17942/Red Reign: Right of Blood

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Red Reign: Right of Blood
Date of Scene: 14 May 2024
Location: Room 703 - Talia's Suite
Synopsis: Mary decides to have a little chat with Talia al Ghul. The two basically agreeing to stay out of eachother's way, albeit in the roundabout posturing way as expected of prideful women like them.
Cast of Characters: Talia al Ghul, Mary Seward
Tinyplot: Red Reign

Talia al Ghul has posed:
She doesn't always stay at the Manor. When things become too intense, when /feelings/ are involved, Talia simply takes the suite still reserved in her own name at the hotel that is also owned by a flier of the night. On this evening, she's simply there, waiting and meditating. A very, very small alarm over at each entrance to the room that for the stealthiest short of someone like the Cat or the silent Bat might have an issue with bypassing while she was staying in this place and awake, if not alert. Her legs are crossed together in a lotus position, and a series of incense candles burn about her.

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward wasn't quite have the trained stealth artistry that Bruce and Selina were. But, she had her own ways of getting past detection. Much more unnatural ways. It especially helped when those she were sneaking on already had their eyes closed for her. A thick mist blew underneath the door of Talia's room, dancing through the air. The candles of incensed were quickly snuffed out as the mist pulled through them, shrouding the room in darkness. Once the mist reached it's way to where Talia sat, it would coalesce behind her, solidifying. Taking the form of a woman scantily-clad in red, with short hair and eyes to match. She parted her lips, exposing her fangs as she leaned in close to the meditating Talia. She inches towards her neck, about to bite in.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Even as things go to snuff out, Talia's reaction is nearly instantaneous. Two long blades that had been near her snap out as if by magic. One going to hold itself to the tip of Mary's neck, the other right at her chest. Presuming she would move just even a little bit more, they would slice right into her. Talia would tsk her lips together. "SLoppy."

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward was extra grateful to be the magnificent vampire she was in times like this. Case in point, her enhanced nature allowed her the ability to react just in time to Talia's knee-jerk defense. The vampiress ducked back just enough to keep herself from being skewered. Though, the tips of Talia's blades still touched her flesh.

"...Oh, you're good." Mary can't help but let out a faint laugh in mild amusement.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul's blades would go to hold up and over to the woman's throat and to her chest, moving over to where a quick flip of the wrists would slash into her heart and through her neck. Even if she was the type whom whom losing their head was an inconvenience, it was still a bother. "Now, do tell me why you intrude upon me in my thoughts. Consider me a gracious host that I do not reward your intrusion with attent to assassinate with dismemberment in turn. Who is your sire?"

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward seems to sneer at the mention of a "sire." "Oh, my sire? Lady, If you want him, he's probably off somewhere wallowing in self-pity and angsting over me." A touched nerve most definitely. "Now, it's not like I was targeting you specifically. Is this what happens when livestock have thought? They all think themselves to be the slaughterhouse's prized steer?"

As she spoke, her hands suddenly moved to grab onto both blades in Talia's hands. Again, another act she can afford to do as a vampire. Her hands clench and twist, with intent to snap the swords in two.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would muse, "So, you're not a scion of Dracula. Shame." She would click her tongue. "My family is on reasonably good terms with his slayer after all." Though in theory Dracula had rended Van Hellsing apart when the man was old and weak after one too many losses. "Now.." The swords would slash, rapidly twisting over. The first slash is an inner twist, intent on taking off Mary's hand by the wrist, the next gonig to snap up her blade aimed at her neck.

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward pulls her arm back fast enough to keep her hand from getting severed entirely, yet she is still wounded for her troubles. Not just on her wrist, but across her neck. "Ow!" She pulls back, forming a half-mist state as she flies back from Talia, landing on the ground. "That would have been nice to know a little earlier, you know..."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would cluck her tongue, "It's nto my particular fault that you're acting like a newly spawned one that hasn't even figured out how to turn into something. That.. But, Talia's blades hold bck then rather than charging in. "So, you can behave somewhat more politely here in mixed company, or I start seeing how you react to acid and white phosphorous."

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward scoffs. "Oh, honey, you don't want to see the things that I turn into...Can't you tell when someone's going easy?" Her wounds quickly heal up. "...So, you want to talk?"

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would muse, "Oh, it's hardly so original. Bats, rats, wolves, cats, man bats.. It's ever been so unoriginal in my experience. I think we can either talk or I can see how well you respond to fire and you can see how long it takes to regenerate. So shall we talk?"

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward laughs. "Oh, you are just precious." The Queen of Blood leans herself against the wall. "Fine. We can talk."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would just smile, "Very well." Blades up in front of her but in a more at ease position. A light flip and a tap of a wrist against a nearby dresser gives her in hand a rather /nasty/ smelling acidic and chemical vial sealed tight. "So, what brings one of your ken to Gotham?"

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward would also smile, pleased with herself at Talia's question. "Oh, it's not just me here. There's a whole bunch of us in the city now." That smile quickly turns into a smirk. "We're not planning on staying permanently...we're on a bit of a...road trip if you will. This is just a pit stop of sorts."'

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would shrug, "Well then, I suppose that makes sense. So should I be sprinkling salt over my windows and doors and not letting anyone permission to enter?" A casual sort of flit thrown out. "And whom then are you related to when it comes to your scion and clan?"

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would ah, "I see then." She would cluck her tongue, "Then I suppose that I should hoep that you train your offspring to be more polite."

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward stands up straight. "Oh, well, maybe you can train them for me cause uh...Newsflash. You're not the only one in this hotel I came in to bite tonight."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would fold her hands together, "Finally dear, a name. I believe I deserve that since you've been so rude upon coming into my place." She would keep one hand on the blade..

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward playfully bows for Talia. "Mary Seward, queen of blood, at your service." Her eye finds it's way on the hand on Talia that reaches for her blade. In an instant she blows past her as mist, carrying the blade in her hand. "Ah, ah." She tosses it aside. "Remember, I was going easy on you...After all, there could be a chance you could end up joining us by the end of the night."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would fold her hands together, "Oh, there wouldn't be dear. My blood has some rather nasty things in it for just such occasions. You have a bit, and you would be burning from the inside out. You wouldn't know it until your teeth were in my neck and you had taken but a sip and you would be screaming, shrieking, your death throes filling the air as far as the ear could hear, howling as you burnt to nothingness, body melting."

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward hmms. "Gruesome." With a click of her tongue, she begins to walk away. "Well, that's nice and all, but I should really be on my way and leave you to enjoy your night....You should probably get to sprinkling that salt or, hell, even put that blood thing of yours to the test..." She waves. "See you later, then."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would cluck her tongue "Just do remember dear, that your kind are far, far from the most potent, most terrifying things in the night here." SHe's not talking of herself, she's nto talking of the Caped Protectors..

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward had heard enough from others to read between the lines. "Oh my god, does anyone in this city talk about anything other than Batman?" She takes her leave of the room.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia al Ghul would shake her head, "Oh, I'm not speaking remotely of that flying rodent. I'm speaking of twisted things the likes of which the elder spawn and abominations could not have imagined when they slept tens of eons ago and woke up and existence wept."

Mary Seward has posed:
Mary Seward sneers. "Let's hope they're polite." She takes off into the night sky.