175/Interview with the Fearmongers

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Interview with the Fearmongers
Date of Scene: 28 February 2020
Location: Courtyard: Triskelion
Synopsis: Talking with the Fearmongers.
Cast of Characters: Alexander Aaron, Melissa Gold, Bobbi Morse

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The summons came the next morning after the little escapade that sent Songbird rushing through the city and confronting four armed gunmen looking to take down a bank vault. The ruckus was short and brief, and really not something that SHIELD would be interested in. Oh there were some interesting tidbits, a person who seemed able to teleport, perhaps not on file with SHIELD. There was also a man that seemed to be goopy and tentacley. But what might have set off the facial recognition sensors on the security cameras, a particular young deity who had /just/ been told to keep a low profile.
    So it was thus why Melissa Gold and Alexander Aaron found themselves in the holding area of the Triskelion. Oh it seemed like a green room, or a ready room. It was tastefully furnished with relaxing decor and calming shades of paint. But it was also damnably secure and assuredly with a lot of security systems. And likely they were being watched even now.
    There in that holding area, however, Alexander Aaron's mood remains fairly at ease. He smiles sidelong towards Songbird and then murmurs, "So care to lay odds, is this my fault or your fault?"

Melissa Gold has posed:
    Melissa, kitted out as Songbird since, well, that's what she was called in for, paces the room restlessly, having a few flashbacks to darker times in her life. *cough*penitentiary*cough* "I didn't do anything WRONG!" she insists again. "But of course it's my fault 'cause I'm the one with the record. They're probably gonna ask me why I'm leading you astray or some bullshit like that!"
    She tries to suppress the urge to punch the door just to see if it'll break. She largely succeeds, but redirecting the punch to her own hand.
    "This is bullshit, I tell you! They're just pickin' on the ex-con."
    Alexander has seen her in two fights now, and just in normal life. She's never been this worked up yet.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Agent Morse for her part is doing the watching and observing. It's her who set up the interview with Alexander. And Bobbi hits a button to speak to them. Concealed speakers in the walls.

"I assure you this is not bullshit and you are not being picked on, Songbird" she says calmly. "You are here because it is the safest place for you. Would you like any food or a drink while you wait?" she asks. Oh Bobbi's not going to open the door. No. Instead, she'll call up a menu on it on a screen, "Please, pick an option, your choices will be with you shortly" Bobbi says and clicks the speaker off. She's just going through files on both of them. Oh great. Songbird. That's just wonderful.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Who ever would have thought that the God of Fear would be this woman's calming influence? And yet she might well feel it, a subtle sensation of ease as he seems to project an area of serenity, where all of this, is just nonsense and assuredly they'll be able to overcome the situation. Because that is what they do. For did Zeus not tell the blond youth, the day he ascended, that he was not only the God of Fear.
    But the God of Courage as well.
    "It'll be ok." Alex's voice is that same level tone. No hint of hesitation nor trepidation. Just surety. "Worst case we get hassled a little. But it's ok, my SHIELD rep pretty much has a crush on me." He gives a nod solemnly as if that were the most natural thing in the world. Though, to be fair, his lip twists a bit as if he amused himself. If nobody else.
    Then there's the voice piping up from the speakers and Alex's response is to say, "Maybe pizza and a soda?" He then leans over and whispers to Songbird, "Depending on what kind of pizza they get you, you can kinda gauge how much trouble you're in."

Melissa Gold has posed:
    There's a distinct sullen tone to her voice. "Pizza with anchovies," Melissa says, glancing over at Alexander with that expression that dares him to say anything about those disgusting little salty fish. "And a soft drink. Beer, maybe." Someone's not entirely clear on what a soft drink is. Or is taking the piss. It's hard to tell in her current mood.
    She stops pacing and sits next to Alex, crossing her arms and still radiating hostility. Though the fear at least is muted. Then, after a period of time that MUST have been calculated for maximum disrespect, she adds, "Thanks."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
"Noted" Bobbi says over the speaker. "Your food will be here shortl...wait, did you say anchovies? You really, want anchovies? Are you sure?" she asks and clicks the speakers off. True, the food will be there soon. But Bobbi refuses to put anchovies on pizza.

No. Just. No. So she shakes her head. She's not going to bring food. Not yet at least, Getting up from her seat she groans. "Seriously, who orders anchovies on pizza?" Bobbi asks. Oh the kitchen's on it. The door opens a little, enough for a nameless agent to, several minutes later, present a tray of food. Apparently, Bobbi literally sent in what they asked for. There's just a plain pizza dough with a regular anonymous soda in a bottle with no label. There's the pizza. And a box labeled 'anchovies' as well as a soda in a beer bottle. Don't try to confuse SHIELD agents. Bobbi's going to get it for finding alcohol on SHIELD property. Then again,...doesn't Cowlson or one of the more rebellious agents have a stash for partiees? See. Bobbi's got the perfect patsy..

"Your food and drinks are here" Bobbi says. "We'll start the interview once you've had a chance to get some food and drinks. You got what you asked for" Bobbi says with a hint of amusement in her voice.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Crinkling his nose a little, Alexander looks sidelong at Melissa but doesn't say anything nor do anything, not off the bat at least. He does show his support however by lightly leaning to the side and bumping her with his hip. But that's it for now. He does, however, straighten up and look around the room, eyes lifting up and toward the ceiling and the vents, then back to the door they came through.
    Off-handedly he tells Melissa, "Would it make you feel better that some of them are intimidated by us?" He offers that comment as he glances back in her direction, but then shrugs a little as if that was all he had to contribute for the moment.

    Of course then their food arrives and Alexander will wander over and start to forage, taking up his soda and bringing Melissa hers if she doesn't feel like doing it herself. A deep breath is taken as he ponders, then chews some pizza dough. "You'd imagine this could be done by phone, or you know, the internet."

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "I told you they were fucking with us," Melissa fumes. "But that's OK. I've got a trick I've been itching to try."
    She takes her lump of dough and spreads it out on a seat on the opposite side of the room. The anchovies get layered on top. She then retreats back to the seat next to Alexander. The gems in her sonic rig flare and a pink wall of sonic force raises between the pair and the pizza. "OK, let's see if we can cook this with ultrasound like microwaves work." And she SCREAMS at the pizza dough. Which promptly explodes into a stringy mess, spreading strips of goopy dough and smelly fish around the room.
    "Huh," she says, smirking as she drops her wall, now sitting in the only place in the room that isn't covered in fish and dough. "Guess it doesn't work."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi sighs and watches through the cameras. Okay. Time to go down there and talk to them. She brings a team with her. Of...janitors. The door opens as Bobbi steps in, with the janitors. Door closes and locks.

"So, we can do the interview now if you like" Bobbi offers. "You did make a mes however. Want to clean it up?"

That's not a question, really. The janitors have I.C.E.R stun guns on them. Yes. SHIELD totally arms janitors. Or at least when Bobbi has a say in it.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    To say Alexander looked dubious at Melissa's idea might be an understatement, but not much of one. Yet he looks on and nods a little, trying to ponder what she's going to do. He does, at the least, straighten up a little and asks, "Do you think tha---"
    And then the shriek sends the pile of dough and fish strips all over the place with a rather disgusting spatter and splatter. Though, to be fair, the young Olympian grins and gives voice to a sardonic laugh that might sound like something from the Simpsons, though not quite. He fights down the laugh slipping to more, but when Melissa looks at him he sort of rolls his eyes and tells her. "You're such a dork."
    Even as a big gnarly string of gross fish bits falls from the ceiling with a /splut-splat/.
    But then Bobbi arrives and Alexander straightens up a little. He makes a small face, nose scrunching up at the idea of them having to clean up and he just instead asks, "You know Ms. Morse if you missed me you coulda just used the telephone."

Melissa Gold has posed:
    "No, I don't think I do," Melissa purrs, "but it's very kind of you to ask." She cracks her neck and rolls her shoulders. "Now, see, this is where someone, somewhere needs to do some 'rithmetic. What costs more? Cleaning up a bit of dough and fish, or cleaning up the wreckage when you piss me off enough that I don't care what happens to me?"
    It's probably more chilling, not less, that Melissa's saying this in a perfectly calm and reasonable voice.
    "See, one thing I know from workin' the wrong side is that they're just like the right side of the law: in the end they run numbers and only care what the final number looks like, not how it gets there."
    The pink shield rises again as her sonics flare.
    "So the question you have to answer for yourself is whether it's cheaper to just clean the mess, or to risk a much, much larger mess." She mimes opening a file folder. "I'm pretty sure your file on me tells you how undisciplined and how unpredictable, and just how violent and thuggish I am." Is that a tinge of bitterness in her voice? "So it's your call, Agent."
    This is an astonishingly long monologue for Songbird. Alexander has likely not heard her talk like that for such a long time ever. Of course that's because Alexander has never seen her influence the thoughts of people before. While she talks she adds an ultrasonic extra to it, making the janitors more and more and more loathe to be in the same room with her. It's nothing specific they can point to. She doesn't feel frightening. They don't feel threatened. They just have this idea they want to literally be anywhere other than where Songbird is standing. The first edges toward the door...

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi, too. In panic, one of the janitorss goes to shoot Mel. Bobbi shoots the janitor with an I.C.E.R.

"Cool it" Bobbi says to Mel. "No need to spook everyone. You're not in trouble, far from it. I'd like though to interview you both though without scaring anyone else" she says gently looking amused. Songbird, indeed.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    For his part, Alexander is hunkering down and seems content with letting Melissa take lead on this since she seems to have things under reasonable control. Though not like he'd admit it if she asked him. Instead he remains where he is and watches the room explode once again as the janitors have to deal with her when she's in a mood. A daunting task for most.
    But when Melissa seems to be getting her mad really on, Alexander stands up and touches his hand gently to her back, just enough to let her know he's there. "Hey." And should she look at him he'll just give her a nod, perhaps conveying a silent message.
    Of course that's the moment when one of the janitors starts to step, bringing that I.C.E.R. up and causing a flash of tension to go through the Olympian as he shifts stance slightly... only for Bobbi's weapon to fire with that short sharp sound. Problem presented, problem resolved, almost instantly.
    Alexander turns then, frowning as he looks toward the SHIELD people. "Think you can understand why we're not too happy about being kept here without charges and for an extended period of time. But yeah, sure... interview away."

Melissa Gold has posed:
    The sonics power down again, with only the barest glimmer of light in the gems to hint that they're even there. The pink shield between the agents and janitors and the two supers vanishes. And Alexander gets a thoughtful glance. And a nod of thanks. Perhaps even gratitude? Hard to tell. The expression is so fleeting.
    "Right. Sorry. I misinter... misentr... didn't understand. I thought we were here because of my record."
    She shrugs lazily. "I see now it was just an honest mistake."
    Craning her neck to see the janitor that fell, she asks, "Is he going to be alright? That was very nice of you."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi nods. "You're welcome. Want to come with me? There's an interview room for each of you. I'm not locking you both into the same one with shackles. I'd rather give you a seat across the table with water, really" she says, gestiromg tp tje door. "You're both with me. So shake a leg. Let's get you spoken to. Sooner you're spoken to, sooner you can get home, right?" she asks.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    There's a nod that comes from Alexander even as he starts to walk after Bobbi, moving i the direction she gestured and letting her lead the way as well as set the pace. He'll pause briefly for a second to look over his shoulder at Songbird to give her a slight smile and a shrug as if to say, 'Hey, could be worse.'
    But with that he turns back and heads on down the way, taking Bobbi's lead for now. When he passes by the janitors, however, he looks between them, eerie hazel eyes lingering on their facial features as if commiting their images to memory. Then he smiles and passes on.

Melissa Gold has posed:
    And all that rage that was building up--driven by the fear Alexander can always feel lying under the surface, coiled, ready to strike--drops away as they're taken out of the room. Hell, Melissa is even kind enough to avoid stepping on dough or fish so that it's not ground into the surface. Such a nice lady!
    "Sorry, guys," she says to the janitors in passing. "I tried cooking. Didn't work out."
    Yeah, she's sticking to that fiction.
    "So let's get this over with, K?" she asks Bobbi. "I have a job to get to. Bouncer. At the Blue Oyster."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Leading the way, Bobbi nods looking amused at Mel's antics. With a wave of her hand she leads the way to an interview room for each of them. There's a pair of agents in suits and almost....almost looking like clones who get into the chairs and wait with spookily similar movements. "So" Bobbi nods. "You two hae a chat and I'll see you both around, okay?" she smiles.