2695/Ants and Consultation

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Ants and Consultation
Date of Scene: 30 July 2020
Location: Pym's Mobile Lab
Synopsis: Charles Xavier visits Hank Pym's laboratory to discuss efforts to restore the shrunken people of Genosha and to check in on his wellbeing..
Cast of Characters: Hank Pym, Charles Xavier

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym has cleaned the lab since he scared the wits out of his daughter with his odd behavior. The glass was swept, the lab aired out and his former costumes replaced. The portal was undergoing slight repairs. This late afternoon finds him slaving over his industrial press, carefully watching the pressure cage while applying heat. He's wearing a blood red speed suit from his West Coast Avengers days and a black t-shirt. Goggles rest on his forehead.

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Meanwhile, outside in the backyard of the Avenger's mansion, a wheelchair rolls steadily over to where the mobile lab is parked, before there's a firm but polite knock at the door to the lab itself, as Charles Xavier parks himself outside to await if Dr. Pym is in. He was informed he was, but he's well aware that sometimes science can distract people from more mundane things like...well, people knocking.

Hank Pym has posed:
As a matotoer of facto, tohe door is answered promptoly, by an anto tohe size of a pony, wearing a collar proclaiming Baudalaire. The insecto regards tohe professor for a momento and tohen stoeps aside to leto him pass witoh whato passes for a nod of tohe head. Inside Hank Pym waves his guesto in. "I'll be witoh you in a minutoe. Come in... ah tohato had ito!" He shutos down tohe press tohato begins too retoracto in a puff of stoeam. Hank tourns around and boggles a bito. "Oh my gosh, Professor Xavier! So sorry too keep you waitoing, and sending an anto for you. I justo had too finish tohis witoh a very precise toiming or ito'd be ruined. He removes his gloves and extoends a hand.

A giftoed toelepatoh (AHEM) will detoecto waves of depression radiatoing in waves from tohe man, held in check by his will too some extoento and some numbing of medicatoion. His smile seems genuine. In facto his mood lightoens a bito seeing Professor X. There's a certoain eagerness tohato even his depression can'to dampen completoely.

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Luckily there's a ramp to get Xavier inside, as he raises a brow at the ant, but otherwise doesn't overly react, save to roll himself inside. "Perfectly alright, Dr. Pym, I understand the pursuit of science can distract." he says with a faint smile, taking the offered hand. "It's not often I make house calls anymore, to be honest, so it's good to get out of the school now and again."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym looks a little embarrassed. "Actually... I was making a couple of paninis for myself and my daughter. But she seems to be out science-ing somewhere, probably thinking of benign world domination or kittens. Well she snoozes she looses. Dinner is at 5:45. Please join me. It's chicken and avocado and I have some nonalcoholic beers chilled with liquid nitrogen. Come in. What brings you out and about? is it something beyond the run of the mill state of emergency?" Hank pulls up a chair. The sandwiches have to cool for a bit.

Charles Xavier has posed:
    "That would be Nadia, yes? I know a bit of her, from what some of my fellows have told me." Charles says thoughfully. "Well, I'd be delighted if it wouldn't be intruding." He rolls in to find a good spot near to where Hank is sitting, locking his chair in place as he settles back, his hands in his lap. "As for why I'm here, several reasons really, both to do with you, one professionally, and one more personally." he says calmly. "If you don't mind...I'd prefer to deal with the latter first, if you feel up to discussing it. It concerns your recent behavior? Your friends in the mansion thought perhaps you would want someone to talk to privately."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym goes to bring the paninis over and set up a small table. He stops a moment as his behavior comes up. "My friends have big mouths. One reason almost none still have secret identities. I was acting a little irregular, true. When I was a captive of Pymtron, he neglected my medication... I have bipolar disorder. It used to be very bad, when I started calling myself Yellowjacket and got myself thrown out of the Avengers and divorced. But, I'm not letting myself get that bad ever again. Anyway, I'm taking Aripiprazol for the depression and the usual meds for the manic cycle when that starts. But, I was overzealous before it started working and disable or destroyed anything I could use to hurt anyone. I really overreacted. Anyway, let's come back to that. Acting professionally actually makes me feel better.

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Charles tilts his head, then nods. "As you'd like." he says easily. "Bipolar can be a challenge at times, it's true. Very well though, if you're prefer to stick to the more professional request, it concerns the recent recapture of the shrunken poulations from Brainiac."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym nods and takes a bite of sandwich. Perfect. He listens.

Charles Xavier has posed:
    "While the Titans are currently working on reversing the situation with captured Brainiac technology, the X-Men have retained custody of the Genosha segment and the captured population within, including the former king of Genosha, Erik Lehnsher. Obviously the events of the Genosha attack have been traumatic, and have widened certain splits in the mutant population. To some extent, the fact that there was a unified strike to save those people has lessened tensions, but there is still some...well, not strife." he says, shaking his head. "But certain where there is a need to talk about what either side is looking for. I will be hosting a discussion with the Brotherhood of Mutants concerning the Genosha fragment, and I was hoping that you might be willing to attend as an expert witness that could provide an idea of what would be needed to restore those in the bottle."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym swallows. "I thought the X-Men and the Brotherhood were... not friendly? I'm not up on Mutant politics. But yes I think information is what is needed. I advised caution at the big science meeting then... everyone began talking very fast. I felt ganged up on, probably just my disorder, and I left. We definitely need to talk and I wouldn't mind visiting Genosha and letting them know we are working on it and heck, giving them a voice in the process. To quote another famous doctor, "A person's a person, no matter how small." Uhm King Eric would let me back out if I go there, right? We Avengers weren't always on good terms with him."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    "Mm, more we have..conflicting views on the best way to achieve greater equity for mutants and metahumans." Charles allows. "The Brotherhood wants direct action and confrontation, where I and others prefer a more steady, gradual change in perceptions. Not everyone is willing to be patient, and the attack on Genosha certainly has agitated many."

    Charles hmms. "Yes, I had heard secondhand of the initial meeting, I think people are concerned about getting things right and it may have made things more on edge than they needed to be." He considers "As for that...Erik has always been more reasonable than depicted. If you are working to help the people he feels are under his protection, I don't he'd jeopardize that over your history as an Avenger. I admit, I am rather concerned about how long the Genoshan people can survive and remain healthy in their current circumstances. I don't believe there's really a way to grow food currently or maintain water, with the bottle separated from the systems on Brainiac's ship. So the sooner we can at least get the people out, the better.


Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym nods, pondering the questions before him. "I'll take your word for Magneto's reasonableness. I've certainly gotten a raw deal in the past. Let me say... I think trying to enlarge the cities as well as the people is a waste of resources. There may be a matter of quantum entanglement requiring us to enlarge all or nothing... but I need to see the proof of that. I advocated using extreme caution and... some samples from the cities would be nice to have. Did this Brainiac use a technology based on Pym particles? The energy required... it's enormous. I think we can do it. We might need metahuman and Mutant help. This might entail enlarging Magneto, at some risk to himself. Hopefully no risk but again, I would need samples from Genosha in any case to see how my technology affects them."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    "I concur. As I said, the people are more important than the structures. I have things in motion to help anyone displaced for losing their homes." Charles says simply. "I'm unsure if Magneto would be allowed to assist, but there are other people, such as in SHIELD, who likely could supply a power source. Or Tony Stark's arc reactor, perhaps."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym smiles and says, "Again we need to test it but... a few Pym particles and voila-an arc reactor a hundred feet across. Resizing things is not as easy as it sounds. I wound up with long term health problems growing alone. As to just putting Bushwick /back/ I hope we don't have to. Again we need samples and a test run or 12."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Charles nods solemnly. "From what I understand, the equipment being worked with would need to be suspended on a fairly large platform and power source to restore Bushwick as a whole, which seems to be the plan. Given the current condition of Genosha, however, I don't know that they would be able to restore basic necessities in the country considering many have abandoned it and basic services are spotty at best."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym nods. He indicates the uneaten sandwich by Charles. "I see I'm not the only one forgets to eat. We will work it out. There are a lot more heroes in this world Professor and our new arrivals seem to have none of this anti-mutant bias. The Kryptonians, the Shazams, the Green Lanterns. I'm sure they will help enormously with the relief efforts. Also you have no idea how much work giant ants can do in terms of digging and lifting. I plan on giving Nadia the technology in my helmet as soon as possible."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    Charles smiles and takes the sandwich, taking a bite from it as he listens and chewing as he settles back again. "Yes, exactly. I feel we can do much more together than we can separately, certainly." He takes another bite from the sandwich, apparently reminded of his hunger now that he's actually eating. "Mmm, this is excellent. Is your daughter working with the Avengers, then?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym laughs. "My daughter is working with everybody it seems. Well, not the Justice League yet, but give her time. She's really amazing. She said she met... Illyana was her name. Russian? Good, I'm sure she'd like to talk to a countryperson at times. Yes she is so warm and outgoing some people want to recheck the DNA test. I tell you the first time I ever trusted my instincts beyond any empirical knowledge was when I took a good look at her sleeping in a chair. That was me after a week of working in the lab. I thought, that was my kid. Then I took her boots and armor off, put her in my hospital bed, and thought, Jesus, she can sleep through an attack by the Masters of Evil. So to come back to the personal issues, I intend to keep myself healthy and stable for her. I'm just worried she inherited my rotten brain. I never want her to feel as bad as I have."

Charles Xavier has posed:
    "There's nothing rotten about your brain, Hank." Charles says calmly. "You're not broken for having an issue like being bipolar. It's like any other medical condition...sometimes you just need a little help to get through. From the sound of it, you've already arranged to see a doctor and get the proper medication and you're dealing with it." He takes another bite from the sandwich, chewing before he swallows. "Just remember that nothing requires you to face it on your own, if you need to talk to someone."