17669/Say You'll Haunt Me

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Say You'll Haunt Me
Date of Scene: 15 May 2024
Location: Maximoff Estate
Synopsis: Sori and Lumi have a spectral visitor and it causes Pietro and Micola to talk on some things.
Cast of Characters: Micola Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff

Micola Maximoff has posed:
It is the middle of the night and Micola has been in her office painting again. The girls had long been put to bed, but the monitor alerts that they are up!

While there is no crying there is definitely the sound of almost year old babes doing baby things!

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Up and at 'em, Pietro hears the sounds. He's such a light sleeper, after all. Carefully, he climbs out of the bed, making sure Micola keeps the blankets on her. No need for her to get a chill! Then he's in their room, looking about at what has his girls up and about. "Dad is here, girls." He whispers. "What woke you up?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a bit of a groggy smile to Pietro as he goes to check on the girls, but she is waking up to join them. Though that is taking her a minute.

Meanwhile, Sori and Lumi are all too happy to see dad! There is a little burble of a laugh from Sori especially and Lumi looks like she is looking over towards the book shelves in the nursery.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A glance over to the bookshelves. "Is it your friend, Lumi?" He asks, not expecting an answer. He has his suspicions, that one of Micola's ghostly friends has been visiting. Not out of any concern, just that it is a likely possibility. Sori gets a little tickle, as Pietro scoops up the giggly one. "Mom is coming too... can you hear her?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micolas arrives in all of her sleep deprived glory. Her long blue hair a riot of curls and sticking up in the back. She's got her robe haphazardly tied as she shuffles in and over towards where Pietro stands with the giggly one, "Hello loves." she whispers as she delivers a soft kiss to Sori's cheek and then Pietro's. She then goes over to pick up Lumi and starts to dance around a little.

"It looks like they have had a visitor, they are gone now though." the woman states. "She was probably wondering why I was up so late." she muses.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A smile to Micola, giving Sori a little spin. "I think yes, your friend was here. The little one." He guesses. "Hopefully nothing bad brought her in - perhaps just a happy visit?" The speedster mentions. "This young lady was giggling when I got here, and Lumi was looking at the books." A smirk. "I don't think she's old enough to display gifts yet, do you?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a look around again, "Hmm, could be. The ghosts don't usual cause any trouble. But then again we're still new to this place by time standards and theirs." she muses as she gives a look to Pietro. "As for gifts...it is something that I'm not sure of. Given both of us and our background...not to mentions your sisters and your father." she admits. "We'll just take things as they come. If one of the girls can see ghosts I hope it isn't anything like I saw growing up." she tells him with a frown.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
The speedster nods. "I think it might be a bit better this time around, if one of them can. You'd be able to understand what they are going through, and seeing." Pietro admits. She's given a gentle hug. "As for any other gifts... well, I know a few people who might have more insight into mutations if they come up." A slight grin.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola steps closer to Pietro, cuddling Lumi in her arms as the little family stands there in the closeness. "We're going to have a lot of trouble on our hands in a few years." she chuckles to him. "And I figure you might have ties to some who could see if they might have the x-gene. Not that it matters to me. I would still be happy if they were without any sort of powers." she tells her husband.

"Have you talked to your father or your sisters lately?" she asks him.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"I saw Lorna during the problems with the Starport." He says, with a frown. "She was in full fury mode, protecting those she deemed under her protection." Pietro mentions. "We didn't truly get to talk, but I did see her. Wanda, I've seen briefly as well. We chatted about something missing from her room - someone stole a potent item." A sigh. "Nothing from Father, though.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a soft nod as he explains the family situation. "I feel that she has a right to be furious, what happened was a complete mess." she admits. "And I was expecting my father-in-law to make something into scrap." she muses to that. "It's just..." she breathes out as she holds their daughter close. The little girl wrapping one of her hands in Micola's bright blue hair, "I want you all to be safe. I know when conflict comes up with family that things might seem difficult." she states.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Another hug, and kiss to her cheek. "I cannot speak to their motives, or their directions. I do not know how far they are planning to go." The man sighs. "But I am here, and I am not going to jeopardize my family for poor choices." He smiles.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a gentle nod to Pietro, "Lorna is hosting an open forum next weekend, maybe we should go just to see what is going on and things? I can have my mom watch the girls while we go if you like?" she asks the man. There is a smile to him and then she returns his kiss, "I know that you won't put us in danger, but I also worry about you as a whole." she tells him.

"Did we want to try to put them back down for the night?" she asks him quietly.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
A smile. "We should go, even if I need to watch the girls or bring them." He decides. "We can get them there quickly, after all." Pietro chuckles. "Worry is the nature of what we are, love. We worry over our family and their safety. I can't stop it, but hopefully I can placate it."