17957/Studying the Accounts

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Studying the Accounts
Date of Scene: 15 May 2024
Location: Avengers Mansion - Study
Synopsis: The Avengers talk on how they hate reports.
Cast of Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Greer Grant, Hank Pym

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
There's various data charts out in front of Natasha over recent events from throughout the last few months. The Spaceport, the Injustice League, what things they knew the mutants were having to deal with.. It was time to play catchup. Along with data files pertaining to financials that they knew slipped through Hydra. Natasha was one that was always on the clock.

Clint Barton has posed:
Believe it or not, Clint is actually reading some of the documents regarding the Spaceport. Up until a little while ago, information was not very forthcoming, but with the shift and the UN having taken some control, the archer actually finds that he can get his hands on, the very least, the blueprinted plans. It's that which he's studying.. every entrance, every exit.. and correlating that with pictures.

"Huh," Clint accents the silence with the syllable before, "Man, sweet setup." He's seated in a chair, and the file is closed before setting it on the sidetable. "I have no idea how I'm gonna start this report."

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra was passing by the study, going about her own business, but hearing Clint's voice, she decides to peek in and see what's going on. There, she sees Natasha with her data charts, and Clint with his own documents. "'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,'" she suggests to Clint, then pauses a moment. "Maybe not that one. 'Call me Ishmael.' Hm, no. Well, there's a reason I don't write reports."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would glance at Greer, "They're useful summaries of events. One can often only grasp what ties things together and look for overall patterns by seeing many things to see if they're related. Money goes a long way in tracking things. The activities of our enemies require resources that have to come from somewhere." Technology can often be trackabl eif one knows the creator. There's always a signature.
    "So we have to wonder where things are coming from and what might have to worry us."

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint looks up from his papers, checking to be sure he actually heard right, because if not? Hearing aids were going back to Stark in the morning.

Yup, Greer! "That.." once he gets over his initial surprise, he coughs and nods his head, "I think that'd be appreciated. 'It was the best of times, it was the most messed up of times..'" Once he finishes, there's a smirk that remains behind as he turns his attention back to his partner.

"Where'd you follow it so far?" Clint is craning his neck, as if he can actually //see// the numbers on her papers. "More importantly, where are we gonna be sent to next. It better be a place with reasonable coffee."

Greer Grant has posed:
"Mm, I know what a report is," Tigra says to Natasha. "I meant there's a reason I don't write them, not that I don't read them." She flashes Clint a quick grin. "Definitely messed up times, and I'm not so sure that they're the best of times, honestly." She steps more fully into the study and leans against the back of a chair to listen to Natasha's answer.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym makes his entrance unseen. At least that is the assumption. He is dealing with an ace archer, super spy and feline senses might tip them off. He grows from ant size, flipping off the table. He looks over the charts. "A.I.M. was the technical division of Hydra. They split off. Replacing them is non-trivial for Hydra. A.I.M. is pretty good... without them, Hydra is stuck using AKs and rebuilt Nazi robots." He reaches out to move a report, carefully. "They might be recruiting from outside the U.S. -Sinkiang, Madripoor, Latverian ex-pats."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would give a nod to Hank, "There are always plenty of maniacs going around.. And Hydra has a great deal of funding and no morals. There are unfortunately plenty motivated by greed and madness willing to do anything. Combined with their persistent abilities to infiltrate.." The serpent never stayed down no matter how hard it seems to be hit.

"For now, no greater pattern. Or indicativity of any real connection. That could be meaningless, however. But not everything is always related."

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint gives Greer and upnod, inviting her in for the conversation, even if it only lasts a few before they're back to parallel studying. "I hate reading them //and// writing them, so it's a no-win situation for me all around." And the time he spends trying to avoid doing such? If he would just spend that time reading and writing, he'd have time enough left over!

Straightening in his chair, Clint refers to Natasha's mini-synopsis, "Particularly when chock-filled with good news. I swear, I think they do it on purpose." Give 'Tash all the 'bad news' just because she expects nothing different!

"Plenty of maniacs, but principled ones? They're harder to find, I think. Harder to tap into the strange morality of just some guy."

Hank Pym's entrance, well.. gotta give it to the man. As he flips off the endtable and onto the floor, growing from there, Clint is momentarily startled, but not enough to draw a weapon or grab one. Threat assessment done in less than a heartbeat. "You need to stop doing that."

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra's senses are sharp, but an ant-sized Hank gets unspotted if she's not looking for him, and possibly even if she was. Eyebrows go up at his appearance and her tail flicks briefly, but like Clint she's quickly completed her threat assessment and relaxed again. "Cut one head and two more grow in its place," she murmurs about Hydra. "Do you think they might be? On purpose? I mean, do you think they might be deliberately make sure they're seen as unrelated? Like picking plans randomly or something like that?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym raises an eyebrow at Clint and says, "sorry. I was having a conversation." He points to a six legged friend. "I know you'd never shoot me accidentally, Clint." Heplaced the ant in a potted plant. "There is always a connection. We just have to sift enough data to find it. The problem however is that different divisions of Hydra seem to work separately, with different methods. This is another World War Two holdover. Reich scientists pursued numerous ways to develop the atomic bomb. they failed. Hydra is not stupid. A large enough project would entail divisions working together. We need to find their big superweapon project. Of course that is sort of like the tail wagging the dog. If we could find that, we wouldn't be looking at reports."

He picks up a folder and says, "I'll work on back engineering Hydra tech and looking for clues. I also enjoy writing reports."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would nod at Hank, "There are separate cells that are sometimes prone to fight one another as much as they fight us. Different ideologues, leaders.. They're also prone to unite and cooperate depending on whomever has the most favor at the moment. Hydra has the potential to become far, far more dangerous if there's ever someone with sufficient charisma to unite all of them."

Clint Barton has posed:
"Yeah, and going after the little guys that make up the whole? There may be infighting, but the ranks'll close faster and harder than you can believe if someone from the outside takes 'em on. That's the 'I'm the only one allowed to pick on my brother' thing. So, gotta be careful when taking them out. We can't rely on the infighting. At least from the outside."

Clint looks at Hank, his eyes narrowing, "Always did think you were strange. Reports? Really? That must be it." Couldn't be the whole 'talks with ants thing' right?

He takes the papers he was looking at previously, the file closed now. Waving it, he makes note, "I think I'm going to get a cup of coffee and go through this. I may need more than coffee, though." Bah.. reports.

Greer Grant has posed:
An idle nod from Tigra to Hank at the history lesson. "Think I saw something similar on the youtubes once. Hitler liked having the different parts of his government working against each other so they wouldn't gang up on him. Definitely a lesson in teamwork, there. Plus working for a higher goal than personal advancement." A soft snort at Clint's playful dig at Clint. "Hey, we've each got our talents, right? And I think there's a fresh pot, on. Smells like it at least," she says, tapping her nose.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pymeyes narrow. "Genius IQ, Talks to ants. Bipolar disorder. Vacations in the Microverse... take your pick, Clint. Strange doesn't cover it. Though really, talking to ants is the least of it. They work, they sleep. They don't screw each other over. Though, you have to be the right kind of ant or you get dismembered. In that matter, they're very human." Hank doesn't get humor, mostly or teasing it seems. Or perhaps being called strange is something he's experienced and doesn't care for.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would nod at Greer, "A common thing amongst absolute dictators. It means that your underlings are scrambling to appeal to the leaders for approval, as wlel as preventing those underneath from establishing a thorough enough power base to consider usurping them. Also dictators are often creatures of extreme ego and arrogance, so all those competing for thier favor appeals."

Clint Barton has posed:
"Aaand, my talent is all about fresh coffee." Clint rises to his feet now, the file in hand. "I might have others, but not sure what yet. One day I'll figure it out." Tapping the file in his opposite hand on the edge, he nods to all in the room, "'Tash, Greer.. Pym.. and friends," before heading for the kitchen. Long night (again) ahead of him simply so he can get behind all the action that seems to have taken off.

Greer Grant has posed:
"Hard to get the most and best out of people when you can't trust them, but of course, that's not what absolute dictators are concerned about. They're concerned about staying in power. " Tigra pauses a moment. "Well, that's unique to absolute dictators, but still." She grins wryly over at Hank. "Strange is normal 'round here. I'm a half naked woman with a hairy chest, after all." She rolls her head languidly around towards Clint as he rises to his feet. "Say hi to Maid Marian."