2655/Not Enough Dumplings

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Not Enough Dumplings
Date of Scene: 28 July 2020
Location: Hot Dumpling Restaurant
Synopsis: Just some dumplings and Batsibling conversation.
Cast of Characters: Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Carrie Kelley

Tim Drake has posed:
It's a Monday, and Mondays are terrible. But dumplings are great, so the Batsibs have agreed to meet up to stuff their faces with them, and catch up on the latest trouble, as many of them go their own ways, and not everyone lives in the manor anymore.

Tim is the first to arrive, making the usual greetings and grabbing the usual table. He goes ahead and orders three orders of the soup dumplings because he is no fool, along with green tea and three cups.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick is not far behind Tim, and after greeting the server in Mandarin he begins placing an order when he notices that Tim has already taken care of that and is surprised. "Well, thanks Tim!" The eldest says with a smile as he takes a seat, "What prompts such generosity, today? Also, where is your shadow?" He chuckles, clearly not meaning any malice, only gentle ribbing for his little bro, "But good to see you again. You feeling all right after the other night?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley wasn't long after, really, and slips in just behind Dick looking rather cheerful herself. "Hey guys," she greets as she steals one of the seats with a sigh of relaxation. Her eyes dart between the two, eyebrows raised slightly. "I heard I might have missed some fun?" Or had she heard at all? It was as good a way to fish for information on current events as anything. Lacing her fingers together she leans forward on the table a little.

"Sorry I've been a bit absent. Kind of been checking out some apartments and things."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim's expression suddenly becomes incredibly blankly innocent in the way that indicates someone may have done something incredibly stupid and won't admit to any of it. "I couldn't say," he replies to them both, suddenly extremely interested in the unused menu on the table.

At Carrie's mention of apartments, his head pops back up. "Moving out of the Manor?"

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Everything all right, Tim?" Dick's voice reveals he knows /something/ is up, just not what. But he will not pry too much at the moment. Dumplings are serious business. Carrie's arrival gets a wave, though, "Carrie! No need to apologize, finding your own place is always good, though oddly enough I will be spending more time at the manor once school starts back up. What sort of places are you looking for?" Dick gets comfortable in his seat, because it will soon be dumpling time.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Sort of," Carrie admits with a little shrug. "It's more a matter of convenience given... Well. I can't really have visitors over to the manor as frequently as I've been having visitors lately," she explains with a chuckle. "OR keep spending so much time in a hotel. I'm sure the newspapers would love to keep on about that." Tapping her fingers against the table idly she shrugs once more. "My main residence will still be the manor due to work, but having a spot between here and New York to meet up with Henry would be quite helpful. Plus that way we're not *quite* taking that whole step of moving in together just yet."

With her own little explanation given she fixes a grin at Tim. "You know you're a terrible liar so what happened? You never look innocent without a reason."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim mutters under his breath a moment, grumbling. "Rose is busy," he replies to Dick regarding the whole 'shadow' comment. He spreads his hands in that 'not innocent, but can you be mad at me?' manner. "And yeah. I'm fine. Just... not sure it's a good idea to get... altered on anything like that again. Bad decisions, like 'Dad' says, happen when you're drunk." He flushes faintly. "I'm sure it'll be fine. Still running analysis on the Pez."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Excellent," Dick says to Carrie, that will be nice to have a place between here and there as a stopping point. You two deserve your privacy, Tim and I got enough attention at the gala, and I would not wish that on you." He chuckles and then raises a brow to Tim, "Understandable, though. Glad you are feeling all right, and hopefully more information is forthcoming. Also, you guys need a better beer selection."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley chuckles faintly at that. "Rose, huh? I get the feeling she wasn't too keen on me when we met." Of course it was breif, but she did remember some issue with Rose and Damian. Not that it was hard to imagine that happening. Inclining her head to Dick she nods in agreement. "Yeah. Plus he's kind of hard to miss anyway so being out of the public eye on occasion is nice... Though I don't think it much matters at this point. We've been seen together enough places by now."

"Hang on..." Her attention swivels back to Tim to stare with eyebrows knit together. "What substances? What did you *do*, Tim?" Apparently she HAD missed a lot

Tim Drake has posed:
"From the preliminary analysis, bloodwork came back with a fairly high amount of 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine," Tim begins, then shakes his head. "MDMA. Molly. It wasn't intentional. I suspect the drinks with laced with it." He frowns, and rubs the back of his neck. "I mean... I can't lie. It felt nice. I just..." he huffs slightly, looking away, just in time for the tea to arrive.

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Sensible, though for once it is rather weird that out of the three of us, /I/ am the single one," Dick jokes. He looks to Tim and says, "Called it. But glad it's only that and now we all have learned a lesson from this. You'll be fine, it's nothing outrageous and relatively benign compared to most. Just don't take a piss test in the next few days."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley just drops her face into her hand a moment resisting the urge to snicker, laugh, or reach out to smack Tim upside the back of the head. It wouldn't do any good at this point after all. A deep breath is drawn, and she chuckles. "Okay. Well. That must have been one hell of an evening. And don't whine about being single, Dick," she adds with her head lifting again. She reaches for one of the tea cups to pour herself a drink. "It's the first time I've ever not been single. I think I'm due."

Tim Drake has posed:
"It was... an evening." Tim takes the pot from Carrie when she's done and pours his own cup. "A... very evening." He pauses. "Jason got huggy." Well, may as well throw someone else under the bus, right? "Rose got--" he stops. "Jason was very huggy."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Not complaining, just noting the oddness of the situation," Dick says with a laugh and a nod, "But glad you both have found people." He looks to Tim and chuckles, "Oh, so /that's/ how it went, eh?" He looks to Carrie, "It was like herding drunk people. 3/10 Do not recommend."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley laughs warmly at that, only to shake her head lightly in response. "Okay I'm sorry I missed it if only to see Jason being huggy, but glad I didn't get in that mix myself. I don't know what I'd do. I also do not want details on what you two did so... ew. Okay moving on." Shuddering she sticks her tongue out at Tim before grinning again. "Yeah, I don't enjoy drunks to begin with. Though I haven't had to deal with too many lately at least."

Tim Drake has posed:
"Ha. Ha. Ha." Tim gives them both a bland look. "I wasn't sharing. But I... think I need to talk to Dad some about things." He grins a little. "And Carrie, I don't think she dislikes you. I'm not sure she has an opinion to be honest. She does think Damian's an asshole." He shrugs. "I mean, fair." He takes a sip of his tea. Oof, hot hot. "I kind of want to bring her around more to social things. Not the galas. Like, just... social things. Dumplings and dinner and drowning Damian."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Just don't forget about The Box," Dick notes with some actual seriousness, though he looks to Carrie, "Yeah, next time you are on babysitting duty for them. I am getting too old for this." He laughs and sips his own tea, "Then do so, we could do a family vacation before school starts. Nothing long, maybe a long weekend somewhere? But no drowning baby brother, that is frowned upon."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley smirks in return as she waits to sip her tea until she's blown on it to cool it a tad. They always served it piping hot. "I wouldn't mind having Henry around for more, but ah... Well. He doesn't know all our secrets. I'm sure he'd keep them in confidence but that's not my choice for the rest of you," she adds with a chuckle. "He's terrified of meeting 'dad', too. It's so cute." Dick's mention of it being her turn next time earns a wince. "Dang, forgot to call 'not it.' ... A vacation could be fun," she has to admit after a moment. "We all could probably use one."

Tim Drake has posed:
Tim actually looks stricken for a half second when Dick mentions The Box, and takes a gulp of the too-hot tea. And then coughs, because that burns. After coughing, he wheezes a bit, "Yes. Vacation. Beach?" He puts the tea cup down as the dumplings are dropped off, and breaks a pair of chopsticks apart. "And bring Henry. Beach sounds great. Super great."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick holds back a chuckle at Tim's response, but he nods to Carrie, "Yeah, learn from my mistakes. Just be careful with that group, no respect for personal space."

Tim's reaction does not get a chuckle out of Dick as the elder Batling does not want to embarrass Tim. He begins eating and says, "Beach would be good. Could invite the cousins too, one last bash before class."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Sounds like a plan then. Beach it is. A nice one though, not any of Gotham's," Carrie points out with a grin. "We'd probably end up with Jokerfish or something stupid like that." No need to bring those out again.