2705/Oh Come On

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Oh Come On
Date of Scene: 31 July 2020
Location: Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: Luke Cage makes a friend by accident.
Cast of Characters: Luke Cage, Felicia Hardy

Luke Cage has posed:
Its dark, isn't it always dark when cat burglers are out and about. Now Luke isn't a traditional hero, not yet anyway. He isn't around in tights, or a uniform. No, just his black hoodie over a yellow t-shirt and jeans. He stalks down an alley and climbs up the fire escape to get to the roof of the building, all the better to get a good view of whats going on.

Oh sure, Hell's Kitchen may not be up scale or high class, but there are locations to hit if someone knows where to look. Private collections mostly. Not far is a hidden away safehouse of a small time criminal, a small time criminal that stumbled into a rather large diamond but can't keep his mouth shut about it...not a difficult target sadly.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
Gunshots. Shouts in the distance. Every light at the safehouse is suddenly on, and the goons employed by the wanna-be Kingpin are stumbling over themselves into the streets.

But there's no one for them to target as a grapple line tinks into the cement overhang of the roof Luke is hanging out on. A very soft, high-speed whir zips up from the ground and over the edge of the roof flips a woman in a skin-tight, black bodysuit. There are tufts of fur along the low-cut, open v-neck of the suit, and her hair is a thick mane of moonlight silver down to her waist.

She's wearing a tiny domino mask, and her eyes are bright cerulean as she opens them, glances down at the large diamond in her hand, and beams a bit to herself in satisfaction. She hasn't noticed yet that she's not alone.

Luke Cage has posed:
There is a moment pause and then Luke clears his throat to announce himself. "Now. I know that Diamond doesn't belong to him..." he jerks a thumb to the building, "But I also know it doesn't belong to you." he mentions with an arch of his brow. The powerful hero for hire can't help but appreciate Felicia, its the skin tight suit and the v-neck! Its not his fault. "Maybe it should be turned into the authorities...." he suggests.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
Blinking at the announcement, Black Cat turns to face the speaker, looking him over. "Oh come on!" she pouts, looking annoyed, "Were you just waiting up here or something?" She frowns a bit, regarding the normal shirt, normal pants, normal hoodie... "Well, what if it didn't really belong to the person he stole it from either?"

The Black Cat smiles suddenly, her head tilting the other way as her hips swing aside, "And really, what *is* ownership other than whoever happens to be holding the prize?" She nods, tossing the diamond in her hand like a baseball, "If anything, I'm just liberating it."

Luke Cage has posed:
He doesn't rush her, he doesn't charge, he keeps talking as he walks casually towards her. Eyes glide from her hands to her face then back to the diamond. He clears his throat again, focuses his attention. "Liberation?" he chuckles, its a deep sound, "Come on now...liberating it for your gain. It belongs to /someone./"

In the very response he is conceding he doesn't actually know who it belongs to. The gray area that they delve into is of course where Luke sometimes gets himself in trouble. Strong moral compass sure, but not the altruistic hero of Cap or Superman.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
"Yeah, you're right..." The silver-haired girl pretends to sulk, looking guilty and defeated. She sighs and looks at the diamond while moving her other arm out from her side. Her eyes suddenly flick back to him and she grins, "It belongs to me!" A grapple line whooshes out from the underside of her wrist, sailing out across the distance toward a taller building across the street.

"Get a suit next time!" Black Cat calls out cheerfully as the line tinks, pulls taut, and instantly sends her sailing up and to the side, with a little wave from her as she's launched.

Luke Cage has posed:
Strong and fast, much faster than he looks for his size and he darts forward now and grabs hold of her by the ankle and tugs her back. Of course Bad luck being what it is when around a Black Cat, and he tugs her right into him. He staggers a moment and wraps an arm about her waist as he grunts and tries to keep from falling. "It's not...Hey!" he grunts. "Ah fuck..." he swears as he regains his footing, but loses his tight grip on her.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
Black Cat's smirk is broken into a look of shock when she feels his hand on her leg. "Ah?!" Suddenly alarmed, she attempts to jerk away from him, but her own enhanced strength just makes the grapple line burst free from the wall across the street.

Suddenly without anything to help her escape, Felicia yelps when she's suddenly bear-hugged by someone a *lot* stronger than she expected. A bear-hug around her waist leaves her a few feet off the ground, though, which means Hoodie Man suddenly gets quite a lot of cleavage to face.

Grring at the sudden reversal of fortune, the thief is *just* about to start fighting when he relaxes his grip on her, giving her an unexpected opening to PUSH off his chest. Flipping backwards through the air in the process from the force of her push, she's a lot stronger than she looks, too!

Luke Cage has posed:
Now. Luke isn't one to complain about cleavage in the face, particularly not Felicia's...just not under these circumstances generally. "Come on...are we really going to have to do this. Wouldn't you rather we be friends." he grunts as he brushes back the hood so he can see a bit better and readjust his footing one more time.

"We can turn in the diamond and get a drink and be friends. I'd rather not have to hit a woman." he admits as he begins to march towards her.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
Straightening up, Black Cat holds out a hand, "Okay, wait, hold up." Folding her arms under her breasts, Felicia puts considerable strain on the silver zipper down her front, and the little silver teeth dig into her under the fluffs of white fur. "You're as strong--or stronger--than Spider-Man. Maybe even Superman." She frowns, looking *very* disappointed, "...So what's up with the hoodie? And jeans? Did you literally just start crime-fighting today? Because even Spidey has an outfit, a nice one, and as far as I can tell, there are some mounds of dirt richer than he is."

Luke Cage has posed:
Luke Cage looks down at himself and then back to her, "What? You expect me to run around in some sort of uniform? I dont think so..." he shakes his head as he pulls open his hoodie a bit, "Whats wrong with this..." then his eyes drawn to her chest as she strains that zipper, "Like you're one to talk...what is that... a cat burgler out fit or..." he doesn't finish, his gaze lingering a bit too long to be polite before back to her eyes.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
His reaction just makes her smile in an amused, slightly goofy sort of way, like he said a funny joke. "Well, considering you can't seem to stop staring at my chest, I'd say my outfit is doing exactly what it's supposed to do."

Black Cat tilts forward slowly, keeping her eyes on him seductively with her arms still folding under her breasts, "And that's the point!" Popping back up with that easy, amused smile, she nods a bit, "Nevermind that this outfit is climate controlled, enhances motion, and stores like twelve gadgets in it. It makes you *stop*." She nods again, going back into explanation mode, "For heroes, it's the wow factor. For villains, fear. For me, distraction."

She unfolds her arms and motions at him blandly while taking a couple steps back, supposedly so she can look him over. "No one is gonna look at your yellow shirt and jeans and be like, 'Oh no, it's Power Guy!' They're just going to think you're some random person they happened to cross paths with." Another lazy step backward, and her hands go to her hips. The rooftop ledge is getting close behind her.

Luke Cage has posed:
"Power Guy?" Luke says with a mutter, Not quite right...but, she might be on to an idea. "Listen..." he approaches a bit further, "Maybe I want to just blend in...maybe showing that just anyone can help? That I'm one of the people...oh christ, listen to me...I'm just a guy trying to do some good and still afford some food on the table." he adds.

"You could too you know...you dont have to be a theif....your costume could be for a hero...wow factor." did he just say that? Oh god even he thinks it sounded bad. "I mean...christ. Never mind. I'm just saying..." he continues his deliberate approach.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
When he starts approaching, Black Cat hops backwards a couple times, ending up on the rooftop ledge. "Ah ah!" She wags a finger, "Keep your distance! And besides..." She purrs at him, bending down to put a hand on her knee, the other on her hip, "...Crime pays a lot better!" Her eyebrows go up, causing her domino mask to shift, "And I'm not going to lose a lot of sleep lifting diamonds off moron thieves who stole it from lazy, meddling billionaires."

Luke Cage has posed:
"I still think you should turn it in..." Luke begins to say. Then he sighs, "What the hell...listen, this is my neighborhood...my people live here, we dont need more crime." though the people he is speaking of? They aren't exactly likely to be Felicia's victims. "I wouldn't lose much sleep over that guy either but someone...I dont know...there is always someone stepping on the little people, and you dont exactly seem like youre stealing from the rich for the poor like Robin Hood."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
She flashes him a wink, "Maybe not, but neither are you." When she sees that he's not going to pursue her, she smiles again, looking sympathetic. "Hey, look, I appreciate it. You did me a good turn, I'll do you one." She nods, mask rising a bit with raised eyebrows, "Leave a message on the Midtown Meetups page, looking for a catlover to go skydiving with and leave a contact number. You give me a target, I'll hit it. Could be a crime boss. Could be an asshole you know. Maybe someone just stole something they shouldn't have." She winks again, "I'll get it back. Deal? Deal."

And even as she says the last word, she steps backward off the rooftop, gives a little wave as she's falling, and then a grapple line shoots off into the distance, sending her sailing.