3924/Stop Thief!

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Stop Thief!
Date of Scene: 25 October 2020
Location: Kohler Antiquities
Synopsis: Marly fixes some My Precious Unicorns for Ted Kord and The Toyman steals them back.
Cast of Characters: Marly Kohler, Winslow Schott

Marly Kohler has posed:
It's just a totally normal day in the neighborhood for Kohler Antiquities and Repair.

The store is still open and the light from within offers a gentle glow against the gloom that's starting to set as the sun goes down.

For Marly, she's stationed at the register, or more specifically at the small work table that's set up behind the register and counter. On the table there's a brown cardboard box and next to the box is an array of My Precious Unicorns. They were once a monsterous amalagation of parts and bits, but with time and patience (and a magical hammer) Marly fixed them. Now she just needs to return them to Ted Kord and that's what the box is for!

Marly idly hums beneath her breath as she starts to layer some packing peanuts on the bottom of the box, obviously intending to pack the Unicorns for safe transportation.

Winslow Schott has posed:
Winslow Percival Schott stepped out of his purple volkswagon bug, being followed by two of his goons. He had heared through the grape vine that Kohler Antiquities, a rather quaint store in Downtown Manhatten had acquired a set of rare My Precious Unicorn dolls. Among those in the list was the villainous Queen Cosmos, the knightly "Sir Galliant", the musical "Lady Saga", and three more. Schott, the creator of these character, and basically the My Precious Unicorn line had been wanting these dolls in his collection for years, and he was going to get them tonight, one way or another. Schott looked at the two men in his company and said to them in a hushed voice that had a British accent,

"Now remember chaps, we will try to purchase the Unicorns first. But, if that fails, we will take them by force!"

The men nodded in affermation and began follow Schott to the store.

The door to the store would swing open, causing whatever bell the Kohler's used to alert them to customers rang. If Marly were to turn around she would see three men walk into her store. The first man was a tall, lanky Caucasian man wearing a light blue sweater, jeans, and a pair of glasses. The second was a tall, obese Asian man with a build that almost resembled a sumo wrestler. He was currently wearing a button down plaid shirt, blue jeans, and had a nasty looking scar on his right cheeck. However, the oddest looking man was the man inbetween the two.

This man was short, fat, and had slight long brown hair. He was currently clad in a black business suit, complete with a purple tie, and had a pair of wire-rimmed glasses on. The short man than cleared his throat and said with a British accent,

"Well good evening young lady."

Marly Kohler has posed:
Marly continues to layer the packing peanuts on the bottom and as she does so she gives the My Precious Unicorns a bit of side-eye. Sure, she definitely repaired them, but she can't help but feel something of a twinge after she added the trackers within them. Still, that's what was asked of her and asked by non-other than a bona-fida superhero, so Marly did her duty.

As for the door, there's definitely a bell that jingles brightly when it opens. It's what causes Marly to pause in her packing of the Unicorns and that sound is also what causes her to look over to the door.

The three man earn a quick glance from the woman, but her customers run the gambit of professional and non-professional alike. So, for now, she doesn't seem to find anything odd with the three gentlemen.

"Good evening." She says politely enough when the short man with the British accent greets her. "Welcome to Kohler Antiquities. Is there anything I can help you with?" Her question is probably expected as she sets aside the My Precious Unicorns and steps closer to the counter as she considers the trio.

Winslow Schott has posed:
The short man smiles warmly, almost Fatherly in a way as he approaches the counter. Once he gets to the counter, he appears to tug at his tie a bit, as if he weren't used to wearing one. He then cleared his throat and said in his british accent,

"Yes young lady. I have heard through the grapevine that you have acquired a set of rare My Precious Unicorn dolls from the second generation of that illustrious line. I am a collector and I have almost every one of those Unicorns in existence, except for those."

Suddenly, he points at the Unicorns you were boxing. He appeared to stare at them intently as he said,

"I wish to purchase them from this fine evening, and I am willing to pay a generous price for them as well."

Marly Kohler has posed:
Young lady. That causes Marly to almost grin, but in all reality she is young, even if sometimes she doesn't necessarily feel young.

Either way, when Winslow begins to speak again Marly re-focuses her attention on him. The mention of hearing through the grapevine causes Marly's expression to turn slightly harried. It's not unheard of for word of mouth to reach people and most of the day it's good! It really is, but for tonight not so much.

Perhaps if she was aware this was THE TOYMAN she'd sell them right to him, but as it is ... Her expression turns apologetic, "I am so sorry, sir. These aren't for sale. I was comissioned to repair them and bring them back to working condition for a private owner. I could possibly make some inquiries to see if there are any other collectors that might have duplicates and are looking to sell?"

Winslow Schott has posed:
The Short Man face distorts into one of rage, then to disappointment as he hears Marly refusal to sell her the Unicorns. Suddenly, the man sighed as he reached into his pocket, saying in a rather monotone voice,

"I was afraid that you were gonna say that young woman. But, if you refuse to let me buy those toys, then i guess I'll have to take them!"

The man suddenly pulls out a handful of marbels and throws them over the counter. The marbels explode immediatley, relesing a thick smoke screen that covers the entire store. As this is happening the obese man suddenly hops over the counter and makes a rush towards the Unicorns.

Marly Kohler has posed:
To say Marly is shocked ... is an understatement.

Seriously she's shocked. This is probably the first time anything like this has happened! They don't often get too many thieves within their little repair shop. Probably because it looks so cluttered with what some might refer to as old junk.

Either way!! Marly actually gasps in surprise as the bow-tied man throws those marbles towards her. Enough so that she takes an automatic step backwards to try and avoid them.

Thankfully he wasn't throwing them precisely at her, but instead behind the counter to create a smoke screen. Again, not having dealt with this sort of things before Marly has no idea how to counter it. All she can really do is frantically grab at the smoke as she yells, "Hey wait! Don't take those!", because she is legit a civilian here. Not a superhero at all.

As such, it should be pretty easy to snatch the My Precious Unicorns and even the box too, from Marly's work bench.

Winslow Schott has posed:
The Obese Man surprisingly dodges the grabs rather easily and grabs the box, but not before carefully depositing the remaining Unicorn's into it. The man then hops the counter again and rushes out of the store, being followed by the two other men. But, the short man suddenly stops at the door and says,

"The Toyman thanks you for your generous donation young lady!" The Toyman then rushes out the door, his cover being blown.

Marly Kohler has posed:
"Wait no! Aw come on this is not cool." Shouts Marly as the unicorns and the box are efficiently grabbed by the henchman.

"I am so calling the cops on you guys!" She shouts at them even as she waves furiously at the smoke, trying to clear it away.

"Calling the cops!" Of course, by that time The Toyman finally reveals just who he IS. That once again causes the young woman to gasp in surprise! And while her mind furiously considers what to say back to this revelation, all Marly can do is grab her cellphone.

Her reaction is still to call the cops but the reality of the situation is she shouldn't. This is what Ted Kord wanted, after all. For The Toyman to grab the My Precious Unicorns.