2927/Computer Refresh

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Computer Refresh
Date of Scene: 15 August 2020
Location: Staff Lounge
Synopsis: Kitty and Scott talk school, computers, and world happenings.
Cast of Characters: Kitty Pryde, Scott Summers

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Beginning of the school year, which means things around Xavier's School. One thing it usually means is the computers in the computer lab getting refreshed. Between Doug, Kitty and Hank, the school's computing lab hosts a setup that not only could be the envy of many a university Computer Science department, but that is largely designed, built, and programmed on the premises.

Kitty Pryde makes her way into the staff lounge. She hasn't been able to be a part of the beginning of the year refresh lately while she was in the UK, though she sent designs to the others even while she was gone. Lately she's been at work designing and doing some initial builds down in the labs in the X-men base.

Today she's wearing jeans and a black t-shirt with the log of a pizza place in Salem Center. Lockheed is riding on her shoulder, and she's carrying a tablet, whistling to herself as she comes into the staff lounge, looking for Scott, Jean or the Professor.

Scott Summers has posed:
Right. The school is starting again soon and Scott feels unprepared. Because the last visit to Alaska has left him in a mood (read: angst, the Summer kind) and now Magneto has done one of his... infamous stunts. Leaving a hundred thousands mutants (and many humans too) abandoned and without food in the ruins of Genosha.

The X-Corporation is scrambling to help, ad he has a lot of management work to do. In fact, his travel bag is already ready.

But he is still in the mansion, working on a laptop, going over reports and sending emails. "Good morning, Kitty," he greets at seeing the young woman. "Say, could I snare you to help for the course work this year. If just the first month."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty and Lockheed make their way over, pulling up a chair which Kitty sits on the wrong direction, chest leaning against the chair back. "Sure, I'm only starting to get the urge to go look for a job. And still not sure that's what I want to do. But that means my schedule's pretty clear at the moment," she tells him.

She gives a little wave of the tablet. "Been working on the computer refresh. Thinking of a combination of desktops and then terminals run off the servers. Desktops come in handy for some of the extra computer skills the team can use," she comments. Like hacking into them, both physically and in the computer sense.

Kitty unlocks the tablet and access a slide giving an overview of the layout. "How are things going in Genosha?" she asks. Though she helped fight Brainiac's forces on the ground in New York, she hasn't been back to Genosha for awhile, not since she'd given up on searching for her father, long before anyone knew about Brainiac's involvement.

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott nods. "That is the problem. I am going to need send a team there to help the... I am not even sure what we are doing," he sighs. "Magneto destroyed the camp, and stole the supplies. Months of work gone in a minute. And on top of it, it is not a thousand refugees trying to rebuild, but a hundred thousand that have been told to get lost by their 'beloved leader'."

So yeah, he needs teachers for the school. Unless Kitty is coming to Genosha. Then he can leave Piotr here, or Kurt. Storm, of course, needs to go, because they need fresh water desperately.

Compute refresh. Yes, that was pending too. "Do you need help with the hardware acquisitions? I think the Professor renewed our deal with Stark, so we have a good budget. Hmm, maybe I should delegate this in Hank."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The young woman's mouth presses into a hard line at the mention of Magneto. "And to think I actually..." she starts to say, before shaking her head and not finishing her thought about how she reacted to believing he was dead. Scott knows their history, knows he was on the verge of electrocuting her to death in Genosha on one occasion before stopping himself.

Kitty crosses her arms on the back of the chair, hands gripping her arms a little tightly. "I can go, but unlike pulling out survivors, phasing won't be much help there I'm afraid," she says. "So if I can hold the place down for 'roro and the others, I'm happy to."

She swipes the tablet to show what's needed. "Should be fine to pick up anything," she says of the components needed. "I try to salvage and reuse as much as I can, and we do some of the circuit board fabrication here. Forge has some great ideas about expanded facilities I'd love to see happen some day," she comments, but doesn't go further into that. There's enough other things to worry about. "How are you holding up Scott? This last month or two has been a whirlwind for everyone."

Scott Summers has posed:
"Ah. There has been some good and some bad," admits Scott. "Finding and destroying the Wild Sentinel base. Realizing a good number of Genoshans survived," he gives Kitty a quick glance. He heard her father died in Genosha. Maybe he is among the taken. A hundred thousand out of over ten million. The odds are not good, but it is possible.

"And then I went to Alaska with Alex and found out some things about my family that are creepy and worrying," he frowns. "Master Mold is out there, no doubg planning how to kill us all. And now Magneto is back to be the declared enemy of humankind, and being a tool."

Beat. Breath. "Hmm. If Forge decides to join us here, he can have a go. Otherwise we will follow your advice on all computer facilities," he studies the list for a minute or two, takes some notes in his own laptop, but makes no corrections.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Enough people have wondered about Kitty's father that it's not difficult for her to pick up on what Scott's thoughts probably are. The young woman's eyes give a quick glance over before looking away and giving a tiny shake of her head, enough that her father's fate will be known without needing to say more.

It takes Kitty a second to refocus her attention, small somber notes added to her demeanor though she seems to try to push past them. "We can handle it without him if not. He's such a wiz when it comes to fabrication," she comments. "But in any event, we're on pace to be ready to go. And happy to fill in on any courses that need me," she says. "I might stop over by Avenger's Mansion next time I'm in town. Touch base with a few of them. Thor and Tigra came out for my birthday, was really awesome of them. I figure, it might not be a bad idea to keep our ties there alive. Or in my case, grow them some more."

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott lips thin for a moment, then he nods at Kitty's words. She can fill for him in English Lit for a couple weeks. Good! It is an easy course, since it is for the younger kids. But no one wants it, so Scott ends up in charge every year.

"You are absolutely right, we need to keep good relationships with the major heroic teams," which is not easy, living so far north of the tri-city area. Plus, mutants being so prone to siege mentality. "But we just need all the X-Men for the school. Or emergencies like this one. Maybe we could get a couple Avengers to come here, hmm? I bet Cap knows his American History. Or Leaguers. I could use a Kryptonian in the team."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The dual degrees that Kitty returned from Oxford with include one in English Literature, so she's probably as ideal a sub as one could hope for. "Maybe as we get some opportunity for missions that would be of interest to them we could rope a few in," she agrees. "Hank is already one of them so a great liaison and all."

Kitty clears her throat. "Though, if Steve Rogers wanted to come be part and you needed someone to show him around, make sure he acclimates well, maybe show him some of our finer restaurants and movie theaters in Salem Center, please consider my name at the front of the list," she says, the twinkle in her eyes completely killing any chance of innocence as she makes the offer to play host.

Her fingers drum on her arm, the tension that had him gripping earlier let up as the conversation flows on away from the mention of her father. "So you didn't answer my question. Yeah, a lot of things to worry about. But how are -you- doing?" she asks him.

Scott Summers has posed:
Isn't he too old for you?

No, he doesn't voice it, but he gives Kitty a vaguely amused glance. "Well, of course," he comments, handwaving it.

"I am well, no worries, at least not for my health," and that is a very typical Summer's response. Kitty might be good at getting people talking, but Scott is the hardest target in a hundred miles radius.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Lockheed curls up on Kitty's shoulder, as if deciding the conversation may take awhile so he might as well get comfortable. "You mentioned some worrisome things in Alaska. How are you and your brother doing with it?" she asks. "And you know if there is anything there that we can do to help, you just have to let us know. You're family, Scott, and that means a lot," says the girl to whom Scott has been a big brother, and leader, since she was a young teenager.

Kitty glances towards the door, hearing someone coming down the hall but they pass on by without coming in the room. "It's a big family. Getting to see new people each year show up here. Fit in with people like them, many for the first time in their lives? That's a really rewarding thing, you know? And it's the same for all ages. Watching Max's growing comfort has been nice. I'm glad we were able to save him."

Scott Summers has posed:
"He is upset, and Ms. Frost even more upset," admits Scott. He gets his eyes back into the laptop, as if to avoid the issue. But this is a matter vaguely related to the team, so it might be a good idea to tell someone. "We found out Sinister has been watching over my family for decades. He had a residence close to my grandparent's house. He... probably manipulated their minds."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty's mouth twists just a bit, obviously finding the thought of that disturbing as well. "Hmm. Any other family out there that we should keep an extra eye on for you?" she asks. "Nothing like Doug and I keeping an eye on happenings around them, and maybe get that old Canadian to sniff around now and then for signs of any trouble." Yes he'll know which old Canadian she means, but maybe leaving out the name will make that thought go down smoother. Kind of like putting medicine in something tasty. Canadians. The tasty nationality.

The small purple dragon is given a little scritch, fingers working down his neck as he lays there curled up on the girl's shoulder, his head dangling where it meets her neck.

Scott Summers has posed:
"No, not that I know," Scott shakes his head. "Might be a good idea to check out Jean's family, however, as Sinister seems to also be obsessed with her."

And he has not told her yet, since he has not been talking about it. That is Scott for you. "And now, well, I should send you the course material and review the computer hardware to see if our supplies have the stock. This evening I will be busy."