2554/An Office Chat

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An Office Chat
Date of Scene: 22 July 2020
Location: WAND Director's Office: Triskelion (Westchester County)
Synopsis: Director Palamar meets with Bobbi Morse to get a recount of the events at the Met Gala and what transpired to see how it ties into the recent event at St. Michael's, among other things.
Cast of Characters: Kara Lynn Palamas, Bobbi Morse

Kara Lynn Palamas has posed:
It was just past eight o'clock in the morning. The last of the staggered shift changes between third and first shift had just completed and most people who had worked overnight had gone home.


Bobbi Morse doesn't even get a chance to check in for her duties today before she's approached by another agent and told, "Director Palamas wants to see you in her office ASAP, Agent." There's no sympathetic look like one might get, perhaps (Agent depending) if Hill had been the one doing the summons. But, a summons it is nevertheless from a Director.

When Bobbi arrives, the door is slightly adjar as if inviting Bobbi in. Kara Lynn is at her desk, pouring over paperwork and with the slightly haggard look about her that suggests she might've been working since this same time yesterday. An ICER is on one corner of her desk, showing signs of having been fired recently. A chimera cat, its face split between all grey and white-and-tan is sitting with regal authority near the ICER. The rest of the desk is covered in books, papers, and of course the computer.

Two chairs are seated at slight angles in front of her desk, and the walls are decorated, with love, with all sorts of very mundane artifacts of ancient history, many of them greek, but certainly some norse, asian, and even native american and southern american.

The Director is deep into her work.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
It's not (yet) a day of action. She isn't intending to take any teams out in the field - which means she's dressed for the office. Long black pants, shield suit jacket, white shirt, belt with her pistol at her side. On her left thigh are two staves on a holster too. Her hair is done up in to a neat little bun at the back of her head.

She knocks on the door and then enters, standing before the desk with her hands behind her back, "Good morning Ma'am. You asked to see me?" It's not too common for her to be standing in the office of Director Palamas. She spends most of her time reporting to Director Coulson and Director Gomez as mystical research isn't exactly her jam.

A little smile is given to the cat but she doesn't take a seat without one being offered. Her posture is not 'stiff' so much as it is always ready for the unknown but respectfully erect, the typical spy version of a salute when not in the field.

Kara Lynn Palamas has posed:
"Close the door," the Diretor states, flatly, without looking up. The cat, known to almost anyone whose been in her office at least once or chatted with others who have at the very least, know the cat to be named 'Zhuel' and that he does, in fact, live in Kara's office. Fury's thoughts on a 'Office Cat' remain his own, though.

"Have a seat." She turns a few pages in a book, pauses, references a screen on her computer, then moves to reference another book. A face is made, she squints, jots a note down in a notebook off to the side, and then sets the pen down, finally looking up to regard Bobbi with her full attention.

"To start, I need your summarized account of what happened at the Met Gala," she begins, promptly, in her 'all business' mein. She leans back in her chair, eyes fixed on the Field Leader. Waits.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
The door is of course closed and then Bobbi seats herself across from Palamas. Fury certainly has opinions about office cats and for some reason they're not favourable. But, Zhuel is adorable and pretty. No one can deny that.

"Yes ma'am. After the attack on the transport of Austrian artefacts to the museum, it was raised that there may be an object emanating unusual readings in their collection. An operation was put together to determine if said object really existed and if so, what it is."

She takes out her tablet from her right thigh pocket but doesn't open it. Such is the way with Bobbi, she has a steel trap of a memory and actively practices recalling the smallest of details.

"It was suggested that given the attack on the transport, the attackers might try again at the museum itself. During a presentation drawing away most of the exhibit goers, the team which consisted of myself, Agent Foster, Agent Simmons, Agent Johnson, Agent Whitman, Agent Wilson, Agent Uriokovitch, and trainee Lolita; began scanning the museum for the energy source."

There is a pause and she remarks, "trainee Lolita has been given special dispensation to engage in potentially violent missions. Though, we had hoped this would be a quiet operation. Agent Simmons determined the energy source was on the move below the exhibit in the Fuentiduenda Chapel. It became clear the object in question was on the move in the basement of the museum," Bobbi pauses in her recitation to see if the Director has any questions so far.

Kara Lynn Palamas has posed:
The Director only gives the briefest of nods, neither interrupting, or showing pleasure or displeasure. Bobbi has her full attention. Even when Zhul moves off of his perch and moves to try and headbutt Kara's hand. A few more attempts, and the cat merely jumps down to the floor to find something that will itnerest it, or, perhaps, to curl up and watch from afar until it fell asleep.

"Go on," she instructs.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"Agent Johnson found what she believed to be a cyber attack against the museums security, checking where guards were stationed by their ID badges. This was our first indication that opposition might be met. I lifted a security card from a guard and opened a staircase down in to the basement. Agent Wilson accompanied me, Agent Simmons took post at the door way. Not too long after trainee Lolita aka Wednesday joined too. Before then though I disguised myself using the hood on my costume and at gun point forced the two men carrying a large box and a woman accompanying them to put the box down and step away from it," Bobbi continues.

"After determining their identities were authentic workers at the museum and that the woman accompanying them was a curator from the Austrian delegation, I lowered my weapon and identified myself as an Agent of SHIELD and showed them my badge. I instructed them that this was official SHIELD business while the artefact was scanned and confirmed to be the Mauritiuslanze, last known to have been used by the Nazi party during World War 2 as some sort of defence against superhuman soldiers"

This last part Bobbi seems a bit unsure about. "Knowing this to be a weapon of interest for SHIELD, I informed the curator that the item is being taken in to SHIELD custody. It was around this time that Agent Simmons and Agent Johnson went on a tangent, attempting to thwart any would be attackers by cutting off the most likely mode of egress," there is a small furrow of her eyebrows as she mentions this but pauses once more.

Kara Lynn Palamas has posed:
This time, two reactions are illicted. The first, when the potential cyber-security breach is mentioned. Her lips twist in what might be an otherwised well-controlled 'ah' as if something else she had on her mind fit with that particular little nugget of insight.

The other is when the Mauritiuslanze is mentioned, and Bobbi's actions regarding it. The Director slowly sits forward again, resting her eblows on the desk and otherwise staring intently at Bobbi.

She lets the silence sit for a little longer than what may be comfortable, either comitting the facts to memory, trying to piece things together from other bits of intel she has - or, perhaps, dramatic effect and trying to make the Field Agent just the slightest bit uncomfortable. It's hard to say.

"And then?" She finally asks. Wanting the whole story, before she starts to make specfic inquiries.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"I instructed trainee Lolita and Agent Whitman to secure the lance. Agent Wilson had my six. The curator invoked diplomatic immunity but .. well .. that's a UN issue and not an operations issue. We offered for her to accompany the lance with us and she agreed."

"Upstairs however, there was a heat signature detected and when Agents Simmons and Johnson returned from scouting out exits - which were all clear - they found that a guest to the gala had been attacked by an invisible assailant. As protocol dictates, we must assume the threat was after the lance and so I escorted the three workers and the lance to safety while the rest of the team attempted to engage the attacker. The lance and the curator assigned to it are in WAND custody, as I was lead to believe the artefact had aged someone who touched it a hundred years in the space of a few seconds."

Kara Lynn Palamas has posed:
"Correction," states Palamar, now, her voice still even, not holding a measure of anger in it, but one can easily see bythe furrow of her brow and the intent eyes she's not entirely pleased. "They were in hour hands. Briefly. The Consul-General was invoked and informed, diplomatic immunity. We, unfortunately, do not have the authority to simply take an artifact simply because it is - convienent, or even necessary - for us to do just that. Our hand was tipped. And now I have to play 'nice' with them, before they take it with them and shuttle back to Austria and hide the Lance, and the rest of the artifacts away where it will cost us time, manpower, and money to track them down and protect them again."

Again, her mouth twists. "I don't like headaches, Agent Morse. Remember that for the future." That, it appears, is all the dressing down for the moment that Bobbi is going to get if one could even call it such. "But, your summation answers one question of mine. The Austrians do not seem to be in league, at least, upon the surface, with SS Invictia. They attempted to burn a few of our Agents and two dozen or so civilians alive by trapping them in a church with 'peaceful' protestors outside blockading the exitway. Their abilities at cyber-terrorism and attacks is on par with the best in the world, and while they hold a usually 'peaceful' front, they are far more sinister than your normal neo-nazi groups. They're the most extreme zealots you'll ever come across. Most of them are in holds now."

She looks at her screen, "It won't be their only attempt. They're going for the Lance. And we will still need to keep eyes on the Austrians - /after/ - I smooth things over and assure them we are not going to illegally confinscate it."

She furrows her brow again she types a few keystrokes out, then looks back to Bobbi. "I may be pulling you in to lead an operation or two. Be ready, Agent Morse."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi's eyes narrow a touch at the mention of the attempted murder of their agents. It is a point of reputation, perhaps, that Operations tends to act and ask for forgiveness later. They are unapologetic about it and it is Fury mandate. As it was when Johnson and Simmons went off on their own to follow a lead. It turned out to be a bad decision but she's not going to get upset at them for following their gut.

"Yes ma'am," she says. "I'll get my evaluations done asap." No reason to hold off on them, she doesn't like to study for them preferring the adrenalin rush of being 'on the spot' like she is in the field. "I wish the Austrians would trust us. We saved their convoy, saved their lives at the Met and their response is to think somehow they can protect it from this threat. But, ah, if people were rational we wouldn't have such a difficult job."

"Is there anything else Director?," Bobbi asks, sliding her tablet back in to her right thigh pocket - not having needed to dip in to it for extra details this time.

Kara Lynn Palamas has posed:
"Not at the moment. You'll know if, and when, I have anything else, Agent." No doubt, Palamar will be working around the clock until this is all settled, and, hopefully, the Lance certainly secured into WANDs secure vault.

"Thank you for the information."

And with that, Bobbi is promptly dismissed, and left to do whatever other duties, or needs, the Field Leader has for the day.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi nods and stands, a bodily salute, without the arm, "Ma'am." She turns and leaves the room, shutting the door behind her. Troubling times, to have a nazi group so well equiped and seemingly with a plan. It's never good when a group comes out of left field - SHIELD prefers to know their enemy before they run face first in to them.