2153/Race Day!

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Race Day!
Date of Scene: 18 June 2020
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: A possible date for a race with Tigra?
Cast of Characters: Kyani Kohanna, Greer Grant

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    It's pretty cloudy today and there is the scent o rain in the air. Kyani called Greer to see if she wanted to meet up and grab something to eat at one of his favorite taco stands near Central Park. Well he didn't call, he texted her seeing as he was already down there.

Greer Grant has posed:
    Greer shows up a few minutes late, her hair is deeply red and wavey as she likes it, and the orange and black fur that covers her skin, pristine as ever, as if she must spend hours in the shower getting clean and even longer getting dry. "Heya K!" She says as she bounds up next to Kyani and stands beside him with a smile on her lips and a smack of her hands against her exposed hips as she looks past the friend to the food he's invited her to partake in. "New York tacos are good buddy, but we gotta get you down to like, the south, like, New Mexico or Arizona. Gawd those are some good spicey tacos."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    He grins as he sees Greer as she comes up to stand with him. "Hell yea, how about this weekend?" he asks her as he looks to her and he begins walking towards the taco stand. "Go ahead and order whatever you want, this is on me." he says to her. He will wait for Greer to order. The owner knows Kyani and grins to the man and tells him he already knows what he wants and how many, but the lady is first. "So what's been going on?" he asks. "I haven't seen you since that last excursion that you left in the middle of." he tells her mentioning the fight they were in with some thief.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Nooo, you never go to Arizona in the summer. What're you crazy? You wanna see me melt and bitch all day because it's too hot? Because that's how you get that. I'm not going to the south in June. Nuh uh." Tigra shakes her head, her hair whipping back and forth as she turns down the idea rapidly. "But I'll let you take me here again." She says as she reaches up and makes sure she's comfortable in the swimsuit.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    He laughs, and he knows how hot it get there. "Alright, alright. Order your food." he says to her. "We will use this as our spot until it cools off down south." he says to her. "So whats been going on?" he asks. "Everything been alright with you?" he asks.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "I want two, no, three fish tacos. Extra ... nothing. I don't know how good you are. Yet." Tigra says with a tap of her nose to the vender before looking back to Kyani and swaying on the balls of her padded feet with a smirk before looking back and shruging while watching the vendor do his duty. "Oh, I been recording some episodes and working out at the mansion as I can and get some time. I haven't done a whole lot of heroing lately and I'm getting kinda itchy to really help people." She says with a shrug of her bare shoulders.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    The vendor is of mexican decent, his accent is thick. "Oh senorita, you wound me." he says to Greer. Kyani just shakes his head knowing that tone of voice. Iglacis makes the three fish tacos, the tacos are corn tortilias and the fish that he uses is freshly cooked and he seasons it and he bangs out three tacos and hands them to Greer, "Try it." he says.

    Kyani looks to Greer, "I see." he says. "I've not done much either, been training. Though I did want to ask you something. You are pretty damn fast. How fast are you?" he asks, "Have you ever tested out how fast you can run?" he asks her. Hector grunts at Kyani and hands him a bag of some large chicken burritos. "Thanks Hector." he smiles.

Greer Grant has posed:
    Tigra reaches her hand out, careful and mindful of her claws as she takes the paper plate, "Oh, don't be such a baby, I didn't wound you... Though I could." She says and theres a ferocity in her eyes as she looks to Iglacis.

    Turning to Kyani and the ferociousness gone from her facade, "Ummmm, I dunno, like, fourty miles an hour? Like, I think I can keep up with Cap in a foot race, but not much and it's not easy. I don't know. Why?" She asks with a lift of her brows.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Iglcacis grins at her, "I like her Kyani." He then turns and begins pushing his cart away to other hungry customers. Kyani nods his head as she explains her speed and how fast she can go. "Hmmm....intereseting." he says to her. "We should race some time and see how hard you can push yourself as we run, I want to see if I can keep up with you." A playful grin plays on his face as he looks at her as her facade ends.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Not to brag or anything K, but I'm pretty quick... for a girl with a tail. Or so I've been told by the other avengers. I dunno." Tigra says as she moves off the sidewalk and into the cool grass and sits. Not lightly or dainty, she consciously lifts her tail sightly and sits down on her bottom and then lifts up a taco while turning her head to the side and chomps. "Not bad." She says around a bite stuffed into one cheek. "Not bad."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    A smirk plays on his lips and he follows her over to a patch of grass she sits down in. He follows suit, "Well I want to see." he says to her. "Maybe I can keep up with you, but then again the only way to find out is by trying right?" he asks. "I used to run track and I do parkour and such." he says to her.

    As she takes her first bite into her taco, he smiles. "Glad you like them." he says to her. "You now know where to find the taco cart." Kyani places his bag down and he takes out one of the over stuffed burritos and begin eating. He loves the burritos. He eats about half and places it down in teh wrapper with the bag. "So I take it you like working at your new job. The last few times we talked all I could hear was the excitement in your voices."

Greer Grant has posed:
    "It's a fun job, of course I like doing it. Plus I get to be on TV and show of this killer body." Tigra says with a motion to herself with the taco in hand, lettuce and tomatoes flying out of the floppy shell onto the ground and she shrugs before taking another bite. "I mean, yeah, I'm a C-lister but at least I'm on the list, y'know." She smirks gladly and lays backwards, the grass and fur mingling against her back as she looks up to the cloudy sky. "You might need to bribe me to race you, I don't like to show off for the sake of showing off." Tigra shrugs softly.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Enjoying Tigra talking about her job, a laugh escapes him. "You do look good Greer, I can't dispute that at all." he says to her. "As for showing off your abilities." he pauses, "How about I take you out to a nice dinner and a movie?" he offers. "You pick the time and day and we will go all on me." he says to her. "Honestly I would do it without the race, but if you need a bribe, there you go." Kyani devours the rest of his burrito. "I need to save the rest of these, tomorrow I go back to work." he frowns a little bit.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Kyani, are you trying to trick me into a date?" The woman asks, proping herself up on her elbows to look at the man next to her and she crosses her legs for the look of looking coy. "That was awfully cocky of you." Tigra says, lifting an eyebrow as well as she rolls onto her feet and finishes her first taco of three. "I gotta think about that, and I've got to leave you hanging, hoping I'll turn around so you can look me in the eyes again, but don't stare at my butt too long as I walk away. That's rude." She says and blows a kiss before she starts to walk away.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    He shakes his head, "Ok, I don't do bribes well." he says to her. "In all honesty all I wanted to see is how fast you are." he says as he looks at her. THough he can't help but watch her as she looks coyly at him. He stops and listens to her and he laughs. "Alright." he says as he does watch her leave and he bows his head to her.