleh. It's just the adult version of homework amirite." Doreen nods her head. "That's right. Squirrel Girl. The police will probably recognize it. Not Spider-Man or Superman famous but it's a well-known moniker!" She accepts the phone from Gregg as Monkey Joe joins him on her shoulders and Tippy-Toe opts to perch on her head right between the faux squirrel ears on her headband. "What about you, big guy? Got a cool codename or callsign or something to go with those rock hard muscles?"

She checks the phone, making sure the shots have been saved, and tucks it into her belt.

Jack Nolan has posed:
He gives her a little bit of a grin and then taps the side of the vehicle, which is labeled 'Stoneclaw Security', "I am the titular Stoneclaw." He replies, "A little on the nose, but it's what my old pals gave me."

Doreen Green has posed:
Doreen Green glances at the side of the truck, and "oooooohs" softly. She hadn't seen that and just assumed it was a pretty standard armor truck. ""You've already got your own good branding going, cool!" She smiles as she points back at him. "Hey it fits, you take and you roll with it." There's a moment of almost awkward pause. Then a laugh from Doreen. "Hah, you thought I was going to make another rock pun, didn't you? Can't waste them all the first time!" She holds up a hand to make a quick salute as she's turning away. "I'll leave these jerks in the hands of you and the proper authorities. Nuts and Boots Army, away!" Jack is left with one last example of squirrel abilities as she jumps superhumanly high to grab the side of a building and scramble off on her way.