4104/A Throne for Hela

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A Throne for Hela
Date of Scene: 11 November 2020
Location: Asgardian Embassy
Synopsis: Amora shows Hela the embassy and where her quarters will be. The throne appeases the Goddess of Death.
Cast of Characters: Amora, Hela

Amora has posed:
Morning at the Embassy... Amora had a few days on Midgard already but in true Amora fashion she hadn't cared about having anything ready.. Let the plebs take care of it! And with that she meant the embassy workers. But there was a thing or two she wanted her own finger on. And that was the 'promise' she had done to Hela in preparing the woman a place for her to be at the Embassy...

And a place to remind her of Hel? Amora can provide? The enchantment had taken some time, but she has visited Hel enough to be able to prepare it... An ample chamber, void of life or adornments with but a single throne set upon it. Ice is the name of the game too, the walls lined with it, almost as if she was back in the cold depths of Hel. Not the original of course but close enough..

"Come, Hela." She gestures with her hand as they walk down the corridors leading to her quarters. "I do hope this will be to your liking. Have you been enjoying your stay here in Midgard?"

Hela has posed:
Hela has been here a while, but kinda making do. Though the embassy staff were very helpful. "Midgardians are usually annoying. I remember why I ignored this realm now. But a few have been pleasant enough...". She smiles. "And a few pledged themselves to our pantheon even. So Hel's ranks will swell further in time hopefully.".

She walks over to the throne, and settles down upon it. A good throne is vital! "You know me so well, Amora. But Helheim is not ALL cold ice." she chides. "May be receiving mortals in this place will give a bad impression." she adds, almost sounding a bit anxious given her goals. She mrrs a bit. Well, she is good at illusion, she can probably edit accordingly depending on the audience.

Amora has posed:
"I have heard..." Amora, connected to the interwebz. But in truth she might just be one of the most well-informed Asgardians where it comes to human technology. Go figure! "Playing with mortals ... Tsk. And here I was thinking I was the only one that did so. But I like your new you. Or rather, your new plan." yes, because it's a plan! There's always one. Amora knows it. Hela knows it.

The woman's high heels are heard clacking down the corridor, all elegant, poised. And so, so tall if it wasn't for Hela and her headDRESS that makes her way taller than her.. Hmph. She hates taller women. As the doors open and they are let into the room she gestures.

"It is not, of course. But I did not want it to just have drab walls about. I trust you can change it to your will. But do keep the magic contained to this room. I am .., working on the rest." which probably means shenanigans. But she has her dazzling smile on her lips. So innocent.

"And of course I know you, Hela. For so many centuries now. Why do you sound so surprised?"

Hela has posed:
Hela dislikes this notion that she's somehow a schemer, which is what she reads between the lines. "I have always been this way, Amora. Just treated terribly by all. Unloved, given a difficult task that few would bear, and more often then not, my divine work interfered with, so not even the pleasure of that. I have merely swallowed my pride.". A hand twists, indicating the world. "Thor is the favourite. Nothing I can do will change that. Even souls rightfully mine will be somehow clawed from me, with Odin's blessing.". Yes, she's bitter. VERY bitter. The pride may have been swallowed, but the grudges remain under the surface.

"And I know you, Amora. So. Why so helpful?" she asks, ever direct. Loki, she is not.

Amora has posed:
"I already told you ..., that I could make people love you..." Amora replies with a soothing tone. "The magic is simple enough..." but then she rolling those beautiful eyes of hers, "Even if I know you want to do it all ..., in the natural way. Rules though.." she waves her hand as if they would not be that important. "One of these days you will have to break them. See how it feels.." tempting little voice there.

She arches a brow when Hela mentions Thor being her favorite. Just a smidgens of jealousy there? But this is the kind of woman that can get into a temper tantrum for the smallest of things. "Thor is many people's favorite." she adds.

"And do I need a reason to be helpful to my dear old friend?" She asks. It's rhetoric, please don't answer! "You provide some entertainment though, and now that I am in Midgard I am prone to boredom. And the good kind of entertainment too. Someone I can discuss with without all the .., bullshit." she says. "And we all need every ally we can get, don't we?"

She makes her way closer to the throne, gesturing with her hand as a myriad of images fleet through the ice, bone dragons, the draugr, some images of her Hel.

Hela has posed:
"Originally I wanted to abide by the rules Odin set. Then it turned out those rules could be broken at will when they involved important people.". Odin and his nepotism! "But fighting against this was fruitless. So I will attempt to obey the rules once more. Odin cares not for Midgard.". Others do, but meh.

"And yes, Thor is. I was speaking to a mortal who assumed I was here to speak to Thor. Asgardians mean Thor, it seems, to human minds. Such is his hold.".

She reclines on her newest throne, seemingly happily. "An alliance due to not having anything else to do, that sounds mercurial even for Loki.". She watches all the delights of Helheim in the ice, amused. "Hel on Earth.".

Amora has posed:
"Hela ..." And Amora's tone gains a more serious tone, the same one she gained when back at Hel when she spoke of prophecy. "I am where I am supposed to be. Nothing else to do? There will be. Soon." her hand continues to gently move about, as if it was a brush that was painting Hel on the ice, delicate. Her crystal blue eyes follow the gestures, what appears, she smiling faintly. "And you will have a role to play. We all will."

The images start to fade as her hand also stops moving, "Thor is the one who became famous. The boastful son of Odin. But he has always been popular. Do not be so surprised." Her shoulders rise up in a shrug. "It is a good thing. It makes us more liked. You can use that to your advantage." She says.

About nepotism she speaks not a word. She likes breaking rules at her whim, and to profit herself so ..., that's all part of a normal day's work!

Hela has posed:
Maybe Amora just wasn't busted as much as Hela was when she was naughty...

"Yes, that is so, with Thor being popular." Hela acknowledges, looking around the room briefly, tilting her head and noting all the Midgardians near by. "That is what brought me here after all. And why sometimes I find myself almost begging the humans to like me.". Ugh. She wilts a bit, visibly. Some of the denizens of Midgard have been quite hard on her really. At least, on her patience.

"And I have been met with less hostility here than Asgard I admit. Indifference or curiosity is better than hostility.". She leans forward a bit then though, to smile. Amora's talk of prophecy, ehhh, Hela is older and wiser these days. "There have been false prophecies before.".

Amora has posed:
"There have been false ones before..." Amora admits. Because of course prophecies were never full-proof, or certain. A shrug follows soon after. "But we either stay idle and do nothing or actually prepare. And I will not find myself taken unaware." another roll of her eyes. "Even if yes, I know how they look at me in Asgard. The vain one, only caring for her potions and her beauty." well, it's mostly true. But she knows how to play the dramatic. Just like Hela!

"You need a big villain to take down, darling." She then says in ways of idea, "One that can make you popular. Or save people from a disaster." a flicker of her hand. "I can provide either." see? She is so helpful!

"Think on it. But for now..." She begins striding to the doors, "I will leave you be and enjoy your quarters. I am glad the throne pleased you."