17891/Everyone Loves Wasabi

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Everyone Loves Wasabi
Date of Scene: 10 May 2024
Location: Sushi Yushu
Synopsis: Kate and Lois have a conversation and realize they have a fair amount in common over a sushi dinner. Numbers exchanged before Lois heads back to Metropolis and Kate goes to actual work (not that Lois knows that).
Cast of Characters: Kate Kane, Lois Lane

Kate Kane has posed:
It's been a long day, and this is a rare night off for Batwoman, aka Kate Kane. Unlike her normal trend of going to find a party on her night off, she's actually slumming a little bit, relatively for her. That is to say, she's come to a sushi place near her building and (after easily arranging for a seat at the sushi bar), decided to indulge in her love of both sushi and sake.

And if trouble happens to find her, they'll realize they hit the WRONG restaurant.

Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois is just arriving, on the phone, chattering away. She's technically working. "Sara, did you get that? Read it back quick." A pause as she waits to listen. "Let's be precise. 2.5 million dollars annually. Senator Stevens and Matthews are pulling on the strings. And change the word 'suggests' to 'implies'. And get it in as soon as possible." A pause. "Thank you, Sara. Yeah, I know. I'll take you along next time. This was just a bit dicey."

    As she speaks, Lois sticks her index finger through her jacket and mumbles, "Dang, that bullet was close..." And then she quickly adds, "No, sorry. Nothing! That wasn't for you. Get that story in. Bye!"

    Call ended. Sigh let out. Lois looks up and notices where she is. And her stomach reminds her most rudely that she hasn't eaten. "Well, I guess it's worth a shot..." And in she goes, making her way to the bar.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate glances up, noticing high powered investigative reporter Lois Lane at the entry, and she smiles wryly. She flags down a passing waiter, whispering something to him, and possibly slipping him a decent bill.

Said waiter immediately goes over to the maitre d', who is about to explain that no, Miss Lane, they are /booked/ and there's no openings... only to have the waiter whisper a brief message to him, nodding back towards Ms. Kane.

The maitre d' smiles, without missing a beat, "Well, if you don't mind sitting at the sushi bar, there is a spot open there, madam? If you'll follow me?" And with that, he leads Lois back to a spot next to... Kate Kane, millionaire party girl business executive. Who is currently holding a cup of sake, "Hey there."

Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois was noticing that this place was rather nice, rather full, and nobody else seemed to have a bullet hole in their blazer. Still, she figured her name might work. And she was desperately hungry.

    The sudden proposition of her going to the bar gets her attention. It is downright fishy. And then, well, she sees Kate Kane. And she grins. She will accep the invitation, settling down next to Kate.

    "Ms. Kane," she begins evenly, "Thank you for the save. But I have to admit, I'm rather surprised. It's not very often that business people want me anywhere near them." The reporter's eyes are focused on Kate. "Which begs the question, of course, is this for business or pleasure?"

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate laughs a bit, "Mostly the latter. You looked like you were having a rough night, were starving, and so I slipped the waiter a $100 to let you sit at the sushi bar." She chuckles, "Hard enough being a woman in a man's world, you don't need to deal with being shut out of the best sushi in Gotham to boot, do you?" With that, she winks, as Flirtacious is her default setting.

Lois Lane has posed:
    "Well, that is appreciated, certainly," replies Lois. "I imagine you already know who I am, but I am the very living embodiment of anti-assumption." She offers a hand. "Lois Lane, troublesome as can be, but occasionally known for having fun. When the story is done."

    She looks at the menu, then shifts her focus back to Kate. "What would you recommend, Ms. Kane? To those of us who don't generally look at $100 as a small amount of money to be spent on a pitiful stranger."

    A grin tugs at her lip, but she manages to keep a straight face. Mostly. "It will be fun to get to know who you really are. Outside of the nonsense the gossip pages spits out every other week."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate takes the offered hand, "Oh, I know. And the gossip rags never really get it right, Ms Lane... though, if I can call you Lois, you can definitely call me Kate." She grins impishly, "As for recommendations, I guess it depends, have any food allergies? That can make things a little interesting. Kosher sushi, for instance, makes things a little tricky."

With that, she speaks some rapid fire Japanese to the sushi chef, who laughs and answers back before getting to work. With that, Kate glances back at Lois, as she's wearing a rather typical business suit that looks far less typical on /her/, and smiles, "What'll you have?"

Lois Lane has posed:
    "No allergies, no restrictions, my horizons are open," replies Lois. "Kate. I can handle that." She diverts her attention to the menu then. "I suppose I would shy away from extreme spiciness, but I'd like a bit of a kick to it, too." She looks across the bar as a tray is taken out, showing elegant, sculpted sashimi. "I did walk into a pretty fancy place, clearly. It's odd. After a story I usually pick the first place that seems unlikely to give me food poisoning. I have stepped into another realm of luxury this evening."

    She is smirking at this and looks over Kate, now more curious. "Now this isn't a story I'm chasing, exactly. Well, nothing I'd publish. But why alone tonight, Kate?"

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate smiles, "Would you believe, I just wanted to have a little bit of relatively quiet time?" She laughs, "And no, don't feel as if you're intruding, if you were I wouldn't have invited you over." She hrms, looking thoughtful for a moment as she places a finger to her lip.

"It's just... I guess sometimes you get to thinking about what ifs and what may bes and the road not taken, sometimes. And I just wanted to have a moment to think about that without my normal penchant of leaping headfirst into whatever party might be lurking around. If that makes sense, Lois?"

Lois Lane has posed:
    "Taking time and figuring out what comes next makes a lot of sense to me," replies the reporter. "I'm a case in point for that, too. There's a need to take stock of where you are investing your time and energy and think ahead. Most days I'm such a slave to my curiousity and the need to be the best at what I do. But if all I have to show for all this is just... awards nobody really cares about and a bunch of headlines that are forgotten 48 hours later, well. Was there even a need to live at all?"

    She lets that trail off, making her pick from the menu on sheer guessing. She just points. "So what have you learned about yourself so far, Kate?"

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate grins, "That I... really wish I didn't have to be kosher with some of the sushi offerings they have here. But I suppose I'm a glutton for punishment. And fish." She does nod at Lois, and reaches out to, if allowed, place her hand over Lois'. "I understand that. It's hard, to know if you're actually making a difference, Lois. But I'm pretty sure you make at least as much of a difference as I do. Probably more, honestly. Honest reporters with integrity aren't exactly abundant these days."

Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois does not pull away. The gentle touch draws a soft sigh from her. "I have been thinking more and more about how all my classmates are married. Most with at least two children. A nice house. An instagram full of soccer matches and playdates and school orientation."

    She laughs then, "It's so... goddam boring!" Lois' smile fades away swiftly, "And if I'm honest, Kate? There are so many nights when I come home to an empty mess of an apartment and I'm just... totally jealous of them all."

    She shrugs. "And when we meet? They just talk all about my job. They ask what story I'm working on. What my latest award was. They ask what Superman is like. They always ask that. But as much as they pretend to be impressed, I can tell the truth. They pity me. There's no envy for my life. Not really."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate laughs softly, "Yeah, I suppose I'm lucky that my father was pretty accepting of my coming out. He always kinda suspected, I guess. But when he found out I was kicked out of the Academy for being outed... he asked if I kept my integrity. And I said I did, and he was fine with that. And started trying to set me up with all his friend's daughters." She grins wryly, giving Lois' hand a squeeze as she describes the loneliness of an empty apartment.

"Yeah, I can absolutely relate to that. I'm sure the penthouse is bigger, but the feeling can be the same. Though you've had a good life, and it's still going to get better. I can tell."

Lois Lane has posed:
    "It's so backwards for you get in trouble for being who you are," Lois responds softly. "But the world is a very weird place." She laughs at the mention of being setup with daughters. "That was either very helpful or extremely embarrassing. Probably a bit of both."

    She nods at the suggestion, "I suppose I have, at that. Perhaps I'm just at that age where I look at what experiences I've recorded to my highlight reel and I'm dissatisfied. Superman aside, it's been pretty amazing. And there are years left! Well, most likely." She grins and shows the hole in her jacket. And then she realizes there's a second one.

    "Huh, would you look at that. Thankfully he only got two shots off. The third time might have been the charm. It would have been awful luck to miss this welcome company and remarkably fine dining."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate laughs softly, "You know, you might want to think about some body armor if you keep getting shot at. Just a suggestion." She grins wryly at Lois, "But I like your style. Always have. Your articles definitely help keep me going, so I can try and do the right thing."

She might be about to say something more, but that's when the sushi arrives, and the chef says something in rapid-fire Japanese that Kate answers easily. "And don't worry about the meal, this one's on me."

Lois Lane has posed:
    "I can't let you pay for me and slip $100 to get me in the door," replies Lois. "The only time I let someone else pay for me is on a date or for work." She has some trepidation over that statement. She didn't pay attention to the prices, exactly, but looking around... she is definitely the most poorly dressed person here. Way out of her league, bravado aside. She really hopes this meal isn't going to run her $500. Thank goodness she stuck with water.

    "I would like to know more about your style, Kate. I mean the real you. Heck, if you want I can even write a story that counters those stupid rags that track you from party to party." She wrinkles her nose in distaste. "I hate fake reporters."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate grins, "I'll give you the expose, but in exchange you have to let me get dinner. It's a drop in the bucket for me, and well, I can think of worse things than to be on a date with you." She laughs, probably mostly joking but maybe not as she continues. "Seriously, if you want it to be work-related just say you were talking with me about setting up an interview, and it's all fine there, right? Besides, you aren't even having any sake." With that, she pours Lois a cup and slides it over, taking a second one for herself.

Lois Lane has posed:
    "You are so out of my league," replies Lois, laughing softly. "But fine, I'll bite on this lead. And I'll find some way to make it up to you in the future." She has no clue how that'll work exactly, but she is very creative.

    The sake gets her smirking, "I will have you know that I'm a very giggly drunk." She has to think on that for a bit. "It has been a while, though. I don't like parties. And I'm just... not up for headaches or loss of control."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate smiles, "Fair enough. Just one drink was all I was offering. I wouldn't ask you to drink just water after all." She did notice that, as she definitely seems sharper than the party girl persona she's branded with lets on. "And I dunno, I think a Pulitzer winning reporter might be out of /my/ league, Lois." With that, she gives another wink, then lifts her cup of sake in a toast. "To something new."

Lois Lane has posed:
    A wry grin twists Lois' lips. "One drink may be all it takes, honestly," she replies playfully. She lifts her cup, pausing a moment to think. "To a life with fewer regrets and more joy." She pauses and adds teasingly, "And some questionable decision-making."

    The sake is drank rather quickly. It's hot, of course, and Lois can feel its effect rather quickly. "Oh yeah, wow. They are on to something. Hot alcohol is a new concept, admittedly." A soft laugh. Not yet a giggle. "It promises not to waste much time, does it? Oh, and out of your league? Hmph. They have gotten me a lot of trouble. It's so childish, really. Winning really gets people angry."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate grins, "Yeah, I noticed that a lot when I was at West Point. People really had issues with a woman that could fight or soldier as well as a man." She chuckles, and shrugs, "Honestly, at that point I was thinking that I'd follow in my father's footsteps, probably wind up working the DIA or something." She gives Lois a wry look, "If you need it, I'll get you a ride home, don't worry." She does seem a bit amused at the fact that Lois...

Well, either she really /can't/ hold her liquor or she's faking it with exceptional skill.

Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois is hit pretty fast, admittedly, but she does her best to adjust to the immediate impact. "I will only be drinking this cup, so I think I'll be fine by the time we are done. And I just take public transit, anyway." Her speech, notably, is not impacted. Just her tendency to smile a bit more and laugh a bit more easily.

    "So, tell me more about your life. What's your average day like, Kate?" She's curious, but there is no notepad in sight.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate mmms, "Well, I wake up pretty early, so I can hit the gym before work. I might not be in the army anymore, but I still try and keep in good shape." And she looks it too, definitely not a /soft/ party girl by any means. Not that it detracts from her obvious appeal.

"After that, well, breakfast and then business. Which can vary depending on what company needs what when and how. Then, typically a lot of charity work in the evenings, which is where the party comes in." She smiles wryly, "Which makes for a late night, but then I'm up again bright and early, unless it's a weekend. Then I can sleep in."

Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois listens intently, nodding. It sounds very familiar. She's heard this kind of thing before. "You do sound similar to another very wealthy Gothamite I've met a few times. But let's put all that aside. Tell me something else. If I gave you an extra three hours in your day and freedom to go with it, what would you do?"

    It is a very interviewy question, but her posture is relaxed. She has a fragile expression, a mix of joy and uncertainty. "You can always ask questions in turn, if you like," she says casually.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate grins, "What I'd do? Honestly..." She pauses, "Catch up on my reading. There's too much happening, and I don't get a chance to really dive into a book like I'd wish to, Lois." She pauses, and suddenly gives Lois a wry look, "You aren't about to compare me to my cousin, are you?" A bit of a laugh at that.

"But well, I know your dad was also military, what was /that/ like? Because he didn't seem to be the kind to push you towards that life, like mine was... though, to be fair, my father didn't need to give me much pushing." She sounds genuinely curious, since Lois decided to take a drink with her, she seems like it's only fair to ask.

Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois laughs at that. "Sorry, comparing is unfortunately something a reporter does at times. But also contrasting. You seem to be rather different than Bruce, though. Though I cannot quite put my finger on it yet."

    When the question comes back, Lois nods. "It was like being dragged around everywhere. I know he would have preferred that I followed in his footsteps, but when I was young I was unstoppable. I lied to Perry and he was so impressed that he gave me a shot after I graduated. Never looked back. I'm not entirely sure just what it was. Maybe it was just something I was born to do."

    "Now, reading. What books draw your eye?" She smirks, "I hope it's trashy romance novels."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate laughs softly, "Well, you got me... and I think it's just the Army in me, I take things more seriously than Bruce does. I mean, I love him, he's my cousin, but if I'm a disaster he can be an absolute catastrophe." Her eyes twinkle a bit in amusement as she regards Lois, and nods.

"Yeah, after what happened with my mom and sister... I was pretty determined to follow in dad's footsteps. Try and do right by him, and them. Didn't exactly work out that way, so I'm trying to do good for the world in general." A pretty altruistic view for a self-described disaster party girl, though those years are a bit behind her now. Mostly.

Lois Lane has posed:
    "And the book you like to read?" asks Lois, being presistent. She is paying attention, and waiting to ask her next question. But she's also letting her focus drift. Less... digging, more playful.

    "So since we are... calling this a date. Let's try to have more fun. What is one thing your girlfriends must never do?" She is just asking out of playfulness. Probably. "And what is one thing they absolutely should do?"

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate grins, apparently enjoying the persistence as she leans in a bit towards Lois, "Well... while I do like a good trashy romance, I really would love to sit down and just /read/ something deeper. Like, you know, Lord of the Rings. Just a place where things were a little bit simpler than they are here and now, you know?"

She hrms, "Honestly, one thing a girlfriend must never do... is take me for granted. I hate that. I mean, I /hate/ being ignored. But what they should do..." She pauses, and tilts her head at Lois, "You know, I've had a lot of girlfriends, but not many of them figured out that there's just some times where /I/ like to be taken care of. I mean, sure, I tend to be pretty take charge and everything, but it's nice to just relax and sink into the arms of someone that cares for you, you know?" Her eyes flicker over to Lois, meeting her gaze when she says that.

Lois Lane has posed:
    Lois finds herself learning a lot about Kate. And it strikes her then that she has no clear plan. No certainty in which direction she means to head. When she questions her motives, she cannot identify anything clearly.

    "A simple world where good is good, evil is evil. It would be nice to have that clarity in the real world, wouldn't it? I work so hard to make it simple for my readers, but he truth isn't like that very often."

    But then come the deeper questions and the most compelling answers. Lois nods quickly in response. "Of course you shouldn't be ignored. God. Who the hell would do that? I'm a pretty awful partner most of the time, but there's no way I could ignore you." The comment is said so casually that it takes Lois a moment to realize that it might imply something.

    But Lois really has no great plan or goal with Kate. She never expected to have company like this tonight. She's not had any great fortune with relationships before, and she's surely never considered something like /this/. "It makes sense. Truly it does. I share that one with you. Everyone thinks I'm fearless, always in control, and yet... I don't know. I can't seem to find someone who can give me relief from the world. To do something I cannot do. Quiet my mind."

    The questions continue to shift back and forth. The two keep talking into the evening. Long after most other tables have cycled through two or even three customers. In the end, Kate escorts Lois to the Loop. Along the way, a picture or two... hundred is flashed off. It irks Lois to no end, but she says to Kate, at the end, "Sorry about my rabid peers. I..." She hesitates there, "I want to meet you again, Kate. If you would like." She produces a card. But it's not her usual business card. It has all her real contact information. A direct line to her. "Fire me a text or call me, maybe?" she suggests. And with that, the night ends. Lois still isn't sure at all what she's up to.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate was a bit more patient with the paparazzi than Lois, but then she's rather used to them by now. And honestly, she's perfectly polite and even offers an arm to Lois to help support her along the way if she needs it. There's just something comforting about her presence that eases Kate's mind.

And when Lois offers her card, Kate smiles warmly, and returns the favor. "Here, my private information. I normally don't give this out, but..." She gives the card to Lois, taking Lois' card and smiles, "I'll be in touch." With that, she winks again at Lois, her smile widening a bit as she waits for Lois to get in the Loop. And she doesn't leave until the train makes its way to Metropolis.

And that's when the smile fades a bit, and her gaze grows more serious. "Okay, time to get to work." And with that, she heads back to her building, because the night is only just getting started here in Gotham...