2779/A tired call

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A tired call
Date of Scene: 04 August 2020
Location: Mutant Town relief effort area dorms
Synopsis: Tony checks in with Pepper during the Mutant Town relief effort.
Cast of Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts

Tony Stark has posed:
Pepper Potts may have thought that she was done for the night: that she could relax from all of the work and just finally get some real shut-eye and recover from the day.

But she's getting a video call, suddenly, on her device. Tony's specific tone: so she probably knows what she's in for: Tony probably needs something or other. And the video part of the communications means she doesn't have long to pull herself together physically!

Pepper Potts has posed:
She's sweaty from the day's work, and having just come into the air conditioned 'dorm' set up for relief workers, Pepper is making her way towards the more 'exclusive' part of the makeshift area. All she really wants from the rest of the day is a shower, towel dry her hair, wash her face, and curl up on her cot. And sleep.

Pepper's actually gotten to the 'drag in' but not too much more than that as the tones sound that she's got an incoming call. A video call. The sound does gain some attention, though only for the fact that it's a higher tech 'ring tone' than their phones, or their kids' phones for that matter. Pepper doesn't even have to look to know who the call is from, and she smiles tightly to those around her in briefest apologies, followed by, "I have to take this, I'm sorry.." and she starts walking towards a more private corner of the room.

As she walks, Pepper answers it, her head canted as she both watches where she's walking and what's going on on screen. "Yes, Tony? What is it?" She'd seen him in the sky the other day, so she has to ask, "Everything okay?"

Tony Stark has posed:
When the video comes on, Tony is close to camera, with his chin propped on his arm. Very obviously the tablet on his end is resting on his bed next to him; the penthouse bedroom wall with the high-tech lighting along the far side visible in the background. He's dressed comfy, though just the shirt is visible at the moment, with an evident light blue halo of light emitted from the arc reactor behind the tee.

"Hey, Pep. Everything's great - why does everyone keep asking me that?" Tony greets teasingly, adjusting his wrist against his jaw a little, repositioning. "I don't even have any bandages on my face."

He's tired, but not haggard or beaten; he's been sleeping well, even if he did have a long day, it hasn't been a chain of bad days.

"Are you still at the relief sleeping dorms? Looks like it," He observes, with a loft of one brow, smile amused. He can see the background beyond her. "Won't keep you long. Just looking for an update on your side of things for the relief effort. And to be waved around so I can thank the ladies with you, too."

Pepper Potts has posed:
To see him rested, there's that moment of relief that crosses her face, a tired smile rising to find its place on her sweaty and besmuged face. Red hair is pulled back, but there's more than a few tendrils that are out of place that states that it's not for fashion. Catching what she's looking like in the camera 'echo' on her side, she gives a little bit of a wipe of her face quickly before she's paying attention to his words as well as his, well, looks. Manner. Mien.

Better rested and looking healthy. Handsome.

"Oh good. And no, no you don't." A soft laugh sounds, followed by a quick smile, "All the better for your selfies. Thank you for that, by the way. The ladies around me at the time thought you were very kind for doing that for the kid." The smile doesn't slip as she adds, "Once again, the hero."

The question as to where she is actually elicits a quick look around as if verifying where she is for her own sake before she nods. She's tired. "My cot is over there. The green one." They're all green. She chuffs a soft laugh before she pulls some hair away from her face and tucks it behind an ear. "It's okay. I just really want a shower right now, and wash my hair." Then, sleep.

"But, the relief is going okay. Housing vouchers are being used for the area hotels. I'm not hearing any complaints from the managers there. We're through two containers of boxed rations, but we're expecting another shipment tomorrow morning." Easier to get around the city streets before the real traffic begins. "So far, ConEd has checked in. They'll have everything up and running in a couple of days. They'll be running it as a brown out first, before they bring everything up." There's a soft chuckle, more fond than amused, "And the ladies with me are wanting to go to sleep, too. I'm sure they'll be happy with a personal message from you in the morning."

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony nods as she describes which cot is hers. He settles some on the bed, now scooted down to lay on his stomach, quietly listening to the report he'd asked for. He's alert enough, taking in the information. And looking at her.

Did he just call for a report? It isn't the first time it's happened, but it is on the unusual side, unless Tony is bored, or stuck in medical. Then it's more common.

"Hmmm, okay. If you need me to pressure anybody to hurry up, let me know. I have my political-presser ready to apply," Tony teases. He's backing her up if she recognizes an area that needs him to put some attention on it. It's intended to give her some relief - that she'll have the support if she needs it. He knows she won't ask if it's not needed.

"Not going to share me tonight? I see how it is," teases Tony automatically. Buuuuuut he recognizes that that could... be taken .... differently, since the thing that happened. And he very quickly pivots off of it.

"We haven't lost anybody, not even the critical cases: so overall, really a good success so far. Genosha's a ways off, though - the device that was used got damaged during restoration."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Tony shifting on his bed gets a soft laugh from her, green eyes bright as he settles again. "I'm sure I'll be fine, Tony," she assures. She sounds in slightly better spirits than when the call began, though her smile shifts a little, "I really do need that shower, though," is said softly. "I'm meeting with the borough council tomorrow to make sure that everything we're doing will continue."

There, as far as she's concerned, there's the report. It feels good to know he's got her back, certainly, and she's silent for a couple of heartbeats before she shakes her head, "No, Tony." Not sharing tonight. She, too, takes those extra beats to shift to something less.. awkward. While she's more than used to telling him 'no' in terms of women, of setting him up, getting phone numbers, addresses over the years, this 'no' sounded a touch more personal. At least in her ears, no doubt tempered by the other night.

The shift in conversation, the jumping tracks has her tired mind following it a touch slower than perhaps she'd normally have done, and she stares for a moment before, "Oh.. Oh no. It's damaged, as in 'not a chance of fixing it' or 'damaged, it'll take a couple of days in the lab to fix it? Of course her timetable is based on him...

Tony Stark has posed:
"Unknown timetable," Tony answers, turning to roll onto his back and yawn a little, blocking his open mouth with the back of his hand. "MMm, 'scuse me." He clears his throat and looks back to her again. He's entirely visible in frame, despite laying back - his head and shoulder is, anyway. "I'm not the one repairing it. I've sent over some of my thoughts on it, though."

It may have seemed like he ignored her requests for a shower, but he didn't, really. "All right, I'll stop holding you up. Go get naked and clean. Talk to you in the morning," Tony says, flashing a charismatic smile out of nowhere. He's good at those - particularly when he's not trying, and it's just natural, like now.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"So you're not.." okay, which means that any time spent in the lab will be on other projects, like the upgrades on the little bots, or maybe his car? "Is the nice Victor kid going to be working on it?" Still, if it's out of their hands, it's out of their hands. After all is said and done, if there isn't another alien invasion of Earth, it'll be too soon.

Green eyes never leave that screen, though.. not as he rolls, and she can't help but stare for a long moment before she looks away, out and above the camera, beyond to the room. There are couple of people filing in now, and one, two get a wave from the red-head before she turns her attention back to the conversation at hand. There is another moment as she stares at that screen again, her brows rising as pink fills the freckled cheeks. She recovers quickly, though, and settles to a smirk, "In that order, yes." As opposed to clean and naked! The response, once given, brings her back down to a happier, slightly brighter expression after the promise of a call in the morning.. and that smile. All for her.

"Good night, Tony. I'll talk to you in the morning."

Tony Stark has posed:
"Okay. Stay safe out on that front line; don't do anything that I would, or wouldn't, do. Subtle line I know you know how to walk," Tony chuckles some, stifling another yawn. He does it better this time. His smile relaxes a little as he tips a bit of a two-fingered jaunty wave, and his dark eyes move aside while he reaches out towards 'her' -- and the video and connection cuts as he ends it.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Right. Don't bring any handsome models back to my cot," Pepper quips softly, her tones affectionate. "Optics are bad." Oh, wait.. that used to be her advice to him! "But, I'm fine. 'Manda's here with me, and I won't be more than another couple of days. Wednesday, should be done enough. We'll be sending a new shift of volunteers in, and everyone will have a good idea of flow."

There's more than a little bit of her that doesn't want to break that connection, but to see the yawn and the fact that he actually is going to bed willingly, well.. his health and well being comes first. She'll simply think about him... as if she ever //doesn't// think about him?

The little wave brings that bright but tired smile up again, the expression echoing through green eyes. "Good night." As he reaches out to break the connection, she's reaching for the screen to touch it lightly. If anyone asks, absolutely she was closing the connection on her side.

"Talk to you in the morning." It's after the call has ended, but she doesn't care. It's still heartfelt.. probably moreso than how she'd said it earlier. This, it holds so much more.

She remains there for a few more seconds, letting the call melt through her before she takes those few steps forward, and then towards her cot, where some of her clothes are that were laid out earlier.

Time for a shower and sweet dreams.