1542/SHIELD! On Ice!

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Date of Scene: 06 May 2020
Location: Recovery Room 01: Triskelion
Synopsis: Daniel heard the rumors of Agent Carter's revivivification and came to pay his respects. Sadly, there was no ice skating involved.
Cast of Characters: Peggy Carter, Daniel Hastings

Peggy Carter has posed:
The last thing Peggy knew, there were two unfamiliar women in her room, speaking quietly over tea and trying to get her answers. But recovery is difficult. It's a bit of a miracle that she's even conscious right now and it didn't last long. She's slept hard through the night and into the morning, still cooped up in the heavy duty medical bed in a clearance-zoned recovery room of SHIELD, mostly under lock, key, guard, and heavy biohazard warnings. For her protection or others? It wasn't clear. Maybe both.

But inside that bed, the woman looks horribly ordinary. Probably horribly fragile, compared to what she did to anyone who knew her. She's lost mass, muscle mainly, not skin and bones but very much not herself. Her skin is patchy with red, raw areas and mottled bruises visible along her arms, sternum, and collarbones. Her hair has thinned some, but it's not too noticable and still somehow the glorious, deep brown it was when she was young. In fact, while she's clearly wasted away in some ways, she doesn't appear to have aged much beyond her thirties. Strange for a woman who was said to have gone MIA in her 60s. She's pale, but not pale as death, and the monitors around confirm she's still stable.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
The door opens and in comes yet another visitor in the aqua protective garb everyone's forced to wear in the room. Gloved, masked, about the only thing Peggy could say about him was that he was lean, fit, male and had hazel eyes. Which made him just about every male agent in the building less the eye color statistic. The difference was his demeanor. He came in quietly. Moved slowly. Pulled over the cushioned stool to the side of the bed and sat down to just.. look at her. Then he reached out and curled his fingers into hers. His badge said doctor on it alright. Doctor, Hastings, Daniel. A name that might well send the ekg attached to her into overdrive. "You look like hell, Peg." There was a crinkle of his mask that said he was smiling. It was his eyes though that spoke more. They began to glisten a little. Then there was his voice. British, yet not. Canadian. Familiar.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Old habits died hard. Though her eyes were shut, something in her mind woke up pretty much the moment someone else came into the room. Assessing step, threat level, if it was someone she knew or not. Not one of the women, they walked lighter than he did. Probably not someone she knew, they were all dead, right? But the touch at her hand startles her, just enough that the monitors give away her consciousness well and truly. Dark eyes flicker open a timed heartbeat later, staring up into that still seemingly unfamiliar gaze, though his words are enough to start pinging some memories in the back of her head. Memories 40 years old, nearly. She stares at him tiredly, trying to piece together who would even dare use her name like that. So far, it had been a lot of titles she didn't know she still had in place and little else. "...Well, that's quite a greeting, young man. I promise I've looked worse." Her tone is very much her usual, clipped accent, but there's less air behind the words. She's definitely not feeling her best self and she's fighting it tooth and nail.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"We all have. Though I think I win the prize for going out with a bang." Daniel replies with some humor, his voice still quiet. "I.. don't know whether to be angry.. or happy. I'm happy, of course. But.. the secrets are starting to wear thin on me." There's a moment of silence. A deep breath. "I'm still a year older than you are, you know." Again, the gentle squeeze of her fingers. "I ahh.. pulled myself together you see. On the wrong planet. Then got fiddly with physics on the way back. Seems I missed a few years on the journey." There's a soft laugh then. "Eighty of them."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Staring up at him as he speaks more, the voice is slotting into place in her memories. First an agent of her's, even if he was a touch older. Then a friend. Then almost something more. It had been literal decades for her, but she was still sharp. It wasn't her mind that was going, it was the rest of her. The faint red patches of skin are reminsicent of someone going through deteroiation from heavy radiation exopsure. There were probably many reasons the gowns and masks were required around her. "...Dan? What in...hells..." She breathes out quietly, but lets him explain. The faint narrowing of her dark eyes speaks of someone trying to figure out of he's a dream or not. She'll probably not get the answer in this conversation, at least, not to her mind's contentment. "If you... missed 80 years here, I suspect I have a *touch* more... life experience. And if this is a hallucination, my mind is getting more... Creative."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"If you think you're hallucinating. Wait till I tell you what I told that lot during my debriefing." Dan gives a thumb over his shoulder with his free hand. "You're just trying to make me jealous though. /You/ didn't live in another galaxy for six years. Give or take." He smiles again as if to show he was just teasing. Mostly. It was not something she'd let go later for sure. Still, the fact that she remembered him brought a warmth to his eyes. "It does an old soul good to know he's remembered. Especially after you living all of those years." He winks at her. "I.. have to admit things have been.. very strange. Culture shock mostly. And ahh.." His eyes lower and forehead knits as his gloved thumb caresses her fingers. "Bucky is alive. That one is.. complicated. Russians got to him.. but he's better now. Mostly. I think. They don't tell me the details." Then more silence before he looks back to her. "They found Steve. He's ahh been kicking around about a month longer than I have."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Silence lingers for a long, long time after those words. It's too much. Her eyes widen just a bit, trying to keep up processing it all, but she's exhausted and now almost certain she's dreaming. A bittersweet smile comes across her lips, but she does give him a smile, at least. "I have... a lot in this old head of mine, but I don't forget most of it either." She murmurs, in reference to his being remembered. The commentary about Steve and Bucky doesn't quite bring the reaction it should. She's either in shock, or doesn't believe. Or possibly both. She gives a faint shake of her head, "... the world is a strange place."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
There's no interupting the silence. Daniel knows it's a lot. Maybe too much. But what was he to do? Hi, hello, I know we never were official and you were heartbroken but the love of your life is still alive and I'm going to.. what? Try to muscle in? He did exhale heavily after her last words. "It very much is." His smile returns but its more weary now. For all that he's not 'seen' eighty years.. sometimes he wonders if he didn't suffer them just the same. "Can I get you anything? I.. don't imagine they're letting you eat yet." He looks to the cup of water and straw at the bedside as if offering.

Peggy Carter has posed:
The offer of food is nice, a tired laugh brushing over her mouth, "No, not quite. Someone... I think... snuck me tea last night and that sweet Doctor, the American one, let it pass. But they're all sitting on pins and needles just waiting to see if this works or... " Peggy slightly shrugs. Somehow, having escaped so much, it was hard for her to now admit that she was probably days from finally, truly dying. Once and for all. "Maybe foolish of us to have tried to cheat death in the first place... No, certainly foolish. I've... had a good life."

Daniel Hastings has posed:
Daniel's thumb continues to brush along her knuckles. "I feel as though I've missed the best parts." He takes a deep breath. "But if this is to be good bye.. at least now I get to say it." He lifts his chin looking to the ceiling and taking a deep breath before looking back to her. "Listen to me. It's been five minutes and I'm consigning you off to the deep." He was a Navy bloke after all. "Good life or no, you've still some left in you, Agent Carter." Director? Was she a director? Oh hell he doesn't know. "It's not in you to give up. That's not the Peg, I knew. So you rest. You've got some of the best doctors on the planet working on you. And if they don't know how to fix you.. we'll find one that can." Another squeeze of her fingers. "I'll.. just be going then. But I'll be back never fear. If only so you don't think I was some sort of fever dream." He grins behind the mask.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Her skin feels like tissue paper, but doesn't break. Still, whatever got her, the thing that is level 10 clearance and barely anyone is talking about, it did a number on the woman who could make the world move previously. Drowsy, dark eyes still focus on him, giving attention to more pleasant dreams than she's had in the past and the strange pep talk that comes from it. "Yes, I... can agree with that. I shan't give up, Daniel. And it was good to see your face again, for what it's worth, even in a strange dream. Better to think you a dream than this some horrid set up of HYDRA's." But the woman knew the password. This couldn't be some torture technique. Peggy simply wouldn't allow it, even as her mind jumps there in exhausted worry.

Daniel Hastings has posed:
"I think they could find a better way of getting to you than me." Daniel offers with a chuckle as he slowly rises from the stool. Steve, perhaps? "But they're still around.. so you use those instincts of yours and stay sharp." Just the thing a fever dream would say, right? "It's good to have you back." He reluctantly lets her hand go and straightens. "Oh and.. just so you really know its me and not some HYDRA operative. It was the Tessaract." That blasted him into nothingness right before everyone's eyes. It had become hyper-energized during a test and come loose of its mount. He grabbed it and put it back out of reflex only to be vaporized the instant he realized what he'd done. That fact had become highly classified.. not that the mere existence of the Tessaract wasn't already. "Sleep well.. Agent Carter."

Peggy Carter has posed:
That information, the confirmation of what she knew and so few did, was enough to firmly put out the paranoia that lives near constant in the back of her head. It gets him a slightly more genuine smile, "It was good seeing you, Agent Hastings." She lets herself simply drown in nostalgia. A pleasant dream of an old friend, not some strange nightmare. But exhaustion is winning to, her eyes slipping shut to full sleep again before he's even out of the room.