Jervis Tetch

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  The Mad Hatter  
Jervis Tetch (Scenesys ID: 5331)
Name: Jervis Tetch
Superalias: The Mad Hatter
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Occupation: Neurologist and Supervillain
Citizenship: USA
Residence: Gotham
Education: PhD Neuroscience MIT, Post Doc Gotham U
Theme: DC (VFC)
Groups: Gothamites, Rogues Gallery
Apparent Age: 48 Actual Age: 48
Date of Birth 11 June 1975 Played By Roddy McDowell
Height: 5'2" Weight: 120 lb
Hair Color: Blond Eye Color: Blue
Twitter: Habadasher69
Theme Song: Me and My Shadow by Judy Garland

Character Info


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A Bat Gotham villain who is obsessed with Lewis Caroll and uses small mind control cards to make people do what he wants.


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1975 Born.

1997 Graduated with honors in Neuroscience from MIT

1999 Got Post Doc in Mind Machine Interface from Gotham U

2000 Hired for a medical company w a grant from Wayne Foundation

2001 Tried to use mind control cards to control Alice, stopped by Batman

2002-2009 Rotated in and out of Arkham as the Mad Hatter

2010-2013 Retired from a life of Crime and enjoyed the high life

2014 Reentered crime and new technology

2015 Presumed dead, lived a barely substantive existance

2018 Returns to crime.

IC Journal

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Jervis loves to add flourish to all he does, both in terms of costume and how he achieves it. He is also very able to make it look good as he does so.

Jervis can get fixated on one thing at a time. He is one of the saner inhabitants in Arkham except for this. He will fixate on one person or thing at a time; it was Alice, then Batman and then moved on to other things. But he always has a driving goal that is beyond reason that affects everything he does to the exclusion of anything else.

His ability to move beyond Lewis Carol themes is both a strength and weakness; it lets him disguise himself and perform crimes that dont have as easily recognizable as a motiff (ie he doesnt have to steal only Lewis Caroll releated items) but it also means he is a mask in search of a face, taking time to figure out who or what he is and outside of his obsession he is often lost. This sometimes leads him drawn to the strongest personality in the room as either admiration or protection, and makes him socially awkward.

Character Sheet


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Jervis has learned to change his appearance and blend in with great skill. He cant imitate another person, but he can come up with a disguise that makes him look other than his rather visually distinctive look so that he is all but unrecognizable with relative ease.

He knows how to use a sewing machine and how to make it look good. He can not only make his own outfits but also make matching and themed elements for his controlled minions as well.

He is not that strong but he has been arkham dozens of times and had to hang out with Gothams worst on a regular basis. He will never beat a heavy hitter or a truly skilled opponent but against someone unskilled such as a random Gotham citizen, he is positively lethal.

Jervis has a love of the English language, particularly the works and poetry of Lewis Carol (both the well known and lesser known items) but also has a love of all literature. If someone wrote it prior to his birth he has read it and understands it well both thematically and factually.

As a side effect of his understanding of the physical side of the human mind, he has also gained a deep understanding of what makes the human mind work; what people want (and thus how to lie to them or sell things to them), anticipating their actions and how to manipulate them without even using a single dash of mind control.

He has a working knowledge of all science, but is among the most cutting edge scientists in the world on the human mind. He is, in fact, one of the top five in the world on the mind machine interface, and making technolgoy that allows the human brain to connect to a machine. He is able to constantly find new uses for it, and is able to both engineer it and research it in frontiers that others would fear to tread.

Jervis is a criminal with decades of experience and knows how to fence and stake out excellent criminal opportunities. He knows how to hotwire cars, pick locks and blend in when on the lam. He is a super criminal and has the complete suite of skills that go with it.


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Mind Control Tech:
There are several varieties of this, all controlled by a wide spectrum electronic band of multiple frequencies that he has since hardened against EMP and frequency jamming (he learns a bit more each time he is foiled.) This comes in several varieties.

-The most classic and cheap and frequent version is a small card that if in contact with the head (about an inch) allows him to bypass the Frontal Lobe, directly subsuming the will of the subject. They will have no memory of their actions and be in a fuege state that will allow him to either verbally or technotelepathically control their actions with extreme finesse. He can control an unlimited amount of subjets and has full access to their skill set, knowledge and abilities except the subjects have no true volition of their own and will do whatever he last commanded them to do. He can issue complex orders, but while he is intelligent, he isnt hyper intelligent so there is only so complex he can orchestrate their actions unless he has time to prepare. In combat he can direct them to "attack the heroes except Alice" or "Rob this bank" for example but if distracted he cant use Sun Tsu's reserve tactics as a hive mind like Starro. He must also be in physical proximity of at least 2 blocks to control a person, ideally within sight.

-He has much finer control of animals, and can (and has) share a link through their senses, issue very intelligent commands and effectively give them low human intelligence by proxy (through his own direction). This isnt his typical MO since he actually enjoys controlling people but he can and will use this to get the job done.

-He has a complex version of the tech that allows him to preprogram their activity as if in a dream, leaving he person in a Fuge dream like state where they are barely aware of their actions and will have no memory. This version of the tech is very potent, but must be preprogrammed with specific instructions. The person will have no memory of their actions and it relies on a smaller chip that is easily concealed. It can be left under a person's pillow while they are unconcious.

-He can also use the mind machine tech to create a vastly complex dreamscape where he has total control of reality in a running dream. This can be used to gain information or even alter a person's memories in that they can and will feel it is real, but this is also a dreamstate, and they will be unable to read text (though it takes a particularly intelligent or willful mind to notice that this is the case.)

All verions of this tech enhance a subjects strength considerably to the point of Adrenal "flight or flight" or PCP level strength. Humans can lift as much as a weight lifter and stronger individuals can push a bit past the normal limitations of their strength.

NOTE: ALL versions of this tech are of course consent only and (aside from the limitations above) require the consent of those involved.)

Nest Egg:
Jervis has about 200K left of a three million dollar fortune he has been living on, but after paying off people to keep it laundered, keep him hidden from those seeking to lock him up etc, it has become vastly reduced and he means to increase this.


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He was never that fit, and now he is older still and not in the best of health from living in the desponendt conditions. He needs a number of medications to deal with various debilitating health effects and has a limited physical endurance.

Design Flaw:
Despite all the insane advances his Nueral Tech has made, he has a scientific blind spot in that he cannot seem to make it able to control the human will in anything beyond the most robotic of commands and in proximity of himself with his headband. Removing the control headband will make anyone he is controlling immediately aware of their surroundings.

Jervis is aimless without his obsession. He is capable of amazingly impressive feats of will and mental accumen when focused on that obsession but outside of that is aimless and has a very weak will. When confronted by the truth of his delusion de jour, he will often become extremely ineffective and despondent.

Notorious B Lister:
He is well known in Gotham (and somewhat beyond it), as one of Gotham's more easily reconginzable criminals, but by hismelf he has all the disadvantages of this reputation (disgust, distrust, disdain and disassociation) but none of the advantages (no one is going to run in terror from the Mad Hatter like they might the Joker for example.)



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Title Date Scene Summary
Fowl Play September 27th, 2022 Harley Quinn and Sera take on a protection mission at a Prize Hen shop. Things go wrong quickly when Mad Hatter tries to ruin Harley's new life. But a turkey saves the day and their reputations.


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Entertainment Credits

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Jervis Tetch has been credited in 0 shows.

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Jervis Tetch has been credited in 0 albums.

Title Release Date Artist
No music submitted yet.

Jervis Tetch has authored 0 books.

Title Release Date Synopsis
No books submitted yet.


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