17947/Its time to tell Natasha.

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Its time to tell Natasha.
Date of Scene: 15 May 2024
Location: Survival Training - Triskelion
Synopsis: Half of Alexander explained the half truths to half of Shield.
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Natasha Romanoff, Jessica Drew

Alexander Aaron has posed:
Yes, it was a training area. Alexander had put time on Natasha and Jessica's busy schedules to meet there all the same. He had something on his mind, it related to business. Shield business, but apart from that he'd been vague. Now he was standing unvaguely in the training area, the wide matt used for grappling, a blue thing with a white circle to show the boundaries. He was standing in the center of it, the place had cleared out shortly after he arrived; no one was interested in spending any time near the young man.

There was a palpable sense of dread in the air.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
She was curious - it wasn't often the son of the god of war asked for a meeting. So, Natasha would arrive upon the side of Jessica. Teh two different types of Spider. Natasha was the part of the pair that came with poison. So she did arrive on time, her pistol clipped to her side as she would glance about and cross her arms.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Call it intuition: Jessica had traded her smart business suit for tac gear. The black carbon fiber reinforced NyCo gear fits the agent like a second skin. A regulation ICER hangs from her belt, balanced by a sheath knife on the opposite side. Her dark hair is swept back into a poney tail.

As the two agents walk across the training room area, she says in a straight-faced aside to Natasha, "Feel that? He can't help himself."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
Alexander Aaron turning to face them now, the young man was half his usual self. From his centerline to his right side was all present. The rest was simply not there. A perfectly handsome boy, with one eye. One ear. One arm and breast, one leg. The rest just gone. The one leg stepped toward the pair, bringing the body one step closer. His half mouth opened, and from within emitted the four harmonized voices of Phobos.

"I have been advised to inform you of a series of attacks upon my mortal person."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would glance over at Alexander thoughtfully, "Oh? Do tell. And what makes this the affair of our's as opposed to merely those of Olympus?" Not saying in a 'that's not our problem' tone of voice, but moreso cautious as to what just sort of nature was the attack on him that it required SHIELD, and whom had advised him to come to them?

Jessica Drew has posed:
The agent who prides herself on her sang-froid in the field, staggers a step in surprise, grabbing Natasha's elbow. "What the hell?" To her credit, Jessica recoups her nerve.

Despite Natasha's cautious tone, she challenges, "Since when do missing agents," she forces herself to sweep Aaron from head to toe, "even half missing not regard SHIELD, Agent? This likely regards us all."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
The half nodded, cocking its head to one side in consideration. "I wish to disclose the events out of respect to the agency which has given me succor in the form of mentorship and meaningful work." replied the harmony. "Not to encumber a response as a party to any self-indulgence. There have been two attacks. Extra planar entities which possess an array of powers in the spectrum I would classify as subterfuge. The first attempted to muddy my senses as I crossed a busy street in Manhattan. The second was a large ambush while I was secluded in a library. I mistook these creatures for devils, and as such I setup a meeting with L'avocat De La Main Gauche, Hell's principle attorney."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would give a sigh over at Alexander, "So you're not sure if you're dealing with a lawyer or a demon?" SHe would quip over. "So whom are after you?" She would frown. "Do you have any specific idea as to what their purposes are and what organization they're with?" That didn't sound good. Something that could actually threaten a god, even in mortal form..

Jessica Drew has posed:
"He told me a little about it. I thought he was going to talk to one of the Commanders about it," Jessica inserts between Natasha's questions. Directing the next question to Alexander, "So you think the first and the second attacks were coordinated?"

She pinches her bottom lip, frowning, "Did L'avocat de la main gauche ever get back to you?" In another aside to Natasha, "It sounds like WAND should be informed."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
The half replied, four voices as one "The meeting with the Advocate was filled with obvious lies and truths. He is a smug piece of shit that I could barely tolerate. He said that the things where not part of or from Hell, that I believed. He said further that he was aware of a loophole, something about Olympians and suicide. That if my body returned to Olympus with the appearance that I had taken my own life, that my forebears would be forced to respect my decision, and that the role of the God of Fear would somehow be up for grabs. This sounded like bullshit. But I did some digging on it, and there is something to it, not quite like he would have had me believe."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would shake her head, "Definitely something along the lines of WAND. You could also make contact wtih the Themyscirans.. I'm sure that the Princess would be quite interested to hear of this as well. Or the Asgardians." Of course, it might be the type of thing where gonig to other gods for aid defeated the purpose.

Jessica Drew has posed:
The harmonies in Phobos' voice set Jessica's teeth on edge; she rubs the back of her neck and shifts in place. "Now, it starts to make sense." She shares a glance with Natasha, then addresses Alexander, "It only half worked, didn't it?"

"Aaron, what do you propose doing? Agent Romanova's suggestions are good ones. It sounds like you need the big guns. I can take someone down physically but am worthless on mystical planes."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
The Half glanced a single eye at Jessica, specifically when she said 'half worked'. "Ah." he said in understanding. From a distant corner of the room, shrouded in shadows, another half boy approached...hopping awkwardly on one leg. Through some difficulty, the two halves merged again sewing their flesh along the centerline. "I didnt realize I was passively reading." he explains, "Someone nearby imagined this." said the now complete Alexander whom now slowly lowered his feet to the floor from the couple inches he was levitating from it. "Natasha, I will trouble you no more. I apologize if I wasted your time. Jessica, perhaps we can discuss next steps in the near future, at any rate I would enjoy your company."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanova would shake her head, "You're not disturbing me or distracting me. Just I fear in affairs of demons and gods, I am somewhat out of my depth." It was calleda dmitting things that she didn't know, worlds that she didn't fit on or that she would be a liability within. "By the time you bring me up to speed in the matters it's a waste of time and effort."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Whether you enjoy my company or not Agent is beside the point, Agent Aaron," Jessica replies with a small shake of her head and a deepening frown. "Someone imposed you appearing divided down the middle like that? You really need to talk to WAND." She shoots Natasha another worried glance, "We'll back you in our areas of expertise."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
Alexander, the ordinary twenty something with the uncanny eyes "I'll take your advice. Thanks for listening." he offered.