2893/Girls, Interrupted

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Girls, Interrupted
Date of Scene: 09 August 2020
Location: Pepper's Apartment, Upper West Side
Synopsis: Pepper and Amanda are set to enjoy a pint of ice cream when a magical interruption derails any thought of another night of girltalk.
Cast of Characters: Amanda Sefton, Pepper Potts
Tinyplot: Zodiac Rising

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Late in the evening on a Sunday night, early in August, Amanda Sefton finds herself enjoying the quietude of the oncoming night. She is sitting on the balcony, eyes closed, a handful of candles around her for ambiance and focus. Her body is relaxed as she slowly pulls her awareness back from the far reaches of the city, back to this one neighbourhood, this one block, this one building... this single apartment and her own singular mind. Her eyes open slowly and she exhales a long breath before rising fluidly to her feet. A light gesture and the flames on the candles flicker and die. She steps back into the apartment to put on the kettle...

And pull out a pair of cereal bowls and tablespoons.

Pepper Potts has posed:
It's a clear and lovely evening. While the stars are a little harder to see, thanks to NYC's light pollution, the view is still a grand one in the neighborhood. Some stalwart and bright stars still make it through in the 'New York style', that is, by sheer will with a touch of brute force.

On the way home, Pepper stops by the corner shop and buys a half-gallon container of ice cream; vanilla with salted caramel swirls. From there, it's quick step that is required to make sure it won't melt too badly on the way home.

Keys rattle in the door, and one bolt is turned, the second, and the door opens to her. Stepping through, Pepper closes the door, turns the locks and takes her shoes off on the landing. There's movement in the other room, and she calls out, "I have ice cream." It's a statement, one that is heavy with purpose.


Amanda Sefton has posed:
"I have bowls," Amanda replies, flashing Pepper a grin when the ice cream appears. She places the bowls on the small table and then grabs herself a mug to start prepping tea. "Want some?" she asks. "I'd have made coffee, but..." It's ten o'clock at night. She doesn't really think the redhead needs more caffiene in her system. She hardly sleeps as it is.

"How was your day?" A beat. "How's your guy?"

Pepper Potts has posed:

"Perfect." Pepper finishes the cross towards the kitchen. She's still in work clothes, that is, business skirt suit, and she sets the bag down before taking off her jacket. "I need to get into something comfortable.." She seems in pretty high spirits, and there's a smile with something of a glow to her face.

Disappearing down the hall briefly, she calls out, "Day was good. I'm not drowning in purchase orders anymore. That seems to have leveled out now." Relief efforts need to be paid! Her voice is muffled only by distance, and the second question isn't answered immediately; there's something of a deliberate pause. Instead, the answer waits until she emerges in a long t-shirt and comfortable lounge pants. Make-up is off, hair is down, and she is in for the night.

"'My guy', as you put it, is fine." Pepper's not immediately fighting her on the phrasing. She's at the table again, ready for the bowls. "He was testing out a new suit tonight." Not a lie.

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Amanda smirks. If Virginia Potts isn't arguing she's either accepted the inevitable or is betting that not rising to the bait will make her tormentor stop. Amanda's betting on a little of both. She mixes her tea leaves together and puts them in a strainer, hanging it over the side of the mug while she waits for the water to boil. By the time Pepper is at the table, Amanda is pouring the water.

"A new suit?" She chuckles, now. "How many does he have, now, anyway?" She knows it's a lot. "What's so special about this new one?"

Really? She figures Tony makes suits for the same reasons spellcasters experiment with spells. It's just part of the breed.

She glances down at the little cleaning bot, Patrick, who's bumping gently, but repeatedly, against an ankle. A blonde brow arches. Chuckling, she flicks a few stray tea leaves off the counter to settle on the tile before she steps away.

"I swear, the only difference between that bot and a dog is that you have to walk dogs."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper reaches for the ice cream, and looking down at the scratched Patrick, she chuckles. "Just give them what they want," she begins, and is greeted with a returning, hopeful sounding *beep*, "and it'll be fine." Which is what Amanda does, no doubt regularly, but! "Bored robots complain to Tony, and then they get upgraded." This, then, elicits a happier, hopeful sounding *beep* with a 'look' towards Pepper. She returns the quick look even as she pulls a spoon out to dollop ice cream into bowls, "No."

One spoonful, two..

"I'm not entirely sure how many he has. I could tell you how many tuxes he has, though?" Pepper looks up from her work, a smile on her face. "A couple of black ones, a white one that looks amazing.." Ice cream! "I don't know the differences. He was out flying this afternoon with some drones. Landed, signed autographs, got selfies and was back up."

The divvying out is finished, and Pepper sets the ice cream into the freezer. The bowls are lifted, and she gestures towards the balcony. "Shall we?"

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Amanda laughs. "So, Tony was being Tony." At least he's consistent? Well. As consistent as he ever is. She rather doubts Tony Stark would ever want to be called *predictable*.

She nods in response Pepper's gesture. "We shall." She picks up her bowl and follows her out, pausing a moment to set the bowl down and gather up most of the candles, which she places in a basket before sitting down with her ice cream.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The bowl thus passed over, complete with spoons, Pepper heads towards the balcony; her favorite spot in the apartment. "He was being Tony," she agrees with a fond laugh. "He knows people love that, and he's more than willing to give it to them." The chair is pulled out, and she flops down on it gracefully and pulls her feet up so she has a slouch. "And," turning her head towards her friend, her smile relights, "He was being his charming self, yes."

The first spoonful is taken, and she offers a soft 'mmm' in reaction. "Love this," comes and she points to the cold deliciousness with the spoon. A sigh escapes her and she shifts her shoulders so she's even more settled. "How's your day? It feels like we keep missing each other."

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Amanda chuckles at that, swallowing a mouthful of her own ice cream. "We do. But, then, we're on rather opposite schedules." Or, really, Pepper just keeps obnoxiously long hours, so it really doesn't matter what schedule Amanda's on. Though, the entrepreneur does keep some fairly long hours, herself. Just not quite the epically long hours Stark's PA does.

"I'm in negotiations with a group that wants to screen a bunch of classic movies throughout October at local independent cinemas throughout the city," she says, swirling her spoon over top of the cream to gather more. "They want to culminate, though, in a week long festival right around Hallowe'en. They'll need a venue for that. It sounds to me like it'll be a lot of fun. A lot of work, mind. But still... fun."

Of course, the classic movies will likely be in keeping with the season, but that's okay.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper makes a face, her nose scrunching before she returns with a soft, "Touche. My hours are nuts. Never know if I'm here, there, flying to Washington.. or just making sure he gets a warm meal." The life of a PA? Nope.. the life of Ms. Potts. "I did tell you that the apartment would be virtually yours, though at the time, I didn't know about Patrick."

As the scoops of ice cream are held in small portions on her spoon, Pepper is happy to hear about the preparations, and makes soft noises of encouragement, culminating in, "I really think that's a great idea. If you need help scheduling, getting the up-front rental costs taken care of, don't worry about it. Just tell me. We'll get the space." She's all in!

"That includes getting the rights. I know people..."

Amanda Sefton has posed:
"That would be excellent," Amanda grins. "I'll keep that as my ace in the hole." The one she pulls out when her clients inevitably go into a tailspin and someone has to pull their collective butts back out of the fire... The one that makes her look like an event coordinating hero.

She glaces, however, to the little cleaning bot happily sweeping around in the kitchen and eyes Pepper sidelong. "So... how much do you think that little monster reports back to his master?" Because she's under no illusion that the tech is Stark's. Nevertheless, her tone is light, curious, and perhaps a trifle teasing. "You may need to watch where--"

Whatever she was going to say is lost when a sharp, startled look comes across her features, rather like an animal sensing trouble. "Wards," she tells her friend, before the inevitable question of what's distracted her can be raised. "There's something--"

Again, her words are cut off and, bowl thrust aside on the table, she's on her feet, pulling in magical energies to act as a shield against the unknown. As her magenta energies coalesce, contrasting energies in a rich green explode in front of her. At her feet, a body appears -- a lean, dark-haired man with drawn features, his body curled around an object pressed against his chest.

The man looks up at the blonde, confused and disoriented. "J-Jemaine?"

Amanda stares down at him. "Scheisse..."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"I'm sure he doesn't. If Tony gave him to me, there are protocols in place," Pepper assures her friend. "It would have to be bad for something like that to call back. Then he'd call HOMER." If there was a question, let it be answered. The little bot is Stark tech. Complete with racing stripes!

Even Pepper knows when there is a disturbance in the force. Just watch Amanda.. and when her best friend tenses up, and the distressed expression rises, Pepper is immediately concerned. "'Mands.." is both a statement and a question. The redhead reaches to put her own bowl of ice cream down onto the table, and without another word, she rises when Amanda does.


Problem with magic is, things don't always come in the front door. Doesn't keep Pepper from looking in that direction, though. All doors are locked. She'd done that when she got home.

The appearance of a .. man lying curled at Amanda's feet, however.. that has Pepper backing up a step, though she has her own set of 'threat assessments' going on. He looks as if he could use help, and Pepper looks between the pair. "Is he.." okay? Going to be okay?

Amanda Sefton has posed:
The look Amanda gives Pepper is conflicted. She has no idea if the man is going to be okay; she can't answer that question. But by the time the question is asked, she is already on her knees, running glowing hands over the man's form, her expression growing more concerned by the moment. "Onkle Radu?"

She's wearing the wrong face for him. And her accent is all wrong, as far as he's concerned. He starts to struggle to stand up. She puts her hands firmly on his shoulders, their glow fading as her blonde hair darkens from roots to tips and her fair skin becomes swarthy, delicate features a little more robust, though still pretty. "Onkle Radu, ich bin es..."

She pushes damp hair back from his eyes, as the consternation in his face drains. "Jemaine..." He speaks quickly in the Romani language, rather than the German she greeted him with.

"<<Margali is not here?>>"

Amanda-- *Jemaine* shakes her head. "<<I haven't seen her in... years.>>"

He pants softly, clearly under great strain. "<<There is danger.>>" He pushes the object in his hands into hers. It is a rough piece of stone with etchings on its face. "<<You must protect this. You must-->>" A groan escapes his lips and he slumps in pain. "<<I have done too much...>>"

"Radu?" Jemaine sets the stone hastily down beside her. Her hands alight with that golden glow that is her healing power. He pushes her hands away with surprising strength, pushing her hands down onto the stone.

"<<No! Conserve... strength. Protect. They're t-too powerful.>>"

"<<You need help!>>" Jemaine looks up at Pepper, helplessly. "He won't let me help him!"

Radu grips her hands firmly around the stone. "<<Protect it... with your life.>>" Then, he looks up at the night sky and thrusts himself away from her. Portal energies swirl around him and he falls back into them... Disappearing.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper stands there, and as the man begins to speak, it's obvious that Amanda knows who he is. The German, that she understands for the most part. She's there.. Amanda's there, and so is she. It's that other, that German but not German, not Russian.. but slavic undertones that she doesnt know. Obviously, however, Amanda does.

'How?' really isn't a question on the woman's lips. Instead, she's down on the ground near her best friend, trying to help, trying to understand, and green eyes share the feeling when Amanda looks to her. That stone...

The importance of it is plain to the redhead, and she nods her head in answer to questions she doesn't even know. What is obvious to her is that this 'Radu' made sure that he made his trip under great stress in order to make sure Amanda got.. it. Whatever it is. All that can be done for it if he doesn't want any other aid?

"We'll take care of it," but how?

Pepper pulls back even as their visitor pushes Amanda back, and he disappears into that vortex. The look on Pepper's face is one of shock.. with a clear case of 'what the hell just happened?' on the side. But now?

"Amanda.. Amanda!" Is her friend okay? "Talk to me..." and she lowers her voice, "What just happened?"

Amanda Sefton has posed:
Jemaine sits back on her heels, hands wrapped around the stone as Radu falls back into the aether. As she inhales deep breaths to bring her heartrate back under control, dark hair fades back to blonde, fair features return and she becomes once more the Amanda Pepper knows. She looks helplessly at her friend.

"I don't know... But he's one of the strongest practitioners I know."

She looks down at the stone now, with its fragmented lines and faint, archaic writing. "I don't know where to put this."

Because she doesn't want it somewhere her friend will be at risk. And she doesn't know where the threat is coming from, who 'they' are, or what the hell just happened.

"But I've got to figure out what it is before I can tell you what just happened." She looks at Pepper, "Because I really don't know."

Pepper Potts has posed:
It's .. surreal, watching her best friend turn from someone she almost doesn't recognize to someone she does. Someone she knew for years. But, right now? That's not a topic of conversation. What is, is that stone and 1., what is it, and 2., what to do with it.

Pepper looks at the stone, looks at her friend and back to the stone. "We need to hide it." It's an obvious statement, though judging by magic? There are more than a few levels of 'hiding' that would work. "You can't keep it on you. They'll look for you. We should put it somewhere that they wouldn't even think to look." Her friend would be an obvious target.

The ice cream is doomed to melt, but that's okay. There's work to be done and a puzzle to solve. "I guess we start at the beginning?" She exhales in a sigh, finishing with, "I really wish Jarvis was here."

Amanda Sefton has posed:
No doubt they'll discuss the whole 'Jemaine' thing later. But, for now... Amanda nods. "No choice. I need to find someplace secure for it. Then..." Finally, her brain kicks into gear. "Then, I think... maybe we can scan it?" She holds it out so Pepper can see. "It's a fragment. Maybe there are other peices out there somewhere?" Maybe they're catalogued... but maybe they're not. She has no way to know. But they have to start somewhere.

"And I need to ward the hell out of this place again." She looks at the stone. "And ward this thing. Wherever we put it."

A beat. She sighs. "I'm going to need a lot more supplies."