1790/Leftover Pizza

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Leftover Pizza
Date of Scene: 22 May 2020
Location: Mori Merritt's Apartment, NYU Campus
Synopsis: Mori gets a pizza delievery from Ben and discovers he's a real person.
Cast of Characters: Ben Reilly, Mori Merritt

Ben Reilly has posed:
Evening in New York City. Just as busy as the morning is. New York never reallys stops. Slows down a little in the middle of the night maybe, but it never really stops. There's constantly people coming and going, business being done, and most importantly of all? Pizza being eaten. Ben finds himself out on campus pretty regularly. Plus he somehow gets there way quicker than any of the other drivers, his secret he tells the pizza joint he works for. And it really is. A secret that is. It's a Scarlet Spider that thwips his way onto Campus, being all sneaky and stealthy, sticking to the shadows. But it's a Ben that slips out from behind the building he's delivering to, suit packed away in the backpack stuck to the side of the building just under the roof. He makes his way inside, looking for the room number the delivery goes to, the delivery box bag thing held tight as he asks for directions from a couple of people, and even has to fend one drunken student off from trying to take the pizza. But eventually there's a knock on a door and a tired but amused looking Ben standing outside with the pizza in hand, the other hand occupied adjusting the trucker style hat on his head that proclaims the name of the pizza joint he works for, Tony's, eating the bill up so he can see a little bit better.

Mori Merritt has posed:
One extra large pizza, everything on it. When Mori opens the door, it's just her. No party, no real sign of anyone else. Seems the whole thing's just for her. "Hi," she offers with a friendly smile. "I've got cash, I know people are always skeptical if someone actually has cash and aren't just trying to get away with free pizza..." She holds up a finger. "But I do have cash. Just one second, I know where it is."

She gestures so he can step inwards and not just be stuck outside the door. The place seems to be a mess of organized chaos. Things seem randomly strewn about, but they aren't /buried/. Everything's visible and clear. She disappears briefly into the other room before returning with some money. "You guys are really good with this whole speedy thing. I can't set up some... scheduled orders, can I? I know, that sounds weird, but it'd save me a lot of trouble if I just got a pizza delievered every week."

Ben Reilly has posed:
The door opens on Ben playing keepaway with the drink from earlier. The drunk guy trying to reach the pizza, Ben holding it behind him out of arm's reach. Drunk guy lunges for it, Ben steps gracefully to the side letting drunk guy crash into a wall or doorway or something. "Hello. Pizza!" He calls out when the door opens. "Oh, no you're fine. Take your time." Ben calls out just as he twirls around keeping the pizza just out of reach of the guy who is clearly getting tired, panting and wheezing. 'Come on man, just lemme have the pizzaaaaaa.' The guy's tone is a whining one and Ben just shakes his head, and then with the gesture to step inside he does so. "Nah uh! Past the doorway is off limits my dude." The guy looks confused for a moment. "Dems da rules. Gotta go harass someone else now." The guy scowls but is drunk, so he toddles off to go pester someone else. "Sorry it took so long. Was dodging well... that guy for one. Also this building never fails to confuse me and get me lost." At the question about scheduled orders he huhs softly, his head tipping to the side. "You know I'm not sure? But I don't see why not. Same time every week makes sense. And I doubt Tony will say no to regularly scheduled business." A quick smile from the delivery guy. "And we do try to be quick." He opens up the sleeve thing and slides the pie out, which is clearly still piping hot by the way he slides his fingers to the edge of the box before handing it over. "Very hot still careful."

Mori Merritt has posed:
The pizza is carefully taken and promptly scooted over to an empty spot on the coffee table before Mori returns fully with the cash. "Yeah, I find that some people won't take no for an answer when it comes to pizza." She nods. "But having something regularly seems like it might be useful. I'm always eating pizza or something so it just feels like a natural thing to keep stocked with." She pauses. "That doesn't sound really weird to you, does it? Not that I'm worried about people finding me weird, I just... I don't know anyone who orders pizza on a schedule."

Ben Reilly has posed:
Ben Reilly hesitates a moment. "Are.. you okay miss? You seem awfully concerned about whether or not the pizza delivery guy finds your desire to have regularly delivered pizza weird." There's a genuine note of concern in the young man's voice as he asks the question. He does take the payment and tucks it into the zipper bag that he pulls out of his pocket, then stuffs it back in his pocket before he looks back over to her. "I'm not trying to pry or anything. I just can't help but notice your level of concern there. Are people picking on you here for being strange?" He asks, the beginnings of a scowl forming on his features as he glances towards the door and thus the rest of the students out there. "But no. Scheduled pizza shouldn't be a problem at all. If nothing else I can make a note to call the order in myself if need be. I doubt it will prove to be an issue though."

Mori Merritt has posed:
Mori looks sheepishly back over. "Oh, I already know I'm weird. I've been dealing with that for a while, I guess I thought I'd try and fit in a bit better while being here and it hasn't gone so well. Adding regularly scheduled pizza delivery might be just another thing that gets people to make weird faces in my direction." She rubs the back of her neck. "So, I guess I can organize it if it doesn't seem like it's too weird of a request. It makes it certainly easier than having to remember if I've ordered anything."

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Well, fitting in is over rated." Ben responds back with a quick nod in Mori's direction, a small smile gracing his features. There's a tiredness to the smile that is at odds with his clearly youthful features. "Better to live your life and not worry about what other people think. Unless those people are signing your paychecks. I mean obviously people don't really sign paychecks anymore, but the idea remains the same. But sticking out can be troublesome I know. I've often found that being yourself may not make you as many friends as trying to fit in. But the ones you make? Will stick with you." His head dips in a confirming nod after his statement. "I'll get it set up with Tony for you. You must be pretty busy though if you have trouble remembering whether or not you've ordered a pizza within the last half hour or so. Mind my asking what you're studying? I'm hoping to start classes in the fall if I can figure out a way to swing it."

Mori Merritt has posed:
"Yeah, I've made a few friends by being me, but..." Mori smiles sheepishly. "You ever felt like sometimes it's just easier pretending not to be you to fit in?" She laughs. "But the pizza? It's not really a being busy thing, it's more like..." She seems to think for a moment. "It's kind of like having narcolepsy? I just may not know if I've ordered food or not and if I can just make a regular schedule then at least I know it's coming." She eyes the pizza box, then looks back to Ben.

"I'm studying art. Mostly I do charcoal sketches because I find them really pretty, but I've been trying a few different mediums to see what I'm good at. This was my first semester... I ended up taking some time off after high school for medical reasons. You should go, though. College is a great experience."

Ben Reilly has posed:
Ben Reilly lets out a soft snort. "All the time. You have no idea. Well not true, you might have some idea. But yes. Very much so." Since he kind of... has to pretend not to be him. Since the real him is Peter Parker. Even though he's... not Peter Parker. He really is. His brow furrows as his thoughts cycle around that before he gives his head a shake. "Yes. I do." He confirms again along with an easy smile. "Ah. That's fair I suppose. I get busy but my brain tends to stay pretty ordered. If only the rest of me would follow suit." He pauses when she glances to the pizza and he laughs. "Sorry. Standing here taking up your time while your pizza gets cold. I can leave so you can eat your pizza my bad." He dips his head to her and adjusts the cap on his head, one hand lifting to tuck back some of the unkempt curls peeking out from under the cap. "Well. High school has just finished so college is next on the roadmap. Funny enough I might need to take a bit of time off myself for medical stuff." There's an amused twitch at the corner of his mouth and a soft snort of amusement. "Sorry. I'll get out of your hair. I'm Ben by the way. Since it seems I'll be seeing you weekly."

Mori Merritt has posed:
"I wish my brain stayed ordered," Mori laughs at the suggestion. "But college gets complicated when you've got medical stuff. Thankfully a lot of art is practice on your own. The classes I've mostly managed but... sometimes it's hard to just..." She trails off, squinting at him. She's looking confused. "... you have a brother? Please say you have a brother." She pauses. "Oh, I mean, that sounds kind of awkward." She rubs her face. "Right, sorry, I'm Mori. I don't mean to distract you from your work."

Ben Reilly has posed:
Parkers are good at a lot of things. They're good at doing the right thing. They're good at persevering. They're good at being loyal to their friends and family. Something they are not good at? Lying. And Ben is no different. He uhhhs softly at the question of whether he has a brother. "Uhhh I..." He pauses, mouth open as his brain scrambles. His mouth closes a moment before opening again. "I have a relative that I look a lot alike." He finally offers in a hesitant sounding voice. His head dips once or twice, nodding as if to confirm to himself that what he's said is not a lie. It's not. It's just... a big time dodge around the question. "It uhhh so... we have the same mom... and he doesn't... know I exist yet? So yes brother is accurate." Nope. Ben is not good at lying. At all. Not one little bit. He shifts his weight from one foot to the other in a nervous tic. "Soooo yeah. If you should run into Peter... not telling him about me would be... good. I'd be very thankful. There's a free pizza in it for you. Or two." He looks at the ground a moment, then back up, his throat clearly in another nervous gesture. "So yeah. Art huh? Art is cool. I'm not artistic myself but I do love art. It's amazing the things you can do with something as simple as a piece of charcoal and a piece of paper."

Mori Merritt has posed:
"Oh thank /god/ there are two of you!" Mori looks incredibly relieved, putting a hand to her forehead. "Of course it's a family drama and not just..." She glances back over at him. "Don't even worry about it. I only met him once, he was really nice and very considerate, but I /just/ met him and you do look like him and I thought I was..." She doesn't finish that statement. "Okay, need to sit down for a minute, that was a close call." She moves to sink down on the couch, even if he's still just close to the entryway.

She taps her head a bit as she sits. "Photographic memory. I know you didn't look exactly like him, so I was kind of just hoping that there was some explanation. Life's weird sometimes." She pauses. "Sorry for your family drama there, I didn't mean to stumble into it."

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Going crazy? Trust me. I understand. I felt that way when I first found out about him. I still am not sure how to broach the subject. Hi I'm Ben and we share a mother. Neato huh?" Their voice is even the same, cadence and tone and everything. "Yeah. Family drama about sums it all up. Pretty succinctly actually. Thank you for being understanding. So no! Thankfully you're not going crazy. Or at least not in that regard." He waves off the apology. "It's fine. And yeah we look a lot alike. Like it's uncanny. My hair is longer than his though so... there's that." His shoulders lift in a quick shrug before dropping back down. "So. I'm going to get out of your hair Mori. You enjoy your pizza. And I'll see you next week if you don't order before then okay?"

Mori Merritt has posed:
"Still not sure I'm not going crazy, but... yeah. That's tough. I hope you find a way to share that with your brother at some point. Honestly, though, he's a nice guy. He was kind enough to help a perfect stranger just because she was nearby." Mori offers him a quick nod. "If you ever get the chance to talk to him, let me know... I'd like to see how things turn out." She smiles. "Otherwise I'll just see you again soon. Thanks for the pizza."

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Well. If you are going crazy, then this is an interesting way to go. Crazy made up family drama to explain two people who look a lot alike. I mean that's a pretty elaborate setup for a similarity. So it's the at least entertaining sort of crazy if you are going crazy. However, at least in this regard? You're not crazy. I'm Ben. Other guy is Peter. I deliver pizza. He is a photographer. And yeah, that does sound like him. It's a family trait. Helping people in need. Like something in our DNA that just wont' let us pass by someone in need of help. It's a good thing though. And I'll definitely let you know how things turn out. Probably going to approach him here soon. If nothing else because of the medical stuff I mentioned. Which is also why I've been hesitating. Might need his help, but don't want him thinking the only reason I show up is because I need his help. It's not. But it's suuuure going to look that way you know?"

Mori Merritt has posed:
"Yeah, I thought I saw Aragorn the other day and that was /weird/," Mori mutters, glancing back over. "But realistically, seeing the same person I saw yesterday with different hair? I'm a little more surprised it's real than I'm not going crazy." She does smile. "But it's always nice to know people who can help. Maybe you should just... meet up with him in a neutral environment and situation? Just be his friend. If you befriend someone before they find out all of your problems you're less likely to be written off when it turns out you're not totally okay."

She offers him another smile. "Really, I think we get invested in people as people, we don't get invested in problems. So be his friend, maybe? I usually let people know me before showing all the cracks in my armor."

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Cracks? I have no cracks in my armor. My armor was made out of flex tape to begin with. No it's not there to hold my armor together." Ben lets out a mock harrumph before he smiles, it's kind of a sad smile, but it's an honest one at least. His head dips forwards. "I agree. I'm working on it. I'll get it figured out. And I'll let you know when I do. Since I'll apparently be seeing you every week. Take care of yourself Mori. I gotta get back to the pizza joint before Tony decides my speedy deliveries aren't enough to keep my job." He winks at her, and then, in an absolutely terrible Arnold voice. "I'll be back." And then out the door goes the Ben, laughing at his own horrible horrible joke.

Mori Merritt has posed:
Mori smiles as well. "Maybe the armor's overrated anyway. Just gotta be you, right?" She nods. "But yeah, I expect you to come back next week, same order. I'll phone it in with your boss to get it set up." The joking makes her laugh too, even with how bad it is, and she slowly gets up to go shut the door behind him as he leaves. Now, she's got pizza to eat.