Candace Hill |
Candace Hill (Scenesys ID: 5287)
Candace Hill
Uber Driver
New York City, NY
High School
Original (OC)
Apparent Age:
Actual Age:
Date of Birth
26 Dec 2003
Played By
Anna Popplewell
110 lb
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Theme Song:
Energy by Skillet
Character Info
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Candace Hill is a sharp young woman who has a burning desire to make the world a better place. She does this by being a protester both online and in regular life. When she isn't protesting the awful treatment of the less fortunate than her, she is often doing art. When not doing her art, she will typically be either sleeping or driving for Uber.
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* 2003: Carla Hill hooks up with a gentleman at a club. 9 months later, Candace is born.
* 2011: Candace takes a liking to drawing. Begins practicing in earnest.
* 2017: Carla takes Candace to her first Protest. Candace makes the signs.
* 2018: Candace begins using the Internet to protest for human rights for those that need them.
* 2021: Candace Graduates High School.
* 2024: Candace is given a newer vehicle when Friend passes away. She uses it to start driving for Uber.
IC Journal
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Candace is very bold. She puts herself out there especially when it comes to protesting not just online but in the real world too. She is the type to get on the front lines. While she is Bold she is not a fool. She masks up before going out to protest and wears protective clothing incase things go messy and people get pepper sprayed.
This is the driving force behind why she protests. She wants the best for others. She is lucky. She is mostly normal girl living in a mostly free country. She wants that privilege for others too. She is also the type to give away some of her art for a good cause.
Candace is a very passionate young woman. Fiery is the word that describes her the most. She pours her heart and soul into a few specific things. Protesting is a big one and her art is another. When she takes a side on a topic she is bound to push for that side of the topic with all she is.
Character Sheet
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Energy Absorption:
Candace is a regular energy battery. She is able to absorb various energies such as Solar, electrical, and heat. She could potentially absorb others but she can only hold enough energy to get through a 12 hour period. She can use this to fuel her other powers.
Energy Projection:
She is able to use her energy to project energy in a variety of ways. Mostly in the form of directed beams or bursts in all direction. Her directed beams are strong enough to destroy most cars. Her bursts do less damage but still hit as hard as a punch from an olypmic level boxer. She can also direct the Energy into her body for charged martial combat.
Using her stored Energy she can lift her body off the ground and fly. She can fly upwards of Mach 1 and can fly up into the upper Atmosphere. She can not fly into space. She will experience the cold and the thinning air the higher she goes.
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Candace is very much computer literate. She is really quite good at finding information and often does so to support and in some cased debunk her arguments. She also knows how to stream from both a computer and a phone which is often used to spread the word about the actual situations taking place during protests.
Candace is an artist. She draws characters, and does digital art on them to make them look really nice. She makes some money off of it too.
First Aid:
Candace has taken first aid courses and actually has used them in a pinch. She never leaves home without a good first aid kit.
Candace is an experienced Protester. She knows how to deal with them when they turn from peaceful to non-peaceful. She never wants a protest to go non-peaceful. As such she usually comes prepared for the worst but always hopes for the best. She is the type to pack milk for pepper spray and direct traffic to safety if needed.
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She has an apartment with two roommates. Everyone pays their fair share to keep the apartment up and homely.
Candace is an Uber Driver. She does this to make money and basically survive. when she isn't making art
when one of Candace's friends passed away they left her their car in their will. A 2020 Chevy Tahoe. Its dependable and useful for an uber driver like her.
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Because Candace is often doing protests and taking stances on a public level, she can often come across rather critical of people. Especially they are in opposition to her own opinion. She is also prone to trying to sway their opinion.
You won't find Candace walking under a ladder or breaking mirrors. She believes in luck and believes bad luck can do all sorts of trouble.
Sweet Toothed:
Candace has a tendency to go after sweet foods. She loves candies, Desserts, confectionaries, and quick breads. If its sweet she likes it and often has some of it on her.
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Candace Hill has
19 finished logs.
A Bloody Night |
June 19th, 2024 |
The Queen of Blood pays a visit to Candace's apartment. One of her roommates meets their demise.
Is it Safe... |
June 14th, 2024 |
Candace gets some hard advice and is now in the wind.
It happened on the Way to the Safehouse |
June 12th, 2024 |
Mary comes to see her latest Vampire and encourages her to go for her first meal.
Phone Calls Suck |
June 10th, 2024 |
Candace is told about a safe house and is instructed to go there.
Transporting a Vampire |
June 8th, 2024 |
Mary Seward gets a snack in the form of a good bit of Candace's blood.
Artful Escape |
May 28th, 2024 |
Felicia takes an Uber after stealing a priceless artifact and has a very pleasant conversation with her driver on the way to the hotel.
Sometimes the Heroes Need a Hand Too |
May 18th, 2024 |
Robin makes contact with a new, nascent hero who needs some guidance on her budding powers. He is going to see if Thunderbolt can help her.
Testerbots |
May 16th, 2024 |
What Happened to the Driver! |
May 13th, 2024 |
Tekkai finds out what Candace has been up to since being cocooned.
1 2 3 4 I Declare A |
May 11th, 2024 |
Grenademan stops a conflict with a thumb war.
Riding on the Winds |
May 7th, 2024 |
Candace encounters J'onn while flying around in the park. She gets a lesson in Flight Agility!
Woopsie |
May 7th, 2024 |
No description
Meet the new Boss... |
May 3rd, 2024 |
Candace gets a job at Kord Industries. Ted offers to help her with a suit and with flying!
A living Breathing Science Experiment |
April 30th, 2024 |
Candace learns she can fly and the Hanks go mad scientist over the girl. Ice cream is had.
The girl in the Cocoon |
April 29th, 2024 |
Candace emerges from her cocoon with an energy blast. Hank Pym runs tests.
When the Universe Listens |
April 27th, 2024 |
A Car Accident during a Mass Spaceport protest leads to the release of Terrigen Mists. The mists were contained and only one person is known to have been affected.
Set the Night to Drawing |
April 27th, 2024 |
Candace Meets The Martian Manhunter. She gets to see and hear the universe like a Martian.
Driving Mr. Beetle |
April 25th, 2024 |
Blue Beetle talks philosophy with Candace.
Occupy Central Park: a chance encounter. |
April 24th, 2024 |
Candace slays the dragon and Alex climbs down from his tower and cuts his hair.
Entertainment Credits
Candace Hill/gallery
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Group Memberships
Candace Hill has been listed in
0 groups.