3298/Matters of the heart

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Matters of the heart
Date of Scene: 09 September 2020
Location: Stark Tower: Penthouse
Synopsis: Tony and Pepper have a brief conversation over bacon regarding Tony's heart. Solutions will be found!
Cast of Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts

Tony Stark has posed:
Pepper put Tony to bed, after the issue related to that he /might/ have overdone things by staying up all night, putting strain on a problem she only recently was made aware of - that his heart condition has actively reared it's ugly head.

Tony did, in fact, pass out really quickly, though he did it on top of the covers with one arm wrapped snugly around Pepper - which required her to wake him again or stay and be held.

After a while Tony relaxed and fell into a deeper slumber, though it would be a few hours before he woke with a start, disoriented, to ask of HOMER: "What percent?" in a half-asleep, groggy way.

"Four Percent," HOMER responds immediately.

"I did good," Tony observed sleepily -- only to go back to sleep.


But now, it's later in the day, and he's roused to scents of food, padding out of the bedroom, in a rumpled but comfy disarray from sleeping /hard/.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Breakfast smells are a lure for anyone; bacon, eggs, toast and coffee. It's warm, inviting, and a trap!

Pepper is up, manning the stove dressed in lounge clothes. Her hair is pulled up into a ponytail to keep it away from her face as she handles what's left of the cooking. Beside her, she's already dipped into the coffee, with a large cup of black coffee set to the side. When she cooks dinner, it's a glass of wine. But for morning?


"Hey," and she looks both happy and sympathetic. Mornings aren't easy for anyone, even after a proper amount of rest. "There's coffee, bacon and eggs," and she points with the butter knife as toast *pops* from the toaster.

She's got that undertone, though.. that sound of 'we have a few things to discuss' that he's heard so many times before on other topics.

Tony Stark has posed:
Yes, it's that tone used when he hasn't been signing off on the papers she needs him to sign. That there's going to be some talking and he might be in trouble, at least peripherally. He's highly immune to it most of the time: but usually it's not so personal as this may go.

"While the bed /did/ become lonely, I see it was for a good cause," Tony says, a callback to their previous chat, while crossing to her, instead of to the food right away. He's fuzzy and not awake yet: and there hasn't been any shock to his system yet to force extreme alertness. So she's getting more of a still-asleep Tony, to wander over and attempt to hug her from the side with one arm, and sleepily observe what she's doing to the toast from the vicinity of trying to rest his chin on her shoulder.


Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper's smile turns to a brief, breathy laugh as she nods, her green eyed gaze falls on Tony upon his approach. The toast is buttered quickly, idly, with little attention paid; it's all on the emerging genius. "It was hard," she admits softly, "But, it was for cause." Breakfast!

It's when he gets close that she wraps her arm around his waist and presses a quick kiss to the side of his head in that happy moment. "Bacon, eggs.. and," she's watching him as she continues, her tones dropping as she gives him a hint of what could possibly be to come, "Did you check with HOMER?"

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony picks up one of the pieces of bread--- he'd already been reaching out, grabby grabby, as she was buttering, to take one and munch it. The look is shameless, entirely. His toast. Yum.

It means there's a second while he chews, but he still talks to her kind of through the toast. "HOMER," Tony says, while looking right at Pepper. "Where are we at this morning with my heart? Somewhere on the side of 'no problem'?" Tony asks, still looking at her.

"Six percent, and stable," HOMER responds.

"I'm /stable/," Tony says with confidence, taking another bite of toast and swanning his way to the other breakfast foods, to collect eggs next.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper watches as the toast is grabbed, and playfully brandishes that butter knife, "I wasn't done with that," comes as a laughed complaint, affection playing in those green eyes. She is ready to protect those eggs, and setting the knife down finally, she collects the warmed plates to set the bacon on first. It's a reluctant release, but it's a lovely little picture of what mornings could turn in to for her, and she loves it. Loves him for it. And yet?

"Stable," is echoed. Now, she's leaning on the counter as she watches him, "Stable," is repeated. "That doesn't mean that it couldn't go up. That doesn't mean we," We, "don't have to work out how to get that out of the realm of possibility. Like, ever." She follows him around with her head, her eyes, and her lips press together before, "We could start talking to people." People who know how to keep secrets.

Tony Stark has posed:
"Some things I'm open about. Iron Man, for example. My personal health issues... less so. Rather just keep it under my ... shirt, some, particularly when I think we can just deal with this in-house," Tony answers. He doesn't mind her preparing the plates at all, he just mostly hangs around and eats the piece of toast (and steals some bacon, as he has a free hand that can also hold bacon!), while talking to her.

"Sadly, I can't do surgery on my own chest," Tony says. Yeah, 'sadly'. "But I have a new design just about ready, just a matter of finding a time when the world doesn't desperately need me for something," Tony chatters. He eats most of the bacon, drifting over to her, and then extends the last bite towards her, an offering to finish it. "Good bacon," he says, as if he'd found it somewhere and was willing to share his find with her.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Of course we'd keep it quiet," Pepper chuffs softly. "It'd be someone we could trust." She's not about announcing anything to the world regarding Tony unless it's scripted (on her part), and she's in vague control of the narrative.

The eggs are set out, the bacon, and rather than taking one of those plates for herself, she takes her coffee and leans on the counter, hands wrapped around the still warm mug. The profferance of a pilfered vestige of bacon gains a laugh, and one of those hands is freed for the morsel. She's more.. eggwhite and spinach omelette, but that's not here, and he's sharing! The bite is popped into her mouth, and as he settles beside, her, she leans against him lightly, twisting to face him.

"Well, the world can wait. I need you to be ... right. If the world needs you, it needs you healthy." She exhales in the next moment, a soft, breathy sound that doubles as a sigh as she regards him, "So, can we put the world on hold for a moment? Maybe.. maybe we can go to Wakanda? Ask T'Challa? Shuri?"

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony doesn't blink in surprise at her suggestion; it's one of the options he thought of, by his reaction. Which is good: it might mean that Pepper can get her point through with minimal resistance at all!

"T'Challa could be a good direction," Tony says, openly, in a way that he has when he did consider that option but will re-evaluate it with her. "It's not everybody that's going to be okay with the responsibility of putting their hands in Tony Stark's chest," Tony laughs. "Imagine what stain that'd put on some poor doctor if something went wrong?" He jokes, but brings his face in to attempt to put a brief kiss on her neck near her ear. He pauses there, lingering, looking at her side-eyed as he stays in close. There's a spark of interest there, as if he /noticed/ her being very attractive right next to him. She's a good kind of distracting: one that he's seeking with an earnest interest in avoiding his problems.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"I don't want everybody in Tony Stark's chest," Pepper returns softly, her tones tinged with decided concern. "Or just anybody. It has to be the best." And the most private. There's that side-eye in return, and she gives him a tight-lipped smile, meant to be encouraging, "Nothing will go wrong."


Pepper doesn't move, so the kiss is easily planted, and as he remains, she can feel his warmth, his breath there. Tilting her head so he's got a little more room, she turns her head soon after, the fear and concern and outright affection vying for a place. Pepper seems to settle on adoration, and she shakes her head as she turns fully to face him, ready to forget about breakfast for that moment of 'them', "You have to be around for a long time."

Tony Stark has posed:
Nothing will go wrong?

"That's my line," Tony replies smoothly, without any tightness to him in answer. He does believe that. Well. Sort of. "And if it does, I'll be there to fix it." Somehow. But that's part of his magic. He'll find a way. Or at least, that's that faith, there. And the willpower to keep going to have enough time to find that way.

"I'm going for at least .... let's say, six 'long times'. Good enough?" Tony questions, his tone softened into a return of affection with her, in their private moment in the kitchen. This could be their new normal, if they embrace it, couldn't it? Tony kisses her cheek next to her nose as she turns to him, and then stays close, accepting her support emotionally.

"Okay, seven."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper has faith in him, and as Tony suggests that he'll be there to fix it, she honestly can believe it, and her expression says it all, and more. She breathes a quiet laugh, a concern and stress release, and that which remains behind is pure love. "Okay, I'll give it back. After." She leans playfully-affectionately in his direction to just bump him gently before she's back down and in her morning's moment.

"Hmm.." and she sounds considering, "I think at least seven," and green eyes are bright. "Seven sounds like alot, but you know, I'm not sure that'll be enough for me."

The kiss is met with a soft, happy noise, and her arm snakes around his waist just for the closeness, finding that strength and warmth. She's more than happy to embrace this, more than happy if he does the same. "So we're in agreement."