18211/Brooding Night Visitors

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Brooding Night Visitors
Date of Scene: 06 June 2024
Location: Queens
Synopsis: While taking a break to eat, Tekkai ends up meeting Mighty Woman (Rogue) and talking. Not to mention being pointed to the Young Avengers possibly.
Cast of Characters: Shun Cruz, Rogue

Shun Cruz has posed:
It was mostly quiet. Mostly. Few gang busts here and otherwise just keeping Queens safe for a local. Tekkai was in his more heroic form, if you could call it that. He looked like some sort of giant humanoid bug demon with glowing yellow eyes and hair. Even if he did look like a teenager or younger, it still helped to scare the hell out of gangsters.

His latest 'victims' were currently unconscious with drugs and weapons in a neat pile along with some things in the way to make sure no one else could get to them easily until the cops got to them thanks to an anonymous tip.

And that was a block or two away.

Now he was sitting on a rooftop and munching on a sandwich that was obviously his and had been wrapped in foil as he sat cross-legged and watched the street from the edge of that rooftop. It was quiet. Yep. And a nice place to relax at least. Or in most cases.

Rogue has posed:
Out of the peripheral of Tekkai's vision, he'd see motion in the sky. should he look up, he'd see something fly past, not too far away ahead of him. It was a person. They were close enough that the shoulder cape they had on their left side even could be heard whipping in the wind of their flight speed. They were moving quite fast too.

Should he watch, he'd notice that they noticed him, and that their flight pattern was slowing, and turning... He'd been spotted on his lunch break, it would seem. This could be a good thing, or something else, right?

The figure turned in their flight path, and swept closer toward him. As they grew closer, he'd be able to see that it was a woman, and she was dressed in blacks, greens, and silver, and that her long dark hair had a shock of pure white strands rooted across her bangs. She flew up toward him, toward where he was seated, and came to a stop about ten feet away... staring at him.

The woman raised her right hand up, it gloved in a black glove that went up past her elbow, leaving the rest of her arm bare up to her shoulder, where her jacketed bodysuit covered her shoulder. Her suit was a deep dark green, trimmed in white lines, made from some kind of smooth leather that seemed fit to her form. With a tabbard in the front and back, dark grey tights on her lower body, and scuffed metal boots that went up just past her knees, the woman was clearly a super hero-type, with a dark shoulder cape fluttering behind her left shoulder to cap her outfit off.

She shot him a soft smile. "Well, hey there. Looks like you're havin' a break." She speaks in a smoky voice, laced with a southern accent. "How's your day treatin' ya?" She inquires.

Shun Cruz has posed:
The flight path has Tekkai following it. He knows he's not the most powerful, but then... well... comes that. And he blinks a few times. Glowing yellow eyes that can blink. Yep.

"Um... fine, I guess? You... aren't going to try to attack me or something because I look like a demon or something?" He asks.

And takes another bite of his sandwich as he waited for a response.

As for him, he looked well... green. Not quite Hulk green but darker. If it wasn't for the glowing eyes and sandwich, he might be hard to miss. Might being the key word.

Rogue has posed:
The flying heroine continues to hover in the air above the ground below, and before the form of Tekkai. At his question, a visible smirk crosses the woman's conventionally lovely facial features. She shakes her head from side to side at that inquiry. "No," she casually answers him. "Not unless ya give me a reason to, anyhow."

Her green eyes glance to the south, the sun shining over her face brightly, giving her tanned skin a sunny glow. When she looks back to him a second later, and nods her head once toward him, she speaks again. "I just saw ya loungin around up here, thought I'd sweep in an' check how you were." She raises her right hand up to place it against her chest, where a white MW rests against the left side of her chest, just beside where her gloved hand resides. "I'm 'Mighty Woman', just a local hero type, flyin' around t'see if I can find anybody who needs some help from a super. Call it a local service, don't even charge any money." She tells him with a smirk.

"Ain't seen you around before, you new to the area? Or just gettin' out and gettin' some fresh air on this fine day?" She asks, her tone, and general demeanor coming across as upbeat, and friendly. Perhaps it is that southern charm angle, however.

Shun Cruz has posed:
That has him blinking a few times. "Cool. New favorite heroine."

"Ah, I go by Tekkai. Generally don't do the big public stuff, but more... well... night time work. Mostly 'cause it seems to see the most usually. And easier to scare gangs straight." He shrugs.

"Um... somewhat new. To the whole superhero thing. I got my powers in the Battle of New York a while back... um... mutant... so... yeah." He looks uncomfortable bringing that up. "But been doing the best I can here." He smiles at her. "Mostly been using the appearance to just scare gang members like I said. Put a bit of biblical fear into them thinking there's a demon around or stuff."

Rogue has posed:
Without any visible sign of propulsion, the woman with the white streaked bangs, floats toward the ledge of the building that Tekkai occupies. She lands softly upon it about ten feet from his position. She steps down with her left foot to place it upon the building's roof, while her right remains up on the ledge, the metal boots glinting brightly in the light, especially on the segments of their panneling that hasn't been scuffed by what must be many various battles she's been through.

"That'll do it." She tells him, with regard to scaring people in the night. "It's not a bad plan, either. That Bat fella outta Gotham relies on it, so they say." She states, showing him a faint smirk.

"Well, I don't wanna interrupt your serene break up here. I was just checkin' to make sure you were doin' alright. You seemed a bit shady, I'll admit it. But I guess not shady in a bad way." She smirks again at him, her pink hued lips remaining that way for a moment.

She upnods at him, "But yeah, I don't attack folks just cause they look different. It's what people do that garners how I treat'em..."

Her shoulder cape whips in the wind a bit, along with the long two-toned hair that floes around her shoulders.

"Been in any trouble lately?" She asks him.

Shun Cruz has posed:
A nod comes from him. "Yes. I'm not sure about someone, but well... a bit here and there."

He looks away from her back towards the street, finishing his sandwich and crumpling up the foil.

He keeps it in hand for a moment before he starts to toss it back and forth between both of his hands as he sits there. Up close, he definitely isn't an adult. It's too obvious. The kid's got good hand-eye coordination at least as he eyes the street while tossing the ball of foil between his hands.

"Um... well... is there some group that like helps others out there? Like us? Ones trying to do good and not endanger their families or friends?" He asks. "'Cause that's mostly what I need, I think. Help to learn well... this and what to do and maybe figure out just what I can do besides look like this?"

Rogue has posed:
Being that Rogue is a teacher at a High School, she's well enough able to spot the tell-tale signs of someone who possibly isn't even 18 years old yet. She watches him casually toss that tin foil ball about between his hands, before her eyes focus once more upon the shine of his yellow own. His question earns a slight nod from the Belle, who places her right hand atop her right leg, which remains up on the ledge of the building.

"There's some out there," she responds. Her green eyes glance out at the city before them, before she looks back toward him. "Have you looked in to the Young Avengers?" She inquires. "They operate outta the upper east side, I believe. I've heard they take applicants for their roster. I don't think you'd find a better option in the Manhattan area, either."

Her hand goes up to her chest again, "I'm an independent, myself. Though I do have a team'a contacts that we used to have an official thing. We sorta cooled that off after some stuff happened, though. But... with your age, and situation?" She glances him over, and nods once more. "Yeah, I'd say you should check out the Young Avengers initiate. You seem like you could offer them somethin', though I ain't no expert." She finishes with another sly grin.

Shun Cruz has posed:
That earns a blink. "Huh... Young Avengers? Um... I don't guess I could look them up on the 'net or something?" Tekkai asks.

"I mean, I guess I could give it a try?" He says. "All they can do is say no, after all."

He shakes his head with a sigh, "So um... sorry to hear about your team?" He says. "Um... got anything that you need help with, since you asked me? Least I can do is try to help."

Rogue has posed:
With the wind casting her white and brown hair about her shoulders, Rogue shows another smile at the other, before raising a gloved hand up to brush some of the white locks out of her face. She shakes her head from side to side at his last queston there. "Nah, nothin' at the moment. I'm still just lookin' around, enjoyin' a nice day of flyin', I suppose you could say."

She casts another upnod at him, before glancing away again. "I'm sure they got a website, or some social media page with information on it. Though, to be honest, I ain't an expert on them. Maybe the program isn't even open anymore..." She frowns at that thought, of getting the kid's hopes up only to dash them again should that be what pans out.

"Hey, look. If ya need any help, you can tag me on social media. At 'Real Mighty Woman.' That way, if nothin' else, at least ya got some backup if ya need it. Call it a team'a two, or a super duo. Whatever floats your boat."

She grins at him, before steppping up on to the ledge with both of her metal booted feet. "Alright, I won't take up any more of your time... You enjoy the rest'a your day, Tekkai. Was nice bumpin inta ya. Hope that sandwich was good too."

Shun Cruz has posed:
Tekkai smiles and nods, "Thank you."

He considers, then nods, "I can setup an account and give it a ping or something easily, I'm sure. But hey, it's a start. I was pointed at the Titans by another heroine I met over in... I think the Bronx? Thunderbolt she goes by?"

The mention of the sandwich has him looking at the foil wrapper in hand and sighs, "Drat. Now I have to find some place to recycle this. It was pretty good. Mom made it. She's a wizard in the kitchen, even if most of the meals are foreign on occasion."

He gets up and gives a wave. "Have a good evening as well. And it was nice meeting you."

He turns to walk over towards a fire escape of all things to start making his way down. The teen stretches a bit, sighing, "Wonder if I can make it home and watch some news for other stuff going on now."

Rogue has posed:
When she hears him speak of the Titans, Rogue takes a pause on the ledge of the building. She glances over her shoulder at him, casting him a sincere warm smile. "I hope they work out too. Though I thought they were a Metropolis team. Might be a long commute."

With a wave sent his way from her left hand, gloved in black, the super heroine floats silently up in to the sky. "Catch ya later, Sugah. Stay outta trouble now. Or at least most trouble."

She leans forward and silently glides back in to a fast flight path towardh the north, soon to vanish around the edge of a taller building.