17923/They All Come Tumbling Down (The Split - Part IV)

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They All Come Tumbling Down (The Split - Part IV)
Date of Scene: 19 May 2024
Location: Abandoned School, Gotham City
Synopsis: A raid gone wrong results in an abandoned school under siege and a stalemate between the GCPD and a couple mob elements. Gotham's premier animal themed crimefighters step up to soften the target up so that the GCPD can finally sweep in and make their bust. Robin gets shot, Red Robin gets used as a festive accessory, and Batgirl smells. Will Robin lay an egg?
Cast of Characters: Harvey Dent, Stephanie Brown, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake

Harvey Dent has posed:
Gotham City. An exchange of gunfire between the criminal underworld and the police isn't a daily happening, but it's frequent enough that sometimes it's easy to overlook as big news! The GCPD uncovered an alleged deal between two factions within the crime world and decided that a heavily armed raid on that deal might be necessary to scoop a bunch of garbage out of the streets all at once. The problem, as so often is the case for the side of Law and Order, was that the mob wasn't about to go down quietly. Nor were they outmanned, outgunned, or outmotivated. The raid was halted in its tracks when a heavily armed response forced approaching officers into hiding behind their vehicles and whatever other cover that they could rightfully conceal themselves behind. The exchange of gunfire has been sporadic, but carried on for over an hour at this point.

The school itself is old and abandoned, but with much of the old furnishings left behind. So often the old is forgotten in favor of the new and when this school was vacated in lieu of a larger, better equipped building? That new building was likely furnished with new equipment. Which means the old beakers, desks, even a few defunct or outdated computer monitors, and more has been left behind. Some rooms have been barricaded by old folding tables wedged against the interior doors. Some of the hallways have likewise become fortified zones with piled furniture creating narrow avenues to funnel the possibility of attack into a narrow, killable zone.

Flashlights abound within the darkness of the abandoned cathedral of educational pursuit. Its abandonment resulted in its removal from active use on the electrical grid, which results in the various rooms and corridors being plunged into darkness. For the more nocturnally inclined of Gotham's crimefighting element? It's a ripe hunting ground, ready to be exploited and prowled. The gangsters have had plenty of time to create hasty, albeit makeshift, fortifications; most of them didn't fortify with The Bat in mind, however.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown drew in a deep breath and let it out. She knew that the air she was breathing was a closed system. Self-contained, with the carbon dioxide recycled out by a rebreather that replaced it with oxygen. No air, no gas, was getting in or out of her cowl when it was sealed for underwater and similar sorts of environments.

And yet as she looked around the old underground tunnel she was crawling through, she couldn't help but think how it must smell.

Not actively being used for sewage, thankfully, but even the storm drains end up with so much junk in them decaying as to be quite unpleasant. And yes, it was a secret route into the school.

<< So back during No Man's Land this place was a shelter for refugees. Mom and I were here for awhile while Dad... well I won't talk about Dad at that point. Anyway, we used to sneak out like this when we'd go looking for food. Come up a few blocks away where I entered. This should let me right into the locker room, there's a grate there. Just another few dozen feet. >>

The caped heroine continued the crawl forward. The storm drains were a lot roomier back in those days for a much younger girl. But Batgirl makes the trip, and soon enough is ready to emerge into the locker room when the rest of her teammates are ready on their own infiltrations.

Damian Wayne has posed:
Robin, it turns out, is a roof boy. He likes heights because so many people don't. "Embrace what you fear," the memory of Ra's al Ghul tells a six-year-old Damian who was made to stand atop a narrow ledge on the side of a mountain for 24 hours. The costumed vigilante is squatting at the edge of the rooftop in the shadows prying some of the edging on the roof away. There it is, a narrow gap in the wall large enough for insulation and electrical conduits...and anyone without a trace of claustrophobia.

"I'm entering from above at the northeast corner," Robin says into his comm. "I'm detecting twelve heat blooms near my entry point." He grunts a bit as he speaks because he is currently wiggling his way down between the wall in a space no sane person would attempt to squeeze through.

Tim Drake has posed:
Swirling around in a fitting holographic manner is a 4D model of the high school in question, complete with access entry points and thermals. Maybe one of the dedicated Bat-Satellites is making this possible, who knows. But this deep of a dive could only belong above the wrist of the nerdiest of the Bat Brats...

Red Robin.

The gander at the holographic rendition is what he's watching while listening to the comms.

<< I've got the Southweat quadrant. >>

Red Robin swipes away the schematics and steps backwards, dropping through an access panel that he must've previously opened because the pieces of the grate have been severed and are in a pile next to the hole he just dropped through. Which, with his calculations always being correct, puts him right above the defunct theater hallway. Specifically, above the projector room. Where 'Daisy <3's Coach Bitterman' is carved into the ceiling.

Red Robin frowns and moves to head towards the heat signatures near his own location.

<< I've got a handful here. Meet you guys momentarily. >>

Harvey Dent has posed:
Surreptitiously an assortment of vigilantes begin to make their entry into the old Gotham High School. What adds to the confusion, intensity, and sometimes even the fear of the whole operation is the fact that periodically there are sounds of gunfire. Was someone found, subdued, or executed? It's difficult to know. The occasional exchange of gunfire from both inside and outside the structure interrupts the night. The shouts of some of the criminals trapped within the structure seems to illustrate that they are at least communicating and, at times, effectively. Advising of the GCPD's movements outside, who may require ammunition, who needs relieved; there's a certain degree of professional precision to the whole affair. The heat blooms may show them as being spread out, often operating in singles or pairs, but there always seems to be two, three, or four more within easy shouting distance and available to reinforce if needed.

The infiltration is underway and so far its success is maintained. The toughs holed up inside the school-under-siege have bigger things to worry about than what may be lurking in rafters, old sewer pipes, between the walls, or even the dark corners of Mrs. Miller's old Algebra I class.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The grate has some rusty looking hinges, so a little acidic composition applied to it severs them completely. Allowing Batgirl's ingress to be silent as she moves the grating aside and crawls out onto the locker room floor, no part of her body making it more than about six inches off the ground.

The room, once home to boasting football and basketball players, now is mostly silent except for the echoes of gunfire not too far away. But the footsteps coming down the hallway are plain enough to near.

In nothing flat, Batgirl plants a foot on a bench to vault up to the top of a locker and from there slip into the hanging ceiling. She shoots a grapple line down to the grate she replaced in the floor, giving it a tug and letting it fall back with a clang.

"Did you hear that?" a male voice says, trying to be quiet yet the sound carrying even through the locker room door. It is cracked open for someone to peek in, and then three men come inside. One is armed with a handgun, another with a tire iron and the third with knife big enough that Crocodile Dundee would have approved.

They slink forward, two going one way around the lockers while another circles the opposite way. That makes the latter the target. The tranq dart hits his neck moments before the arms grab him and ease him down to the ground, his assailant never really emerging from the shadows that cloak the locker room.

"See anything?" one of the remaining two asks. "The floor there," his partner says, moving over to crouch by the grate. "Was it open like this?"

The other man turns and looks around. "Frankie? Where are you?" He swings his pistol about in the dark, getting worried at the lack of response.

Damian Wayne has posed:
Although shadows are often spooked by the approach of Damian, he decides that his initial ingress tonight will be one of violence and surprise instead of stealth. The place is already loud and the air is riddled with gunfire. So what's a little noise more. Once Robin is in place behind the aging plaster wall he scans with his thermal imager. In whatever room is immediately behind this wall there are six heat blooms. Another five or six are not in the immediate room but are close by. He will only have moments to subdue these guys before the reinforcements arrive.

Into his comms: "Batgirl, Red Robin, I'm breaching now. I'm gonna have a whole lot of company less than a minute later."

"So this fuckin' mook offers to buy my girl a drink like my name was fuckin' Stanley or something..." one of the six gunman in this windowed lookout room says. This leads to the other five laughing.

"Nah, nah, that's not the good part yet, assholes," he retorts.

And that's when the micro-explosives detonate, shattering the plaster so that Robin can push through. To be fair, they try their best. They really do. But they never had a chance. One doesn't stand this close to the former Heir to the Demon without paying a cost.

*crack* Sub-orbital fracture. Unconsciousness in 1.3 seconds.

*snap* Knee fracture with a follow up elbow to the left-side temporal bone of the skull. Unconsciousness in 2.2 seconds.

Although Damian doesn't regret his decision to leave the League and take up arms with his father and his adopted siblings, he grudgingly acknowledges that this was so much easier when he was allowed to kill.

The flow continues for a minute longer. One bullet is fired, deflecting off of Robin's shoulder armor. Six gunmen are unconscious.

That's the good news. The bad news is that the element of surprise is gone and based on the yelling and approaching footsteps, more trouble is moments away.

Into the comms: "Yeah, this is about to suck."

Tim Drake has posed:
"... and so I was like: BADABING! ya' know?"
"Just badabing? No badaboom?"
"Nah, no badaboom. She was definitely no badaboom."
"Shame. All bing, no boom. What's dis world comin' to, hah?"

The words between Nicky Knux and Joey 'The Rat' Vernado fly back and forth as they often do when this kind of thing happens. This kind of thing where there's gangsters walking around and having stupid conversations while a band of vigilantes target them.

<< One sec. >> Red Robin's voice comes through the comms while he remains above, back to the ceiling and legs stretched out to hold him up. A ball rolls between the feet of Nicky and Joey, before a thick dark smoke comes pouring out for obscuring of vision.

"Badabing? Badaboom? Seriously?" Red Robin's voice is annoyed at the stereotypes as he drops down into the smoke filled area. The sound of his bo staff telescoping open happens and then there's some grunting and a couple of shots fired. A moment later, Red Robin is walking out through what's left of the smoke as Da' Mooks (as they've acted) find themselves in a pile on the floor, gunless, zip-tied and knocked out.

<< On my way. >>

Harvey Dent has posed:
All throughout the abandoned school, plans begin to unfold.

The old locker rooms find itself the roost of a particularly nimble Bat who secrets herself away just before a trio of mob thugs make their way in to investigate a strange noise. It's the sort of stuff many a horror movie has started with. Their flashlights blaze through the darkness as they split up, looking to trap whatever they may have heard. One of their number drops heavily to the floor. The sound of his fall is rather distinct and audible, along with the clatter of his knife as it goes scraping and sliding across the old tile floor.

A group of men soon have a particularly surly Robin among them. Bones fracture or break, cartilage snaps and pops, and heavy grunts are heart as breath is forcefully driven from lungs. No doubt when they're asked by their cohorts or even the place later, they'll all share a common thread as to their being subdued: it all happened so fast.

Meanwhile the Nicky and Joey show has the pair embracing nearly every stereotype that they can manage, short of shoveling pasta into their gobs. The smoke fills the area and the pair of course call out in surprise, before quickly turning to threats and some good old fashioned taunts. Their threats and taunts are brief however. Soon enough there's a wicked sweet bo staff among them, whipping and whirling about. Knocking them around and finally knock them out with forceful skill.

A few down; many more to go. Estimates put the remaining tally - including the two still with Batgirl - at nearly another twenty mobsters. Although many of those are actively engaged or otherwise committed to ensuring that the GCPD doesn't storm the entrances and overwhelm them. No doubt there's a fair few searching for alternative means of egress; like an old sewer access.

From outside the old high school a voice can be heard over a loud speaker, "This is Lieutenant Kerr, put down your weapons and come out with your hands up!" That generous offer of surrender is soon interrupted - or answered - by another slew of gunfire. When the thugs inside the building open fire, the GCPD opens fire in return. No doubt there have been injuries or worse on each side, but for now the siege and stalemate holds.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The gunman keeps turning, looking for what happened to Frankie. "Rick, better get on the radi-" he manages to get out before a blur of gold comes out of the dark, the telescoping bo staff smacking him on the temple and dropping him.

"I really hate guns," Batgirl says as she steps forward into a moonbeam making it through a little jagged opening in a broken window. "And don't bother with the radio, Rick, I'm already jamming it."

Rick steps forward, that great big pig sticker of his held before him. "Gonna cut you," he tells her. "Look at you, little girl. Thinks she's a big bad Bat. But you're just a frail little thing, ain'tcha? Gonna bleed you. Gonna make you hurt and beg. But no one's gonna help you."

He moves forward in a menacing stance, ready to strike with the knife. Batgirl is just standing with the bo staff resting on her shoulder casually. "The question is who is going to help you, Rick."

The man lunges at her, ready to dodge the bo staff as he slices out with the knife. He's taken by surprise as she instead just pivots away from, her arm sweeping out and throwing something, though it goes wide of him.

He dances back a step. "You miss-" he gets out before the batarang is circling him and wrapping him in a high tensile cable. His arms are soon trapped to his sides as the line runs out and the batarang wraps about the cable to secure him.

"And I'll be taking those," Batgirl says, disarming him of first the knife, and then his radio. << They are using frequency 170.6. >> she sends out over her comms after reading the setting off the radio.

She crouches by Rick to stick him with a tranq to keep him quiet. Before he passes out, he manages to mumble, "You know you really smell."

Batgirl winces, sniffing the air, her cowl's airtight system disengaged. He's not wrong. Barbara is going to have a field day with that fact when she gets back.

She moves on towards the sounds of gunfire from a nearby room, holding the GCPD at bay.

Damian Wayne has posed:
Robin is ready for a counter-breach. There are at least five non-surprised armed gunmen on their way into this room. "Maybe this was a bad idea," he murmurs to himself. *click* *click* *click* *click* Damian snaps out four miniature flash-bangs from his belt. Regardless of how this one pans out, it won't go easy. But our boy has faced bad odds before.

Then the charge stops. No entry. No breach. Just a clang, clang, skitter, skitter. Two grenades come sliding in the room.

Over the comms: "Northeast corner no longer a tenable position!" Robin leaps out one of the windows...but that's when the two-way hail of gunfire erupts! Behind him, two fragmentation grenades explode while a hail of gunfire begins below. Several bullets strike him. One finds an opening in his armor on his left side just below the ribs. 'If it hit my descending aorta, I'm already dead,' Damian calmly thinks to himself as he spins acrobatically in midair and fires a grappling gun to the roof. When the device violently tugs his body upward, blood streams freely from the bullet wound.

Into his comms: "I'm on the roof. I'm shot. Keep your positions. I'm either fine or I'm already dead," says the young man matter-of-factly.

Kneeling down, Robin pulls a cauterizing plug from his utility belt and presses it firmly into the wound. There is a lot of pain. His childhood was a lot of pain, too, so this is nothing. He grimaces only slightly.

Into his comms again: "Option one. I'm fine."

Tim Drake has posed:
Red Robin is tuning his wrist computer to the frequency passed over the comms. << Got it. >> so now he can keep tabs on what's going on and movement and potential planning. He's also recording everything because that's what Red Robin does. He seems to be focused on his wrist computer as he makes his way down the corridor but manages to still be paying enough attention to know that there's a big man with the fire axe from this floor around the corner. Are his senses that good?! Is it training from the Batman himself?! Did Red Robin get a glow up in gangster hunting?

No, no. He can just see the heat signature on his schematics. He's got this whole place wired.

"RRRRRAGH!" comes the battle cry of the third gangster for him to deal with in this moment. Its followed by said gangster's arrival and the swinging of that axe right at ... wait... where'd Red Robin's head go? It's supposed to be right here in this space that the axe is passing through at this exact moment?

A whistle from below has the gangster's eyes divert downward and Red Robin is on the ground. He gives a sarcastic wiggle of his fingers before shoving the heel of his boot into the big man's knee. There's a crunch and the big man's ini pain but also switching axe positions to aim downwards but Red Robin's already flinging a flashbang pellet into his face. The resulting flash has this man in blinding pain and Red Robin sweeps him right off his feet on his way back up to his own, stomping his head into the floor to put him down with just a little extra authority.

<< Quadrant clear. >> is aimed at the rest of the team. << Robin. I'm coming to you. >>

Red Robin backs right into the stairwell, leans over the railing and aims his grapple up. Launch. Catch.

Red Robin mutes his comms for this next sarcastic bit.


Unmute and a Roof Access door. Perfect timing.

Harvey Dent has posed:
Batgirl leaves two more subdued, totaling three, in her wake. The sound of further gunfire draws her in that direction. However, before she can reach that position, she practically walks into a group of a half dozen that surge from within what was once the girl's locker room across and down the hall. Among them are a pair of firearms and an assortment of bludgeoning weapons. She doesn't end up immediately shot - or shot at - because as much as their sudden appearance may have offered some surprise to her, she's surprised them just as much.

Robin's been shot after his initial entry drew too much attention from nearby defenders. They bring the big guns - and explosives - to the party, practically chasing the young Robin out of the building with gunfire spraying the world all around him. He's hit and calling it out across the group's comms a moment later, though he does smartly begin rendering his own first aid in the field.

Red Robin's an explosion of violent intent when he's ducked beneath the fire axe. That little head-stomp sends a proper message to the big guy, too. He doesn't get back up. It's not really his choice of course, but he at least seems to have taken the message to heart and stays down. By force. A moment later and Red Robin's ascending up the stairwell with a jubilant little sound that's robbed from the world by a simple muting.

Unfortunately the stairwell seems to be the residence of at least four of the holed up gangsters and some of them watch as the Red Robin glides up and past the floor that they occupy. They all look pretty confused at the caped crimefighter suddenly ascending up and among them.

"What the actual fuck are you?" one of them can be heard asking with a mingling of disbelief and sarcasm. Despite their momentary confusion though, they don't delay in preparing to start beating the everloving hell out of the ascending vigilante.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The stream of men coming out of the other locker room takes Batgirl by surprise at first. Thankfully the riflemen are at the back and don't have a clear line of fire yet. Which gives Batgirl the time she needs to backpedal into a classroom and toss flashbangs over the head of her nearest assailants, hitting the two riflemen. They barely have time to react before their eyes are full of bright lights and their ears are ringing.

After that it gets confusing and things happen fast as she's assaulted. Two burly men have baseball bats and one is armed with a cudgel. Another has a length of pipe that he's wrawpped the tip with barbed wire.

"Hope you guys are more of a challenge than the last- OW!" Batgirl quips as she ducks under the lead pipe, kicking the man in the stomach, but then taking a bat from behind to her shoulder.

She staggers forward into an old student desk, grabbing it and tossing it at the pursuing gang member, giving her just enough time to right herself fully before the others are on her.

The men club at her with powerful blows, while Batgirl blocks them with the metal studs lining the arms of her costume, or dodges. Punches and knees are returned to them. A spinning backfirst breaks one man's already crooked nose and results in a spray of blood.

That damn pipe lands on Batgirl's leg, hitting hard enough it's going to leave a bad bruise despite her costume's body armor. Batgirl's boot flashes up in a kick that goes head high, snapping back a man's head and knocking him unconscious.

Then she's running across the room, hotly pursued by the three men. She hits the wall and Batgirl runs up it and flips over their heads. She lands in a crouch as they spin. She gives a little "goodbye" sort of wave and lets them see the remote in her hand a moment before she hits the button it.

The concussive sticky bombs she slapped to the backs of two of the men go off, knocking them fully off their feet and rendering them unconscious, probably with concussions, but nothing lethal.

The remaining man charges her, tackling Batgirl and they both crash through another desk. Before he knows what has happene, she's spinning her body about him, using jiujitsu to put him into an arm lock that is painful enough he drops his bat. A punch to his already broken nose puts him out for good.

Batgirl groans, having picked up more bruises, as she climbs wearily back to her feat. "Now where are-" she says then dives aside as gunfire comes through the doorway. The men can hardly see, just peppering the area in front of them. Batgirl heaves a gas grenade, the knockout gas finally taking them down. "I really should have stayed home and worked on my Econ paper," she grumbles.

Damian Wayne has posed:
Alfred's comforting, calm voice can be heard over the comms. "Bat 1 to Robin. Your heart rate is rising dramatically. Do you require evac? I can send..."

Robin curtly cuts Alfred off: "Bat 1, negative. Gunshot wound, lateral entry to upper left abdominal quadrant. Have surgical suite standing by." Not a lot of people call in their own gunshot wounds and instructions.

Then Red Robin is announcing to the whole world that he's coming to Damian's rescue. The rest of the team can likely /feel/ Robin frowning right about now. "T..." In his frustration he /almost/ says the name. "Red Robin, hold your position I'm fi..." Then he stops speaking.

"Hey, little boy," says a disturbingly deep, resonating voice. Remember Andre the Giant? That's what this dude looks like: around 7'5" tall, probably north of 500 pounds. He has three or four GCPD flak jackets -- likely taken off the dead bodies of cops -- strapped around his massive torso. And he seems to be wielding a massive concrete plug dangling at the end of an enormous chain. With a grin, the huge man starts spinning it around.

"Are you completely serious?" Robin asks nobody in particular. He pulls a stun gun from his belt and fires it at the giant. The leads sizzle and pop and the huge beast of a man just laughs in that frighteningly deep voice. "That tickles, little boy," is his response as the concrete plug swings at Robin. Normally dodging an attack like this would be trivially easy for Damian, but there is a 9mm bullet still bouncing around inside his body. He barely gets out of the way. The world spins a bit as pieces of the roof explode under the massive force of the attack.

Alfred's voice: "Team, Robin's heart rate is critically high and he has suffered a 20 point drop in blood pressure."

Slid sideways into the back of Robin's utility belt is a tanto blade, there for those emergencies where Bad Choices have to be made. He peers up at the grinning, laughing man while he himself is on his butt on the roof. His hand begins to move toward that tanto now. This might not be a situation he can escape using Batman's Code.

Tim Drake has posed:
<< Need a moment. Batgirl? ETA? >>

Red Robin is trying to sound as calm and collected as he's been this whole time but there are a collection of angry mobsters swinging very hard weapons at him in a violent manner. And while the suit he's designed offers him some protection, the repeated smacks, clangs, biffs, boffs and thwunks are all quite the expressive state of violent affairs. And Red Robin doesn't particularly care for it. Thus the covering up.

When Alfred's update on Damian's status comes through, his eyes narrow beneath that domino mask. His mouth frowns as he uses his covered up frame to grab something off his utility harness. He explodes out of his hanging position of protection, expanding his glider wings as he sails backwards towards the Roof Access door. As he does so, he flings the handful of small Red Robin Logo'd discs towards the bodies of the gangsters that have been beating on him. The moment his feet hit the floor in front of the Roof Access door, Red Robin holds up the trigger control and smirks at them. Time to respond to that asinine question, even through the pain that his body is currently going through: "I'm..."



"Okay, well I don't really have a cool catch phrase just yet. So..." He just drops his thumb down on the trigger and those adhesive Red Robin Mini-Discs spark with electricity to taser the hell out of that Vigilante Bashing Collective.

As their bodies fall, Red Robin ducks through the Roof Access door and rushes up the mini-steps as fast as his now battered and bruised body can take him.

"Dammit. I shoulda' said 'I'm Busy' or 'I'm Bored' or something. That would've been perfect. /Now/ I think of it."

Red Robin bursts out onto the roof!


At the very least his annoying arrival should be enough of a distraction for Andretti 'Da Giant' Macaroni?

Harvey Dent has posed:
Things have progressively gone from Great to Eh, This Is A Little Bad. Gunfire has erupted within the building and the GCPD seems to have recognized this fact. The explosions were another clue that things weren't going exactly according to plan for those on the inside of the old abandoned high school. Tentatively the GCPD tactical teams begin to creep forward, keeping their shields up and their momentum steady. They exercise caution, but not at the risk of their own personal safety. Fewer things utterly suck more than being caught in the option during an insertion.

Inside the situation has began to devolve into some rather tense exchanges. Operating independently of one another, they each face their own trials and tribulations in softening the interior of the structure for the advance of the GCPD. Everything from more mild bruises to literal gunshot wounds have been accumulated among the nighttime vigilantes. Judging by intercepted GCPD radio traffic, they've got three of their own assault teams entering the building.

If ever there's a time to skedaddle, it fast approaches.

That is, of course, after Andretti Macaroni's no longer looking to make paste out of Robin.

Damian Wayne has posed:
The number of heartbeats that separate 'now' from the moment that Damian was planning on ending a life in Bruce's Gotham was a frighteningly small number. We reap what we sow, and the time will come for Damian to figure out what wrong here tonight. But first he may have to kill if there is any hope of...and there he is! Red Robin! Despite Robin's admonitions over the comms, Red Robin is here and distracting Mr. Macaroni. And that's all the break that Damian needs!

With the very last of his strength, Robin leaps up and charges Macaroni from behind. The giant, having seen the barely conscious Robin, made the mistake of underestimating the young vigilante. Robin pulls a skin-piercing stun device from his belt, shared with him by his father. He jams the point of the device into the soft space at the base of Macaroni's skull and activates it.

The dance that the 7'5", 500+ pound beast does might, in another context, be comical. After a few seconds, though, the giant tips forward and lands on his face. In fact, his unconscious body hits the rooftop at the exact same moment that Robin's unconscious body hits.

Alfred's voice: "Heart rate 220, blood pressure 70/30, respiratory rate 40. Does anyone have visual on Robin?" Alfred is calm and professional, but those who know him can detect the notes of concern.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
There were two more bad guys on Stephanie's way to the roof. It wasn't a long fight as they didn't see her coming. A pair of batarangs bouncing off their head as they watched the approaching GCPD. After, she cuffed them and dragged them down to sit back to back on the floor in front of one of the doors, with a note pinned to one's shirt with a pin with a Bat logo. The note saying: We have been bad. Please arrest us.

Finally then, Batgirl pulls herself up out of a vent, limping over to join the two Wayne wards. She stands looking down at the body of the 7'5" unconscious man. "Still only counts as one," she reminds Robin before turning to check and see how he is.

With the vitals from Alfred, Batgirl pulls out some appropriate medicine to slow his heart rate and help stabilize his blood pressure. << We're with him. Have medical ready at the Batcave. We are bringing him in now. >>

"Ok, Gotham's finest should be able to handle it from there," she says, looking to Red Robin to see if he wants to be the one to help carry Robin off the roof. "Robin you going to live? If so we should get going. If not, er... dibs on your pet menagerie."

Tim Drake has posed:
"The Redbird's nearby. I'll take him."

Red Robin sends that information to Batgirl before looking quite impressed at the fallen Andretti Da Giant. A little too impressed to be perfectly honest. But he pulls up his wrist computer to do two things.

1) Summon the Redbird.

2) Activate the knockout gas and glue bombs he's been sticking all over the high school during his wandering through. Just in case there are any mobster stragglers that may be trying to get their escape on. One after another, in some strange timing sequence that only makes sense to Tim, the explosion of glue and gas just makes a mess of the high school and whatever mobsters may be in the way.

Red Robin offers a hand to Robin. "Don't do that to me again. Okay?"

No. Red Robin wasn't worried. So what if that's what his tone of voice sounded like! SO WHAT!


Harvey Dent has posed:
The Caped Crusaders make their way to the roof by their own means. Each with their own intent, eventual or otherwise, of rendering aid to the downed Robin. The rooftop hasn't been bathed in light yet, but the sound of a helicopter in the distance acts as the herald of the GCPD's air and the threat of its imminent arrival. The time to move is now; once Robin is stabilized, of course. Though the window between stabilization and discovery will be night, it is a necessary window.

Eventually the trio are able to slip away, but it's with great care taken not to further exacerbate the injuries suffered by Robin; let alone the numerous other, lesser injuries suffered by the rest of the team. Lesser, but no less physically impairing.

Throughout the school knockout gas and glue bombs erupt, filling hallways and corridors with their presence.

One of the tactical teams approaches the front doors of the abandoned high school, only to find a pair of unconscious mobsters bound and seated back to back. The note that has been pinned to them earns a scowl from one of the SWAT officers as he leans forward to read it. Someone else among the team asks, "What the hell is that god awful smell?"

Much like any other scenario where there's a foul smell that goes unnoticed? It being called out and brought to the attention of all only serves to bring about realization and further enhance the awfulness of the smell upon its being noticed. One of the SWAT officers visibly retches. One of the Sergeants on the team gruffly issues a command, "Put the call across to the teams. Masks on. They may've leaked some biological or chemical agent in the target area."

The assault teams throughout the old school begin donning their gas masks, hoping to ward off the horrid smell that seems to permeate areas of it.