1571/Elis Society: The Celebration

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Elis Society: The Celebration
Date of Scene: 08 May 2020
Location: North East Caye Islands, Near Belize
Synopsis: Karla and Alexander attend the celebration to find out how horrible it is, then decide the fate of those in attendance.
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Karla Sofen

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The evening had begun with little fanfare, barely any small talk as they both made ready. The time when the vehicle was to arrive was a strict 4pm, the invitation had requested they be ready to travel at that point. No need for luggage apparently, they were only to take the clothes on their back. No need for money as apparently funds would be provided. No need for weaponry as security was supposedly handled. For many people it wouldn't sit well, but the ease with which the matter was conducted belied the possible danger. As if this was naught out of the ordinary and was simply expected. Though it was an entirely foreign experience to Alexander, and perhaps to Karla as well.
    The vehicle arrived, a luxury SUV with an extended cab, not quite as conspicuous as perhaps a limousine might be, but when the door was opened for them the interior seemed rather well cared for.
    For his part, Alexander was dressed formally, nicely with brilliant leather shoes shined as if made from ebony. Black dress pants that were tailored exquisitely, same as the white shirt with a stiffness to it that clearly spoke to its... lack of use. He cut a fairly dashing silhouette when he'd clean up, and he was polite to the driver when he knocked upon the door.
    Once they were shown into the vehicle on the center console was another small envelope as well as a red gift box that was bracketed by a pair of masks. Those masks were delicate looking, composed of some form of ceramic and lacquer, each depicting a male and a female koala of all things.
    The masks are given a look even as Alex scoots into the car, making room for Karla before he leeeans forward to pick up the envelope.

Karla Sofen has posed:
Do you know what the best superhero power is? Being able to have whatever dress you want all the time. Blessed be the Moonstone that gave her these powers, who cares about shooting beams and having superior strength? Fashion is where it's at. Of course that there's a side-effect of not having that need to go shopping. Sacrifices that she has readily taken... Yet tonight she had chosen to go with a dress she had looked for, indulging a little.

A long, flowing black dress that hugged to her forms, sleeveless and lined with silver 'moonstones' on the shoulders and down her front. A belt made of gold rings was about her waistline, more as an accessory than anything else. Hands and forearms were covered with long gloves that went almost up to her elbows. And finally, the shoes. Expensive, black.

She takes one of the masks in hand, one eyebrow arching. "Koalas? Really..?" a tsk given. Whoever had chosen this?! But then her eyes go to the envelope, somewhat curious. "Have you committed yourself to what may be happening tonight?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The young blond man takes up the envelope and opens the small fold of paper that holds the note within. He withdraws that note, unfolds it as he peers at it. Welcoming words given in small type, lacking a signature. A simply statement there that says easily,

    // We of the Elis Society welcome you to our celebration in honor of the Great Father. Please trust that for the next two days your every wish, your every desire, your every concern shall be handled and tended to. We only ask that you bring naught with you save the masks before you and the contents of the gift before you.

    Enjoy. //

    Once he finishes reading he hands the small note over toward Karla and then leans to the package, even as the SUV begins to roll into traffic. The package is opened with a faint tear of a seal over it and within, set in a small clam shell to hold them upright, are ten golden coins with no mark save for teeth around the edges as if they were gears perhaps, or small saw blades. With a quirked eyebrow he shows them to his partner before he closes the package again.

Karla Sofen has posed:
Taking the note between elegant fingertips Karla gives it a cursory glance. Yes, as she imagined. She tosses the note towards the box in a dismissive manner and then settles back on her seat, one leg going over the other and she then holding up the mask. She sets it upon her face. And Karloala is born. Well, hopefully not.

The coins get a more interested look out of the woman though, examining them with an arched brow. She glances at Alexander in an inquisitive manner, perhaps questioning him on what they may be.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Though her question wasn't spoken it's answered with words given sidelong as he murmurs, "No idea," Though he does hand them over to her, and if she seems inclined to look there are... ten of them. No more nor less, but clearly gold of some high quality judging in part by the weight. Yet she'll have time to ponder them in the time it takes for the SUV to roll through traffic, out of the city once it reaches the interstate ramp. Not too far though, perhaps a half hour at most leaving them time to ponder the various aspects of this curious 'care' package.
    "I wonder if they're trying to say something with the choice of koala." He quirks an eyebrow at his own, not having put it on yet, but he does smirk a touch when he looks at Karloala and shakes his head, a hint of a smile there though guarded.
    Glancing at the tinted windows he tilts his head, "Doesn't look like Jersey." Which means they're likely heading upstate.

Karla Sofen has posed:
"I thought you were supposed to be the smart, brainy guy of this operation while I am the muscle and good looks." Karla quips back at Alexander when the man mentions not knowing what the coins are about. What does Karla pay you for!? Oh wait ... But her sharp blue gaze then turns to look out the window, watching the choice of roads, and where they may be heading. "No, indeed it is not. I imagine somewhere secluded." but honestly it doesn't seem as if she cares overly much on where this might happen. She's always been confident enough on herself that it will not be an issue either way.

"Two days is a long time. I do wonder if those coins are to be the .., currency there." She muses on it. "It would make sense."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Another snort comes from him as Alexander bites his lower lip, "Actually," The young Olympian looks across the way at her, "I was sorta thinking you'd be the rodeo clown slash distracting ingenue who will draw all the eyes away from me while I wander around and see what there is to see." The smile is wry when it's given, knowing full well that Karla is far from an ingenue.
    A breath is taken as he nods toward the small box of coins and murmurs, "Probably. A trading of favors, or..." His brow knits as he ponders, "A way of keeping score maybe." That said he settles into the seat and leaves the mask resting upon his hip, eyes distancing toward the window though with the tinted glass it's hard to see out.
    "Besides," He glances across the way at her, "I'm way prettier." He says as if oh so matter-of-fact.
    And with that the car rolls on.

Karla Sofen has posed:
"I could be..." Karla retorts with a brief lift of her shoulders. As if it wouldn't be the first time she had done so, appearing to be an ingenue. Mattered little to her how others saw her, she knew her own power. And whatever she had to do to get her own way she would. But they both knew this already.

"It does make me wonder as to -why- I do not have my own set of coins though. Are we to share? Or being a guest I have .., lower rights? Maybe the latter." She then mmmms in thought, brushing one hand through that long mane of blond hair, one elbow rest on the window sill and she also letting her gaze wonder the countryside.

The mention of the man being prettier than her makes one eyebrow lift. "I will let you try on my dress later on and we can see if you are or not." she notes.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    A small exhalation, almost a laugh, but then Alexander shakes his head and looks away. Not exactly a resounding endorsement for that decision, but then again he does not say no either.
    From then on, however, only a few words of small talk flitted back and forth. Curious questions voiced, comments offered. Then the SUV rolled into a private airfield, continuing to drive onto the tarmac itself and down the row of hangars toward a black lear jet that seemed sleek and clean in its lines, a tall handsome muscular man standing near the ladder that allows one to climb into the passenger compartment.
    It was then they were shown on board, being reminded by the attendant to please make sure they had their masks and their coins. Then they're shown to their seats, apparently having the plane to themselves with a male and a female attendant there to handle their wishes.
    It's once he's settling in his seat, a swiveling over-padded affair, that Alexander attaches the seat belt across his waist, then looks across the way. "I figure we split the coins if you like." And as he says that he opens the box and takes five out, handing them toward her.

Karla Sofen has posed:
Attaching a seat belt? Honestly, Karla will do better without one, just in case something happens. So she simply sits and relaxes. Yes, another one of those awesome powers. Flying! Of course that she can't help but smirk briefly at Alexander when the young man gets that belt on. "Think I will catch you this time..?" she asks him, tone rich with amusement. Or perhaps simply trying to put the young man's mind at ease at what may well be happening in that place. She expects there will be many choices young Alexander will be confronted with during this flight.

Her eyes go to the attendants and she inquires in a pleasant manner, her voice shifting so subtly to a very polite, elegant tone, as if she was the epitome of class. "If you may, when are we to expect to arrive at your destination?"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Maybe," Is Alexander's response as he hides that smile while clicking the belt into place and then tightening it. "Though not before you steal my coins." Then he looks up from under hooded eyelids, smirking even as the attendant steps past him and is then turning to look upon Karla once she gains her attention.
    Both of those attendants are very fit, well-dressed in business wear, very attractive, beautiful in their own ways even as young woman pauses in her advance toward the front of the plane, flashing an open smile to Karla. So friendly, one might almost think it were sincere.
    "Yes, ma'am?"
    She asks her question and the answers she receives, "The flight time is four hours and eleven minutes. We should be at our destination by 9pm Eastern Standard Time." Which might speak to where they're going considering how she phrased it.
    "If there is anything you wish, please let me know. Drinks and dinner will be served if you wish, as well as entertainment." That said she smiles again and if there is nothing further, she continues her way.

Karla Sofen has posed:
Behind that mask Karla makes sure to examine both attendants indeed, up and down, checking their attractiveness and maybe even the nuance of their motions and the way they present themselves. There is always a lot that can be read out of someone's body language. Specially to a psychiatrist like her. "I believe this koala is just a touch thirsty. Perhaps we could start with some champagne?" she suggests to the woman.

"And of course, do feel free to partake. It would be our pleasure." She is such a people person! But nothing like some drinks to get tongues loose and talking. A glance towards the male 'koala' and she questions. "Would you like anything, dear?" yet Karla is also mostly ready for the long trip in. Four hours. It's still a long stretch to get there.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Sure, why not." And with that smile given the plane begins to taxi along the tarmac, heading to the runway and making ready for take off. But not before drinks are poured and light joyful words are shared as if this was the most entertaining time of one's life so far.
    Everything is calm and businesslike while the two guests imbibe, the attendants are attentive and polite. The young woman in the greyish uniform/dress seems to tend to Alexander, while the tall muscular man in his suit and jacket is so polite and curious about Karla. It's a lovely passing of time until a faint sound is heard, like a small bell going off. Which causes the two servants to retire for a time.
    But then they reemerge into the cabin, utterly nude and pushing a small cart filled with... quite a stock of liquor, pills, intoxicants, and other such indulgences. And it's then that the 'stewardess' tells them gently, "We are now twelve miles off the coast and are in international waters. If you wish for anything, please do be so kind as to let us know." As they say that, the male attendant smiles pearly white teeth to Karla and moves to sit down beside her, while the young woman takes up a seat beside Alexander.
    "Do you need anything, young master?"
    Tilting his head to the side, Phobos smiles a little, and to be fair... he does look at her. But then meets her eyes and says, "I am thinking I should pace myself for the next few days. You understand?"
    "Oh of course."

Karla Sofen has posed:
Where there's entertainment involved Karla is like fish in water, taking brief sips out of her drink, talking, even laughing when the time is right. Yes, she knows how to get a conversation going. Sometimes edging towards questions about whether they have done this before, or where they are going? Just subtle things inserted into the talk. And yes, ingenue style! This is all so exciting!

But she also follows Alexander's lead when the man refuses any further tending. She smiling faintly under the mask to the male attendant. "Yes, we should make sure to be on top notch condition when we arrive. But please, champagne is always welcome." she tells them. Should she now speak of her increased constitution?! Maybe that'd be overdoing it.

But she will mostly spend the rest of her time on the airplane simply enjoying the refinement, even if not ALL they have to offer. Which is apparently a lot.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    And it is such a trip, for those two young escorts had been chosen for their ease with which they help people settle, to relax into the moment. Ever helpful, ever present at a moment's notice. At times even whispering something provocative in offering of themselves. When they find no success with their current client of interest, they swap and Alexander finds himself beset by the large muscular man who suddenly seems to find him the most beautiful thing in the world.
    All gentle comments shared back and forth until eventually there is that faint 'bing' from the cabin, a white light illuminating upon a screen across the way that signals to the two servants to secure themselves.
    "Please let me know if I may taste you before we land, sir." Says the tall young woman to Alexander even as he smiles and holds up a hand to wave them off.
    It's a brief moment as they feel the airplane nose down a little as it begins to make its descent. A brief time where they're left to their own devices though likely still monitored or listened to electronically. But Alexander turns back to Karla and says, "This... is probably tame compared to what we'll find later."

Karla Sofen has posed:
The woman holds on... And fine, Karla puts on that damn seatbelt. For appearances sake? Maybe. Though she appears no stranger to chitchat, talking about the nothings and the everythings, just enjoying the fine little trip. She does find it pleasing that such thought is put upon their new guests. As afterall, she does like her ego being stroke. So she looks out of the window when they begin to go down, attempting to discern if there are any lights or not, or if they are just going down into a secluded airfield.

"I had no illusions otherwise. I am certain you will have your fun." she tells the young Alexander, glancing his way. "Or are we having second thoughts now?" her head canting to the side, inquisitively.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "I," Alexander says as he mirrors her posture, looking out the window, trying to perhaps see some hint of what's coming up. "Am in uncharted territory." He tells her with a slight quirk of an eyebrow in her direction. A tilt of his head is given as he considers something, then adds, "I've been to some interesting celebrations in the past. Family things."
    Lifting a hand to push it through his hair, he frowns and ponders something then shakes his head, "But if you reach a point," Alex turns back to look at her, "Where you figure you've had enough, just tell me something. Give me a phrase you want to use to let me know that we're done, and we're to make our decision in that moment."
    His eyebrows lift as he then asks, "Does that work for you?"
    Meanwhile, the engines in the craft whines faintly and only when it drops down on a bump of turbulence do the lights outside become visible. A chain of islands it seems, or small pieces of illumination in the sea that surrounds them.

Karla Sofen has posed:
"Uncharted territory..?" Yes, not even the mask can hide the amusement felt on Karla when her gaze shifts to the young man, watching him with a twinkle to her eye. But at least she doesn't laugh. Let the man keep his dignity! Because it's true she isn't exactly young, she has seen her share of things, and done them too! But she dips her head in understanding at family celebrations. Not that she had those.

"It does. If I start talking about koalas you will know it's time to go and make a decision." So says Karloala. Effective and fitting to the masks they are using!

The bump of turbulence makes her glance out again. Islands. "Makes sense, out on an island. Still international waters most likely. So no rules or laws." she muses.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The plane touches down with a faint jolt, and a squeal of burning rubber tearing across the landing strip. The brakes fire and start to slow the vehicle even as the passengers are jostled with the thump and the deceleration. Then slooooowly the plane eases into a taxiing speed, slowing further, then turning at the end of the runway, rolling across the tarmac with a slow ease.
    But it's when the two attendants return, just as unburdened of clothing as they were some small time ago, and both seeming flushed with blood to their cheeks and flesh as they smile to the two guests. "We are now at the Elis Compound, you are most welcome here. Please do not forget your masks, nor your coins. And if you wish for either of us later, please tell a servant you would speak with Jill or Jack."
    That said the door to the passenger compartment opens, lowering the stairs to the ground and letting in the fresh scent of the ocean drift into the cabin.
    Alexander turns to look toward Karla and only /then/ does he place the mask upon his features. He smiles, rising to his full height, pocketing his five coins and offers her his arm. "Shall we, my dear?" A lilt to his voice and words as he smiles.

Karla Sofen has posed:
Look at that, the attendants were having fun. It makes Karla amused, watching the duo but there is no comment brought up out of her. Instead she unhooks her seatbelt and gets up to her feet. "Of course." the choice of names bringing a very brief snort out of her. She can't help it. "It was a pleasure." she takes her own share of coins as well, slipping them into her purse. Because really, no place in that dress to store them otherwise.

Arm to arm with Alexander she then begins to walk out of the airplane to face what awaited them out on the island.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Out into the moonlight, atop the small set of steps on the sleek black jet. It's but one of several there on the runway of that private airfield. Other guests were arriving, the landings staggered apparently and coordinated so well as to not overflow the field. Each couple was met by a host who stood there at the base of those steps with a plastic smile set on their features and a clipboard held in one hand.
    Greetings were offered as they descended, Alexander walking first and holding his hand up to Mrs. Koala as he walks as if she needed his aid in making those final steps. Across the way they might well see another masked couple, and toward the main compound several others all walking along several paved paths with curved arcs of trees leaning over the walkways.
    The compound itself some distance away on that small island looks to have been built recently, though its decor is decidedly Spanish in flavor. The colors of choice are vibrant, reds, and oranges, and yellows, with festive decorations resplendent. It was all a lovely venue, but then their attention was likely drawn to the man who was greeting them.
    "Good evening, I a Gerald. I am to be your associate for the evening. Please do not hesitate to come to me with any concerns you might have. Please, if you will walk this way with me?"
    That said he starts the along a path, though not quite along the same one most of the other couples are taking. "First of all, do you have any questions for me?"

Karla Sofen has posed:
Walking out of the airplane Karla takes note of those others that appear to be doing just that, being welcome to the island. And spanish flavor decor. Quaint enough, whoever is behind this has an eye for style. She smiles just so under her mask, approaching alongside Alexander, eyes going to Gerald when the man introduces himself.

"Good evening, Gerald. Quite the interesting place you have here." she casually following along down the path. "We are still learning about this as we go. But perhaps you could give us an introduction to what this place is about?" she questions. "We want to know all we are entitled to do here." a rich, uppity laughter leaves her lips.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    With his round ears and overly precious masked face, Alexander joins arm and arm with the lovely Dr. Sofen, settling in with her with an ease that might well be deceptive. As if they were some long time couple, and as if they were used to such surroundings. He says naught for now to their designated associate as Karla does a perfectly good job establishing them.
    "Ah, have no fear, I am entirely to be of your use." Gerald's smile is friendly, open, though his eyes are wide and a touch dilated, clearly enjoying the fruits of his role and perhaps indulging as well in some ways. "You are welcome to the Elis Society, I believe..." He flips through a page on the clipboard as he begins to walk, gesturing them both forward as he does so. "You are here through our extended familial connections, the invitation granted so through your relatives it states here. Apparently you are both of old blood and are due such respect."
    Gerald smiles again as he walks, moving past the palm trees and a gently trickling brook that allows a small stream to trail along the pathway, and down further toward small rocks off the side of the small island. So much of the place has been added onto the island, and some of it entirely fabricated, but so well that it is difficult to tell where each begins and ends.
    "The primary wishes we have to be fulfilled is for this night and the next to be filled with wonder and indulgence. You are welcome to indulge in violence or play with anyone who does not wear a mask, your only peers are those who wear masks. I am afraid since this is your first visit you have been given the Koalas, the more... prestigious of the animals goes to the members of longer standing you see."
    That said he smiles and turns, walking along even as two young women without any clothes save some glistening bits of fabric attached to their forms in uncomfortable ways offer them drinks from a tray held by each.

Karla Sofen has posed:
OOoo, old blood. Yes, Karla could get behind that. Not that her family had accomplished more than working for a rich family when she was younger. And this kind of opulence certainly did bring back memories of something she had always coveted. Yet here she was again, not exactly having earned this but again undercover, playing a role. There was a clear stiffening of her shoulders. "I am glad our Blood makes us who we are, and worthy." was there a sharpness to her tone? Maybe.

She goes around along with Gerald, her heels heard taptapping on the floor with cadence, "So are we to assume the lions will be the kings of the jungle here?" she asks, not hiding a touch of amusement there.

A brief, cursory glance is given to the two young women, she picking up one of the flutes offered, her brows furrowing at the uncomfortable type of clothing. She offers the girl a brief nod, entirely unexpected, as if acknowledging her presence here.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Gerald's grin widens, "Ah, please I cannot be considered a gossip." He continues to walk along as he speaks, even as Alexander takes up one of the drinks offered. Likely champagne in a suitable flute and he offers one to Karla should she so wish. If not he'll just enjoy two.
    "Though I would be more respectful of the Wolves if you come upon them." At that he smiles and winks before he turns back. One hand opens as he gestures and speaks while moving. "Your coins are there to pay admission to the more tempestuous delights to be shared these next few nights. Should you find someone you wish to buy, then you may present a number of coins during their sale. Or if you wish to indulge in the banquet that is a coin here or there. Various things along those lines."
    They walk under several tall trees, though they look pointedly out of place, not trees one would see in the tropics, more old oaks of some kind? But then they're moving to the broad double doors that lead to the compound as well. "Or heck, keep them as mementos if you wish. There is much to do and see here and rarely does everyone get to experience /everything/."

Karla Sofen has posed:
"Ah, the wolves.." If Karla believes that to be the choice of most prestigious animals she leaves that opinion to herself, instead taking the flute that is offered to her. A brief sip is taken and she continues on, walking along. "And what if we lack coins? Are we able to gain more?" it makes her curious, there's always some kind of game here about this.

"We are here to experience though, why give ourselves the trouble of travelling so far if not to seek and look up everything we can?" she questions, her eyes appearing alight under the mask. "Though this seems a very well-oiled procedure by now, makes it seem as if you have all been doing this for quite some time."

A glance to Alexander. "And we are only invited now ..." she tsks, disappointed.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Oh certainly, though usually from other guests. Whatever you get up to is your business, of course." Gerald answers as he smiles, "I believe the Great Father intended for our little celebration to develop an economy all its own after all."
    It's then that they finally step past the doors, into the open courtyard that dominates those traditional Spanish manors. Almost like a Roman subura with how the place is shaped, several stories up and with a large courtyard in the middle to dominate socially.
    Around them are entertainers, dancers dancing lasciviously, wearing no clothes unless one counts the occasional other dancer curled and wrapped around them. A centerpiece is seen of twin athletes locked in coitus as they writhe upon a raised dais, occasionally taking requests from the crowd about how they should enjoy each other.
    There are servants wandering, offering trays of food stuffs, fine comestibles, drinks. Though the champagne that Karla and Alexander have likely suffices. But it's the many masked people that likely draw the eye. Such a cross-section of individuals that it might be staggering.
    There in the corner, with a smear of something dark upon the feline nose of his mask is a man that years ago had the top selling record.
    There standing in a group of nude people all lavishing attention upon her is an older congress woman.
    There in the doorway laughing uproariously is a man known for such lovely family friendly movies. The masks do little to hide the truly famous, to disguise their voices. But yet they somehow seem to free the wearers of some of their inhibitions.

Karla Sofen has posed:
"Perhaps first we will have to figure out how much exactly one of these coins is worth before we can play the economy, mmm?" Karla replies to Gerald while they walk down to that main, open courtyard. So lavish. Just as she imagined when she was younger. Or rather, felt jealous about. Being here right now though, it makes her wonder if there was a reason for it.

Eyes roam here and there, over the dancers, the coupling, then over to those figures she realizes are people out of magazines that she has seen, or even in movies.

Masks, but seems as if these people aren't exactly wanting to hide who they are. Part of it, isn't it? Famous ones always like to show off. It makes her smirk under that mask, dress swishing about her form elegantly while they make way.

"Was this all you imagined..?" Her mask turning to observe Alexander for a few moments.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    For a time they take those shared moments, even as Gerald excuses himself from their presence and moves over to have a few quick words with one of the nearby staff-members, a tall elegant grey-haired woman who stands beside one of the quartet of punch bowls.
    But when he's addressed, Alexander turns his koala-eared features toward her and his eyes meet hers. He looks away almost instantly. "It..." The word hangs there in the room between them, even as the droning of the crowd, the distant laughter can be heard. He touches her hand upon his arm and walks with her slowly, a few languid steps. "Reminds me of celebrations my family would throw."
    Which might be appropriate.
    "But more edged. More... mortal." He says that last word after a lingering pause, and for the first time in his life he might well say it with disdain.
    Around them animal masks mingle, predator freely with prey, features brilliant and cheerful as they laugh and chat. At times there is an indulgence. A man casually grabs a server from his duties and takes him aside to roughly pull down his pants. Across the way a woman shrieks as a fork is stabbed into her hand by an older woman at a table, which causes the entire table of guests to laugh and laugh. For they wear masks and the woman with the bleeding hand does not.
    "Come on, let's... take a look around." He says though he does not move, perhaps letting her choose the direction they wander. For there are elaborate carpeted paths through that throng that lead to other sections of the house. This reception area apparently only a part as signage in multiple languages indicate a grand ballroom, a stable, and an arena to be available with notations to the side as to times for specific events.

Karla Sofen has posed:
It comes as no surprise when Alexander says such. Which in honesty, seems just like one of those decadent rich people celebrations that people often hear rumors about but can never be in. Karla moves along with Alexander for a time. "Is it your belief that mortals should not have the same kind of celebrations, or desires, as your kin does?" she then asks while they go past the rest of the predators. But little do they know that koalas can be fierce when those masks come off. For now though, they play the part.

It is when she begins to see the abuse being tossed about to the people without the masks that there is a stiffen to her back, she straightening. A pause.

But then she simply moves on. Perhaps a look about the stables would do well to wash their minds out of things.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Karla," Alexander says, breaking one of the few rules the place has, though he seems not to realize it. Or perhaps his control slips just enough for the faux pas. "My relatives are assholes." He says that simply, quietly, even as he continues to walk. As if that should be enough of a reason for her to discern his displeasure. But he continues to walk, heading as she would out the side door and along that decorated path. Flower petals are strewn about at times along the carpets, and they walk past small moments of debauchery. Three people in formal evening clothes seem to be enjoying the use of a tree with an elaborate series of swings and straps. There's a screaming that can be heard off distantly only for the screaming to go silent in mid-wail. But the faint music of a string quartet can be heard filtering toward them though likely from the larger part of the compound, perhaps where that ball room may be.
    In front of a smaller though no less impressive building stands a man in formal servant's garb, looking like a British butler from the turn of a century ago. He flashes a smile to the couple, "Ah, good to see new blood. I am Wolsen. At your service, may I interest you in a mount this e'en?"
    As he says this he pushes open one of the double doors and gestures inward to the stables.

Karla Sofen has posed:
The -look- that Karla gives Alexander through that mask, blazing blue eyes staring at the young man makes it noticeable what she feels about the use of her real name in this setting. In truth there weren't even that many people that knew Karla Sofen and Moonstone were the same person. Or that she had even been Ms. Marvel in the past.

But she has other places to divert her anger towards though, as if some of the scenes here had triggered her. Namely the one with the fork, for some reason. A glance is given up to the night air, then back down to Alexander. "We should begin looking for the wolves." she tells him, just as they arrive near the stables.

With her voice returning to a very soothing, gentle and refined tone she greets Wolsen. "Of course, do surprise us." she asks him, beginning their way towards the stables, hand resting upon Alexander's shoulder.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "Ah, I'm." Alexander's eyes close for a moment just before they reach the man and he tells her simply, "Sorry." Though it's rare he ever apologizes. But might speak to the severity of the moment. But then the stable-hand in the fine clothes gets Alexander's attention and he straightens up a little. A nod is given at the greeting.
    "You will assuredly be most pleased, this year's collection is rather quite refined." The man murmurs as he opens the door and leads the Koalas inside, into an immaculate stable though the floor is cement and hard, no hay nor wood. Yet there are two aisles of stalls with some against the walls of the building and one line in the middle leading to the back. Perhaps fifty stalls altogether. "These are for the free for use, medically checked and verified to be suitably clean and healthy for whatever indulgence you so wish."
    As he walks by the stalls he gestures inwards and inside the young couple will see. People. Four to a stall, each of the same gender, quietly watching with wide eyes and their voices held by an elaborate bit and bridle that prevents them from speaking. Utterly without clothing and watching listlessly and helplessly as they sit on the ground or lean against the wall. When they move they do so weakly, clear marks upon their ankles, their arms, indicating some sort of surgical procedure recently done.
    But then Wolson's voice, "Toward the back are the more... eclectic should you so choose. Though usually by the next night they are gone, so choose early. It is possible to apply some of your coins for a deposit of course, unless you find someone suitably compelling you would make purchase."
    But as they walk by a particular stall there is a young man, perhaps Alexander's age, who has messed himself. And that... draws the ire of the stable-hand.
    "You! You were told what would happen to you if you embarrassed us!" Then to the couple, "Forgive me, kind patrons."
    He snaps fingers quickly to get the attention of a nearby servant. "Alphonse, come immediately, clean this one!"

Karla Sofen has posed:
Yes, Karla already expected something of the sort perhaps, her eyes not lingering too much on the human misery in view. Yes indeed, humans could be quite the demons when they wanted to. She had been one in her own time, even if not in this type of manner.

So all she can do is laugh right now, a fabricated laugh for sure that for someone that knows her will know it for what it is. Disguising a rising anger. She looks towards Wolsen. "Pray tell, where may we find those that have organized this fine party? This is just marvellous..." she tells of the surrounding stables and all the people that are shacked or otherwise saddled. Lying, yes. But lying is her bread and butter.

She glances towards Alexander then, as if expectant.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "At this hour?" Wolson smiles and tries to advance them further through the aisles of human misery, though some of the people are doing their best to behave, to smile, to try and seem appealing. Yet it is all superficial, all thin. "I would daresay the nobility would be found in the ballroom, holding court of a sort. And indeed, good to establish connections before one loses oneself to the... moment." The British man's smile is gentle, though a faint flush to his cheeks betrays the anger he's holding back. Thankfully these koalas are not taking umbrage as he worried.
    But then Alexander speaks and it is in a firm voice, light and trilly as if enjoying every little thing about the evening, "Indeed, it would be so wonderful to be able to pay our respects to those responsible for this wondrous soiree." And if Karla did not know him better, she might think him sincere.
    Wolson bobs his head and rests an arm upon the cage bars nearest him and smiles. "Then yes, the ballroom, please do come back, however. I have yet to show you the piece d'resistance." And as he says that he glances back down the aisle toward the further stalls.
    "Perhaps soon, until then." Alexander turns and offers Karla his arm before heading back out.

Karla Sofen has posed:
"Then we are but losing time here at the stables. But soon I am sure." A promise there on Karla's tone. A deadly promise, but Wolson doesn't need to know that. So she turns to begin her walk out of the place, resting her hand in a light manner atop Alexander's arm, heels heard clacking on the ground, through the pathways that lead towards the ballroom.

"Have you considered your choices by now?" She asks the young man, her tone casual, as if what they just witnessed had just been the most normal of things.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The voice given to her sidelong is quiet, edged, even as Alexander walks and presents a pleasant visage to the world beyond. His words given are calm, but roiling with a subtle tumult. "I can understand why my uncle might take exception to such being done in his name. Though his indignity might be for other reasons than my own."
    There's a pause as he stops there and he looks at Karla, meeting her eyes and looking almost... comical with those koala ears. But something in his gaze is severe as he murmurs, "If you wish to leave. If you do not want to be around for this. I can understand." She may have some hint as to how he is leaning, what his thoughts may be. "I am..."
    A pause as he looks away, smiling happily to a server that wanders past.
    "I am not myself." He says that, as if explanation. Or excuse.

Karla Sofen has posed:
"Do those reasons matter in the end?" Karla then muses at Alexander's own questions about his uncle's motives. But well, Gods.. They always have the weirdest of motives to do what they did. A pause as she turns her own mask to glance at Alexander. If she is giving any judgement to the whole situation she now keeps it to herself, just her icy- blue gaze in sight, watching the man.

"You did tell me to accompany you, did you not? I believe I will stay, even if to see where this will end."

And sure, she may have an idea of the young man's state of mind. "Perhaps you will find yourself tonight though." she smiles just as much towards the servant, taking another sip out of her champagne. At least this one was top notch. They certainly did not spare any expenses.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The youth grinds his teeth a little, then nods as he resumes the walk with her, taking the path from the stables toward the grand ballroom with its sweeping dome-like rooftop and the golden decor surrounding it. Some of the party has already flowed outside and beyond as several couples are indulging each other in what seems to be a rose garden set off to one side.
    But it does not take long for the pair of them to continue on, walking slowly arm in arm until they get to the broad open double doors that lead to the interior. The crowd noise is louder and heard as they approach closer, but once they step inside they are awash in the realities of that ball room.
    For if the foyer and entry hall were intense. Then this tableau is an amazing increase in intensity. For it is loud and bombastic, with wild laughter and shrieks now and again. There are performers throughout the crowd of people indulging in all sorts of wild vices. There are people standing and just chatting while young couples stand upon tables in various forms of carnal abandon. There is a large gathering in the middle of the hall around a raised dais where masqueraders chat and mingle, with all sort of masks laughing and chatting. Including those of a distinctly stern predatory sort.
    But then the ear is drawn to the loud /clinks/ heard now and again from an area to the side. In the middle of the great feast, the spread of five tables, there is a centerpiece from which all the other tables extend from, as if it was from that centerpiece that all other good things flow.
    It is a centerpiece that looks like various forms of meat, anti-pasto perhaps served sliced and with accompanying small pieces of cheese or olives or other vegetables. A centerpiece that has two distinct portions of light and darker meat. But as the couple drift past, the /clinks/ that are heard come from the large golden bowl that sits between those two large platters of meats. A golden bowl that each time someone comes up and samples a piece of the food, they deposit one of those large gold coins of which they have only ten.
    Yet what might draw Alexander's eyes all the more is that in a place of honor upon a raised plate, there are two things seemingly out of place. On the left plate is a simple doll head, ragged with blond hair and one of the 'sleepy-time' eyes partially shut. And on the other plate is a black and green video game controller.
    It's as Alexander lingers there for a moment looking, trying to puzzle this out, that an old matron pauses just as she drops a coin into the golden bowl. "Horrible isn't it?" She says at first, "What the youth of today consider their most darling possession. It used to be lockets of family member's faces. Or a book." She makes a face underneath her owl mask. "Now it is what? Pieces of plastic? Shame."
    And as she says that she bites the serving she took and walks off into the crowd.

Karla Sofen has posed:
Such a sumptuous place. It does call to Karla, all this opulence..., it was something that she had always wanted, being part of this circle, the rich and the powerful. She -almost- starts smiling until she sees what is being served. Meat of some kind? But then people are tossing in coins to the golden bowl...?

And she has that type of mind that doesn't take long to discern what exactly is going on here, specially when she notes the plates with the doll and the controller.

"Yes, rather awful..." it is just a subtle motion, smooth, and pretty much unstoppable considering the kind of strength she can bring up when she wants to.. Before that woman that is tasting the food can leave she reaches up, hand to her back and pressing, making it so the woman falls and hits the side of the table squarely with her face. No, she isn't in killing mode, but it should be enough to knock the woman out for a time. "Too much to drink, darling?"

Yes, she has pretty much reached her limit.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    There's a resounding /thwok/ as the woman's face hits the table and she smacks onto the ground in the next instant, lying unmoving. It draws looks, laughter at first. Until someone realizes the small owl mask that lies there upon the ground one of the feathered ears partially shattered. Then there's a gasp from the crowd. Above them and off in the distance the coterie involved on the raised dais looks over and there is a hush that comes across the crowd.
    Distantly in a security booth elsewhere someone is reviewing the footage almost instantly and furtive words are being said over radio headsets.
    There's a rustle of movement as a group of men in faceless masks advance from one side of the room and then the other. Security most likely for their size, their build, though they wear immaculate fashionable suits that likely would cost a great amount of money. Though here chosen for the perfect lines that hide the firearms or weapons within their jackets.
    Just before they are on them, Alexander turns to her and says quietly. "Destroy the planes. The boats." His eyes meet hers steadily and she can /see/ the roiling there in his thoughts as there's a faint beading of something in the corner of his eye.
    "I'll, I'll handle this." He turns away and as the security men get closer the voice of a man with reddish hair behind the faceless mask tells them, "Sir, madame, if you'll come with us, please."
    Alexander takes off his mask.

Karla Sofen has posed:
Standing there in a rather calm, peaceful demeanor is Karla. It was just another Saturday, knocking someone over. She does her best to look innocent, but then again that pesky security footage is always a drag. She allows a sigh to leave her lips once she notes the approach of the security officers.

"Still need to figure out who the top dogs are. But I'd say the ones on the dais are a very good bet. Perhaps securing those would be the best." She tells Alexander. "Or shall we make them bleed?" she then questions. The choice seems to be left to Alexander right now. For in truth she appears just as bloodthirsty at this point after all they witnessed before.

Reaching up she begins to take off her mask as well, but just before her face can be revealed her own outfit begins to shift, morphing and becoming the tight white and yellow that tells of who this truly is.


Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The appearance of their faces, the bright silvery fire that blazes to life in Alexander's eyes, and the brilliance in Moonstone's form shifting shape as her clothes become something else entire. It all is enough, enough to cause the men and women to react and reel. For security their weapons come out and are raised. The man with the red hair raises a hand to his ear as if getting instructions from afar.
    "I'll get to them," Alexander says as he faces the security officers. And for an instant things might seem to hang in the balance, for the guards do not advance nor fire.
    But when the crimson-bladed sword flashes into life in the blond youth's hand, that is when their weapons bark and roil.
    And just like that, the moment for peace is gone. Replaced with the wild that is to be as the screams go up and people start to flee that grand hall.

Karla Sofen has posed:
Confusion, panic. Nothing that Karla isn't used to. It was a common occurrence when Moonstone came to life in the past, or in her last times as Ms. Marvel, being the tyrannical hand that allowed no misdemeanor to go unpunished. "Close your eyes." she warns the young God. And that's pretty much the only warning he has...

... For as soon as she is done saying those words there is a luminescence that comes out of her, not one to kill, no. But instead one to blind. A bright light that encompasses the room as she lets her powers unleash, aiming to make it so temporarily blinds the various groups, both the fleeing people along with some the guards. Or at least those that do not close their eyes.

She then slowly starts rising up from the ground. "Where are you all running to..?" her voice carrying. "For now it's when the festivities are truly beginning.." ominous. But indeed there had been quite the triggering events to her tonight.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Holding his arm up to his eyes, Alexander shields himself and yet still sees the afterimages superimposed upon his retinas. Even as he rushes forwards he tells her, "Not the servants." As if he had to tell her who was out of bounds, who was to not be hurt.
    But then he is moving, even as three of the security guards start to fire blindly in the direction of Moonstone's glory, weapon bucking and firing with a riotous abandon and all firing wildly. The red-headed man behind the faceless mask shrieks not with pain but with anger even as his mask tries to compensate for the flare. Likely they will recover before the patrons who were exposed... but not in time.
    The red blade in Alexander's hand passes through three of the guards, all in a single rushing movement where the weapon wends a whorl of motion, seeming to not stop or feel any resistance at all to the bodies the weapon cleaves in twain. The corpses hit the ground even as the red-headed security chief shouts.
    "Here!" Then ducks as he brings his hands up to fire a /blast/ of flame from his hands in the general direction of the two, causing Alexander to leap to the side.

Karla Sofen has posed:
It's hard enough to catch a Moonstone, and even more when there's three or four images of her after that flare of light that she unleashed. With a use of her superior reflexes and agility she begins to dodge and weave the shots being shot in her direction, floating to one side, a grin upon her lips. Deadly and full of intent.

She watches the bodies being sliced down. So easy as lives are taken. But then her eyes narrow. Sure these guards are intent on killing the two of them. But when will it be enough?

She doesn't have a lot of time to think on this as a blast of flame is sent in her direction. Just enough time to cross her arms in a protective gesture in front of her, she taking the heat wave fully on and being tossed back and against a wall, smoke coming up from her.

She is still flying though, one hand starting to conjure the energies of her own energy blast as she begins to prepare to fire it towards the guards. Still, there's the distraction of those at the dais, she attempting to discern where those are in the middle of this all.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Another pair of guards are cut down with an almost angry rush of movement, Alexander's sword sluicing a small stream of blood down its curve as he pauses and takes aim at the firewielder who seems intent on menacing Moonstone.
    But the crowd, is splitting apart, people fleeing. Masked masters from the dais and bare-faced servants rushing together as the primal sense of panic seems to overtake the all, their minds roiling and wild with such utter terror that it is an almost palpable thing Karla might feel upon the periphery even though she is not its target.
    The flames wash out further towards her again as the red-headed man regains his sense of sight and lashes out waves of an inferno in her direction only for him to scream as his lower arm is sliced clean from his body. It gives Alexander time to turn to her and yell, "Their vehicles, destroy them! I'll get the security forces."
    And with that Alexander rounds back, even as he rolls to the side narrowly avoiding another blast from the bleeding mutant's fiery blaze.

Karla Sofen has posed:
So ironic, as Masters have no problem mingling with the servants when it's time to flee, in that panic. She would stop to witness and perhaps laugh if she wasn't here with a mission, Moonstone not going forth with the energy blast towards the guards but instead beginning to fly about and towards the exit, fast and determined. She quickly gets out through the doorways of the large salon, a beam of light sent down to deter the people panicking outside, tracing a line on the ground in front of them.

But then she is flying full speed towards the vehicles. Cars, boats.. Even the planes that she can find out... It really doesn't take her too long to begin setting them all on fire, a sweep of her arm as she sends bolts flying about, doing a quick circle of the island, not particularly expecting to find much resistance to what she is doing.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    People drew up shrieking as that lane of flame in the ground stopped their advance and their rush, terrified eyes lifting up in that wild madness of herd panic as they look upon the vengeful shape of Moonstone.
    From off shore later accounts would be that a brilliant light fired from on high, like a flame from heaven. Beams of energy lancing down with a vindictive lash to slice across the frames of those black Lear jets that were parked so neatly in a row. The way the brilliant lance fired and seemed to almost lazily caress the metal infrastructure of the airplanes was almost beautiful in a way.
    And then in the next split second each went up in a cascade of explosions one after the other after the other, the tank on a refueling vehicle ignites and splashes liquid fire across the runway, likely rendering the strip of land useless.
    Then moments later where the small boats were docked in the marina, more beams lanced down from the glowing figure of Moonstone, slashing across the hulls and splitting the vehicles asunder, sending them down into the water with no chance of survival.
    But then there was a rush of movement in the air as a figure /launched/ itself from the ground and leapt upwards at speed. A great winged monstrosity with wide wings and rippling arms ending in nasty talons hurls itself toward Moonstone, shrieking an angry cry, "This was my mealticket, lady!" The claws lash out.

Karla Sofen has posed:
Just like a walk in the park... Too bad all this money going to waste, in the form of all these jets. Ah, well... She would cry no tears over it. But if there is one thing that Moonstone is good at is methodic destruction, making sure to get a thorough job done...

But then her eyes squint when she notes that rush of movement. Flying up towards her at high speed. Claws? Wings? She immediately turns towards the figure, "Better cut your losses and leave with your life while you still can." she threatens the mutant.

And Moonstone, being Moonstone, begins flying back, perhaps attempting to gain distance from the flying one. She always preferred to fly from afar. Of course that she is starting her flying way too late, which means what she can do now is attempting to dodge those claws. They look sharp, she wouldn't want to get hit. So she spins and weaves in the air while being pursued, trying to keep one step ahead.

A bolt here and there is sent back at other mutant, the skies above lighting up briefly during their 'dogfight'.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Meanwhile, below her, she can likely see what her work has created. The billowing infernos, the blazing hulks of debris. But what's more is that crowd of people who are now gathering. A crowd of the haves and have nots all watching with rapt attention to the spectacle above as the demonic thing lashes out and tries to catch Moonstone with a talon or a snarling snap of its jaws.
    The thing is fast, agile, able to juke and dodge some of her blasts. But there's an instant as one of her beams slices across its arm and blasts a hole through the membrane of a wing that causes the creature to hiss and reel as it falters, leaving it open for the next blast already blazing to life in her hand.
    Down in the ballroom the last of the security guards fall in a slump, lifeless body hitting the ground as Alexander wipes the blade upon the fabric of a tablecloth and turns. One of the servants quavers underneath the table, a younger man with wide eyes who /shrieks/ when Alex _pulls_ him out from underneath and he glares at him with those eyes filled with silver fire. "The people in the stables. In the basements. Wherever. The ones not able to get free. Go and get them. Go and save them. You will buy your life with this action."
    Alex's eyes remain fully upon the face of the wailing man, doing nothing at all to mute his fear as he says. "Do this now. I will forever know who you are and where you are from this instant on." He lies, then /throws/ the man to the side. "Go!" His voice echoes ominously. The man rushes off.

Karla Sofen has posed:
The dogfight is close to the end, Moonstone keeping the demonic-looking mutant under her sights just as the forming blast on her hand grows...

But there are always choices to be done, so instead of simply shooting him down she flies ahead, towards the creature. Whether it attempts to swipe at her or not it most likely shall be inconsequential, for she turns incorporeal at that last second...

... She skips right through the creature, lashing out with a fist with the weight of her strength behind it, aiming to knock them out from behind. Cheap shot! But better that than simply killing it. If such a maneuver is done successfully she will pick the creature under one arm, flying low to let it drop on the ground and then start her return to the main room.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The creature falls limp at the strike, plummeting, starting to fall ever downward only for its flight to be arrested by the strong arm of Moonstone. It is a heavy thing, but not heavy enough to give one with her strength any difficulty. But it's when she's back down there upon the ground in front of the crowd, she will see the ripple of fear and the way people draw back... huddling close for the illusion of safety yet with eyes wide.
    She starts to walk toward the main room only to meet Alexander as he emerges, part of his clothes torn and burnt, letting one pale shoulder and sleeve open to the air. His jaw sets as he walks, sword still in hand and a spatter of blood across his clothes. He frowns and looks to her, frowning, then looks past to the wreckage that she hath wrought.
    "Good work," His tone is level, stern. Not sounding like him at all as he walks to that crowd of people. He lifts the sword and snarls. "You!" He points the ancient weapon at one of the people in the front of the crowd.
    "You served us champagne." He says simply as the woman watches with wide eyes, crying softy. "Split these people up, the people with masks on one side, your co-workers on the other." A pause as he finds Wolson there, trying to look shorter, smaller. "The upper management, they go with those with the masks. Do this now."
    The woman blinks blearily, fearful, frozen. Only moved into action when Alexander snarls, "Now!"

Karla Sofen has posed:
An eyebrow arches from underneath that mask of hers, taking note of Alexander's demeanor, the shift and that deadliness she has become so used to listening to in so many of the villains she has worked with in the past. It makes her 'mmm', thoughtful. But no comment. Not just yet.

Instead she folds her arms together, her feet again drifting off the ground and she hovers along with Alexander.

An imposing figure for sure, ominously looking upon the various people as they are separated. Management and masters to one side, servants to the other.

She watches the woman begin doing just that, getting people to one side, complaints heard, fear and panic almost palpable in that crowd. "Do you understand what you are doing, Alexander?" she asks, tone neutral, precise, letting the man reach his own conclusions.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The sword lifts, to motion to the masters, to the management. "These are the ones responsible." His voice is sharp, quieter, not exactly intending for the others to hear but then again not caring entirely that they do. "They are..." He shakes his head and his eyebrows furrow.
    "They'll just get away. Or pay people off. Or are already protected." She can likely follow his thoughts, his reasoning as he lowers the sword.
    But then his temper flares as he /growls/ and steps forward, grabbing one man from the group of workers and /throws/ him bodily into the other group. "He belongs over here." For some reason.
    But the people there quail in fear, a fear that is not entirely natural yet somehow keeps them crippled, terrified. Though some seem like they might be on the edge of panic and flight.
    Shaking his head he scowls as he steps back to stand near Moonstone and murmurs, "I... I can't let this continue." It's only then that he actually /looks/ at her, shaking his head, then looks back at the mass of people. "I'll understand if you need to leave."

Karla Sofen has posed:
"They might do just that, yes." Moonstone replies. She knows well how this world works, and how certain people just get away with what they do. Inevitable? Perhaps. She very well understands that panic forming on the people, the helplessness of being under someone's rule, a rule of fear. She had been on that spot before, where Alexander is now, unleashed and allowing power to rule her. The knowledge that she could wink them all out of existence if she so wished.

"Have you considered the price for doing what you are intending to?" A serious question. As for the suggestion for her to leave, she appears to ignore it, remaining where she is, floating just a touch above ground. She knows it always gave her a more intimidating presence.

"Though I agree you should not let this continue. But be careful with what you choose." even if within herself there's a warring presence fighting the other, the one that tells her dominant personality that this is wrong and should not happen, no matter what they might have done.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    "There are no laws here," Alexander says even as he looks to the people, sees the pleading in their eyes, the terror. She can tell he's perhaps given this thought, the way he holds the blade, the expression on his stern features.
    An older woman with grey hair takes that moment to /waaail/ as she perhaps realizes what is going on, and what the two mythical beings before her are talking about. It's a wail of such terror and it causes the blond youth to step forward quickly as he roars. "SHUT UP!"
    He advances rapidly and grabs that woman by the arm. "I know what you've done! I KNOW! You have no right to feel anything in this moment!"
    And he is shaking, his hands shivering as there is rage there unallowed to be brought forth in the past, held back, withdrawn. Only now having full access to the youth's mind as his eyes flare with that silver fire, surging with each word torn from him.
    But then he releases her and stalks back even as the others around her hold her in support, such times drawing them closer together in their own terror.
    But Alexander looks at Moonstone and tells her, "There are no laws here." He repeats to her.

Karla Sofen has posed:
Yes. Moonstone is very aware of that as well. No laws. "Indeed, there aren't.." The blond californian continuing to look over the crowd. Surveying almost, taking in the terror there. That knowledge that they have fucked up and now consequences will be had. She'd revel in it, wallowing in the power that would be being judge, jury and executioner.

If only it wasn't that nagging pressure on her mind and soul so as to not allow the young man to go ahead with this. To go through the same path she had trailed in the past. One that had led her nowhere. He still had some chance.

She is silent while Alexander goes on threatening the others, but it's only when he again looks at her and repeats those words that she tells him. "That was exactly what these people thought when they decided to come here and start this..., society." the implication on her words is visible. That going ahead with this he is becoming just like them? Well, maybe not exactly like them, but following that same line of thought that leads to nowhere good.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    It's in that instant as that silver fire roils in him, his eyes meeting hers and she might even /feel/ that peripheral surge of fear and terror that might come with the youth's eyes holding her own. But then he shakes his head and that feeling eases as he looks away. There's a moment there as his jaw extends, then tightens as he grinds his teeth. A moment where he hovers on the edge of one part of that decision or the other.
    But then she's past it, at least in part as she gets him to shift his argument away from the absolute. And to the practical. "What are we supposed to do then?" He glowers at her sidelong, "There are no authorities to turn them over to. They'll just go off and keep doing this and..."
    He shakes his head.

Karla Sofen has posed:
Gritting her teeth together Karla continues with her gaze squarely upon Alexander, even when she feels the weight of all that fear pressing towards her. Though confidence she had in spades, so she squints her eyes, narrowing them even. The decision was left to him, but there was that note which was telling she might intervene if murder started to happen.

"There are the type of authorities that care not for the laws of the countries. SHIELD is one." she tells him, "Perhaps those will be able to help. Or the weight that words in the papers can bring to the lives of these people."

"If this had been with my old crew, and we were still together, this island would be burning by now." She tells Alexander, tone stern, an edge to it. "But you still have a choice to take here, you do not have to plunge in as we did."

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    It's in every way the youth seems to move, standing there, staring at the people who are shivering against the fear that roils within them. His hand twitches upon the hilt of the blade in his hand, and his head shakes several times. If she paid close attention she might even see his lips move slightly, silently, as if having an inner monologue for a time.
    But it's when she tells him that he has a choice and she can see him tense up. Just a mountain of tension that settles on his shoulders. He grimaces, looks down... looks up. And then he screams loudly.
    The word echoes off the compound and across the burning air field. But with that word she likely can tell. She's won.
    He visibly seems to wilt and then his eyes fill with tears for a moment as he scowls and bites back his anger, then swallows several times and murmurs quietly. "Fuck."
    "Alright." Softly. "Alright. I think I know someone I can call"

Karla Sofen has posed:
It's visible. That indecision on the young man. But Karla knows when she has 'won'. She lets him go about unleashing his fury, unmoving from her hovering position yet once it's done and he mentions someone he can call she offers a slight nod.

"Then I will be on my way." She tells him, perhaps having to think on what happened here tonight and what she did, that tug continuing upon her mind, insistent.

Moonstone starts hovering further up in the air, towards the huddled people, her own outfit beginning to change towards the black and reds, the sash about her waist, the visible outfit of what once was Ms. Marvel, the one who fought along with Alexander back at the battle for New York. "You were spared here today.." she tells them. "Remember it, in the way you spared none on your own rampage and indulgence of your desires. You will pay for this, and if not by the law we can always find you again." the faintest of smiles coming to her lips. "So remember it."

Then she turns her eyes upon Alexander, a strange blue flash there on her gaze, very unlike Karla's own gaze, as if it was someone else in there. But it disappears as quickly as it came. She nods. "You will know where to find me." and then she begins flying up, to perhaps go and seek out her own answers.