16993/Being Spritely

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Being Spritely
Date of Scene: 23 January 2024
Location: The Public House - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Emma and Sprite talk of new years and old boredoms.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Sprite

Emma Frost has posed:
It's an early winter evening in the public venue of the Hellfire Club. Emma Frost is awaiting a dinner companion to meet up with her to catch up. She's moving to scan the menu to see what's seasonal - as well as who the chef is tonight. So many of them had specific dishes that they were better at. The joys of being rich enough to get the entire kitchen to cater to your whims

Sprite has posed:
Since it's the public venue, Sprite has kept things a bit more...respectable? It's still formal; one just does not go into the Hellfire Club without being properly attired. And out here, that doesn't mean the lingerie and BDSM attire. Instead, she's in a little black dress, which does its best to flatter her. Her form remains very much the young teen she always looks like, but a little shapewear on under the dress provides some subtle elements of a figure, and black pumps on her feet kick up her height a bit. Yes, she could do it with illusion, but she's opted for the mundane option, possibly since her dining companion is one of the few people she's ever met who can get in her head. She smiles as she walks over towards the table.

"Happy New Year. Yet another trip around the sun. How does it find you?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile over, "Sprite, darling, it's lovely to see you. It's been far too long. I hope that things have been well with you and your.. Extended family." Emma would smile. "And the year has started rather normally. Profits, expenses, taxes, holiday shopping receipts.. Nothing out of the ordinary for a start to the year." Kaiju rampaging around the Pacific counted as a normal, right?

Sprite has posed:
"I wish I could say. As usual, my extended family is mostly maintaining their own privacy." She shrugs her shoulders, but it's in her thoughts how much that bothers her. "Thankfully, I'm sure you likely have an entire accounting firm on retainer to handle all that. Hell, I have one in London that handles some of my holdings." Not all. When you're immortal, you're only not stupidly rich if you choose not to be. Sprite did not.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "Of course. I can understand that. And I have a few accounting firms. Best to diversify after all. Means you have multiple options to blame when the results don't come out the way they said it would in audits." She would smile. "I do hope that this year has started with some amusement for you as well, though I suppose that there might nto be any particular meaning to it." When one was the age of an Eternal, a day in the most recently proclaimed calendar system probably didn't mean much

Sprite has posed:
"Honestly, it's been...depressingly similar. You know, that was something in the older eras; there was more NEW. These days it's harder to find. I mean, there's space, but this world has pretty much been to every corner. There's just not a lot. There's war...but war is depressingly familiar too. I mean, sometimes the new technology can be a little interesting, but other than that..." The redhead shrugs her shoulders. "I mean, there's not even anything new or enjoyable on Broadway. Almost everything there has been there several years, not to mention it's often just an adaptation of a book or something like that." Ennui; the bane of the immortal.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance at Sprite, reading her facial language then rather than her mind. "Perhpas then you might wish to leave the planet for some time? You might discover things interesting out there. Fresh realms to explore, chaos to experience.. Or do your.. Obligations leave you mostly tethered to this realm and unable to leave? If so perhpas there's some of the other parallel places ot this one?" Asgard, Olympus..

Sprite has posed:
Sprite looks amused. "I do have the ability. But space is large, and mostly empty. The trick is knowing where something interesting is going on. Now, if you know something, by all means, feel free to share. I can take us anywhere." She says, dropping that tidbit as if it were nothing.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Well, my fluency in galactic affairs is somewhat limited, beyond the little Shi'ar family squabbles which if they could be pinned down would be far less interesting." If Lilandra knew where Deathbird was long enough to find her, Deathbird would be dead and that would destroy the fun. "I've heard some.. Stories, though I don't know how accurate they are."

Sprite has posed:
"I do love stories." Sprite says, lips quirking just a bit. She is THE original storyteller, after all. "Why not tell me what you have, and we can go from there? If nothing else, It might make a good way to pass the day."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would muse, "Very well then. I've not heard this one directly, but passing by. A large head the size of a planetary moon not anchored to a planetary body. Since mined out and used as a complex. A prison, perhaps. A waystation.."

Sprite has posed:
"Hmm...that sounds interesting. Anything specific going on out there, or is it just the existence thereof?" Sprite asks. She could ask her Mother Box, but that removes some of the challenge, and challenge is what makes things interesting.