2946/Scarlet and Silver Spiders Meet

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Scarlet and Silver Spiders Meet
Date of Scene: 16 August 2020
Location: Empire State Building
Synopsis: Silver helps Scarlet learn some about himself. Food makes friends.
Cast of Characters: Johnny Gallo, Ben Reilly

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo was out patroling, having gone uptown, and back down and around again. He was taking a break for a while, sitting on a corner of the roof of the Empire State Building. In full costume, he looked much like Spider-man, except all silver and white, with platinum blonde hair poking up out the mask, and a jacket that was unspiderlike.

Eating a sandwich, his feet dangled as he casually watched what was going on down far below. He gave a deep yawn, and then another bite. "Maybe I should start carrying binoculars... Hard to see anything from up here really." He mused to himself.

Ben Reilly has posed:
The first sign that things were not as they seem was last night at the coffee shop when Ben felt his body tingle right before a redhead dropped her tea. Later that night he awoke from a dream to find himself attached to the ceiling and looking down on his bed. Thankfully no one at the homeless shelter noticed. At least he doesn't think they did.

In the morning he took the backpack he found into the bathroom and began to inspect it. Red jumpsuit, blue hoodie, and a handful of technical equipment he didn't understand. At first he put everything back and away, but then the curiosity overtook him.

Across from the Empire State Building, Johnny won't need binoculars to see Ben, climbing up the side of a much smaller building. He goes slow, clearly unsure of himself, but eventually gets up to the top.

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo almost lost his drink, catching it at the last moment, and downing the coke. He spotted Ben then, climbing up the building across. He narrowed his eyes a moment, and put his lunch away, tucking it into an inside pocket of his jacket. He hopped to his feet, stretched a moment, and then dropped off the side of the building, hitting a ledge below, and ricocheting across to land atop the building Ben was climbing, making it there about the time Ben did. "Why hello there. Wasn't certain if you were going to make it all the way!"

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Hey," the red spider-clad guy says with a couple of nods before he looks down below. "It's a long way down." Then his attention switches back to Johnny, "So, you're one of them too?" He motions towards the outfit with both hands, "I'm observant."

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo gave a nod, and glanced down, "Yeah. But, you get used to it." He glanced over Ben's outfit, and gave a nod, "One of us, I think it's better to say. I'm new though, so, still learning. The main man dubbed me the Silver Spider." He offered a hand shake.

Ben Reilly has posed:
"I'm uh...I guess that makes me the Scarlet Spider," Ben says as he reaches his hand out to take the Silver one's hand. "At least that's what the newspapers tell me."

More specifically, the Gotham newspapers, which was the only place that Ben was able to find information that looked like it matched the costume he found in the bag. Was that even him? Or is he just an imposter? Or is this an Imposter Inception situation?

"You know him?"

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo raised a brow, "Know him? Spidey? Yeah. We've met. First time meeting you though. He did tell me there were others. Have you met any of the others yet?"

He grinned, "I was wearing my cosplay of the real deal when I first used to go out. Almost had Black Cat fooled thinking I was him. Was awesome." He boasted, walking around Ben a moment, and then plopping down to finish off his lunch. "Want a power bar?"

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Uhm, yeah," Ben replies a little too eagerly. Such is the life of a homeless kid who is also still growing. "Wait, is it like a power bar like it has protein or power bar as in it gives you powers? I'm not sure how this works really."

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo bust out laughing, "Nah man, just protein. That'd be awesome though... RED BULL GIVES YOU WINGS!!!" He tossed a protein bar to Ben, and pulled out the last bit of his sandwich to eat. "You must be new to this. I've only been doing the super hero thing a few months, but, gotta keep the tank full."

Ben Reilly has posed:
"To be honest, I really don't know," Ben replies as he tilts his head towards Johnny. "Would you believe that I woke up in a dumpster a week ago with no idea how I got there? No idea who I am--or why I have this suit?"

He shakes his head and is clearly frustrated.

He catches the bar and opens it in one move, while lifting up his mask to begin munching immediately. It is, apparently, the best power bar of all time.

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo looked over and blinked, "Yeah?... That's... Rough. Oh man. I mean, certainly Spidey prime would know who you were... We can see about getting in contact with him?" He looked over the other spider, "Maybe there's something in the news... I wonder if you fought someone a week ago." He chewed on his lip as he thought it over, "I'm not too good at the detectiving bit so far. But, I'll help as much as I can." Seeing how fast Ben was demolishing the bar, "Maybe we can grab dinner later too. My treat, seeing as I've found another new spider. Sound good?"

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Man, I'd love that. I mean, both getting in front of the main Spider, and also dinner." Ben lets out a little sigh, "I thought about that and checked all of the internet sites looking for information. There was something about the Scarlet Spider in Gotham news a few months ago, but there really wasn't anything that really gave me any more information."

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo frowned and gave a nod. "I've not heard anything either, but, if I don't see things while I'm out and about, I'm not much the researcher type." He gave a shrug, "What all else did you find with your costume? Any gadgets or anything? I know he's got trackers and a comunication device, but, I've not been issued my set yet." He grinned, "Like I said, I'm new still too." He gave a nod, "But yeah. Like I said, gotta keep the tank full, and us spiders gotta stick together, right?"

Ben Reilly has posed:
"I found this," Ben replies as he reaches out his hand. Inside there's a small black box that looks to be homemade. "It was how I found the backpack. Inside was this costume plus these." He reaches to his wrists, "They look like fancy bracelets." After a little sigh he adds, "I also found out I can walk on walls and have some sort of tingly sensation whenever anything bad is about to happen."

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo grinned, "I've got the tingly. Danger sense. It's awesome. I can't do the walk on walls thing though." He gave a shrug, and then looked to the bracelets. "Pretty sure those are web slingers. Spidey Prime said those webs can hold like, 5 tons per strand, so, like, careful with that! I don't know how to activate them though, sorry."

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Webslingers," Ben replies mostly to himself just a bit of awe in his voice. He's seen a ton of articles on Spider-Man, so has some sort of idea as to how that must work, but not how to trigger them. "It's okay," he replies eventually. You've helped me a ton."

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo gave a shrug, "Just your friendly neighborhood silver spider!" He thought for a moment, "You know, with the danger sense, often times, I auto defense mode. My hands start reaching for my discs before I even realize what's going on. That could happen with you as well..."

Johnny jumped up suddenly, a hand darting into his jacket, and pulling out a golden, metalic disc, smaller than a frisbee, but larger than a coin, and sent it flying towards Ben's foot.

Ben Reilly has posed:
With unbelievably quick reflexes, Ben's foot moves out of the way with lightning speed. Without even thinking he raises his arm into attack mode and fires a volley of webs right at Silver Spider!!!

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo was expecting it already, and his danger sense didn't disappoint, as he dodged the first strand, and leaped up and out of the way of the second, kicking off a wall, and landing on the far side of the roof ledge. He was laughing, hand out, as the disc bounced off a wall, and landed right in his hand. He spun it on a fingertip, and grinned, "Looks like the body remembers what the mind has forgot! That's one more trick you have back!"

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Oh my god I'm so sorry" Ben says, even as Silver Spider dodges the onslaught. Once the minibattle is over he straightens and looks down at his webshooters. "Well," he says with a chuckle, "I think you're right. They definitely work."

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo shook his head, "No man, you're fine!" He flipped the disc up, and then slipped it away into a pocket when it landed in his hand again. "That is pretty awesome. I bet spidey made them for you or something. Just the same as his when I saw 'em." He plopped down on the ledge again. "The only other thing I can recomend, if you got his full suite of powers, just, becareful. You might be strong with a capital S as well. Don't want to go breaking things you don't mean to."

Ben Reilly has posed:
"You know that would make sense," Ben replies. "I've been doing day labor work when I can get it and I've been as strong as any of the big guys out there." He hrms. "Thank you, Silver. It's been a really rough week."

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo nodded, "Yeah, I'm not gonna let you hit me to test that one though." He grinned, and gave a shrug, "It's cool man. I can't imagine losing my memories and all. We'll figure out what happened. Till then, I can check in with you, make sure everything stays good, yeah? Maybe meet here every other day or so?"

Ben Reilly has posed:
"That--that would be amazing," Ben replies, overwhelmed with emotion. Sometimes when you're a teenager and you don't know how to respond, you just react and Ben reacts by reaching out and trying to hug Silver Spider! "I owe you, man!"

Johnny Gallo has posed:
Johnny Gallo was surprised. His danger sense didn't kick in. No danger I guess. He blinked, and then gave a pat to Ben's back. "Just, you know, make sure to pay it forward, yeah?"

Ben Reilly has posed:
"Yeah, I mean. In any way that I can," Ben replies. "That's what we do what we do, right?"