3227/A murderbot and a hackerette walk into a bar..

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A murderbot and a hackerette walk into a bar..
Date of Scene: 03 September 2020
Location: Swordfish Bar (SHIELD)
Synopsis: Daisy officially welcomes Gothic Lolita as a SHIELD trainee at the SWORDFISH, while Lolita has a moment to finally sit down and talk with Mary Jane about her unique circumstances.
Cast of Characters: Daisy Johnson, Gothic Lolita, Mary Jane Watson

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The SWORDFISH bar is one of those loosely guarded secrets among SHIELD personnel. It's a private bar, sure, but while in the past it was secret to most now it's a rite of passage..

Every agent has been here one time or another, be it when they are promoted, or are brought by their mentor while still trainee.. And it seems tonight was Gothic Lolita's time!

The message was simple:

'Meet me at this location. The password is SWORDFISH. Come well dressed...' which might always be a dangerous thing to say to GL on hindsight ..

Daisy was here already, playing some darts with a few other Agents. "Come on! I am not Clint!" she tries to goad the others to play another round. The games seem to be going her way tonight with the small stack of money on the counter.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita has opted for a simple but elegant black dress worn over a white blouse with a puffed skirt, her hair back in her usual pigtails, with an oversized anhk around her neck along with a few more tastefully elegant necklaces and bangles here and there. Matching white stockings and strappy if chunky heels complete the outfit, with little frilled garters visible at the top with little black bows, giving only a slight flash of thigh before the rest is covered by her skirt. A similarly frilled headpiece crosses between her pigtails over the top of her head, white lace with a black ribbon across the middle. She walks up to the door, knocks, gives the password. And then wanders inside, looking around curiously, before Daisy's voice pulls her attention to her mentor as she changes course and walks over to her. "I'm guessing Agent Barton is not usually challenged here." she says amusedly.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
The other Agents appear to give up on the challenge, scrambling out to their seats and leaving Daisy to sigh before she hears GL's voice close by.. "Hey there!" she turns to look at the trainee agent. "Only for the unaware. Or those that don't actually know him." good luck now that the man has a freakin' action figure!

She picks up the money from the counter. "Well, drinks are on me tonight it appears. And ..." she opening her arms as if showcasing the place. "Welcome to the Swordfish bar. Was about I brought you to the place."

She chinjerks in the direction of the counter. "Let's go and get a seat?" she suggests before grinning at the outfit. "You will be breaking hearts with that.." she comments.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "Mmm. I might be able to keep up with him." the mecha says with a faint smile. "Perhaps I should try it sometime. It would be an interesting challenge. His talents versus my targeting systems. We'd probably have to make up a truly challenging target array though." she offers, clasping her hands behind her back as she glances around. "It's a interesting place. For SHIELD personnel only?" she wonders curiously, following along. A brow raises as she gets that faint teasing curve to her lips. "It was part of my purpose, you know. Actually how I ended up deciding on this as my preferred look."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"That's right.." Daisy says with a grin, tapping on the counter to call for the bald bartender's attention. "Hey, E. New trainee in the house. You know what to do.." a wink given to the bartender to which there is the reply. "I certainly do, Ms. Daisy." and he gets on to preparing the drinks. As for Daisy, she grimaces. "You called me that on purpose didn't you...?" a mutter and a shake of her head later and her attention is back on GL.

"Indeed? Wanted to be an heartbreaker?" She asks, settling down on a tall bench and resting her elbow on the counter.

"But yea, this is *the* gathering place for SHIELDies when off duty. And now that you know the pw you are free to come here anytime."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    LOlita smiles faintly as she takes a seat next to her. "I'm an infiltrator. It was a mission where I needed to get close to a Japanese programmer who was a big fan of gothic lolitas." She tilts her head. "That sort of thing doesn't usually fall to me, because of my...construction causing issues. My sister Social Butterfly was considerably better at it, but she was designed to be gregarious and extroverted too."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"And then I suppose it stuck..." Daisy says about the outfit choices, the smile remaining on her expression. As for the bartender it soon finishes the preparation of the drinks, a nice blue color following the SHIELD colors and the fading logo on the top of the drink, already dissipating in the liquid.. "Two Shieldies coming up." the bartender announces, sliding the drinks close to the duo.

"Thanks!" Daisy replies with a thumbs up then gestures to the drinks. "Your welcome drink to the place." she explains.

"And now that you are here with us and gone through a few missions what have you been thinking about your stay?" she asks, curiously.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita shakes her head slightly as the drinks are brought over, taking hers as she smiles. "Thank you." she says to the bartender, sipping from it, then says. "Well, by stuck, I chose it to be what represents me. Because I enjoyed the joke. The heavy combat mecha dressing as a fragile, frilly figure fraught with form over function. You see? It appealed to me. We all chose our own names, eventually. Based on what we thought best suited who we were."

    At the second question, she considers. "I'm enjoying it. I feel I am making a difference, but with a less suicidal purpose, that I am valued. That I can be a benefit to SHIELD."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"You are quite welcome, young lady." The bartender smiling faintly in that rather calm, peaceful manner of his before moving along to clean a few glasses, no hurries. Almost as if he'd be beyond human preoccupations.

Daisy listens with a quirked brow, the smile turning into a smirk. "So it was mostly a joke then. I thought you liked the theme, as in other than the obvious disparity between what you do and are and your dress code." the names then bring a nod from her. She knew some of that already. Partially.

"Every Agent is important at SHIELD, we don't do suicidal missions unless there is absolutely no other way." a beat. "But since we are SHIELD, we always find a way. Even if sometimes the loss of life is inevitable." a sigh. "But we learn to accept that. And I am glad you are with us too, you seem to be gaining a good instinct on what makes a good agent."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "Mm, well. I do like the theme." Lolita says agreeably. "I like the effort put into the style, the delicacy and care taken to look this way. The understanding of what works. I thought it was fascinating. But...mmmm." She considers. "Not so much a joke, but....an appreciation of the absurdity, definitely. The humor in it. Expectation versus reality. But I've always been more philsophically inclined than my siblings. I'm not sure why. Possibly because I have to think more about how to use what I can do to achieve a goal without going too far?"

    She shrugs her shoulders slightly, smilin gas she sips from the drink. "...it is. Mind, I don't have a problem with being sacrificed to preserved others." she notes thoughfully. "I don't really have a currently operational survival instinct. We couldn't, really. Most of our missions required lowering our fear sliders to 0 and our boundless optimism about succeding to 100 percent." She raises a brow. "This only applies to me, of course. If it was a choice between myself or you, I would always choose to put myself in harms way. I have the best chance of survival and I am designed to be replaceable." She makes a faint moue of thought. "...though I suppose I'm not really, considering no one can replicate my design at the moment."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"Do you miss them?" Daisy then asks in that same curious tone, taking a drink out of her glass and turning sideways so she can rest her side against the counter, elbow continuing on the counter. ".. Your siblings, that is." she adds belatedly. "The way in which you speak of them there seems to be a feeling of longing. Or am I wrong?"

"And you are right in where you can't be replaced. No Agent really can and you are no different. Or well, you are still a trainee, but details! You will be a probie in no time. We -can- do some repairs though, and upgrades. Which reminds me we should sometime think about getting some upgrades for you."

she points out.

"I recall you claiming some difficulty on non-lethal choices a while back when we were handling the protests by that paint gallery meeting." where they met good ol' Treebeard!

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "Of course. But...I don't know if any of them are even alive." Lolita says calmly. "I have already lost four of my siblings permanently, and nearly lost all but one in our last mission before I was disabled. I was the first repaired, and the first that resumed our mission, and....they disappeared. When I was away. I don't know what happened to them. I want to know. But there were no clues. There have been no signs of them in operation. I hope..." She pauses. "I hope that if I am a public SHIELD agent, that may let them sidestep their directives enough to contact me. And let me know that they're alive."

    She twitches her lips. "I have good control over my strength and toughness....but I am not really equipped to deal with a mob nonlethally. Not quickly, anyway. I can break bones or go for disabling shots, but there is always the chance the strike may do more damage than intended."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"No clues right now doesn't mean they won't appear eventually." Says Daisy, the eternal optimist. But considering the odds that SHIELD normally faces and wins she has reasons to be optimist like that! "Or even when you become a public Agent too." adding in agreement to Lolita's assessment. "They deserve better than be out there on their own." tone earnest.

Then as GL comments on strength and toughness it makes Daisy go thoughtful, fingertips brushing over her chin while she mulls it over. "I see." then a few more moments until she suggests. "How about a limiter?" She murmurs. "One that you can activate and won't let your strength go above a certain parameter. Specific for these situations. Maybe tricky to program but .., worth a try."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "Oh, I already have that. I have been under restraint thus far in all missions, though I do appreciate the offer." Lolita says with a smile. "It's more I was not designed with built-in nonlethal means of stopping a crowd. I can use ICERs to open fire on a crowd, but that rarely helps a tense situation." she adds dryly. She pauses, then says. "My upper limits require me becoming unable to keep up a fully human appearance. I run very, very hot when I am operating at full power." She brushes her lips with two fingers. "I don't actually need to breath, but the equivalent areas are heats sinks. It's difficult to hide breathing steam. And due to the paranoia of my original superiors, my eyes will change to alert that I have removed the limiters. Inhuman, in that sense as well. I also tend to do a great deal of collateral damage....I am a very pulcritudinous version of a certain Gamma-based green semi-hero in that sense."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
And with that, Trainee Mary Jane Watson enters into the Swordfish, having been clued in on the spot by Daisy and Jemma earlier. And, well, it's nice to have a place to relax after a long day of work. She's currently wearing her professional looking outfit, black business suit and slacks with white shirt. She does, however, make the outfit look good.

With that, she waves over towards Daisy, moving to take a seat on the other side of her... which, coincidentally, puts her right next to Gothic Lolita, "Hey, I remember you. You were at the community center. And the tower." She smiles a touch, "Mary Jane Watson, but you can call me MJ if you want."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Unfortunately, just as Daisy has a chance to greet Mary Jane, her communicator chirps, calling her away to answer it. Though as MJ sits, the bartender is bustling over to set down a blue drink similar to the one in front of Lolita and Daisy for MJ as well. "New trainee, right? On the house..." the bartender says with a smile before heading back behind the bar.

    Lolita tilts her head. "Gothic Lolita. I will answer to Lolita, Lol, GL, Goth, or Wednesday, depending which you prefer." she says agreeably, reaching up to sip from her drink. "Yes, that was me. You are a fellow trainee? The woman with the sword." she says thoughfully.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
MJ grins, "Yeah, I have an ancient Hyborean ancestor living in my head, she goes by Red Sonja." Which, well, explains her codename of "Sonja" anyway, as she nods, "Yup, fellow trainee, and Lolita? That's a pretty name, though I can see why you're called Wednesday."

She hmms, eyeing the drink a bit, then takes a curious sip, "Honestly, I think I've punched more Nazis than Captain America did in World War Two sometimes... we do more than fight Nazis, right? Not that I mind, their faces are made for punching."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "Hyborean?" Lolita says curiously. "I'm not familiar with that ethnic culture." She smiles faintly. "I chose my name because I prefer the style, though most assume it's a code name. I and my siblings were unusual in being able to choose our own name. So, Social Butterfly, Hollowpoint Ninja, Stem Cell, etc." She smiles. "Though the last was more of a nickname for our little sister and a reference to our normal starting design."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "I admit I don't mind punching Nazis much, either." she adds. "They seem very punchable, especially those who espouse their views knowing the truth of the horrors that underpined the regime." She sips from her drink lightly.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
MJ tilts her head, "Design... oh, you're a robot? That's really interesting." She smiles over at Lolita, "The Hyborean Age was about ten thousand years ago, basically before recorded history. There's not a lot known about it, but apparently I had an ancestor that was a warrior maiden back then."

She pauses, then taking another sip of her drink, "She also gives me enhanced strength and speed, plus knowing how to fight. And drink, I suppose, though I have a few years on that." Her eyes flash with a bit of amusement, as whatever the drink is, the bartender knows enough to give her the virgin version of it.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    A single delicate brow raises. "Ah, I see. I don't really know much about such possessions or spirits, to be honest, it's why I was less than useful when dealing with the 'ghost'."

    She tilts her head slightly. "Though, and not to be snippy, the the simplistic and pejorative term 'robot' was always my team's 'R-word', if you understand me. You might try 'semi-autonomous artificially intelligent limited-nanofunction humanform mecha construct' if you want to be more precise and descriptive, but 'mecha' is perfectly acceptable for short. 'Gynoid' is technically correct as well, though most conflate that with 'android.'"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
MJ blushes, "Oh geez, I'm sorry, I had no idea!" She looks properly abashed about that, "Well, mecha then... that's pretty amazing, honestly. And it's not... well, I'm not possessed, but it's more like she's a roommate in my head. But it's not hostile or anything like 'possession' would imply, I guess." She considers, "So I guess we're both learning things today." She flashes Lolita a smile, "Feel free to correct me if I say something that offends, though."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita smiles. "Perfectly alright, it's a common assumption." she says, not sounding offended. "The R-word is most of it, to be honest, the historical connotations are bothersome. Feel free to correct me as well if you'd prefer I not use a term." She tilts her head. "How did this Red Sonja end up sharing skullspace with you, then?" she wonders, sipping from her mixed drink. "And do you mean she can, ah, pilot your body if she chooses?"

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane nods, "Well, she can... but typically it's something I let her do. She can't just seize control of things, but the more I draw on her, the more she tends to come to the surface."

She mmms, "As far as how it happened? Well, I was in a museum for school and I saw a sword on display, and it just... compelled me to touch it. So I did." She chuckles, "Next thing I know, I'm wearing a chainmail bikini and I'm in an alley with the sword in my hand and a voice in my head demanding to know where the nearest tavern was." She smirks wryly, "She's already got /plans/ for when I turn 21."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Lolita hmms. "A chainmail bikini seems remarkably poor protection. You still have the sword, then?" she says curiously. "I assumed the more technological one was a replacement." She smiles faintly. "That must be unusual, having someone with vastly different experience being your own personal popcorn gallery."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
MJ chuckles, "You aren't kidding about that... but yeah, I still have the sword, I don't /need/ it to keep the abilities, so I have it stashed in a safe place." She smiles over at Lolita, "And yeah, Agent Whitman helped me with the replacement. Director Palamas insisted, since she has me tagged to join WAND once my training is done. Which works perfectly for me, as that seems to be right up my alley."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "Ah yes. I haven't done any direct training with the differences in WAND, though I think I'm supposed to be continuing to train under Agent Johnson first before I am allowed. Perhaps you could tell me a bit more about that side of things? I'd be curious to hear more about this more mystical side of things. I'll happily answer any of your questions in return, of course..." the mecha says as she leans forward with interest.

    And quickly the two fall into a comfortable back and forth, as they get to know each other a bit better.