4050/Golden Eagle's debut

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Golden Eagle's debut
Date of Scene: 06 November 2020
Location: Chelsea
Synopsis: Yaretzi has her first taste of 'the superhero life' as Golden Eagle, gains a little confidence in use of her powers -- and meets a potential ally, too.
Cast of Characters: Yaretzi Acama, Albert Rothstein

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
    It's a Friday evening, and Yaretzi's out and about in the part of town known as the Garment District -- her parents gave her money to go out and buy herself some nice clothes, being as she was still growing out of clothing she already has and also simply wearing some of it out. Her shopping done, her newly-bought clothing carried in her backpack instead of in shopping bags (because she's a Spanish Harlem girl, after all, and she knows that carrying shopping bags makes you a target!), she heads westwards towards the nearest subway entrance, which just happens to be near the 'bad' part of town known as Hell's Kitchen.

That's when she hears a cry for help, one that gets muffled quickly.

Eyes wide, the teenager wonders for a moment what to do about it... then, literally, lifts her hand to her forehead to facepalm herself. She's so new to this superhero stuff that she forgot about it for a moment. Decision on what to do made, she hurries into a nearby alley, looks around to make sure no one's around to easily see what's about to happen -- and then says, "Cuatli!"

After the word of power is spoken, mist-like energy forms around the girl, momentarily completely blocking out view of her. When it fades away, like fog on the breeze, the taller form of Golden Eagle stands in the girl's place... but only for a moment, before she takes to the air and flies in the direction in which she heard the cry for help.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein is out and about himself. He often has to hit tailors to get things that fit him. The big man stands out a bit even when not in costume. So today he is walking along. He seems to be rather at home on the streets of New York. As he hears something, he starts to head that way himself but more at a fast walk than run.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Four people, partygoers having just left a local pub, have been corraled into an alleyway by two thugs from Hell's Kitchen. One of the thugs is armed with a crowbar, and the other with a revolver. The one with the gun's standing near the mouth of the alley, 'keeping watch', while his buddy's shaking down the hipsters for cash, jewelry, credit cards, cellphones. It's when the gunman glances back into the alley to see how his buddy's doing that Golden Eagle lands on the sidewalk in front of him, making him jump back in surprise and bring his weapon around to bear on the person in front of him.

As the revolver comes around to point at her, Golden Eagle's eyes widen... and she, quite visibly, panics. As the pistol barks its first report, normal eyes would see her left hand blur as she brings it up in front of her face. The gun barks twice more, and the three bullets hit her in the palm of her left hand (she -caught- it as it came at her face), the upper chest, and on her belly. All three bullets flatten against her flesh... and fall to the sidewalk in front of the woman, having done her no harm.

For a moment, the two thugs and the superheroine stand and stare at each other in shock. Then Golden Eagle smiles as she realizes that she really -is- bulletproof! The bad guys, though, see the smile as something else -- a threat.

As the four victims are already ducking for cover at the sound of gunfire, the gunman brings his weapon back around to aim at Golden Eagle even as his crowbar-wielding buddy moves around to get ready to charge at her.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein hears the gunfire, and he hastens his steps to the alleyway. The big man will come around the corner, and look around to see what is going on. Albert looks much like a thug himself. The thing though is as he takes in the fight, he will look to the hero he has not met, and says "You get the one behind you I got this one." He will reach out to grab the man with the gun and grab his arm to lift it up to the sky so he can not take any more shots at people.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
The superheroine starts when the -big- man is suddenly moving past her to deal with the gunman, hopping to one side and out of his way -- and right into the path of the guy with the crowbar. She's an easy target, off balance from having just been startled and her hop to the side.

He's got her, dead to rights, for a skull-crushing blow with his crowbar... but the crowbar ends up caught in Golden Eagle's right hand, as she again moves so fast that normal human vision sees it as a blur, and catches the crowbar well before the attack lands. This is followed up with an almost playful-looking swat that sends the thug flying ten feet backwards, into the alley, to sprawl on his back -- leaving the crowbar in the superheroine's hand.

For her part, Golden Eagle looks a little surprised once again. Her eyes go to the hand in which she holds the crowbar, to the thug she just slapped around, then to her left hand, with which she did the slapping around. She then looks over to where the two men, one larger than the other, are wrestling to control the gun. She's a blur of motion there and back to where she started, tearing the gun out of the thug's hand so that she has both of the thugs' weapons in her own hands. "I've got his gun... you got him?", she asks of the big man who came to help.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein nods, and moves with some training, and pulls the man's arm around to his back, to press him against the wall "Yea, I got him." He looks over and raises a brow "I thought Golden Eagle was a guy, and like 80." He will comment at seeing her. He reaches into his pocket, and pulls out some zip ties, to start working on zip tieing the man's hands behind his back. He seems rather well equipped and professional for a normal guy walking down the street

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"Uhm.. well, that's the previous Golden Eagle, well, 'El Augila Dorado', which kinda means the same thing", says the superheroine. "I'm the new version", she adds, before blurring in motion into the alley, where the other would-be mugger is getting to his feet and pulling out a knife. With a 'light thump' to his head using the hand with which she holds the revolver, she knocks him clean out. She sets the crowbar and revolver down atop a nearby dumpster, then bends to pick up the knife and put it there, too. "I hope I didn't hit him -too- hard", she comments, looking down at the KO'd thug. The way Golden Eagle speaks, she's using very modern phrasing... and with only the slightest trace of the sort of accent one would expect from a superhero from Mexico and Central America -- she's definitely NOT the 'Golden Eagle' from the past.

Meanwhile, not too far away in the alley, the would-be mugging victims are huddled together, one of them with her cellphone out... and aimed outwards, recording Golden Eagle as she performs her superhuman 'tricks'.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks over and says "You may want to continue this away from here." He will look to her, and says "Meet me down the street, ." Hr holds up his hand so she can see him holding up 5 fingers but blocked tot he people being saves "Alleys down the street." He tries to give her an idea where to meet him, and turns to head out of the alley.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle stands there, one eyebrow rising. She then looks over to the victims and realizes she's being recorded. "Uhm... hi!", she says, lifting a hand in hesitant greeting. "Y'all are okay, right?", she asks of them, and receives nodding of heads in reply. "Okay, good. Y'all mind calling the cops and telling them how these guys tried to mug ya? Okay, good... I guess I'll head on out, then. Don't touch the gun and other stuff, though. Leave those for the cops, okay", she adds, as her feet simply lift up off the concrete of the alley. Then, she hesitates a bit, as if wondering what else to do or say... then smiles and says, "Up, up... and away!", as she rises into the night sky, with one arm extended upwards ahead of herself, that hand balled into a fist.

It's not very long later that she's dropping down out of the sky into the alley Albert had suggested, to land in one of those ubiquitous 'superhero landings', one hand down, the other up and in a fist, and on one knee -- so that she 'looks cool' as she rises to her feet.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein is leaning against a wall in a darker part of the alley so not to draw to much attention to himself "So, I take it your a bit new at this?" He will ask her. A little hint for you, you seem stronger than a normal persona, you don't want to be hutting normal folks in the head at full strength or with something." He has his arms crossed and while not seeming to be judging, he seems almost like a teacher.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"Well... Yeah, I am kinda new at this, actually", replies Golden Eagle. "...but I'm not stupid, y'know. I tried to NOT hit him too hard. If I'd hit him at full strength, it probably would've been like a sledgehammer hitting a watermelon, y'know?", she replies. Then, she puts her hands on her hips. "I got a question for you, too. Are you bulletproof, like I am? 'Cause going for the guy with a gun was, like, really dangerous. He coulda shot you!"

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks to her and makes a soso motion with his hand and says "Maybe not fully bullet proof right now, but resistant at least, and also I came at him from behind, when he was not expecting it." He tells her. "I am a generational hero, like I assume you are?" He studies her a bit "You do not look like you have had a lot of training though, how long you been doing this?

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle is quiet for a few moments, her lips pursing in thought, her hands staying on her hips. "If you're asking if I got my powers from one of my parents, no, I didn't. The previous Golden Eagle passed the powers on to me after choosing me as the best person to get them, though, so I am kinda a 'legacy' hero", she says, lifting one hand from a hip to make air quotes around the one word as she says it. "He did it just before he passed away, though. He didn't have time to actually train me or anything, but I do know what all my powers are and how to use them... even if I never had used 'em til just a little bit ago."

In the distance, the sirens of at least two police cars can be heard. Clearly the mugging victims did actually call the police, and the precinct has units responding.

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks to her, and says "One of the heroes I was trained by worked with him back in the day." He will study her a moment, and says "Knowing how to use your powers and experience using them are two different things. He considers for a moment and pulls out his wallet to offer her a card that says "Rothstein Repair, and has an address just inside Bludhaven "If you want to train, I can train you, or at least try."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle hesitates, eyes moving from the man to the business card, then back to the man. She does eventually take the card, though... and, after quite obviously pondering on what to do with it, slips it underneath one of her gloves -- her costume pretty obviously lacks pockets, after all.

"I'll keep that in mind, but I can't call you or nothin'... I don't have a phone I can use, after all", she says with a grin. "Anyway, I oughta be jettin', now", she says, her feet already lifting off the ground, even though she's not actually rising into the air yet. "... unless you gots more you wanna talk about?", she adds, before, with a facial expression that shows it's totally an afterthought, something she almost forgot to even think about before: "What's your name, anyway?"

Albert Rothstein has posed:
Albert Rothstein looks to her and says "Albert Rothstein, and I am related to the original Atom." He tells her "If you come and work with me, I will consider telling you my hero name." Not like it is to hard to figure out a seven and a half foot hero with a red mohawk. "You may want to consider a belt with pouches or hidden pockets at least."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"Well... I kinda didn't choose this outfit. It kinda chose me, I guess?", Golden Eagle says, with a shrug of her shoulders. "Anyway, catch ya laters, Albert!", she says, before adding, "Up, up... and away!", as she rises into the night sky.

The first hints of the flashing red and blue lights of the police cars can be seen as the new superheroine flies away, to land several neighborhoods away, near her alter-ego's actual home. There, she uses her power-word to change back into the teenaged Yaretzi Acama and heads on home for the night.