18169/Strange Old Worlds

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Strange Old Worlds
Date of Scene: 03 June 2024
Location: Mercy's Garage
Synopsis: Sprite shows up to celebrate not-Earth day with Mercy.
Cast of Characters: Sprite, Mercy Thompson

Sprite has posed:
    It's June 3rd, 2024. And since she hasn't been by for a while, Sprite has opted to show up at Mercy's place again. She has a shopping tote in her hand, and she knocks at the door, in a strange pattern for something.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    That is not a rhythm that Mercy would know right off the top of her head, but she will turn and sniff toward the door. Sadly for it being Sprite behind the door, Mercy's nose will only tell her what Sprite WANTS her nose to tell her. Still she comes over to open the door. Upon seeing Sprite she breaks into a big smile, "Hey! Where have you been hiding!?"

Sprite has posed:
    The redhead is on the other side of the door, holding her little canvas tote. She's in sort of oversized jeans, and a black top that leaves about two inches of her midriff showing, short sleeves ending high on her arms. "Hey. How's it going today?" she moves to step in, assuming Mercy isn't blocking the entrance.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Pretty good," beams Mercy! She is grinning wide, "The shop was not open today because I have to do a few big builds but I was procrastinating. You're looking good today," complimenting Sprite's appearance and outfit. Of course Mercy steps back and invites Sprite in and closes the door behind her.

Sprite has posed:
    The Eternal girl smiles. "Thanks. I brought you a present. It's Earth day. I mean, it's not the actual official "Earth Day", but there's a couple reasons why it is in my head." She holds the tote up towards Mercy.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "OH?! I never know what holidays to get gifts for you," confesses Mercy as she takes the gift. She is very curious what it is, "Should I open it now?" Her hand is already going to see about open the tote that was handed over to her. "Thank you!"

Sprite has posed:
    "Yeah!" It's a big box; probably 10" in every dimension. Sprite smiles. "I make up weird holidays. They're based on neat stuff that happens. Today was the final episode of Star Trek, back in 1969. And it's also the day that the first globe was invented. So in my mind those two go together."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "It is?! That's awesome. That's the kind of history that I love to know about." She is wondering if it is a globe inside. But she sets the item on the kitchen table and will try to open it carefully. "I can't picture you with a beehive hair or go-go boots." She looks over at Sprite before opening up all she can.

Sprite has posed:
    It is, in fact, a very large, very fancy globe. "It spins on its own." She smiles. Her form seems to ripple as she puts herself in the 69 Star Trek minidress, with the go go boots, and a red beehive. "Seeking out strange new worlds."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "That's awesome!" Mercy likes it and looks over the globe and is already trying to think of where to put it that she can enjoy it. "That's so cool how it spins while you touch it," as she admires the black globe with silver land on it. "So is there anywhere on here you haven't been?" She will point to one spot, "That's about where I grew up." Sharing that with Sprite. When she sees the outfit it breaks Mercy into laughing, "Those boots and dress work on you better then I thought!"

Sprite has posed:
    The redhead smiles. "I'm pretty sure I've been everywhere by now. I mean, we sort of moved along with civilization. And it's okay. But it wants more of a butt than I have. Though those pervs at Desilu used to intentionally give the women outfits that were too short.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Desilu?" She's a bit curious about that and is guessing it was something about costuming. "Well I love my gift, after all nobody else has given me the world before." She will come over and give Sprite a big hug, even picking her up a bit as Mercy enjoys her strength in pulling her friend in tight. Since she knows the immortal can take it, it's a tight hug too. "Thank you."

Sprite has posed:
    Sprite momentarily looks scornful, like people who say they've never watched a given famous movie. "Desilu Studios. The people who made Star Trek. Owned by Desi Arnez and Lucille Ball. Lucy's the whole reason we have Star Trek." Sprite says. She hugs Mercy back, though gets surprised, and slightly flustered as she gets picked up off the ground. "Hey!" She blushes. "Down!"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "I'm a wild animal I don't do commands," jokes Mercy as she keeps Sprite up in the hug for a bit longer> But she does put her down, "I didn't know that about with I love Lucy's Lucy and stuff. That's pretty cool. I love all your stories." Mercy will set the globe in a spot that she can see it from just about any main room area of her home. "There now I can enjoy it all the time."

Sprite has posed:
    "Don't make me make you sit up and beg." Sprite says, dryly. When she gets put down, her clothing ripples and changes back to her original outfit, as does her hair. "I know it's a little on the big side, but I really liked it." She looks over. "You doing anything after work today? Want to do anything for dinner?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Nah. Won't happen. I don't beg," laughs Mercy to the idea of Sprite's threat. "I have no plans and sure, I'd love to go out and do dinner. Did you have anything specific in mind?" She will help tug down on Sprite's top in case the hug made it push up more then it was at first. "Hell I can even pull in a shorter day if you want. If I close the shop from new business, I can work faster and more muscled into the work if there's no one else around." Mercy scowls a bit, "I really should get someone who can help handle oil changes and the counter at times. Especially if I ever want to take a trip again."

Sprite has posed:
    "No, not really." It did bare a little more of her midriff, but it's easy to adjust. "No, no. This is New York. We'll be able to get a meal at any hour. And hell, if we couldn't, I could pop us to a different time zone anyway." She looks over. "I've got nothing planned today; if you can use an extra pair of hands, I can lend them."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "You sure? I mean I don't mind if you want to help out. Even just handing me the tools can do a lot to speed up stuff." Mercy didn't assume her friend wants to do dirty grunt work. "But I am happy to have someone awesome as you keeping me company as I work. Just don't judge me for cursing at a rusted bolt or two."

Sprite has posed:
    "I mean, I have no clue how to work on an engine." Sprite admits. "Engineering was never my specialty. But I can hold tools, or if you have untrained work that needs done, I can do that. What's a day spent helping a friend?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
    "Sure thing. Besides just having someone answer the phone or tackling that dreaded paper work. It means we can hang out less, but it will get the work done faster." Mercy is excited about doing the day with Sprite and getting a meal out later. "Shall we head down and check out what I just -need- to get done today? I can wait on some things until tomorrow after all."