17078/Queens and Shadows of Black
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Queens and Shadows of Black | |
Date of Scene: | 02 February 2024 |
Location: | VIP Lounge - Hellfire Club |
Synopsis: | No description |
Cast of Characters: | Selene Gallio, Richard Swift
- Selene Gallio has posed:
Some nights, the Hellfire Club is all abuzz with members looking to find themselves entertained. This night, however, was light, and so Selene Gallio sat in one of the booths off to the side. A glass of wine is before her, untouched, and her gaze drifts idly out among those present. Searching for something worthy of the Black Queen's attention.
- Richard Swift has posed:
While Richard Swift hardly registers as a blip of what one would call 'worthy of attention', he is in motion and in the VIP lounge, which is something. Carrying his elaborate cane, but seeming not to require it for assistance in treading, he strides inside a dischordant match for the Hellfire Club. Antequated clothing, but not of the era that most within where. A puzzle, perhaps.
His gaze drifts along the bar, and spying no one of interest perched there, to the tables. Selene, sitting on her own, presents an enigma. One which sends Richard striding over.
- Selene Gallio has posed:
The spider in her web can detect all manners of motion, the vibration enough to send her gaze over towards Richard's approach. She arches an eyebrow in question.
- Richard Swift has posed:
Drawing up towards her booth, Richard reaches up to retrieve his hat, tipping it for a moment as he bows to her, his mannerisms archaic if polite. "Pardon me, but I saw that you seemed for wont of a companion this evening. Might I be of service?"
- Selene Gallio has posed:
The second eyebrow arches in question. "What make you believe that simply because I am without company, I feel unfortunate for such?"
- Richard Swift has posed:
Richard crinkles his nose. "I suppose that may be true, but even if you did not find it a disappointment, perhaps I can persuade you of the merits of changing your mind?"
- Selene Gallio has posed:
There is almost a roll of the eyes, but such things are beneath Selene. "I will offer you thirty seconds to ply your case, and then you may go back from whence you came, hopefully only wiser and not ... " Selene considers, licking her lips. "More used."
- Richard Swift has posed:
A mere thirty secnds to crame in a lifetime of intrigue! Richard considers for a moment. "I have entirely too much darkness in me to explain in such a short time. But I can show you the depths of it, and you can judge if you want to see the breadth of it."
- Selene Gallio has posed:
The comments make Selene laugh, musically as she drops her head back. "You are awfully complacent with yourself, with little reason to be so."
- Richard Swift has posed:
"I have confidence. There is nothing wrong with that, especially when earned." Richard indicates the seat opposite her by raising his cane. "If you would be so willing as to accept my joining you, I am quite confident that given some time to shwocase my talents, you would find me worth at least an evening's distractiosn when clearly nothing else is about."
Richard turns slowly to indicate the lackluster crowd before turning back around to regard Selene, placing his palm atop his cane and the other over it, arching his back to present a more formidable image.