17921/What Happened to the Driver!

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What Happened to the Driver!
Date of Scene: 13 May 2024
Location: Cherry Hill Fountain
Synopsis: Tekkai finds out what Candace has been up to since being cocooned.
Cast of Characters: Candace Hill, Shun Cruz

Candace Hill has posed:
Things are pretty quiet here at the Cherry Hill fountain in Central Park. Its a warm day but not overbearing. The sun is shining through the clouds in the sky making it a really lovely day. A few people are walking by the fountain but for the most part it is quiet.

Candace happens to be here. She is taking her lunch break but rather than eating, she is sketching in her sketch pad. She happens to be drawing the skyline of New York City. Something she herself has been getting much more familiar with given that she's been flying over it. Its been fun but its hard work too. She is trying to learn to control her powers and to make sure she doesn't smash into any buildings or anything. That would be really bad. Still, Here she is, working on her art.

Shun Cruz has posed:
After the whole incident, Shun wasn't sure what to make of it. Neither were his parents. His old man was stonewalled by secrecy stuff, his mother had never encountered anything like it (and she's a former Kamar-Taj mystic) while Shun himself was left wondering just what the hell and looking around with that one. He had found some slight rumors, but nothing concrete that he could really figure out.

That had lead him to taking a scenic route. The Cherry Hill Fountain was a historical thing. And the scenery was breathtaking and beautiful for someone to just walk in usually. That had lead Shun there after a quick subway ride to get there.

What he didn't expect was to find one of the many odd problems in his thoughts to be there as well. He actually has to look twice. Stare. And then blink a few times. A quick phone text to his parents is sent out before he approaches. "Candace?" He asks, sounding unsure and looking perplexed.

Candace Hill has posed:
"Yes? Hello?" Candace looks up and looks at Tekkai curiously. "Oh! Hello you were in my uber at the accident." SHe shudders. "That was a really rough day. Did you get out okay? I am really sorry that I didn't complete your trip. Things kinds went super weird." SHe comments and runs her fingers through her hair. "Things have been really weird, I gotta say. Really hard to explain."

She turns her attention back to her sketch pad. She continues drawing skyline adding clouds and traces of fog through it. "Sorry I do art sometimes to distract myself from everything. I used to sell my art but I just couldn't get my business to take off." She sighs. "BUt I've got a new job that is really good."

Shun Cruz has posed:
Shun smiles, "Hey, I'm just glad you are ok. Last I saw, you were loaded on to an ambulance after Beast Boy carried you out of the crowd."

He shakes his head, "Seriously, that cocoon thing was freaky as hell. I expected to hear you had like extra arms, looked like a monster, or something when I asked at the hospital later."

Shun's eyes are drawn to the sketch pad. "Not bad. I do, too. If it was a good, large career I would do it full time, too. I'm mostly looking at the marines as a career myself, but I'm not sure on it with all the troubles lately."

Candace Hill has posed:
"I work at Kord Industries. Just got hired a few days after the incident. I was in that cocoon for like three days. Definitely got tested on and examined by some scientists. "I gotta admit, the cocoon was comfortable but I prefer to be out in the world you know?" She laughs

Things did change a little for me. I can do some things I couldn't do before. I found out the stuff I was exposed to was Terrigen Mist. I dunno what it did to me. I'm not a mutant or a Meta. I don't think I'm an alien. I have no clue what I am really." She shrugs. "All I know is I can pass for human so for now I am just keeping everything on the down low.

She looks at Shun and smiles to him. "Hey, If thats what you wanna do go for it. I couldn't see myself joining the military. Its just not for me."

Shun Cruz has posed:
Shun gives a one shoulder shrug, "Eh, old man's ex-military. Took a bad hit in the Battle of New York. He works for the VA now."

Rubbing the back of his head, Shun looks uneasy and unsure. "Terrigen Mist, huh? Not heard of it here. Sounds like it was supposed to do something... um... did it? I mean, change you or something?" He asks.

"Just curious and all, 'cause well... erm..." Shun has definitely gone to awkward teenager mode. As if trying to figure out what to say or nhow.

Candace Hill has posed:
"Oh. I hope he is alright now. I can't imagine what its like to be in such a big fight." Candace winces and shakes her head. "I mean Even now, I don't know how I would fair."

She looks at Shun and nods. "Yup. Its apparently rare. It comes from terrigen crystals." She pauses and takes a deep breath. "It did. I changed from my exposure to it. In a weird way I feel like it was meant to happen to me." She shrugs. "It makes sense in a weird way." Her face reddens as she tried to find the words to say. "Its really hard to explain."

Shun Cruz has posed:
Shun nods, "Um... yeah... he pulled through just fine. Still walks with a cane on occasion, but can still kick around most gang members easily."

He looks worried for a moment, "So... Kord Industries, huh? I swear I heard about them before... don't keep up much on the big tech stuff usually..." He looks to the skyline, putting his hands in his pockets.

Candace Hill has posed:
"Thats good. I would hate for him to have to beat up on gang members now. That sounds completely messed up. Then again, who am I to say how people should spend their time? If he wants to beat up on gang members that's his choice." The girl chuckles a little as she considers how she spends her own time. Someone would certainly tell her not to go flying around or even not to go endanger herself at protests.

She follows the topic as it turns to her new job. "Oh um... Mid Town, Tall building. Owned by Ted Kord." She comments as she considers the whole thing. "Its an interesting job. One of the few places I get to drive a Bugatti." She laughs playfully. "I am not kidding. I was hired on mostly as a driver."

Shun Cruz has posed:
"Sounds perfect for you." Shun nods, "You were driving pretty well before the whole protests and accident." The teen says with a smile.

"But nah, he doesn't go looking for trouble. Just happens upon it on occasion. Should see some of the local hoods faces when they try the whole robbery at knife point." He shakes his head.

Candace Hill has posed:
Candace smiles, "But I've never driven a super car before. That is going to be something amazing! I know what I am intending on doing now that I have a solid job that pays really well. First I am going to find a new place to live. Second, I think I want to Start working on cars like tuning them up and making racers out of them. It would be fun!" She smiles brightly at the idea.

"Right I didn't think he would look for trouble. Only heroes and fools go looking for it. Even now, I am dealing with the after effects of the whole cocoon thing and I haven't gone looking for trouble... not yet anyway..."

Shun Cruz has posed:
Shun smiles back, "Sounds fun. I almost considered a motorcycle, but those can get a bit dangerous and all?"

He shrugs, "But... well... if you need a hand, I'd be willing to help if I'm able to?"

He shakes his head, "Still amazed you were like the only one that got that cocoon thing around you."

Candace Hill has posed:
Candace nods, "Yeah It was pretty well contained thankfully. I think if it could have been a lot worse if it were exposed to the open air. Being in the van like it was. It couldn't do a lot of damage to most people. Only people who got really close. Definitely wouldn't advise people to get too close to that stuff. Who knows what it could have done to people. I know what it did to me and that was enough."

She smiles, "Sure thing. I Think it would be fun to get to know cars and to race em! I kinda like going fast, ya know?" She smirks at the thought. "I figure there are plenty of race tracks around where I can take a tuner and go racing with it."

Shun Cruz has posed:
"Might have to go outside the city for that one." Shun admits, "But I think there is one somewhere in New York."

"Going fast and messing with cars sounds fun." He laughs, "So's the drawing. What are you drawing anyways?"

Candace Hill has posed:
Candace smiles and shows Tekkai the image of the city skyline. "Just the skyline. I got to see it from a different vantage point and I found it really pretty." She smiles. "I guess I don't see things the same way anymore. I got a new perspective and its a good one." She smiles bright. "The whole cocoon thing really changed my world. Its not in a bad way. Its in a good way. I mean I have to learn some new things now so I don't hurt anyone but its really a different thing."

She turns to the fountain which is running now since its almost summer. "Have you ever made a wish that you didn't think anyone was listening to? Like a request to the universe for something you thought impossible." She looks back to Shun and smiles to him.

Shun Cruz has posed:
The question has Shun looking at her carefully, "Sometimes, yes."

He turns to walk over to the fountain a few steps. "My grandmother always had some nice quotes about wishes and fate. It's not the wishing for, it's the wanting to keep it in perspective, I guess? Things you can influence rather than the big stuff?"

Candace Hill has posed:
"I asked the universe for one thing. I didn't want to have an ordinary life. What no one ever expects is when the universe answers. My life is upside down now but I don't think I would want it any other way." She smiles. "Life is anything but ordinary now and I have some new choices to make. Everything is different but its so worth it." She smiles a little.

A small glance to Shun is given and her eyes flicker with energy. "I can do a lot now and can make a difference in the world if I choose to. I am not going to go the other way with it. I was given some gifts and I wanna use them for the greater good."

Shun Cruz has posed:
Shun smiles, "I hope you become great at it, Candace. Be careful with it and if you need a hand, well, reach out for it?"

The teen shakes his head, "Just remember that you have to be responsible with it and you got the best ride of your life ahead I guess."

He looks curious, "What do you plan to do now? That life isn't so boring?"

Candace Hill has posed:
"Well my boss is helping me out with stuff." She smiles a little. "My boss is Blue Beetle. Not the young one. The older one with different tech. He has been helping me out and I found out a little bit of what I can and can't do. Like right now I can't touch anyone without affecting them negatively. I just need to learn to control it." She smiles. "YOu are right though. I gotta be responsible with my abilities now and it is going to be a wild ride. I already cost the boss a hefty FAA Fine because he wanted to know just how fast I can go. I can go pretty fast now it seems. I was clocked at over mach 1." She smiles. "I can't go that fast in the city again."

"I want to be a hero. Thats what I am planning on. I wanna use what I've been given to make a difference in the world."

Shun Cruz has posed:
Shun smiles a little, "Good choice... and nice. I'm jealous a bit. You found someone pretty quick."

Then his pocket buzzes and he pulls out his phone, "Oh, great... I need to get going, Candace. I hope we run into each other again? Good luck with the hero gig and the new job."

Candace Hill has posed:
Candace smiles. "Thanks! And yeah its pretty cool." She smiles. "Good luck out there. And I look forward to seeing you again. The new job is pretty cool... Speaking of I should probably get back to work!" She quickly puts her sketch pad away and stands up. "Things are going to be awesome!" She smiles and takes off running toward midtown.