17964/Perfection In the Storms

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Perfection In the Storms
Date of Scene: 16 May 2024
Location: Faculty Lounge
Synopsis: Monet and Ororo talk about the troubles and the inevitable ones htat will follow.
Cast of Characters: Monet St. Croix, Ororo Munroe

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It was always a difficult time being a mutant. Some times felt worse than others. It's been feeling like that lately for Monet St. Croix. Her arm is up and over in a sling and there's an obvious series of bandages along her chest indicative of treatment for broken ribs. She's focused over on trying to breathe in and out, making herself relax even as agitated thoughts would constantly swirl about.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
If anyone knew that things could be turbulent, it was going to be someone connected to every breath of wind or crackle of lightning around the globe. Still Ororo had been an X-man for so long, that weathering the 'storm' wasn't a new concept either. Approaching the lounge she entered, hair down and casually dressed before a raise of her brow brought a look of concern. "You have had an eventful time of late Monet?"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would glance over at Ororo and sigh, "Yes, Ms. Munroe. There were a number of.." She had come in after a fight with several members of the team in Bushwick with the Mutant Liberation Front. And having been telekinetically hurled through a building like a backhand from a Kryptonian. "I am.. Tired."

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"Then it is good this is a place you can rest," the dark-skinned woman offers, turning to retrieve resources to brew herself a coffee, a mug decorated with the 'X' of the academy decorating its surface.

"I have heard the report about it, sad to say that such conflicts seem to get more common eaxh day, rather than less."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would nod and frown, "Yes. Between our own kind, Sentinels.. I fear that things are accelerating. I worry that there are those whom will decide they have to be more proactive on handling things.. And the circumstances will escalate. Because we can never find a middle ground." Of being damage control and premeditated strikes.

Ororo Munroe has posed:
"It has always been a danger, to worry who might strike first," Storm offers, the light swirl of her spoon clinking against her mug. "Fear and power are a fearsome mix. Mutants who feel like they will be targeted may feel they have no action but to strike first. Humans who think they might be toppled from their place might seek to cut mutant kind down before it can grow..."

She trails off, a light sigh from her lips. "But it is no reason not to try. Every moment made better is far from a moment wasted."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would sigh, "Yes, you are right. Just there are too many things going on." Her lips would tighten. "And I have no sense of how much they are connected together. Or merely taking advantage of the period to escalate. And fear and hate are the most potent emotions. That seems a universal across all species."