2494/Smuggler's Paradise

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Smuggler's Paradise
Date of Scene: 17 July 2020
Location: Dixon Docks - Chinatown
Synopsis: Batwoman and Elektra find themselves entangled with human traffickers at the docks. And really, who brings guns to a knife fight?!
Cast of Characters: Elektra Natchios, Kate Kane

Elektra Natchios has posed:
It was an elated Elektra.. (Or well, as much elated as a cold-blooded assassin could be) that was to be found out at in Gotham these last few days. First, she had finally found revenge on a thorn on her side, another Hand operative who had decided to betray her in a mission out here in Gotham.. All in the name of greed.. There was no loyalty anywhere anymore.. And second, she had been able to keep surveillance on the Dixon Docks for a few nights now without detection by a certain family of winged animals.

The ins and outs of the Hand here in the city had been her goal, tracking that all elusive Black Sky weapon they were wanting to develop. A mystery that still had to be fully unveiled, even if she and some of the other Defenders had been focused in discovering it.

Yet now that she went to her third night up on the tallest warehouse on the block there was still no sight of Hand movements. Though sure, she had seen her share of smuggling. Guns, drugs.. It was truly a smuggler's paradise. And tonight it seemed it'd be no different, even if the cargo might not be exactly what she expected. She was clad in her black and red outfit, the Sais on her sash, mask up to cover her features and binoculars in hand as she took in the 'Sunny Horizons' on her sight, a ship that had ported not too long ago..

Drugs again? Mmm, no. This time it seemed to be different. Prisoners? No, human trafficking.

Kate Kane has posed:
<It came through CRITI-COMM about a day back, but the director kicked it down. Not in the current administration's interests. At least not as far as CRITIC goes. Still, wasn't about to let it trickle down to the Bureau and let them make a hack job of it.>

Batwoman's own hiding place is nearer to the ground. She's wary of cutting a silouhette, and so she's found an open shipping container to crouch within. The shadows make for excellent camouflage, and the eyelets of her mask shift to magnify her vision of the newly arrived vessel. A faint smile crosses her ruby red lips as she speaks back into her comm with hushed tones.

"You get me the best gifts, colonel."

<Drones are in the air. They'll make a move soon. Gotham Po->

"Gotham Port Authority isn't going to look the other way forever. Really, you need to cut the apron strings at some point. I've got this."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Adjusting her binoculars Elektra takes in the people coming out of the hold. Men and women, clearly bound, flanked by sailors with machine guns. Clearly didn't look the amateur type, that much she could read on the hardened gazes that gave no pity to their 'cargo', or the way they attentively looked around for trouble. They knew this was dangerous, but in a few hours they would have these people disappearing into the dregs of Gotham's prostitution rings, more anonymous victims of a merciless world..

Elektra was in a conundrum though. To act and risk having her cover here blown. Or to let this go and continue on to her true objective, tracking Hand. The cynic in her said she should simply stay put, no need to intervene. Let Fate save these people if it was to be..

But on the other hand...

"I will simply have a closer look." She tells herself. A grappling hook is shot to a closer warehouse and she swings over, climbing up and over, now nearing on the ship but still not having notice Kate.

As for the prisoners, they were now walking down the ship to the docks. Trucks were waiting, along with more men.

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman has no such conundrum. She may not crush the operation here, but she will deprive it of a valuable cargo. On a strategic front, that makes her a target. The more money and effort spent going after her, the less can be spent keeping the ring running at full efficiency. It's simple logic, and an excellent means of convincing herself to get involved even when common sense may suggest otherwise.

The black shape of her descends quickly from the shipping crate, landing with silent grace. She's already moving, keeping low to the ground and out of the light as she moves towards the truck. An astute observer not focused on the prisoners may see her drop to the ground and roll beneath the truck, remaining beneath for half a moment before emerging once again.

An outlier of the group, a guard on the perimeter, makes the mistake of moving out of sight of his companions. She falls upon him heavily, carotid artery just long enough for him to black out. It's a dangerous maneuver, but she has no time to be careful. With scum like this, it would take little for her to get over causing a death with a slightly overzealous headlock. When he's unconscious she checks his pulse, clicks her tongue against his teeth, and binds his hands and mouth.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The binoculars swing about the area, searchingly. A shadow moving under a truck? Elektra focuses there, then close by when a sillouette comes behind one of the guards and takes them out.

It appears Fate had decided to intervene. Elektra clicks her tongue. Just one? Not exactly good odds against machine guns..

She jumps down from the roof she was at to land on a crate closer to the ground, grace and deadliness on her form, her landing doing a lot less sound than it should do for a normal person.

She trails the movement of the guards, looking for that optimal time to step in, just as one detaches from it's position and begins wandering to where that outlier was. "Hey Mark, you got any cigarettes left? I am outta mine." a big man, automatic rifle against a shoulder. Not particularly expecting too much trouble here tonight.

"Mark?" He asks again, just before blood sputters out a shoulder from a Sai moving in flesh, one hand covering the man's mouth from behind so he doesn't scream. Not a mortal wound, but clearly whoever this is she has no problems in hurting people.

"Shhhhh..." Elektra says quietly while making sure the man goes unconscious before her dark eyes trail to the shadows where she knows Kate and the other guard are at. She offers a very brief nod.

Kate Kane has posed:
"Another one?" Batwoman asks, her voice low and a smirk on her red lips, "If you don't mind my saying, you're a little old to be a Robin. There's not gonna be any spare rooftops at this rate."

Jests aside, she's grateful for the aid. She lifts a gloved hand, pointing at her eyes and then at Elektra. The next hand gesture indicates another pair of guards close to the truck. Not looking at one another, but close enough that it would be difficult to take down one without alerting the other.

Until Batwoman's hand gestures make it clear she wants to take them at the same time. She reaches into her belt, drawing what looks very much like a handgun. It is leveled on one of the guards quickly and, once Elektra is ready, fired without warning, though the bullet makes no sound beyond a hiss of compressed air. Something strikes the man's chest and explodes into a fine, green haze. He drops immediately, unconsciousness overtaking him.

The red-haired vigilante tucks the gun back into its thigh holster and glances down at the Bat-Symbol before glancing back towards Elektra.

"I won't tell if you don't."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Robin? Old? The amount of insults in the same sentence is immense! And Elektra may or may not have killed for less in her past! Though in this case there is a mirror of Batwoman's smirk upon her lips as well. Or at least as much of it that can be visible with the crease of her eyes that shows amusement.

"And I had found just the best perch too..." The refined accent heard from beneath the mask, followed by a brief sigh. Yet as Batwoman gestures to the next two victims she nods sharply. She was no stranger to military signals.

Once Elektra rejoins the shadows it's hard to keep up with her, giving some semblance of truth to those legendary ninjas, those movements between breaths as she preys upon one of the guards.

And as trained operatives the men are taken down in unison. In her case she uses a silk rope which she wraps about the man's throat and tightens, cutting both air to the lungs and any hopes of alerting the others. Very old school compared to a ..., handgun?

It makes her lift a brow once both men are down, tone oozing with her amusement. "And here I was thinking you Bats never brought guns to a knife fight, but don't worry..." she says. "Cross my heart and hope to die.." her promise about not telling on the weapon, tone never losing it's amused touch.

Kate Kane has posed:
"Let's just say I'm a breed apart," Batwoman answers, patting the holster at her thigh before crouching to ensure both the men are not only unconscious but bound and gagged. She doesn't want them waking up and causing a fuss while they're in the middle of their business.

Once she's done, she looks up and appears to mentally calculate the distance between the line of people the guards are holding at gunpoint and the truck she rolled under a minute ago. Satisfied, she turns to look up at Elektra from the crouch.

"I'll set off the diversion, then sweep and clear. Hope you can keep up."

Before explaining what the diversion might be, she suppresses a button at her wrist. Immediately the truck explodes in a fiery plume, the wave of heat washing out over the docks and throwing the guards into disarray. The red-haired woman is already on the move, tossing a trio of silvery spheres that land at the feet of two guardsmen and spew the same hazy smoke that drops them, too, to their knees.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Lifting her chin just so Elektra replies to Batwoman. "I don't know, my old age may not let me keep up." she quips, but is immediately on the move, starting to approach the guards at a rush. Clear blitz tactics, set a diversion and prey upon them before they know what hit'em. Elektra could roll with that. In fact she had done so quite a few times in the past and now the rush of the fight was coming back to her, that haze of battle calling for blood, calling for her to let go of that promise of not killing to a certain blind devil.

She reaches towards a sleeve, bringing out a couple of throwing darts which she launches with precision while on the run with a swipe of her hand. They strike a couple of guards' necks, making them reach for it before they fall, unconscious.

"What's going on?" "Get the truck outta here! Go!" "What about the prisoners?" "Fuck'em!"

Most of the prisoners have now dropped down to their knees, scared and really not wanting to take on a stray bullet while at the same time the guards that are left look around for targets, starting to unleash hell on the surroundings as they shoot with their machine guns. Perhaps shooting blind but hoping they will hit someone.

Elektra dodges and weaves, running around as bullets graze not too far from her. She jumps and falls upon one of the men, blood spurting out as she stabs him through with a Sai. Deadly wound? Too soon to tell.

A couple get in the other truck and turn it on, the engine roaring as they prepare to make a run for it.

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman takes care of her own contingent of guards in short order. The one not gassed into a state of unconsciousness is met with an aerial kick, knocking him backwards before she lands on his chest with a heavy knee. As he gasps for breath, she drives her fist across his jaw once, twice, three times before he finally stops struggling. She rises to her feet, a whirl of red hair as her attention turns to the fleeing truck.

Her hand is a blur, moving behind her cape to produce a trio of razor-sharp metal thorns. She heaves them through the air, one digging into the truck door, the other two landing in one of the tires. There's a muffled thud like a miniature explosion, the door flying inwards and catching one of the guards heavily in the face. The other rips the tire away from the axel completely, causing the car to slump back and to one side.

"Nuh uh."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
With most of the fight having been beaten (literally!) out of the human traffickers some drop their weapons to the ground while another runs away. So much for professionalism.

So it eventually turns into mopping up those stragglers. Elektra approaches two of those that had let go of their weapons, a strike with the side of her hand to each of the men's head to drop them. Apparently even surrender isn't enough to be safe from a beating from Elektra... As for the last man running away.., she throws a shuriken through the air (they still make those?!), embedding itself on the man's calf and making him drop with a cry. Good luck running for a while.

Elektra turns to approach Kate, sliding her Sais away. "Explosives too? Can't say I don't like your style."

And then there is no more machine gun fire, no more sounds of fight, just the gasps and quiet motions from those that had lost all hope when docking into Gotham but were now recovering some. A hope that was certainly hard to find most of the times out here in this dark city..