4137/Training Yard or Gossip Court

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Training Yard or Gossip Court
Date of Scene: 15 November 2020
Location: Palace - Asgard
Synopsis: Amora visits upon the training courtyards where she comes across Sif. They banter but Amora's interest is peaked when she mentions visions of a past. Amora decides to help and a meeting between them is set so those dreams can be discerned and explored.
Cast of Characters: Sif, Amora

Sif has posed:
Lady Sif, Goddess of War, is hot into organized sparring matches with Asgardian guards, calling out to them when one or the other might benefit from her expertise. She's spent score of Midgardian centuries on these mats. It's a comforting measure. "Thane, you old sod! You are dropping low on every third swing... Just because there is no war to fight does not mean you should not be ready to fight it all the same!"

It's old hat, really.

At her hip is sheathed the veil cleaver. Her hand resting close to the woven leather hilt itching to pull it and let it taste combat again. This, however, is enough.

Dark hair hanging around her stoic features, she paces from one sparring ring to the next. "Birna, you call that a fighting form? It looks to me more like you're trying to embrass him as a lover than fight him as an equal..." The chide has several snorting, and a few laughing outright. "Hilda, you ort not to laugh... your fondling of Helgard's arm most recent leaves little to the imagination where your time has thus been spent... And it is not here on the training fields.."

It's in good spirits, laughter from all.

Amora has posed:
The Enchantress has been prowling about Midgard and as Asgard as of late, doing Odin knows what! But whatever mischief she has got herself into has earned her an appointment on Midgard. An ambassador at the Embassy? Ugh..., that's enough to give anyone an headache. Or at least if that anyone is Amora. So she has been gnashing teeth, complaining to her 'friends' Hela and Loki and just getting into more mischief..

Today though she is back at the palace, maybe going through old memories of times spent here, or looking for Loki to conspire. But sounds of training call on her attention. Familiar sounds... She was never one to spend -too- much time out doing physical training. What if someone hit her on the face afterall? We can't have that... But she wasn't half-bad..

So when Sif's voice reaches her she makes sure to make her way there, entering the fields in quite the not proper outfit to be here. High heels, resplendent green gown, golden hair tied in an elaborate knot. She smiles all too pleasantly. "I see you continue to be the harsh instructor of old, Sif." the Goddess of Beauty says, tone smooth while she makes her way through, approaching.

Sif has posed:
The familiar voice of Amora draws Sif's attention away from the clash of steel, but does little to lighten her somber expression. A pensive, even hard, stare direct at the Beauty come upon the field of ugly combat. The raven haired Goddess dips her head in greeting, "Would it be that we so easily changed our stripes, we might all be leopards. Bathed in bright delights upon an endless sea of ever altered colored skies." Waving a gauntleted hand across the open air above them.

Stepping forward towards Amora in the same breath, she offers her arm out as a warrior. "Amora." Skepticism soaks the tacticians gaze upon the resplendently dressed Entrantress. "What ignoble deeds bring you here, hm?" As playful as Sif might where it pretains to companions of the trickster, her words are in good spirit, even if her tone leaves much to be desired.

"I see not Loki anywhere before my eyes.." A big show of glancing over both shoulders, the twinkle of mischief in her own gaze. "Surely your intentions are not to grace us with your Oft Harold battle prowess?"

Amora has posed:
The response from Sif brings a rather bright smile out of the Enchantress, blue eyes all but twinkling with mischief and she allowing a brief, musical laughter to escape her lips. "We all have our natures, this is true. But why would we even want to change our stripes when we are perfect the way we are already, mmm?" is the Enchantress's response in true Amora fashion. But she appears to be in good spirits at least. Yet as she moves one hand flickers through the air, her outfit shimmering and shifting, a glow wrapping about her and the Asgardian word for Change being murmured. Magical. It's still green, but now she dresses in a more armored version of her 'gown', still green of course but now with pants, padded corset and pauldrons and vambraces to protect her arms. Perhaps in respect to the grounds she is stepping. Or to her old friend. "But we all can and should adjust at least."

"Would I need ignoble deeds to come here?" And then she lifts one hand. "No, do not answer this." she takes Sif's arm to greet her, not exactly a strong grip. But she has trained here in the past, she at least knows how to do so.

"And no..." Her crystal blue eyes sweep over the rest of the guards. " ... I would not wish to intrude upon this training.." even if in truth it's more that she wouldn't be caught dead sparing with a measly -guard-!

"Midgard has been claiming my attention as of late, so most my mischief will be found there." she isn't even lying! Then a glance over her shoulder and then her eyes focus on Sif. "Would you prefer Loki perhaps, though?" some teasing on her tone.

Sif has posed:
"I haven't the least desire to change my stripes, but for their alteration to something less aghast come winter." Sif says in a dry tone, as if she's any inclinations or understanding of fashion. Nor any desire to learn. Yet still she grins, a strained expression by comparison to Amora's bright smile, as they clasp arms. "You can come to this place for whatever reason you wish, Amora. Knowing that eyes will forever be upon you, less we be caught unguarded by your Sorcery... Or Enchanted by it, eh?" More playful banter, though the guards have long stopped paying attention and return to their training, else they face Sif's savage tongue lash when caught lolly gagging.

Once the grip is released, her hand falls back upon the hilt of her sword resting sheathed on her hip. The other tucks against the thick leather belt upon which it is straped and her eyes stray only enough to let the shadows know she's watching them, the lions share of attention direct keenly upon Amora herself.

"Perhaps I would." She muses, the briefest curl of her her smile, it smooths quickly, "If only to cuff him upon the head and twist his ear for whatever foul games he plays. It is with Loki, like with all tricksters: Safe to punish them knowing they've done /something/ to warrent it, eh?"

Amora has posed:
"Ah, winter.." Amora offers a solemn nod at this. "It can at the same time be so cold but also feel .., so warm. A small secret though..." and she leans in as if she was conspiring with the seasoned warrioress. ".. It's more about the company than the fashion in those times." a soft, faint laughter escaping her. A laughter that only grows in intensity when Sif speaks of Amora having eyes on her. "Well, my dream come true. For what would a Goddess of Beauty be good for if not to be looking upon, mmm?" perhaps it's the secret of why she does so much mischief...!

She folds her arms in a loose manner about her waist, one hip thrusted to the side, all poise and grace, eyes straying again to the guards as if looking over her subjects. "You have been keeping them in good shape." She notes, "Do you expect any problems soon?" she questions. "I do know Midgard has been going through some .., turmoil. But up here, only a few rumors here and there, but Loki /was/ right on one thing. The magical pathways have not been .., right." the smile on her face is telling though. She is most likely using it to her own advantage, or maybe she created it! But she doesn't continue along on that line of subject.

Instead her eyes turn to focus fully on Sif, "That sounds awfully unfair, Sif." about cuffing people preemptively for mischief! "And here I was thinking you were all about justice." a faint tsk escaping her lips, "Perhaps you are one for mischief when the occasion shows itself, mmm?"

Sif has posed:
"I remember cold nights adventuring in Jotunheim with Loki and Thor. Keeping warm with drink, stories, and good company.." A flash in her blue eyes, now cast down at the grass upon which the matts are laid out for training. They stay there, at least for a time, then flicker back up to Amora. A grin playing a coy game upon her stoic face, "I suppose you've the truth of it in that regard. Attention for attentions sake. Amora the Seeker, all eyes upon her where she might bewitch you with her Godly beauty."

Teasing, though light hearted, gives way to more serious tones when asked to what aim she's directing the training of guards here in Asgard. Glancing to them, tired, but continuing despite it so as not to disappoint Sif. "I've strange visions. Memories really, ancient by Midgard standards, but still fresh upon my mind now like as if acted out yestermorrow." Her arm adjusts, settling along the front of her thick leather belt away from the hilt on her hip.

"A warrior killed, sent to Helheim rather than the feasting halls for having fallen outside of battle... Save the true incidents of his death is the secret moves of Dark Elves spiriting trinkets from Vinland under the guise of Skraeling.." Flicking her left hand up away from her temple, head shaking slowly side to side. "For the purposes of which I've little knowledge, but that I cannot remedy myself of their constant interruption on my thoughts." It does puzzle her, however, with the pathways acting out of sorts? She should speak with Loki.


A small frown plays across her features, eyes upon Amora, "Only where it entertains, Amora. Only where it entertains."

Amora has posed:
Is there a flicker of jealousy crossing Amora's expression? But it lasts but a second, the smile faltering for a moment before it returns, all golden and smooth as would be proper of the Enchantress. But then she lets out a brief snort, "How you tease me, Sif. Am I truly so vain in your eyes?" a faint sigh escaping her lips. Yet that back and forth between them is paused when she notes the seriousness...

Expression shifts immediately, for where it comes to matters of visions she does take those seriously. The training with Karnilla made it so, that she not only became a believer in prophecy but also a seer. "Visions... Of the past?" She mmms, brushing one hand up and bringing some hair out of her face. "Tell me more about this." for some reason she appears quite interested in this, even turning fully to now be facing the other woman.

"I have had .., my thoughts clouded as of late, but for you to have such vivid ones. Are you certain it is of the past?" She asks.

The poise and bearing is still there but the playfulness is lost for the moment. No tricks up her sleeve apparently.

Sif has posed:
The jealousy is noted, but not addressed. Nor the rise to her playful banter, for seriousness has crept into the training area and Sif is keenly aware of it's presence. Glancing to one side for the purpose being certain none else are in earshot, she regards Amora with a level expression. "Vision that originate in past events, yes. I've only given you the abridged version with elements that I have acquired through conversation with Ulf in Helheim." A pause, glancing at Amora, "With Hela's blessings, of course."

After a breath, Sif looks down to her gloved palms turned up to face her, "The dream, or vision if you will, is of an endless field of dead. Not spirits from the land of mists and fogs, but of the truly dead. Skeletal figures or those half rot facing together endlessly on a battlefield littered with bones beyond the end of visions reach... save a single soul." Her blue eyes look up into the distance.

"That figure is Ulf, a warrior from ages long past, who beckons to me from the midst of the gathering of corpses, but for the purposes of which I could not know in certainty. Until I spoke with him on the night past." Again she looks to Amora, "A dark elves twisted skims a thousand years by Midgard time, laid low a warrior who found out their plot.. A plot what cannot properly be unearthed now, for the length of time that seperates us."

Sif looks frustrated by this. Genuinely so."Perhaps it is little to nothing, perhaps it is simply a specter from Helheim reaching out to a Goddess he praised in life, but that the dream remains... With the questions it has caused remain endless and unanswered."

Amora has posed:
A finely-trimmed brow arches just so at the mention of speaking with this Ulf at Helheim. Specially when she mentions Hela's blessings.. "I do hope you found her in good spirits." but it's mostly said in comment, not wanting to interrupt the telling. Her crystal blue eyes seem void of that usual dance, the tease, right now her full focus being in studying Sif's expression, listening to her words. Where it comes to tales of magic and visions she may just be one of the most interested, attentive sorceresses one could ask for!

She lets out a thoughtful mmm, "Time is of little consequence to us. It may have been over one thousand years back but ..., if you are having those visions then there is a meaning to it. Nothing happens by chance. It is perhaps a warning, a figment left of the past that is trying to warn you to what may come." a pause when Sif seems frustrated by it. She nods her understanding at it. "It won't be nothing, but it does not mean it will be all that should fill your thoughts. But whatever it is you have a role to play in it." rare, comforting words from the Enchantress.

"I could provide you with a draught to ease your sleeping, and perhaps offer more insight on this that is happening with you. There are ways to open one's mind..." She offers. "For in matters of magic and visions you will find none other who is as versed as me." her tone arrogant, but she truly does think herself as the best and truly there aren't many who can challenge her in it. But such an offer, to trust the Enchantress can always be a double-edged sword..

Sif has posed:
A sword that is not so easily thwart.

In games of life or death, none are more keenly aware and prepared as Lady Sif to challenge the call of battle, but where it comes to games of trust? She is not as well suited. Watching Amora, it is clear to see the rage of conflict written on her stoic face, the casual observer might think none. To the careful or skilled eye, however?

She nods to Amora's offer of comfort and balm for her sore sleep with waking dreams, "It is something worth considering. I have yet to know whether these are just torment from missed chance or some greater scheme playing out before me. In search of that answer, I am willing to go to lengths I might have otherwise avoided." Like trusting Amora?

She puts on the ghost of a smile for her old friend, "If you feel it could help and you are keen to assist, I will take your offer and see what light we might, together, shine upon this blinding darkness."

Amora has posed:
It is true that Amora has often been quite this mischievous one, always doing one plot or another and certainly not only for entertainment. She does have quite the vicious streak afterall, being vain and rather .., amoral. But if anything she has always seemed to be quite keen in helping about matters regarding Asgard and it's safety. Even if there is always a cost.. Still, there is perhaps a tinge of surprise at Sif accepting, she used to always being distrusted.. Her smile does warm though.

"Then it shall be so." The Asgardian Sorceress replies, almost as if it was a binding contract, "I shall aid you upon this venture." And no price mentioned. Perhaps that makes it even the more scarier.

"Dreams is always something delicate to be meddling with." She explains, "So one will have to thread carefully. And most importantly, we should not glean out false meaning from them. That is what brings the most danger." false prophecies. False visions. It had often toppled empires.

"Your trust in me is commendable though. Is it born of a despair of needing to know what this is or ..., is your heart softening after all these years?" some bit of her teasing returning. And perhaps to get Sif out of that mood and gloomy thoughts.

Sif has posed:
The return to playful teasing would shine light on almost any, but Sif's mood, though it does part the darkness enough to see the glimmer of a woman not constantly in a gloom. For that is not her norm. Serious, determined, and stoic? Yes, but rarely gloom. She clips her head in a shallow nod, "Perhaps I've grown soft in aging years, like a frog who bends to the inclinations of a scorpion in carrying it across the river." She teases in return, fixing her hand back upon her thick leather belt where multitudes of weapons sit visible (and not).

"I should see to these dunderscowls training." Nodding her head to the side, as if there is some great gap in their ability... Truth being there is little. "In a night or more, I shall visit upon you wherever you see fit to do so and we can attempt to decypher my dreams unknown mysteries."

For no price? Sif does not believe there is no stipulations attached for a second, but it would hardly sway her from seeking aid from the Goddess of Beauty.

Amora has posed:
The toad and the scorpion? That brings soft laugh out of Amora, one that shows amusement. She does know the tale well afterall, "Well played." she returns, dipping her head as if giving her this round. (And only this one!) Her eyes stray to the mentioned dunderscowls, still amused but gives them little attention, already ready to be on her way and towards whatever waits for her further inside the palace.

"For this my tower will be for the best. It will serve as a nexus to focus on this incantation." She states, steps continuing to bring her further from the courtyard. "I will make sure you will be welcome there. And do not worry, you will be able to find it. I will make certain of such.. Until next, Sif." for she is no sham of a sorceress.

And then she simply fades away, she uttering a few words in Asgardian, the feeling of power in the air and she disappears, in her place but autumn leaves that soon flow away in the wind.